Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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(07-17-2014, 07:25 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah gets struck by the lightning just as she leaps forward, throwing her off balance. She hits the ground with a thud but quickly recovers, her tumble turning into a roll that she soon leaps out of. Aiming for the archmage, she picks a seed out of her sleeve and activates Manacharge. The moment she gets near him, Savannah focuses her energy into the seed and socks him in the face, causing the seed to burst into a flurry of tentacle like vines that latch onto the man and constrict him.

As you come at him, the mage makes a quick gesture at you and you feel your magic slipping away and your connection to the seed cut. You end up just punching him in the face as you come out of your roll, dealing 79 damage (roll 1+6). He raises his shield as he backs away, beginning another incantation.

(07-17-2014, 07:54 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra fumbles through the air after that dizzying attack, but the fury of getting an uppercut while invisible AND in-flight snap her a little more quickly back into reality. It's going to be troublesome getting that tracking spell off when a mage is psychically punching her little beak! Righting herself back into proper flight, Myra casts a reflecting barrier upon herself in hopes that enemy magic will bounce back onto the caster. She's not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a shot when she has to buy herself enough peace to get this damned tracking spell off of her.

You manage to cast a decent spellbarrier around yourself (roll 13+9), only to see two guards levitating towards you from the streets below, standing atop a shimmering disc of energy!

(07-19-2014, 02:39 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »After ironically turning the scales of justice against those meant to uphold it, Watson ventures a thought. The thought being that he should deliver this Champion Blade straaiiiiighttt to the man's face. Just to let the guard knows what winning feels like. Truly, Watson will emerge victorious from this encounter, no?

You begin to swing at him, but the captain reacts by striking the back of your sword, sending it smashing harmlessly into the iron bars of the cage (Hit 1+5 Vs Defense 10), then follows up with a diagonal slash across your chest, sending you reeling and inflicting 304 damage!

(07-23-2014, 02:06 PM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw huffed, the attack on her knocking her back in place as she collected herself, the sinister aura breaking away from Bohw in a flash. She still looked very irritated, as if she was about to lash out in response, but given her scenario she wasn't in any position to move and as such, did not resist.

"Yeah, sure." She said with a bit of snark. "I don't know why you're so worried about me though."

There is the loud screeching sound of metal and suddenly, a large shield is thrown at guardsman's head that is pinning Bohw down, with the rampaging Mayor running up to them not far behind. His eyes filled with an unbelievable anger as he follows up his shield throw with disarming bash from his shoulder, attempting to throw the offender to the ground during the sudden confusion of his appearance.

*In that moment, Bohw rushes to her feet and sticks a hand in her coat. "It's him you should be worried about!" She taunts, pulling out a small, steel orb sparking with energy. While it looks explosive, the blue runes all along it were interesting enough for the Impling to grab them from Ziras' crate of explosives from way back. The strange mechanism felt like a small electrical storm in her palm and she had no idea what it did, but now was a good enough time to figure out, she thought, as she threw the bomb at the second guard that 'escorting' her.

*(this is all assuming Mayor is successful in disarming the attack on Bohw)

Mayor's shield strikes the guard in the back of the head, staggering him and dealing 137 damage (roll 8+5), and more importantly giving Bohw a chance to get out of the way (Roll 3). However, seeing his companion falter, the second guard wastes no further time, driving his strike home by impaling Bohw through the back and all the way into the cobblestones beneath, dealing 963 damage.

Mayor then arrives, backhanding the second guard with one massive iron fist, sending him crashing to the ground and dealing 252 damage (roll 19+5). The guard drops the sword, leaving it impaled in Bohw.

The first guard recovers, drawing his sword and raising his shield defensively.


Meanwhile, Mael continues his merciless dismembering of the guard in front of him, taking first his other arm with one swing of his blade, then pushing him to the ground with a swift kick before finishing him off by lobbing off the defenseless guard's head, dealing a total of 604 damage (roll 16+7, crit).

