Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Bohw had a conflict of choices and emotion in her head now that her goal of killing the king was done. Thunderpaw was falling to his death, she probably should save him. She could also destroy some more of the guards and other nuisance, it was just as good as option as the other. Even if she only hesitated for a moment, she agonized over the choice for what felt like hours, until finally deciding on a rather simple solution: Both.
She snapped her fingers and throwing up her hand to conjure a condensed ball of dark magic. In the same motion, Bohw also quickly started to fly down, after the dead weight Thunderpaw as quick as she could manage. She threw the spell towards some guards that were attacking some man or something, a face she didn't recognize but probably someone she didn't want to kill and then with her other hand, stretched it out to snatch the Bunni out of the air.

Mayor shugged off the blow, his now cracked and damaged crystal shell taking the damage where his shield could not. It was irritating, even with the king gone... shouldn't the summoned ones go with the rest of him? He felt there was still some foul play a foot and he couldn't help but feel there was more, perhaps they were not summoned by him or perhaps Mayor didn't understand anything else and was just assuming, but he had to make a clear choice to make. He would not fight Enzu, Mayor refused to harm a brother summon even if it was some fake clone like he thought, but his opponent deserved a proper end. Turning to face Rashagor, a voice from far off seemed to echo, talking for Mayor.

I am sorry.

Perhaps in another time, another life, or even another realm, Rashagor was a respectable warrior who would of been Mayor's companion in a time of need. But sadly, they had met as enemies on the battlefield and he knew what must be done. The light started to swell in Mayor's face as he lurched forwards, before exploding into a condensed beam of light that cut through the hedges with a destructive force.

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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven] - by BlazerC - 03-08-2015, 11:39 AM