Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I may become alike sjasogun myself in, like, 2-3 months? Maybe, y'know, b/c i have to get high marks and ahahahahahaha.

Okay, at least a year.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
( OAO Amfg it's sjasogun! Hi! )

Myra continues to sit behind the chimney on a roof, some turns away down the road. They're probably out to find her now, but for how long they'll decide to look for a little bird...well, that's up for debate. Moving as little as possible, Myra ponders on what action she must take next. Oh right, that lady! She was right about the guards, so surely she'll be right about those directions.

Myra quickly takes off again and makes her way towards the center of the city. As she flies, she focuses on two things: staying clear of guards, and keeping an eye out for any clues for the entrance to the underground cave. Also friendly reminder that Magic Eye is a thing, a thing I am especially counting on right now 8D;; Gogogogo passive magic/trap detection! \ o /
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(07-05-2014, 12:53 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Game started December 2011, so 2 and a half years.

if you count New Dawn its well over four years and maybe-probably approaching five?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(Meanwhile, in the side-adventures of Coward McTraitorpaw)

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(And in the magic bitch category)

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Haha yea and here i thought i would be super productive once holidays started

i was kidding myself

i am never productive
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(07-04-2014, 04:05 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »After Myra leaves and Watson collects himself, he responds.

"I have done nothing of the sort and for you to assume such is callous and repugnant!" Watson exclaimed, his arms folded as he snobbishly turns his nose away at them.

The guards actually reek pretty badly, and this was all he could do to avoid their offensive odour without telling them outright.

The captain sighs audibly. "Fine, you fools." He says, then holds out one hand to the side, prompting a flash of light and a thunderclap. When next you can see, the guards are charging at you shields raised, the captain holding a great sword of lightning!

Meanwhile the two guards are still towing Bohw away.

(07-05-2014, 04:12 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra continues to sit behind the chimney on a roof, some turns away down the road. They're probably out to find her now, but for how long they'll decide to look for a little bird...well, that's up for debate. Moving as little as possible, Myra ponders on what action she must take next. Oh right, that lady! She was right about the guards, so surely she'll be right about those directions.

Myra quickly takes off again and makes her way towards the center of the city. As she flies, she focuses on two things: staying clear of guards, and keeping an eye out for any clues for the entrance to the underground cave. Also friendly reminder that Magic Eye is a thing, a thing I am especially counting on right now 8D;; Gogogogo passive magic/trap detection! \ o /

Your knack for magical detection doesnt seem to turn up anything super obvious - several of the buildings you fly over seem to be magically reinforced, and the castle up ahead, aswell as the walls in the far distance definitely have a lot of powerful enchantments on them, but thats about it.

However, a streak of magical energy flies towards you, and you briefly recognize it as a tracking spell of some sort. Woops. Looks like they found you already. Fortunately for you you are much faster than they will ever be.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Watson raised his hands to the sky, and steel cylinders seem to materialise out of the ground, rising in unison with his motion. The crackle of thunder ceases as the grinding of steel against steel replaces it. The resulting enclosement has weeded out the captain and locked him in combat with Watson.

If one were to unravel the cloth wrappings of the mysterious stone tucked in Watson's front pocket, one might find the stone dulled to a darker-green. Its life-force-enhancing properties have practically fizzled out of it, squeezed out by the anti-magical entrapment. Watson's heart skips a beat.

His voice relents as he jaunts slightly. "A duel to the death will remedy any reputation you might stain!"

He calls out, "Bohw! You shouldst not associate with these rogues! Allowing them to unjustly bring harm upon us is crime in itself!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
That was the last straw for Mayor, he didn't care who was in the wrong at this point, weapons were drawn and that's all that matters. He immediately raised both his arms as he ran out in front of everyone else, rushing to meet the two charging guards in an instant, he pushes between them and lifts both of them from the floor, Sabotaging both their attempts to arrest anyone.

Bohw stops walking with the guards, stopping suddenly to snap her attention behind her. Her expression quickly shifts from a mild annoyance to an intense and furious scowling, baring her teeth as she begins to audibly hiss. Accompanied with crackling, purple sparks of magic and a wicked aura, she glares at her escorts.

"What. Are. They. Doing."

She looks mad.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

"Oh hell no." Savannah whips out two of her knives, Lucid's and the belt knife, and flings them at one of the charging guards, aiming for the eyes. She has had more than enough of this shit. Gripping tightly onto her spear, she joins the charge against the guards.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Noooo, no no no no! Not tracking spells! Get it off, get it off, get it OFF! She must not be found! Myra changes course, veering away from the direction of the center of the city. Still flying, Myra attempts to cast a spell to remove the tracking spell off of her. She's the tracker, not the tracked, and this situation will not do!
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: 0MwqQE4.png]


Watson raised his hands to the sky, and steel cylinders seem to materialise out of the ground, rising in unison with his motion. The crackle of thunder ceases as the grinding of steel against steel replaces it. The resulting enclosement has weeded out the captain and locked him in combat with Watson.

If one were to unravel the cloth wrappings of the mysterious stone tucked in Watson's front pocket, one might find the stone dulled to a darker-green. Its life-force-enhancing properties have practically fizzled out of it, squeezed out by the anti-magical entrapment. Watson's heart skips a beat.

His voice relents as he jaunts slightly. "A duel to the death will remedy any reputation you might stain!"

He calls out, "Bohw! You shouldst not associate with these rogues! Allowing them to unjustly bring harm upon us is crime in itself!"

