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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-26-2014, 10:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 03:21 AM by BlazerC.)
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SpoilerFair enough point. Also you might need a command in that post there Dais 
For once, Bohw is confused with Nos acting sensible. "Isn't that your signature attack?!" She barks, that last blow must of hit him harder on the head than usual, to see him being... well, normal, is a bit unsettling for her. Bohw shakes her head and draws a smaller version of her red rune in the air, assuming she can. "Honestly..."
If not, Bohw attacks all the beasts that are not the Cordraal and Regent Corshar. EDIT: ...Unless of course, she somehow finds Nos taking Bohw's hand.
Then, the large golem dives into the ship, Mayor stands upright and the first thing he does is run over to fight the Cordraal. He immediately throws a feint punch, but turns it into a twisting grab as he snatches shade's appendages with both hands, grappling with the demon to keep it's focus on Mayor and Mayor alone.
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SpoilerBohw: Cast Lesser Red Rune on self. (Trade minor HP for minor power) If she can't hold onto the charge of the Longbow though, shoot Corshar 9 through 12
EDIT: Or do the Madness Dance. This is command that hinges a lot on a conditional response, sorry Chim.
Mayor: Taunt/Grapple the Cordaal
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-26-2014, 11:33 PM
(03-26-2014, 10:09 PM)Dais Wrote: »
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SpoilerOkay, while Bohw asking Nos to use Madness Dance is pretty funny, it's actually pretty bad timing for it. He's all moved towards Affinity right now and lacking his usual stat buffs, which is important since dancing with Bohw would use Speed and Nos's is quite low right now. It only factors in 1/3rd of Nos's own Speed, but still.
The timing would be much better next turn- Nos's Speed will be more normal and he can throw in a guaranteed crit too. Of course it looks like it might not be necessary by next turn, but if the timing would still be good for Bohw next turn let's save the dance until then.
Side note, it occurs to me that it would be very fitting if Madness Dance effects A and B affected Nos's sanity slider. Missed that when I was deciding what would affect it.
Madness Dance uses your highest stat and their highest stat. That is not a thing you need to worry about. Unless you really want to, i guess.
Also i'll see about adding something like that to a & b when its not the middle of the night
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-26-2014, 11:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2014, 11:56 PM by Dais.)
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SpoilerWell I was just waiting for your response, is all. Totally wasn't gonna let it go too long, haha. Aheh.
Nos looks up at Bohw, still looking confused. "Signature... huh?" Realization slowly dawns on him. "Wait, that does sound familiar... but whyever would I do something so ridiculous..." A giggle escapes him. "Oh yeah, because it's hilarious!" He starts cackling. "Heheheh... maybe we should do that, and you can do the thing where you stop being such a bore, and... nnnnnnooo..." Nos straightens, forcibly composing himself again, with more effort than previously.
Gah, what's going on? Everything was so clear but I think I'm losing it again. All this talking isn't so fun anymore, anywa- I mean, it isn't working as well as I'd hoped. Fine, violence it is.
Nos plants the sword he was given into the deck of the airship carelessly, then claws at the air to each side of him with his hands. More black tendrils seem to pull out of the air and he starts spinning them around his fingers, and the tendrils snakes around his arms as he continues. Nos seems comforted as he does this, and after a bit he suddenly slams his palms together and all the fabricated matter seems to jump and soak into Nos's hands. He picks up the sword slowly and brandishes it, facing the Cordraal.
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SpoilerSo much unnecessary fluff! Just boosting Nos's Power for his next action only.
Edit@chim: Oh, I have several changes intended for Madness Dance. I was just planning on saving them all for a future level up, s'fine to wait until then.
Regarding the stat usage, the specific wording was "uses the highest of the other dancer's Strength, Speed, or Affinity increased by half of Nos's corresponding stat", which I'd always intended to mean how I was interpreting it. If you're going to casually change it to just be the optimal stat for each dancer that really simplifies things then, and I'm okay with that!
