The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
With DALÍ preparing his public debut, Wardell was quickly and unceremoniously shoved off to a nice window office, where Wardell got a good look at Burnination Studios. The building he was in, presumably the Corporate Office, was either impossibly tall, flying, or both, because Wardell couldn't see anything except for the monsters, and they didn't even look that big.

"What have I gotten myself into..."

"That doesn't matter, we've finally got an edge! You never have an edge!"

"How is this an edge, they aren't really going to give me any power, it's an empty title to save face..."

"Yeah, but the regular staff isn't going to be tuned in, after they introduce you, you should be able to go around the set however you want!"

"But why would I want to?"

"Because of your destiny!!!"

"Listen Boww, I don't know where you got this idea from, but I don't have a destiny!"

"I would listen to your cloth if I was you."

Wardell froze for moment, and then turned around, noticing that one of the DALÍ members had just... appeared.

Before Wardell could ask about any whos, whys, wheres, whens, or hows, Boww tossed a book at the executive, who caught it without a second thought.

"Heh heh, A Devil in Disguise? A funny joke."

The executive, taller than Wardell, wearing a mask and cloak that covered most of their features, and generally exhibiting an air of forceful confidence, had a voice that Wardell couldn't easily pin down. What exactly was going on?

"Don't... listen to him..... he's bad..."

"Well, no point in doing this the easy way if your cloth is going to give everything away..."

The figure reached around and pulled their cloak upwards, revealing a brown skinned man with bright red hair, black sunglasses, and an impossibly smug smile. "You may refer to me as Ruby, Wardell of the Battle Royale."

While he couldn't see his eyes, Wardell felt his stare, and apparently, so did Boww, because she drooped down more than usual. "Wh... how do you know..."

"Spirit mediums, channelers, when you have plans like mine, its good to keep tabs on any surprises. This isn't just a game to me, though I'll take advantage of yours. I was however, hoping to avoid showing my hand, but your cloth is surprisingly astute, not that she'll be interrupting us anymore. So Wardell, let's talk business."

With the disposal of his disguise, 'Ruby' had taken a dramatic tone, but the confidence and force remained. "What are you talking about? Buisness? I already agreed to help DALÍ..."

Ruby moved to the window, looking down on the actors and sets, "This isn't about those corporate fools, or their media machinations, this about the big picture. Look at them, monsters, once forceful, nigh invincible creatures, playing minstrels and bards, it is disgusting."

"Well, act-"

"And the humans, they're even worse, they are the ones who did this, they brought down such majestic forces of nature down to their own pitiable, unrealized existence."


"What if, Grand Battler, they returned to their true place in nature, become King Of Beasts, ruler of all, instead of this wretched facade?"

While Wardell couldn't quite follow, at this point he was too scared to interject. There was something more to this figure, something that made Wardell's heartbeat quicker, and his hands shake.

"What... who are you talking ab-"

"You will see for yourself Wardell, for now, just imagine this, you have a central part in restoring things to their rightful state. What a glorious destiny."

"And... and if I don't partake in this... thing?"

Ruby smiled. "Then I'll take your place. I'll seal you away, take your part in this play, and then ensure that my plans continue as scripted."

Wardell once again felt Ruby's stare through the sunglasses and he instinctively took a step back. He was scared, of course, but there was more to it. The way the words came out so... casually, as if locking him up somewhere no one could find him and just continue on without any issue, made him feel... frozen. Boww awake again, tugging at him, trying to make him leave, but Wardell wasn't going to move.

Ruby threw a card at Wardell's feet. "I'm sure that you'll pick the right answer. Your instructions are on that card, your next objective will reveal itself after you complete the current one. Begin as soon as we introduce you."

Wardell reached down for the card as Ruby began to leave the room. Despite being greatly intimidated, he managed to ask a single question, "Why me? Why do you need me?"

"It's simple. Your kind only exist to cause trouble, you a storm of destruction, the perfect catalyst to change a world." Without another word, Ruby left.

As Wardell thought back on his time on Endymion, he couldn't fine the words to protest. Whether he liked it or not, Ruby was right, something would go wrong here, and there wasn't really a lot he could do to stop it.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything..." Boww draped herself lower and lower, almost making Wardell's shoulders ache a little. While the scarf had some... delusions, she was trying her best.

"It's fine, there's nothing we could have done, and not really anything we can do either..."

"What about Geoff?"

"What about him?"

"Well, if we find him, and clue him in on Ruby's plans, maybe he can help figure out how to stop them!"

"I..." Wardell was still a bit shaken from the encounter, but Boww seemed to made a full recovery, flapping with joy at the idea of blowing up the devilish man's plan in his face. He sighed. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Certainly can't make this worse... I hope."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios] - by Solaris - 02-12-2015, 06:16 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM