Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I for one am just completely obsessed with Demigodhood Trials. I mean, you saw first-hand how updateful it is! This game used to be updateful, but it isn't anymore, so I see no reason to act promptly with this game.

I'll just have Selphy continue piloting that ship to go pick up Ziras & friends, and conjure a sparkling barrier around herself to prevent anything from messing up her piloting.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I haven't gotten a reply to my sidequesty thing, so I have nothing to respond to.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
yes yes alright my fault, i am working on it. well, trying to.

also, you're already there, ziras is below you now.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(I was just lazy.)

Mayor tugs the shield on his back to ensure it is secure, then without any more hesitation, he jumps off the side of the airship after the Corisha taking Bohw hostage! Bohw hisses and snarls as she drives her fingers even deeper, instinctively trying to do as much damage as possible. That's when the giant golem glides past and cracks a disarming chop into the Corisha's legs with one arm and grabbing Bohw by the jacket with the other. Hopefully releasing it's grasp, he swings around and grabs Bohw with both hands, before attempting to make his way back to safe ground, be it the airship or the rooftops.

If it succeeds, Bohw is going to have the most dumbfounded look on her face.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(I just have no idea what to do right now)

Well, that was embarrassing. She should probably work on those kinds of spells more. Nevertheless, Myra sets to work getting the ladder down for Ziras and his people to climb aboard. To reduce the waiting time for people to get on the airship, Myra casts a conjuring spell to create another ladder. The objective is to rescue Ziras, so the faster we are out of this city with him, the better! "Climb aboard," Myra caws at Ziras and his allies, hovering between the ship and the people below, "quickly!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson is still drunkenly trying to follow Myra the "birdie, the birdie."

"The queeeeeeen doth love you
for her amusement
oh the TORMENT

and then Watson falls from the ladder like a metre before the ground to face-plant. He stops singing off-key and just tries hitting the nearest enemy by SPINNING AROUND INTO THEM.


Damnit, he's at it again.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: 0MwqQE4.png]

(03-02-2014, 08:14 PM)Supernerd Wrote: »I'll just have Selphy continue piloting that ship to go pick up Ziras & friends, and conjure a sparkling barrier around herself to prevent anything from messing up her piloting.

You're already there! So you just shield yourself for 403 damage. (roll 8+9+6)

(03-02-2014, 11:00 PM)BlazerC Wrote: »Mayor tugs the shield on his back to ensure it is secure, then without any more hesitation, he jumps off the side of the airship after the Corisha taking Bohw hostage! Bohw hisses and snarls as she drives her fingers even deeper, instinctively trying to do as much damage as possible. That's when the giant golem glides past and cracks a disarming chop into the Corisha's legs with one arm and grabbing Bohw by the jacket with the other. Hopefully releasing it's grasp, he swings around and grabs Bohw with both hands, before attempting to make his way back to safe ground, be it the airship or the rooftops.

If it succeeds, Bohw is going to have the most dumbfounded look on her face.

Bohw is practically ripping her unwilling transports' legs off, dealing 357 damage (Roll 6+5+6, crit)! Ofcourse, the thing isnt exactly very solid so that might not be saying much. She takes a clawed kick to the face for 297 damage, before several pounds of metal glides past, punching the flier for 236 damage (roll 10+5, crit) and 210 damage (roll 15+5) until it lets go. Mayor then grabs Bohw and carries her to a convenient rooftop below. He figures he could probably fly her back up to the airship but frankly theres more beasties up there at the moment. Well, for now. Theres things climbing it already.

(03-02-2014, 11:14 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Well, that was embarrassing. She should probably work on those kinds of spells more. Nevertheless, Myra sets to work getting the ladder down for Ziras and his people to climb aboard. To reduce the waiting time for people to get on the airship, Myra casts a conjuring spell to create another ladder. The objective is to rescue Ziras, so the faster we are out of this city with him, the better! "Climb aboard," Myra caws at Ziras and his allies, hovering between the ship and the people below, "quickly!"

You throw down a ladder! And then create another, larger one (roll 8+7, crit)! Another set of cheers go up from the soldiers around the two ladders, and refugees scramble to climb to safety. Or relative safety, anyway. Several of them get shot down halfway by the jagged spikes some of beasties are raining down on the soldiers, but then everyone seems to be suffering from that, or similar.

Meanwhile, Ziras just plain ignores the ladders. He's too busy blasting the dark creatures with fire and lightning.

(03-03-2014, 12:10 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson is still drunkenly trying to follow Myra the "birdie, the birdie."

"The queeeeeeen doth love you
for her amusement
oh the TORMENT

and then Watson falls from the ladder like a metre before the ground to face-plant. He stops singing off-key and just tries hitting the nearest enemy by SPINNING AROUND INTO THEM.


Damnit, he's at it again.

You somehow manage to descend the ladder without hurting yourself too much, though it definitely wasnt very graceful... Also you seem to have forgotten that Myra was actually up above, but you guess its fine.

You regardless, you then take a couple steps in a random direction, cleave a couple random bad guys, and suddenly come face to lack of face with a shade! You try to show it your stabs, but it doesnt go too well... (Hit 6+5-4 Vs Defense 10)

It then stabs back. It hurts for 540 damage! That is admittedly a lot of hurt.


Mael cleaves the first corshar that comes at him, dealing 578 damage (roll 18+4, crit)! It dies. Then another two come at him! He parries the first attack, and is then slashed for 75 damage. He's pretty sure he will be fine.

The corisha on the deck loses interest in Savannah, and instead turns on Taran whom it savages for 285 damage! Taran's reply is another whack to the face for 333 damage. (roll 15+4)

The largest corshar charges at Myra, knocking her out of the air, trapping her to the deck of the airship, and mauling her for 169 damage!

Torhald finishes off the third flier with another salvo of bullets. It didnt really stand a chance.

One of the corshari stabs Selphy for 75 damage. Its not very effective.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Oop, looks like it's Myra's turn to be a Shadow Monster's Hugbuddy! The hugging isn't all that nice, though. Myra will kindly ask the Regnant Corshar to get the flock off of her by casting a blast of wind magic at it.

Feeling a new wave of energy from an odd wind, Myra finds the drive and strength to put in another spell, this time a healing spell on Taran.

((Galeforce is almost ready, I am SO excited!
Edit: Decided to take that suggestion and add a healing spell on top of my command to get that freaking Regnant off.))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
you can use it now actually if you want to since it'll technically be counted up to 7 after your action and you can then instantly make use of it

but you can also save it
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
(03-02-2014, 09:34 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »:|
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
That's cool to know; I editted my post! \ o /
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
damnit mb dont do that to me it breaks my defenseless heart
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson slowly rises out of the intoxication to find a BRAND SPANKING NEW WOUND ACROSS HIS CHEST!

He looks around to find the person he can thank kill for this but he doesn't have to search far as he is almost attacked yet again by a colorless, black being! And so, he decided to pull tactical maneuvers in the form of getting the hell out of there and back onto the ship. Who's idea was this anyway???

He has to take this time to plan, to ponder. Watson utilizes the power of his Witty mind to form a plausible battle plan.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
>Selphy casts spell amplification on the healing circle.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Bohw notices she is bleeding rather badly, while Mayor's body is looking twisted and riddled with punctures, it's hard to tell just how much fight is left in them. She takes a page from Nos' book and exhales sharply to calm her nerves, grabbing the potion on her belt and drinking it down to heal herself.

Right now, Mayor is inexplicably weightless for some reason, she has no idea why, but this could be used to their advantage. The priority is getting Ziras out of here and Mayor has no use up on these rooftops, but that train of thought gives Bohw a wave of inspiration. She opens up her jacket and takes out a bomb with a particularly large fuse, tearing the explosive off and using the fuse as a rope to tie to the end of the arrow. Then she ties the other end of the string around one of Mayor's right fingers, Mayor takes notice and prepares a battle stance as he re-equips his shield.

Aiming down the Cordraal, Bohw grits her teeth and shoots the arrow, (hopefully) launching Mayor with it! If all goes to plan, the arrow will bury itself deep into the demon, then with the string guiding Mayor and his fist straight into the beast with the momentum of Bohw's arrow, a devastating combined attack!

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[[Ack, I have no idea what I've been doing that prevented me from posting here. Sorry guys.]]

Savannah lets out a puff of breath as they land. God, she's glad they're out of the sky. She speeds over to where Mael is fighting, stabbing at one of the corshar attacking him.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: 0MwqQE4.png]

(03-03-2014, 10:03 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Oop, looks like it's Myra's turn to be a Shadow Monster's Hugbuddy! The hugging isn't all that nice, though. Myra will kindly ask the Regnant Corshar to get the flock off of her by casting a blast of wind magic at it.

Feeling a new wave of energy from an odd wind, Myra finds the drive and strength to put in another spell, this time a healing spell on Taran.

You blast the corshar clean off of you, sending it tumbling over the edge of the airship! It bellows angrily as it falls. (Roll 14+7)

Then you heal Taran for 403 health with an unexpected surge of magic! (roll 16+7)

(03-05-2014, 12:19 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson slowly rises out of the intoxication to find a BRAND SPANKING NEW WOUND ACROSS HIS CHEST!

He looks around to find the person he can thank kill for this but he doesn't have to search far as he is almost attacked yet again by a colorless, black being! And so, he decided to pull tactical maneuvers in the form of getting the hell out of there and back onto the ship. Who's idea was this anyway???

He has to take this time to plan, to ponder. Watson utilizes the power of his Witty mind to form a plausible battle plan.

You move to retreat, but as you do it slides up and stabs you in the back for 750 damage!! Bleeding, you jump into the air, boosted by your leapers, and make it back onto the airship.

You then take a moment to analyze the situation.

You're in a warzone. People are dying all around you by the scores. At the rate the things are tearing everything apart, there will be nobody left alive in this city in one hours time, or so you estimate. Theres really only one course of action to take; get Ziras and as many refugees as you can manage and get the hell out of here, then hope they dont have an as-of-yet hidden army of fliers to hunt you down. If they do, you're all dead. You might be anyway.

(03-06-2014, 01:46 AM)Supernerd Wrote: »>Selphy casts spell amplification on the healing circle.

You raise your healing circle's power to 92 healing done per turn, and extends its duration for a turn (Roll 9+15)!

The corshar that had been slashing at you continues to slash at you for 53 damage. Certainly a most impressive attack.

(03-07-2014, 02:52 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw notices she is bleeding rather badly, while Mayor's body is looking twisted and riddled with punctures, it's hard to tell just how much fight is left in them. She takes a page from Nos' book and exhales sharply to calm her nerves, grabbing the potion on her belt and drinking it down to heal herself.

Right now, Mayor is inexplicably weightless for some reason, she has no idea why, but this could be used to their advantage. The priority is getting Ziras out of here and Mayor has no use up on these rooftops, but that train of thought gives Bohw a wave of inspiration. She opens up her jacket and takes out a bomb with a particularly large fuse, tearing the explosive off and using the fuse as a rope to tie to the end of the arrow. Then she ties the other end of the string around one of Mayor's right fingers, Mayor takes notice and prepares a battle stance as he re-equips his shield.

Aiming down the Cordraal, Bohw grits her teeth and shoots the arrow, (hopefully) launching Mayor with it! If all goes to plan, the arrow will bury itself deep into the demon, then with the string guiding Mayor and his fist straight into the beast with the momentum of Bohw's arrow, a devastating combined attack!

Bohw drinks the healing potion! She has 350 health restored to her.

