Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen?

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Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen?
RE: Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen?
Way back (talking way back), when I was in elementary school, I was really into walking along this little wooden wall that was built around the tanbark-filled playground. It was around five inches wide, so it was pretty difficult to stay on it, but I was able to maintain my balance fairly well. One day, I decided to see how quickly I could walk across it and soon found that it wasn't that hard to go fast and keep balanced. Soon I started to jog, then run, until I was at a dead sprint on this narrow band of wood. While this was fine for the straight portion, when I reached the corner I didn't want to step off since I'd stayed on for so long, and tripped while trying to turn. I fell right past the edge of the playground and onto the concrete, badly skinning my elbow. Luckily for me, the Goblin Queen was there to put a bandaid on my booboo, give me a hug, and tell me that everything would be okay. Within just a minute I had dried my eyes and was back on my feet, running and laughing with the other kids. From that day on, I've always loved the Goblin Queen.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]

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RE: Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen? - by Sai - 03-23-2015, 06:28 AM