The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Sir Ironjaw Granblanco had never enjoyed DALÍ's meddling, the group didn't really care about the progress of film as a media, preferring to keep things as safe and profitable as possible. Still, the esteemed actor, recently knighted by the Australian Court for his excellent merits both in film and theater, just had to join in on the production because truth be told, he was a fan.

The Grand Novel was an engaging read, full of an incredible amount of well developed characters and amazing settings, it left you asking for more, but not in a way that made you feel like you missed anything. He had a great amount of respect for it, and had hoped that any film production would be free of the Directorate's grip, a hope that he knew would never come to pass. There was no one else with the resources or clout necessary to bring the tale to life, and so, here he was, along with a few of the other higher profile members of the staff who weren't currently filming.

"And now, for an announcement most important, allow us to introduce, Wardell."

Ironjaw looked at the announcement platform as from DALÍ's various members, a young man with a scarf walked into the center stage.

"I know what all of you must be thinking, but Wardell is no nobody. See, exhibit A."

The announcement platforms screen turned to security footage, that of the empty hall on the other side of DALÍ's conference room. Seconds passed, and then Wardell appeared.

"There is no hacking, neither magical or technological that can fool our cameras. And this is, absolutely unedited footage. Exhibit B."

One of the members of DALÍ produced the elaborate book that was Wardell's copy of THE GRAND NOVEL. "As you should know, this is our edition of THE GRAND NOVEL, a special, 0th edition, one of a kind... only..."

Another member of DALÍ produced an identical elaborate book, with the same title, presumably their copy of THE GRAND NOVEL.

"I would hope that as you are all supposed to be... somewhat versed in the source material, you can discern why Wardell is here."

The staff murmured to each other, some following, some a bit behind, but one of them simmering up into anger. "Are you expecting us to believe that that scrawny runt is part of... a Grand Battle?"

DALÍ nodded in unison, "Yes. And for that reason, he is now to aid you all in the production. After all, there's no experience more valuable that lived experience."

Sir Ironjaw was now livid. This... Wardell person was nothing like the heros, villains, and others that THE GRAND NOVEL detailed... he was just... a person. Even The Bearded One was more than a simple human. The actor clenched his beefy fist and flew up to the announcement platform and grabbed Wardell by his scarf.

While some people were shocked, others were more used to this, and others had wondered why it hadn't happened sooner. One of the DALÍ executives, she was on the beefier side, for insurance, placed an appendage on Sir Ironjaw in hopes of calming him down "Ah, Sir Granblanco, it is truly a pleasure to meet you."

"Cut the bullshit and tell me what's really going on here."

"We are hiding nothing from you, or anyone else Sir Granblanco, Wardell is the real deal."

"And I'm not easily convinced, I know that DALÍ wants to get a bit more executive control here, but without losing the approval of the fans, this is just the sort of stunt your lot would pull."

"And while that may be so, it does not change that Wardell is in a unique position to aid us in portraying a Grand Battle as close to life as possible. We are deciding nothing, Wardell is simply here to aid us all."

Ironjaw put Wardell down, but remained unconvinced, "So what do you think about all this then? Hmm, Wardell?"

Wardell was stammering a little, at the sight of the muscular, yet noble sharkman, it was Boww who responded, a bit upset with Ironjaw, "Who cares about this movie thing, how could you be so rude!"


"Wardell's been in this battle and he's lived this long and you go and say he's not the right stuff? You're bullshit!!!"

Boww's outburst prompted Wardell to panic, "Boww!!! Don't insult the important flying shark man!"

"Listen Wardell, you've got bigger fish to fry, you've got your destiny! I won't just sit by and let you take insult after insult, especially not form a big bully like this guy!"

"I have never, in all my years, been so insulted!"


This hadn't exactly turned to DALÍ's favor, but it was a problem they could work with. There were a few options on where to go here, but the main problem was that Wardell, or his scarf, they counted as the same entity, and Sir Ironjaw had gotten off on the wrong foot. Wardell saw Sir Ironjaw as a big bully, not aware of his personal interest in the film, and Ironjaw didn't believe that Wardell had the stuff to be in a battle in the first place, and thus, do the job he was hired for.

The solution was simple.

The mufti-appendaged DALÍ executive wrapped her tentacles around Sir Ironjaw and Wardell. "Please. Refrain from doing anything you might regret. Now, we believe that we have come to a conclusion that you two should agree to."

Both Sir Ironjaw and Wardell noticed that she was being vague on if that was a suggestion, or an order.

"Now, Wardell does not have much experience on the set, and you, Sir Granblanco, are one our most esteemed actors. We of the Directorate of Animedia Lobbyists Íntegra believe that it would be most beneficial to the production of our film if the two of you were to travel around the set. Wardell could get a feel for what we are going for, and Sir Granblanco can get a better grasp of Wardell's unique background. Are we in agreement?"

Wardell covered Boww before she could do anything rash, "I'm fine with that."

Sir Ironjaw scoffed, but nevertheless agreed as well. "Alright then, Wardell, I... I suppose I did act a bit brash. I apologize."

"Good, good, that is all for this announcement then, remember, we are watching. We hope to see results soon."

With that, DALÍ retreated back into the Corporate Office as the various staff got back to work, leaving Wardell and Sir Ironjaw alone. "Well, let's get to it then." The shark began to float away before noticing that Wardell hadn't moved.

"Really? You can't even fly?" He sighed. "Take my hand then."

Wardell did as he was told, and then joined the beefy shark man in the air, somewhat confused at what was going on. Before he knew it,
the two of them were flying away from the announcement platform, into the set proper and Wardell was finding himself with more and more things to do...

Find Geoff, do what Ruby said, earn Ironjaw's respect, advise on being in a battle, find out what Boww meant by his destiny, and not die. It was all... a bit much, and he would have preferred to go back to his quiet life, which now seemed so far away...

"Good grief."

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[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM