Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen?

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Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen?
RE: Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen?
once she was like "hey ashley, bigros got this big bag fulla lemon drops under his mattress. you know what im thinking??"

me and the goblin queen, we go way back. i was ready to go before she even asked.

wasnt too eventful breaking into bigros house. we climbed through the ventilation system, took out some security cameras with throwing stars & dynomite. routine stuff, you know?

still, we were taken by surprise when bigro burst out of his room. guy was wrapped in a vegemite-stained blanket, reeking of death and hollering about noise. our cover was blown, so it was time to pull out all the stops.

we charged in screaming loud as we could. bigro drew his custom-made katana from its scabbard with perfect form, but it was too little too late. i slapped the dumb sword out of his stupid hands while the goblin queen did these crazy dance-fighting moves on his face kind of like neo in the matrix.

bigro pretty much immediately just lay on the floor and started crying. me and the queen aren't ones for kicking someone while theyre down, so we just went on with the mission. i lifted the mattress, the goblin queen grabbed the bag, and we got out through the window before any cops could arrive.

spent the rest of the night snacking & laughing about our escapades. they were some of the best lemon drops ive ever had

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RE: Real talk: Why do you love the goblin queen? - by Loather - 03-10-2015, 09:34 AM