The two remaining guards rush at Mael in an attempt to stop this, but both prove far too slow, and Mael easily turns aside the first guard's thrust with his own blade (Hit 1+3 Vs Defense 11), though he is then forced to endure the followup strike from the second guard, which leaves a nasty gash across his chest for 315 damage.

Taran glares at the guard who struck Bohw, then brings his hands forwards, surging with power, obviously intent on blasting the guard. However, across the street, the mage makes a simple snipping gesture, and Taran's spell completely fizzles. Torhald takes advantage of the mage's distraction by slashing at him with his sword, dealing 285 damage. (roll 15+4)

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Savannah growls, shaking the strain of the impact out of her fist, rolling the seed back into her sleeve. That guy wants to play dirty? Fine. She'll play dirty. Savannah springs backwards, prepping a better spell. Only, her magic fizzles out as it tries to leave her fingers. Her confused expression soon turns to one of anger as she realizes what happened. Eye twitching angrily, she sprints at the archmage, stealthily drawing her third and final knife into her hand. Readying her spear, Savannah jabs low, aiming for his feet. At the last second, she draws it back just enough, using it as a pole to vault over his shield and shank him in the face with her knife.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Mayor, like a protective father, follows up his attack on the same guard. Not pausing for a moment to let him recover, Mayor immediately throws another punch at the offender's face... and another... and another. What they've done is unforgivable and evil, without a doubt, he thinks as he continues to rapidly punch the man with his focused rage.

Bohw chokes instead of screaming, finding it hard to breathe after being impaled on the sword, the sheer pain overwhelming all train of thought as her mind goes blank. In her state, she becomes desperate and loses all control of her body, a thunderous clap of a dark pulse as she transforms to her twisted form almost instantly. Somewhere, in the back of her mind Bohw thinks this entire situation happened due to her race, the humans afraid of the Half-Imp, which only drives her blind anger further, as she grabs the sword pinning her to the ground. She tears herself free, floating to her feet as she grabs her longbow and points at her quiver the guard is carrying, a single arrow being torn out and flung towards her. She grabs it and wordlessly knocks it into her longbow, pulling back the string as she stares down the Royal Guardsman that did that to her.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
It's quite obvious these guys need to be taken care of, if she ever wants to find that passage. Myra wheels back around, keeping a good distance from the guards as she maneuvers fancily in the air. "Anthoran, Jorrick," Myra says to them in her telepathy as though they were some old friends she hasn't seen in ages, "What a surprise! As much as I appreciate your doting on me, don't you think it's a little embarrassing to be ordered to chase down a little birdie? Don't you have better things to do than bird-napping? Oppressing the sad, poor citizens? Throwing your authority around to make yourself feel bigger? Oh wait, I get it! This little birdie is the only thing lower than you for you to stomp on, is that it?"

"Well, I've got news for you," Myra continues, her mind's voice lowering to something more sinister, "I'm still higher than you doggish fools.

Even the dirt deserves more dignity than to be stepped on by the likes of you, you pathetic excuses of sentience!
" Having said her peace (for once), Myra casts a Silence spell upon the Royal Guard Mage. Hopefully, that'll stop his spells in their tracks so she can properly put them in their place and get back to her own business!
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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(07-24-2014, 05:16 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah growls, shaking the strain of the impact out of her fist, rolling the seed back into her sleeve. That guy wants to play dirty? Fine. She'll play dirty. Savannah springs backwards, prepping a better spell. Only, her magic fizzles out as it tries to leave her fingers. Her confused expression soon turns to one of anger as she realizes what happened. Eye twitching angrily, she sprints at the archmage, stealthily drawing her third and final knife into her hand. Readying her spear, Savannah jabs low, aiming for his feet. At the last second, she draws it back just enough, using it as a pole to vault over his shield and shank him in the face with her knife.

While you do manage to perform an acrobatic vault over the archmage, you do not meet with nearly as satisfying results as he manages to spin around and knock your attack offcourse with a slab of his shield. Fortunately, your dagger still manages to strike home, plunging into his shoulder for 304 damage (roll 3+6, auto-crit).

