RE: Hebrews 10:31
02-18-2015, 04:45 AM
Entry five, February 17.
This was a good suggestion Minister. Fortunately they were already complacent in their belief we'd settle for peace, and I had the tired strike them. Despite my ability to come up with decent reasoning for the split, as a Canadian chain they were too polite to question the validity of Arbitrary Event, especially after I said it was mentioned on a CBC newscast. They nervously agreed that they had totally seen it and think it was even mentioned on all of that other Canadian programming that people definitely don't ignore for more exciting fare.
Things continued until they were complacent again, until the hipsters, angry that they weren't chosen to be the splinter group despite the fact that they rebelled against Tim Hortons and Starbucks first also launched a splinter assault. Which was far more difficult to explain away.
So I followed your advice Minister Kiven. Fortunately, Canadians are known for their honourable warrior spirits (especially when spelled with a u as it should be) and accepted. It probably didn't hurt that their forces were distracted by two splinter attacks.
Wait a minute.
Is that their leader?
Holy crap that is the actual ghost of Miles Gilbert Horton*.
Help guys I didn't think they had a ghost. How do you even fight a ghost?
*It is worth mentioning that all hockey players are Canadian werewolves and so this is an extra big deal.
(02-16-2015, 11:36 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Well, invoking the rule that Lies Are One Tenth Of The Possession and ergo invoking my One-Tenths Official title of Minister of Strategic Lies, I recommend entering negotiations with Tim Hortons, and coercing a portion of your fighting force to hit them as soon as the prospect of peace makes them complacent.
You can then blame the attack on a splinter group with which you have no affiliation since Arbitrary Event, making your foes look even more complacent because you can't seem to keep your forces in a cohesive unit.
This was a good suggestion Minister. Fortunately they were already complacent in their belief we'd settle for peace, and I had the tired strike them. Despite my ability to come up with decent reasoning for the split, as a Canadian chain they were too polite to question the validity of Arbitrary Event, especially after I said it was mentioned on a CBC newscast. They nervously agreed that they had totally seen it and think it was even mentioned on all of that other Canadian programming that people definitely don't ignore for more exciting fare.
Things continued until they were complacent again, until the hipsters, angry that they weren't chosen to be the splinter group despite the fact that they rebelled against Tim Hortons and Starbucks first also launched a splinter assault. Which was far more difficult to explain away.
(02-17-2015, 12:19 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Or you could enter negotiations and then challenge the Tim Hortons leader to a duel of some sort. Then give him the ol' razzle dazzle. Or claim it was a shitty publicity stunt and just pin the whole 'He Brews' thing on him and rally what remains of Starbucks to your side. The anti-Tim Hortons side that is.
So I followed your advice Minister Kiven. Fortunately, Canadians are known for their honourable warrior spirits (especially when spelled with a u as it should be) and accepted. It probably didn't hurt that their forces were distracted by two splinter attacks.
Wait a minute.
Is that their leader?
Holy crap that is the actual ghost of Miles Gilbert Horton*.
Help guys I didn't think they had a ghost. How do you even fight a ghost?
*It is worth mentioning that all hockey players are Canadian werewolves and so this is an extra big deal.