So if you want to engage in massive edit shenanigans Blazer, I'll follow your lead on that.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-27-2014, 12:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 12:50 AM by BlazerC.)
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SpoilerI am certainly fine with that, as I am certain it will wipe most of everything off the ship while the others mop up in this turn. That Cordraal might have some kind of damage reduction going on, but whatever, Mayor is handling that guy. Besides, we don't have to edit too hard, just have it where Bohw isn't drawing runes and Nos isn't empowering himself, we can keep the posts we've made here mostly intact. So yeah, I'm all for it!
Alternatively, considering that we are both empowering ourselves, we can just wait till next turn as well, but that's assuming I am allowed to hold the charge of the Longbow. I assume I can't attack normally with the Longbow or unequip it while it's charged (without losing the charge), but Bohw would still have a free hand, right?
I'll need mod intervention to be 100% sure though.
And I think the corresponding stat wordage just means it uses what would be Nos' highest, as in, just like how it would use the partner's highest. For whatever reason, Nos' speed could be higher at some point so that's just worded like that to cover all bases, I guess.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-27-2014, 02:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 03:52 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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SpoilerTHIS IS ALL BULLSHIT PLEASE IGNORE [S]Concerning Mayor trying to handle the Cordraal:
I was planning to injunct it, allowing for it to do only limited damage to only Watson who has more health than Mayor and damage reduction. (20 friggin' percents, y'all) or COMPLETELY PREVENT IT if it's magic. You guys can do whatever you want with it after that, Watson will send the cage away first thing next turn. Who cares if the foe "wins" if it gains back any of the health it didn't lose inside the cage.
Watson was about to produce a table and parchment from THIN AIR (not really) but his magic act was cut short by what he saw. That is, Mayor's jaw-dropping heroism as it embraced the fiend of the shadows with unwavering braveness!
And so, seeing the matter partially dealt with at the moment, he goes to work slicing up the remaining corshars. He whistled a tune as he did so. For he will get to deal the finishing blow!
"Hum-dee-dum-dee-hum-dee-dum ♪
Send you all back
Where you came from" ♫
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-27-2014, 03:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 03:18 AM by BlazerC.)
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Spoilerplease don't
Sorry, but we're about to unleash a super-attack, this turn or the next why would you even think that's a good idea, I'm really sorry to kind of dick over your rather masterfully well put together post there but can it at least wait till after we do this? ;~;
I don't doubt your own safety, but during the effects we are unable to deal damage to it in any form. At the moment with a 10 Charge Selfless, Mayor can somewhat replicate what you want to do here, with his taunts and auto-block for allies nonsense, while still allowing him to be beat on. Then with it's slivers of health left, you can easily duel it down.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-27-2014, 03:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 03:52 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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Spoiler (03-27-2014, 03:10 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »
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Spoilerplease don't
Sorry, but we're about to unleash a super-attack, this turn or the next why would you even think that's a good idea, I'm really sorry to kind of dick over your rather masterfully well put together post there but can it at least wait till after we do this? ;~;
I don't doubt your own safety, but during the effects we are unable to deal damage to it in any form. At the moment with a 10 Charge Selfless, Mayor can somewhat replicate what you want to do here, with his taunts and auto-block for allies nonsense, while still allowing him to be beat on. Then with it's slivers of health left, you can easily duel it down.
Oh shit I did not see a 10 there!! Sorry, I'll save the post for next turn.
Edited my post. But I still can't find the place where it's supposed to show the number of charges on selfless.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-27-2014, 04:45 AM
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SpoilerChim completely forgot to add the charges to the Selfless CD
But Selfless was on 10 turns of readiness, so I used all 10 Charges. So it should say 0 Charges. If you need proof that I am running 10 charges though, Mayor has unlocked his Lazor ability for the duration of Selfless.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-27-2014, 09:49 AM
you can store the bow charge as long as you dont go and try to fire arrows at anything. if you wait until next turn though Nos will not have his fancy bonuses, though the power buffs might (but probably not) make up for that
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-31-2014, 09:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 09:40 PM by BlazerC.)
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SpoilerQuestion, who are we waiting on?
From what I see, everyone's command is in. Aside from the Madness dance nonsense, but that seems to be going into next turn regardless. (Besides, Dais has a tight schedule anyway if I recall).
Don't tell me we're waiting you, Chim.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
03-31-2014, 10:09 PM
you are
i uhm, became rather distracted by other things
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-01-2014, 12:41 AM
Not distracted by what Thunderpaw's doing. I've been on hold for a few days too.
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Spoiler(I am literally waiting on the result of collecting sticks. Its all excitement in the side party zone.)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-01-2014, 06:40 AM
you should see what Psyk is doing
managing displeased minions for way too long
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-01-2014, 11:49 AM
bureaucratic nightmare over here
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-01-2014, 09:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 09:52 PM by chimericWilder.)
(03-25-2014, 01:49 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah sighs in surprise as magic flows into her, knitting her wounds together. She cracks her neck and grins.
"Alright, now we're talkin'!" Savannah splays her hands out, grinning maniacally. The plants around her spiral to life, dancing as though they're actually alive. She clenches her hands and the plants explode in a flurry of pollen and oils, activating Aromatherapy.
As magic returns to you, you heal yourself and your allies for 171 health! (roll 7+6, crit)
(03-25-2014, 03:38 AM)Frolic Wrote: »"...Well that worked out nicely, if not unexpectedly!" The Ravenfolk lets out a relieved little huff as she watches Savannah and Bohw look progressively healthier. She bears witness to the dark signal, and to the consequences of the shade attacking Nos. Oh, Nos! "He's back," she exclaims her pleasant surprise, "You were out for so long!" Unfortunately, her greeting was cut short by the need to weave out of enemies and allies in-combat. That in turn brings her back to the situation at hand.
Myra pays no heed to Watson's plight, only giving him a pat on the shoulder as she comes up from behind him, "Wait. It's obviously stronger than our typical monster. Before you make any commitments with that thing, let's see exactly where we stand against it." Taking the lead, she stores her new staff away, and equips her Silken Strands and Wraith's Jewel. Myra Activates her Wraith's Jewel to turn her whip magic, and lashes out at the Cordraal!
With a flourish, your whip takes on an ethereal aspect, bending to your will as you lash the shade, first once, then twice, dealing 273 and 331 damage (rolls 15+9+2 & 10+9+2, crit) and leaving it bound in unyielding silk.
(03-26-2014, 01:16 AM)Supernerd Wrote: »Selphy casts Restoration on Taran and pilots the ship away from the battlefield.
You bless Taran with a restorative spell, which will heal him for 250 each turn for four turns. (roll 15+16+2)
You then set a course and take the airship out of there, almost immediately halting the stream of corshari that had been leaping onto the hull.
(03-26-2014, 10:55 PM)BlazerC Wrote: »For once, Bohw is confused with Nos acting sensible. "Isn't that your signature attack?!" She barks, that last blow must of hit him harder on the head than usual, to see him being... well, normal, is a bit unsettling for her. Bohw shakes her head and draws a smaller version of her red rune in the air, assuming she can. "Honestly..."
If not, Bohw attacks all the beasts that are not the Cordraal and Regent Corshar. EDIT: ...Unless of course, she somehow finds Nos taking Bohw's hand.
Then, the large golem dives into the ship, Mayor stands upright and the first thing he does is run over to fight the Cordraal. He immediately throws a feint punch, but turns it into a twisting grab as he snatches shade's appendages with both hands, grappling with the demon to keep it's focus on Mayor and Mayor alone.
You sacrifice 300 health to grant yourself 72 Power for 2 turns. (roll 13+2-1+6, crit)
Meanwhile, the shade lifts its sword, bristling with dark power as it stares Nos down. "Silence!" It repeats, then lunges at Nos, sword slashing.