The guard captain frowns as he is encaged and his lightning blade vanishes, but he only stops long enough to draw the falchion at his side before resuming his charge. In his haste, you nimbly dodge his first strike (Hit 4+5 Vs Defense 10).

(07-11-2014, 11:09 PM)BlazerC Wrote: »That was the last straw for Mayor, he didn't care who was in the wrong at this point, weapons were drawn and that's all that matters. He immediately raised both his arms as he ran out in front of everyone else, rushing to meet the two charging guards in an instant, he pushes between them and lifts both of them from the floor, Sabotaging both their attempts to arrest anyone.

Bohw stops walking with the guards, stopping suddenly to snap her attention behind her. Her expression quickly shifts from a mild annoyance to an intense and furious scowling, baring her teeth as she begins to audibly hiss. Accompanied with crackling, purple sparks of magic and a wicked aura, she glares at her escorts.

"What. Are. They. Doing."

She looks mad.

Mayor stops two of the guards in their tracks as he sabotages their charge, dealing 158 damage to each of them! (roll 8+5)

From their rather deplorable positions on the ground, each of the guards cut at Mayor in retaliation for 105 and 105 damage.

Meanwhile, Bohw stops. The guards apparently had been anticipating this as one of them immediately whips her feet out from under her before she even gets a chance to speak.

The other guard lays his sword at Bohw's neck, yelling out "Surrender!"

(07-13-2014, 12:03 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »"Oh hell no." Savannah whips out two of her knives, Lucid's and the belt knife, and flings them at one of the charging guards, aiming for the eyes. She has had more than enough of this shit. Gripping tightly onto her spear, she joins the charge against the guards.

You throw both knives at one of the guardsmen, one clanging off his helm and the other sinking into his shoulder for 280 damage! (Roll 10+6)

(07-15-2014, 07:13 AM)Frolic Wrote: »Noooo, no no no no! Not tracking spells! Get it off, get it off, get it OFF! She must not be found! Myra changes course, veering away from the direction of the center of the city. Still flying, Myra attempts to cast a spell to remove the tracking spell off of her. She's the tracker, not the tracked, and this situation will not do!

In your haste to dispel the tracking spell, you construct your spell poorly... And just as you are about to finish the cast, a psionic fist materializes just in front of you which immediately proceeds to deliverer an uppercut to your avian face, dealing 123 damage! Your spell fizzles, and you're suddenly having trouble telling up from down. (roll 2)


Mael closes in on the guard Savannah threw her daggers at, before suddenly lunging forwards and separating the guards' arm from his shoulder in one swift stroke, dealing 525 damage! (Roll 16+4, crit)
The guard is caught so poorly off-guard that he fails to retaliate.

One guard hangs back, casting a complex spell for several moments, before pointing at Savannah! A bolt of lightning strikes her from the heavens, inflicting 460 damage!

Seeing this, Torhald charges the armored mage, bashing him with his shield for 150 damage. (roll 6+4)

Taran, meanwhile, seems to be charging up a spell.


RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Savannah gets struck by the lightning just as she leaps forward, throwing her off balance. She hits the ground with a thud but quickly recovers, her tumble turning into a roll that she soon leaps out of. Aiming for the archmage, she picks a seed out of her sleeve and activates Manacharge. The moment she gets near him, Savannah focuses her energy into the seed and socks him in the face, causing the seed to burst into a flurry of tentacle like vines that latch onto the man and constrict him.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Myra fumbles through the air after that dizzying attack, but the fury of getting an uppercut while invisible AND in-flight snap her a little more quickly back into reality. It's going to be troublesome getting that tracking spell off when a mage is psychically punching her little beak! Righting herself back into proper flight, Myra casts a reflecting barrier upon herself in hopes that enemy magic will bounce back onto the caster. She's not sure if it'll work, but it's worth a shot when she has to buy herself enough peace to get this damned tracking spell off of her.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
After ironically turning the scales of justice against those meant to uphold it, Watson ventures a thought. The thought being that he should deliver this Champion Blade straaiiiiighttt to the man's face. Just to let the guard knows what winning feels like. Truly, Watson will emerge victorious from this encounter, no?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
i believe you are currently using the champion blade, maybe
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
does it take a turn to switch out?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

if you wanted the other thing you shoulda switched out ahead of time

its magical power wouldnt work anyway, only the stat increase
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Okay, I'll keep the champion blade then, for the Constitution.

I swear I thought this would just be a guard squad ;_;
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
hahah no
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Bohw huffed, the attack on her knocking her back in place as she collected herself, the sinister aura breaking away from Bohw in a flash. She still looked very irritated, as if she was about to lash out in response, but given her scenario she wasn't in any position to move and as such, did not resist.

"Yeah, sure." She said with a bit of snark. "I don't know why you're so worried about me though."

There is the loud screeching sound of metal and suddenly, a large shield is thrown at guardsman's head that is pinning Bohw down, with the rampaging Mayor running up to them not far behind. His eyes filled with an unbelievable anger as he follows up his shield throw with disarming bash from his shoulder, attempting to throw the offender to the ground during the sudden confusion of his appearance.

*In that moment, Bohw rushes to her feet and sticks a hand in her coat. "It's him you should be worried about!" She taunts, pulling out a small, steel orb sparking with energy. While it looks explosive, the blue runes all along it were interesting enough for the Impling to grab them from Ziras' crate of explosives from way back. The strange mechanism felt like a small electrical storm in her palm and she had no idea what it did, but now was a good enough time to figure out, she thought, as she threw the bomb at the second guard that 'escorting' her.

*(this is all assuming Mayor is successful in disarming the attack on Bohw)