Meanwhile, Torhald takes a swing at the mage's now-unprotected back, dealing 240 damage with his slash (roll 12+4). In response, the mage raises a hand, emitting a shockwave of energy in all directions, knocking Torhald and Savannah back a couple of paces aswell as dealing 240 damage to each.

"Help me out over here!" He yells. In response, one of the guards fighting Mael turns around and charges Torhald, but he manages to raise his shield in time, blocking the blow.

(07-26-2014, 12:41 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Mayor, like a protective father, follows up his attack on the same guard. Not pausing for a moment to let him recover, Mayor immediately throws another punch at the offender's face... and another... and another. What they've done is unforgivable and evil, without a doubt, he thinks as he continues to rapidly punch the man with his focused rage.

Bohw chokes instead of screaming, finding it hard to breathe after being impaled on the sword, the sheer pain overwhelming all train of thought as her mind goes blank. In her state, she becomes desperate and loses all control of her body, a thunderous clap of a dark pulse as she transforms to her twisted form almost instantly. Somewhere, in the back of her mind Bohw thinks this entire situation happened due to her race, the humans afraid of the Half-Imp, which only drives her blind anger further, as she grabs the sword pinning her to the ground. She tears herself free, floating to her feet as she grabs her longbow and points at her quiver the guard is carrying, a single arrow being torn out and flung towards her. She grabs it and wordlessly knocks it into her longbow, pulling back the string as she stares down the Royal Guardsman that did that to her.

The guard seems completely taken aback by Mayor's furious onslaught, and his many punches quickly deal 168 damage (roll 11+5), leaving the guard dazed, waving his sword about ineffectually, trying to strike back at Mayor but hitting only air (Hit 1+3 Vs Defense 7)

Meanwhile, Bohw seems to have completely snapped this time, her eyes filled with a dark madness, blood pouring from the grievous wound through her chest as she raises her bow, the arrow morphing into a lance of pure darkness which she promptly launches at the guardsman who tripped her. The dark lance rips through him much like the sword so recently did to Bohw herself, and then proceeds to strike Mayor in the back, tearing its way through him aswell, before finally striking the second guard, practically ripping him to shreds and dropping him to the ground, bleeding badly but miraculously alive. Everyone struck are dealt 711 damage. (roll 14+9+6)

The Magitech Longbow has revealed its remaining property! All attacks will pierce up to twice when either bow or arrow are imbued with magic.

(07-26-2014, 10:07 AM)Frolic Wrote: »It's quite obvious these guys need to be taken care of, if she ever wants to find that passage. Myra wheels back around, keeping a good distance from the guards as she maneuvers fancily in the air. "Anthoran, Jorrick," Myra says to them in her telepathy as though they were some old friends she hasn't seen in ages, "What a surprise! As much as I appreciate your doting on me, don't you think it's a little embarrassing to be ordered to chase down a little birdie? Don't you have better things to do than bird-napping? Oppressing the sad, poor citizens? Throwing your authority around to make yourself feel bigger? Oh wait, I get it! This little birdie is the only thing lower than you for you to stomp on, is that it?"

"Well, I've got news for you," Myra continues, her mind's voice lowering to something more sinister, "I'm still higher than you doggish fools.

Even the dirt deserves more dignity than to be stepped on by the likes of you, you pathetic excuses of sentience!
" Having said her peace (for once), Myra casts a Silence spell upon the Royal Guard Mage. Hopefully, that'll stop his spells in their tracks so she can properly put them in their place and get back to her own business!

You attempt to dispel the mage, but he tries to counter you! He completely cuts off your attempt (roll 11+9, hit 6 Vs roll 18+3, hit 20)!

Despite your psionic screaming, you're suddenly the one who has a headache... And to make matters worse, it seems like the second guard has started readying a net! He'll be close enough to throw it already next turn!