Thats when Mayor lands on the deck right between them, catching the blow with his shield. Infuriated, the shade steps forward, hacking again, dark magic arcing from its blade. This time, it catches Mayor in the chest, dealing 624 damage, and Mayor replies by punching the shade in the face for 93 damage (roll 10+5), and then stepping in close, grabbling the shade and forcing it to keep its attention on Mayor.
(03-26-2014, 11:52 PM)Dais Wrote: »Nos looks up at Bohw, still looking confused. "Signature... huh?" Realization slowly dawns on him. "Wait, that does sound familiar... but whyever would I do something so ridiculous..." A giggle escapes him. "Oh yeah, because it's hilarious!" He starts cackling. "Heheheh... maybe we should do that, and you can do the thing where you stop being such a bore, and... nnnnnnooo..." Nos straightens, forcibly composing himself again, with more effort than previously.
Gah, what's going on? Everything was so clear but I think I'm losing it again. All this talking isn't so fun anymore, anywa- I mean, it isn't working as well as I'd hoped. Fine, violence it is.
Nos plants the sword he was given into the deck of the airship carelessly, then claws at the air to each side of him with his hands. More black tendrils seem to pull out of the air and he starts spinning them around his fingers, and the tendrils snakes around his arms as he continues. Nos seems comforted as he does this, and after a bit he suddenly slams his palms together and all the fabricated matter seems to jump and soak into Nos's hands. He picks up the sword slowly and brandishes it, facing the Cordraal.
You feel madness returning as your spell takes hold, dark energy granting you 95 power! (Roll 12+13+3)
(03-27-2014, 02:32 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson was about to produce a table and parchment from THIN AIR (not really) but his magic act was cut short by what he saw. That is, Mayor's jaw-dropping heroism as it embraced the fiend of the shadows with unwavering braveness!
And so, seeing the matter partially dealt with at the moment, he goes to work slicing up the remaining corshars. He whistled a tune as he did so. For he will get to deal the finishing blow!
"Hum-dee-dum-dee-hum-dee-dum ♪
Send you all back
Where you came from" ♫
You cleave one of the insidious pests for 298 damage. (roll 9+6+2) It dies, and you feel yourself suddenly invigorated, 120 health returned to you! And theres only a few more monsters left.
Mael performs a coup de grace on one of the corshari, dealing 438 damage (roll 19+4+2), sending its head flying and its body crashing to the floor before both disappear in a puff of smoke.
Taran and Torhald team up on another, laying into it with several blows and dealing a total of 293 damage to it, which kills it.
Ziras continues channeling his spell, and another survivor pops into the air beside him. She takes one look at her surroundings, then collapses, bleeding profusely.
One of the larger corshari rakes Savannah for 162 damage! The other one strikes Myra for 168!
Another pair of corshari attacks Taran, dealing 86 and 81 damage.
The dark figure below, disappearing rapidly behind you, slams his sword into the ground. As he does, the massive armor he was wearing starts falling apart, clattering to the ground in a pile. There is nothing left inside.
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Bohw: 916/1240, Blood Rune (+72)(2)
Leader: +57
Mayor: 609/2275, Weightlessness (??), Selfless (147 hp/t)(74 dr)(62 Pwr)(-41% heal)(5)
Sabotage ready!
Selfless Cd 17 (0)
Firin' Dah Lazor ready!
Hellbent ready!
Block ready!
Nos Reaper: 2023/2100, Bane of Aggression (-30 Power on enemies)(2), Dark Might (95)(2)
([5] 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5)
Memorabilia: +50
Calming Breath unavailable
Overexcited unavailable
Nos Unleashed Cd 5
Madness Dance ready!
Spell Focus ready!
Savannah: 891/1500, Aromatherapy (+2 on everyone)(3)
Aromatherapy Cd 12
Absolute Zero ready!
Parasitic Relationship ready!
Jungle Fever ready!
Manacharge Cd 6
Runeguard ready!
Wand of Healing: 18
Watson: 1579/2550
Wits Cd 4
Fine Wine Cd 4
Dragon of the Red Wine Cd 7
Indignant Injunction ready!