She then concocts the maddest plan! She is always throwing explosives and stuff like that around, so why not a couple pounds of animated metal? Indeed, her plan goes off without a hitch as she lets loose her arrow. Mayor is yanked away, trailing behind the arrow by one hand! And as the arrow strikes home in the cordraal's chest, Mayor's fist strikes home in its face! The shade takes 806 damage! (Roll 17+5+6) & (Roll 16+5+6)

It is then that Bohw realizes that she is now alone on a narrow roof, with several monstrosities climbing the walls. And Mayor is in the middle of a desperate fight for survival, facing down the deadliest thing present.

Well... Maybe not entirely alone. Ziras, seeing the shade distracted, turns and blasts it with a gout of holy fire, dealing 480 damage and setting it ablaze! (Roll 8+8)

(03-07-2014, 08:41 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah lets out a puff of breath as they land. God, she's glad they're out of the sky. She speeds over to where Mael is fighting, stabbing at one of the corshar attacking him.


You drive your spear straight through the closest corshar, dealing 630 damage (roll 18+6, crit), and it puffs to mist! Two more jump onto the deck to replace the first.


The survivors keep climbing the ladders! Several of them dont make it to the top, but those who do join Mael and Savannah in fending back the waves of corshar climbing the airship!

Speaking of which, Mael slashes at another one of those, dealing 176 damage (roll 1+4). Its not very effective...

Torhald unloads another hailstorm of bullets on one of the fliers, but misses!

Taran smacks down the flier on the deck for 228 damage! It dies, but not before clawing him 285 damage.
A burst of light then fills Taran as he starts glowing with radiant energy! He heals himself for 319 (roll 2+4, crit), Watson for 425 (roll 10+4) and Torhald for 85 (roll 1+4).

Two corshari attack Mael, but he parries both of their blows! (Hit 7+1 Vs Defense 9) & (Hit 5+1 Vs Defense 9)

Another one lunges for Savannah, but she steps out of the way! (Hit 4+1 Vs Defense 7)

The last remaining flier dives at Myra, shredding her for 330 damage in a flyby attack!

The silhuette in the massive plate armor stands up, withdrawing the black greatsword and halting the flow of dark minions that had been pouring from it. Instead, he points it at the airship, and you can feel as the collective life of everyone onboard is siphoned away! Everyone (Except Bohw and Mayor) takes 193 damage!

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"Hurk!-" Savannah grabs at her chest as she feels the life drain out of her. She draws in a quick breath of air and turns to Mael and the survivors on the ship.

"Let's kill these shadow bastards!" Hopefully drawing a cheer or something from the crowd, Savannah turns and attacks one of the Regent Corshar with her spear.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
woops, that should have been hit 4+1.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Oh, it looks like the monsters have stopped coming from that large sword! That probably isn't exactly good news, but at least we can shave down the numbers against us! Myra acts as Watson's Familiar now, sending a telepathic message to him. "Take out that flier with the ship's guns, will you?"

Myra changes to her Human Form, and notices something in the corner of her eye. Oh yeah, that staff Razan held! "Lucky me!" Myra whoops as she makes a dash for the staff, and has no hesitation in using it! Myra exacts Punishment on the two Regnant Corshar to test the staff out.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Selphy empowers the Healing Circle further, while simultaneously launching the Artillery Cannon at the most obvious group of lame generic shadow monsters.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
i should probably have said this in the update, but i've already decided that you cant indefinitely prolong the duration of something. it will still heal more though.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Watson feels empowered by Myra, though he can't really discern what Myra's babbling about. It sounds kinda like "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAAAHH!"

Watson is grateful, yet still angry at Myra's bad etiquette.

"Don't you know your manners?!" Watson beckons at the crowkin.

[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
"I said," Myra exasperatedly calls out to Watson right before she begins her attack, "please take out that flying monster using the ship's guns! It's going to be grabbing at us if it's left alive! Yeesh, you'd think I'd be away from etiquette classes in a battle against evil..."

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

"Oh! Well then, that, I may just do!" Watson states, as he runs to the gattling gun and takes out the 'flying monster'.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]