Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round Two: Ryburg Ritz]

Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round Two: Ryburg Ritz]
RE: Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round Two: Ryburg Ritz]
This was a mistake...

Walking down the dark and sprawling underground of the Ritz, Blake continuously went over the events that led to this in his head. He didn't really have a choice in the matter, at least if he wanted to keep his head clear...

Okay if you feel the wall on the left you should find a small path, go through there.

Flo's voice rang through Blake's head, and he lamented his now long lost peace.


"Alright so, how does this work exactly?"

"Okay so like, magic here just sorta flows, it takes a buncha shapes and whatever, and the point is people who are magic usually let magic out just like they breath out air. You don't."


"Even just hanging around magic people or magic peoples things can make you start pinging magic, even if you can't do it, which is why we haven't gotten anyone capable of going past their magic barriers, sending off some newbie sap would just be irresponsible."

"Okay, but-"

"You don't exhibit any magic, none, no matter how many hexes or spells we pop on ya."

"Wait wh-"

"Since you read clean, you should be able to pass through the barrier undetected enough that you can find the remote generator and let the rest of us through, got it?"

"How will I find it though?"

"We've got a magic map!"

"But... magic things can't pass through..."

"Unless they are directly on you, soooo, lean down a bit."

Blake did as he was told as Flo pulled out a marker out and drew on his face.

"Uhm... what was that about..."

"Walk a few meters that way and you'll see..."

Blake once more nodded and walked off, really wondering what sort of nonsense was on his face, why he was just going along with this, when he heard a ring in his head and a now very familiar voice said, Well, I guess I shoulda said you'll hear, huh? <3he<3he<3


Still, Blake soldiered on. While he didn't want to help these kids go on some revenge spree he couldn't really stop them and to his dismay, they had proved much more capable than he had ever been...

Blake sighed... but continued to follow the instructions towards the remote generator.

Okay, you should be nearing it soon, just a follow this path.

"So what am I supposed to do exactly?"

The remote generators aren't that tough, and they shouldn't be well guarded, between the plague taking down all of the people and the underground being an explorable mess without stuff like this map, they've got more important things to deal with.

"So what happens after we shut the generator down?"

We'll go through the barrier, and then you'll turn it back on, so they don't notice anything wrong. Then we meet up and make a small base to plan out the next move.

Blake nodded, these kids had planned this out, and they intended to take things as slowly as they could... Ughh.... What am I doing?

His mind full of concerns and worries, Blake still managed to make it to the remote generator. He gulped at the small cylindrical device with all of the wires and buttons and lights. How was he supposed to disable it?

Alright so find the power cable and just pull it out.

"The what? This thing has a power cable?"

Well... yeah, of course it does. Remember, the barrier is for both underground and above ground, before the plague they needed to let magical people through!

Blake looked over the generator and round a little lightning bolt symbol above a cable that was a big bigger than the other ones.

"Is this one it?"

Well, it has the power symbol on it, doesn't it?

"You know those things aren't cross-universal, right?"

Whatever... 9_9

Blake took a deep breath, and pulled the power cable. Just as he did so, he heard a set heavy footsteps, followed by other, less heavy, but more plentiful footsteps.

"We must recapture that robot, the nobles demand it of us!" Screamed out, what Blake supposed was one of the guards.

"Uhm... Flo..."

Don't worry, now that we're on the other side of the barrier, I can do all sorta stuff with our connection. >;)


Just lean on a wall and stand still.

"Uhm... sure..."

As Blake leaned back onto the wall, apprehensive and sincerely hoping that Flo wasn't going to just up and abandon him, the footsteps grew closer, and Blake closed his eyes in fear.

He felt something thump up against him, and then he heard the guards walk in... Looks like this is it...

"WHERE DID IT GO, THE MACHINE WAS RIGHT HERE!" "It must have slipped in through another path..." "I will have ALL OF YOUR HEADS, if you don't find that machine!" "Yes sir!!"


The guards cleared out, and Blake opened his eyes. It was clear. Had they somehow missed him? That didn't seem possible... and what happened to whatever they were chasing. And... what felt so heavy? Blake looked down and freaked out a little, albeit quietly, at the silvery metal body that had latched on to him.

"Hel-lo. Blake."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round Two: Ryburg Ritz] - by Solaris - 02-13-2015, 06:51 PM