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 895/1800
Readiness: +2
Galeforce: 5/7
Change Form Cd 1
Winds of Fate ready!
Punishment Cd 5
Genesis Cd 13
Wraithstrike Cd 8
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight Cd 8
Selphy: 2603/2700, Greater Circle of Healing (36 on everyone)(1), Shielded (375)(3)
Miracle Repair ready!
Judgement Calling ready!
Wings of Freedom Cd 3
Hallow Indignation: 160/1400
Spellrod: Empty
Airship: 2059/4313
Mael: 919/1500, Unfettered (1)
Intrinsic Focus Cd 2
Assault ready!
Taran: 727/1350, Restoration (250)(3)
Word of Glory ready!
Radiance: 0/3 (3/6)
Torhald: 960/1400
Bulwark: +0
Preparation: 1 Charge
Shield Charge Cd 1
Lord Ziras: 2298/5000
Aura of the Gale Phoenix (Everyone), Thaumaturgy - Blink (4)
Reshape Soul ready!
Thaumaturgy Cd 5
Sanctify Aura Cd 1
Divine Flame Cd 1
Regnant Corshar 3: 1240/1500, Phoenix Fire (50)(-1)(2)
Assault Cd 11
Regnant Corshar 4: 1135/1500, Phoenix Fire (50)(-1)(2)
Assault ready!
Corshar 9: 0/500, Phoenix Fire (50)(-1)(2)
Corshar 10: 0/500, Phoenix Fire (50)(-1)(2)
Corshar 11: 240/500, Phoenix Fire (50)(-1)(2)
Corshar 12: 500/500
Cordraal: 937/5000, Phoenix Fire (125)(-4)(3), Silken Strands (-20%)(3)
Chaos Surge Cd 1
Execution Cd 7
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-01-2014, 10:12 PM
(Aw damnit I was hoping to Laser the dark figure
Will get a command in once Dais does the thing with the madness dance whatnot.
Credit: Specify to wait and use your duel after the dance and it should be fine. I'm sure you know that already but no harm in reminding you, I guess.)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-01-2014, 11:43 PM
should i have caged in the dark figure?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-02-2014, 12:28 AM
(He's a plot important character and he would of insta-killed you.)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-02-2014, 01:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2014, 01:12 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Without magic? Daaaayyyummm chim WHAT THE HELL
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-02-2014, 10:25 AM
you would have had to jump onto the ground and run through an army to even get to him
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-02-2014, 10:35 AM
WON'T STOP ME FROM TRYING oh well then. At least I'll know exactly what kind of modifications to make to Injunction when level-ups come around again.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-02-2014, 08:00 PM
(03-03-2014, 11:36 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: » (03-02-2014, 09:34 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »:|
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-02-2014, 09:23 PM
((That also won't stop me from trying to nab dem drops!))
Myra hums with pleasure as her lashes surpassed her expectations. Not so tough a monster as it looks! Satisfied with the certainty that her comrades can take the Cordraal from here, Myra decides to move her attention and stage to the Regnant Corshar #4, which looks ready to make another nasty attack! The Ravenfolk conjures a heavy, yet oddly shimmering fog, and surrounds the Regnant Corshar #4 with it, in the hopes that the monster's movements will be shut down for a while.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-03-2014, 11:30 PM
Savannah sniffs, the earthy smell of pollen filling her nose. She then sneezes, a colorful cloud of said pollen billowing up. Savannah scrubs at her nose with the sleeve of her sweater.
"Augh, pollen." Shaking her head, Savannah clasps her hands together and pulls them apart, a small spinning globe of ice in between them. She adjusts her hand so the globe is spinning on the tip of her index finger. She spins it faster, making it grow larger, until she rolls it into her palm. Gripping it loosely, Savannah reels back her arm and pitches the globe at the Cordraal. "Batter up!" When it smashes against the Cordraal, it explodes into a glacier, activating Absolute Zero and trapping the shadow creature within.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
04-05-2014, 01:57 AM
>Selphy casts restoration on Myra and continues piloting the ship away.