(07-26-2014, 01:03 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »

The guard captain closes in for another swing, but this time it is your turn to effortlessly parry his swing (Hit 3+6 Vs Defense 10) and follow up with a vicious strike of your own, leaving a wound on his sword arm for 368 damage (roll 8+6, crit).


With some annoyance, Taran begins charging up again.

Mael slashes at the remaining guard, dealing a somewhat-less impressive 315 damage (roll 2+4, crit). The guard, meanwhile, retaliates for 368 damage.

The still-standing guard remaining near Bohw begins to carefully back away, keeping his shield raised.


RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(Stagger, they should have less defense. Sorry.)

The attack on Mayor is enough to make him stagger as he falls to one knee, shocked as he pauses to look at the hole in his torso. Once he gets a good look at the wound, he begins to panic, the lingering darkness around the puncture is more than enough for Mayor to realize it wasn't a guard that struck him.

From his position, He grabs the downed guard by the neck and pulls him to the floor, then, Mayor crushes the Royal Guard's right hand with a punch. He can only imagine the pain he is in as Mayor follows up and brings his fist down on his left hand, this would definitely stop him from fighting and getting himself killed, hopefully this fight won't last long enough for him to bleed out.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Savannah manages to recover from the shockwave, sliding to a stop and shaking herself out. Grimacing, she glances to the side and spots the dismembered guard, her knife sticking out of his shoulder. She stoops down, wrenching it out, and twirls her blade around her fingers. When she spots Bohw, however, Savannah makes the decision to attempt to distance herself from her.

She sprints forward, back at the archmage, and tosses her knife at his head. Hoping she planned this right, Savannah drops into a slide at the same pace her knife moves, giving the archmage a choice to block the knife and let her slide under and stab at him from down there, or stop her and take a knife to the face.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Things just aren't going her way today! She's running out of options. Making sure that her altitude is high enough for a free-fall to last long enough for her to have some chances for spells, Myra Changes Form. The ravenfolk takes out her Silken Strands, and activates her Wraithstrike to coat her Silken Strands in a magical flame. Using this magic to extend her range on her Silken Strands, Myra uses Punishment on the Royal Guard currently trying to Pin her.

(( In short: Change Form + Wraithstrike + Punishment using Wraithstrike!Silken Strands on Royal Guard 6. Let's hope the rolls favor me this turn. BU;;;
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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(07-27-2014, 08:46 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »generic punch

Still reeling from your last attack, the captain raises his shield defensively as you follow up with a stab. Your blade scores the edge of his shield, sending your attack off course but still jabbing into his arm for 193 damage (roll 5+6).

He retaliates with a swift strike from his falchion, dealing 169 damage.

(07-28-2014, 12:44 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »The attack on Mayor is enough to make him stagger as he falls to one knee, shocked as he pauses to look at the hole in his torso. Once he gets a good look at the wound, he begins to panic, the lingering darkness around the puncture is more than enough for Mayor to realize it wasn't a guard that struck him.

From his position, He grabs the downed guard by the neck and pulls him to the floor, then, Mayor crushes the Royal Guard's right hand with a punch. He can only imagine the pain he is in as Mayor follows up and brings his fist down on his left hand, this would definitely stop him from fighting and getting himself killed, hopefully this fight won't last long enough for him to bleed out.

If the guard wasnt unconscious before, he definitely is after Mayor has crushed his hands. He gives a groan, falling still. (roll 8+5)

Meanwhile, Bohw sets her eyes on Taran, who is still laboring to complete his holy incantation. With a furious cry, Bohw sets off, dashing up to him as she grabs him by the throat, before sending Taran crashing to the ground with a brutal piledriver. Looming above him, Bohw nocks another black arrow, shooting Taran point blank in the chest with the unholy bolt, dealing 772 damage (roll 6+9+6, crit) and interrupting his spellcasting.

(07-28-2014, 08:58 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah manages to recover from the shockwave, sliding to a stop and shaking herself out. Grimacing, she glances to the side and spots the dismembered guard, her knife sticking out of his shoulder. She stoops down, wrenching it out, and twirls her blade around her fingers. When she spots Bohw, however, Savannah makes the decision to attempt to distance herself from her.

She sprints forward, back at the archmage, and tosses her knife at his head. Hoping she planned this right, Savannah drops into a slide at the same pace her knife moves, giving the archmage a choice to block the knife and let her slide under and stab at him from down there, or stop her and take a knife to the face.

The archmage seems preoccupied casting a spell at Torhald. Thats your chance. You throw your dagger with impunity even as you fall into your slide, the dagger striking the man full in the face even as you slide past him, your spear taking him in the stomach, dropping him to the ground beside you and dealing 656 damage. (roll 19+6, crit)

Nearby, Torhald seems to have frozen up, standing in the same battle stance you saw him in a moment before. However, he doesnt move even as one of the guards move up behind him, slashing at his unprotected back for 383 damage!

(07-31-2014, 12:22 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Things just aren't going her way today! She's running out of options. Making sure that her altitude is high enough for a free-fall to last long enough for her to have some chances for spells, Myra Changes Form. The ravenfolk takes out her Silken Strands, and activates her Wraithstrike to coat her Silken Strands in a magical flame. Using this magic to extend her range on her Silken Strands, Myra uses Punishment on the Royal Guard currently trying to Pin her.

(( In short: Change Form + Wraithstrike + Punishment using Wraithstrike!Silken Strands on Royal Guard 6. Let's hope the rolls favor me this turn. BU;;;

Just as the guard throws his net, you change form, dropping out of the sky. Within moments, you are within striking range of the two men on the floating disc. You let your whip flash one and then twice, and watch as the guard screams as he is enveloped in spectral flames and constricting silk. Without thinking, you lash out one last time at the mage, your magical whip passing through his armor as if it was never there. You deal 1365 damage to the guard and 785 to the mage (roll 14+9+3, crit).

The guardsman falls off the floating disc, dying even as he screams. You fall together. The ground is coming up fast.


Mael effortlesly parries his adversary's strike, then smoothly slides knock's the guards blade aside as he shoves his blade through the guardsman throat for 945 damage (roll 20+7). He falls to the ground, dead beside his comrade.

The guard who survived Bohw's attack continues backing away for several seconds. Then he turns and runs.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Mid slide, Savannah rolls over, straddling the Archmage. She glares at him, not needing to say anything, and roughly yanks the knife out of his face. She then slams her palm into the man's head and makes sure he stays on the ground. Tightening her grip on the blade, Savannah goes for his throat, slashing and stabbing.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Or, y'know, you could let the cage go yourself. He would regain little more than 250 health. Thats kind of easier to deal with than a 5100 health cage.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson wouldn't sully his honor though. c:
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
((Pfff, forget honor, Myra just got a magical Sky Uppercut to the beak. As a bird. If Myra's gonna be taking some hits to her pride, then so is Watson! <w< ))

It's do-or-die right now, and let's hope Myra manages the former. This hasn't been the first time Myra's been in free-fall before, so casting a spell mid-air shouldn't be too much of a task. She casts a Slowfall spell on herself, thinking that the Mage Guard will be less likely to suspect she's safe as long as it seems she's still falling. Following that up with her sudden Galeforce, Myra casts a protective barrier to cushion any possible damage that she might accrue soon, what with the falling, and the Mage Guard still tracked on her and all.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Hahahahah as you wish, credit.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Mayor rose back to his feet and counted the heads, 9 Targets that Bohw could turn on in an instant, only 3 of them being enemies, it wasn't the best of chances. Bitterly, he rushed forwards towards Bohw, re-adjusting his shield as his body began to glimmer, small crystals poking out of the gaps in his armor. He had only had a moment's rest from his last transformation, but it was the only thing Mayor had left, putting his life on the like as barreled into the fray and ready to intercept Bohw at a moment's notice.