Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(11-20-2013, 02:49 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »(We haven't even entered the battle yet. Can we be targeted?)

You're basically a little bit around the corner, so unless anything can see and shoot through walls, that sounds unlikely.

Then again, magic.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
How Echo was able to deduce the sneak attack was anyone's guess, but the advantage was still theirs. As long as his position was held, there would be no chance of escape. Thunderpaw prepares his throwing hammers to get an initial strike on whatever comes out of that passageway, be it monster or book.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]

(11-17-2013, 07:11 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »"Ghh..." Savannah whips her arm up, the shadow spikes slashing at her. Echo catches her eyes and Savannah glares. "Not you again." Glancing behind her, she gestures at her companions, mainly Nos. "Get over here and help me!" After issuing her command, she leads the charge, conjuring a ball of ice which she tosses at the new shadow beast. When it impacts, Savannah casts Absolute Zero, catching the Regnant Corshar and one of the cultists standing near it in the icy blast. Her other hand holds her blade, preparing her swing should any of the enemy attack.

Charging at the fortifications with blade in hand, you a weave a spell of frigid cold, hurling it at the spiky quadruped, then extending its icy grasp to the big corshar and one of the three cultists guarding the entrance to the room, an elf of some sort holding a rapier. His grin freezes - quite literally, along with your two other targets, dealing 160 damage and freezing them in place!

As you get closer to the barricade and its three guardians, you suddenly feel a weight dragging you down, making it harder to move. Its not debilitating, but it is definitely not helping either. Theres something else too, feeling like a sickening oil coating your skin, though a glance disproves that to be the case.

Regardless, the cultist guards make no move to meet you on the midway. One of them, a burly orc with a pair of axes at the ready, pulls out a throwing dagger, hurling it with enough force to shatter skulls. You manage to dodge it, still running.

Razan Wrote:"We do not have time for this! Come to us, all that is wild and primal. Clear our way!"

Rocks rise out of the ground and walls, and wind surges in from the outside, howling through the room and battering Echo and her allies. The chunks of rock fly at nearby enemies, impacting in a spray of stone and yells of pain. The flames in two nearby braziers - apparently brought here by the group of cultists who were originally camped in this very room - suddenly launch themselves at two nearby corshari, leaving the braziers unlit and plunging the room into a semi darkness, lit only from the doorway to the outside world and from the party's light spells, up ahead.

(11-17-2013, 11:16 PM)Psych Wrote: »Echo finally lays eyes on the group, before raising her arms as they glow with magic. "Enough hide and seek. I'm tired of these ruins and there's no leaving them for you. I have a job to finish! And don't think sneaking up on me is going to work either."

Echo unleashes a mighty tailwind, slamming the gang back and shredding them with gusts.

If her book counts as just an item and she's able to use it too, then she pulls out her Tome of Midnight, and throws it behind her, summoning more monsters for Thunderpaw and Myra to take care of as well.

Releasing your spell, the wind surges forwards, but unlike what you wanted it cuts into both your minions and your adversaries. Its effect also seems to be significantly lessened - indeed, it appears to want to swing back around and blow you over. You have too much control over it for that to happen, though, and your enemies are still blown back a significant distance, aswell as dealt 38 damage, save for Bohw and Savannah, who take 34 instead. (roll 13+5)

You also throw your Book of Summoning door-wards. As it lands, it opens on a particular page, glowing with dark runes as it spits out four small, vicious shadow creatures. They hiss and charge at Thunderpaw!

(11-18-2013, 02:03 PM)Dais Wrote: »After taking the surprise attack, Nos recovers and stares at each of Echo's companions in turn while listening to Echo speak, then turns to Echo herself as she starts casting. "Hm, okay! I've got words for you, too, whoever you are! Now what were they? Oh yes,
'curses to thee,
but now in round three,
silent shall ye be!'"

Chuckling at his childish rhyme, he unleashes the spell he put in the focus earlier, aimed at Echo.

You cast your Silence, amplified manifold though the focus! (roll 13+5)

Echo suddenly finds herself unable to cast spells!

(11-19-2013, 09:26 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »For a brief moment, Mayor's expression looks stunned, but is quickly replaced with a furious glare. His arms and legs twitching as they struggle to move, shield raised, he slowly lurches forward. Maybe it's because the magic having a strange effect on his summoned spirit, his construct body or even his sheer willpower, Mayor's outright refuses to remain completely immobilized, even if the spell has at least done it's job in preventing him from doing anything useful.

Meanwhile, the Blue rune on Bohw's chest lights up as she is shoved back by Echo's attack. Trying to stay her ground from the assault she pulls an arrow from her quiver and knocks it into the bowstring, pulling it back as she silently picks out a target among the chaos. She shoots, an arrow with a blue trail flies true and bends around the people in the way, heading straight to Sarth.

Though he tries valiantly to move forwards, Mayor's body is simply refusing to comply. Atleast until the spell breaks, and he lurches forwards, trying to make up for lost time - he's behind a couple of the others now. He'll simply have to run all the faster, then.

Meanwhile, Bohw's arrow finds its target, but it was both slowed almost to a stop and knocked way off course by the wind, striking the warlock for only 84 damage (roll 3+4)

(11-20-2013, 08:25 AM)Frolic Wrote: »The ravenfolk caws, startled by the sudden movements and sounds going on in the ruins. Myra makes sure that her position remains to the side where the wall obstructs Echo's view of her, and casts an array of magical plumes upon Thunderpaw. If the magical plumes work like they should, then Thunderpaw will take less damage for a while. She's going to make sure Thunderpaw joins this battle as prepared as possible before she'll have to focus on bigger things.

You cast your spell, ensuring Thunderpaw's safety with a damage reduction of 20%. (roll 9+7)

(11-21-2013, 03:22 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »How Echo was able to deduce the sneak attack was anyone's guess, but the advantage was still theirs. As long as his position was held, there would be no chance of escape. Thunderpaw prepares his throwing hammers to get an initial strike on whatever comes out of that passageway, be it monster or book.

A book lands just outside the doorway, but before your hammer has left your hand, a shadow demon pops right out of it! Then another, and another. Your hammer takes the first one in what passes for its face, dealing 405 damage! It scatters into a thin, dark mist, leaving only three more for you to deal with.


Mael charges alongside Savannah, keeping out in front.

Sarth launches another fireball, but as soon as it leaves his hand it changes course, striking the orcish cultist in the back for 360 damage!

The Impaler launches another salvo of jagged spikes, striking Savannah and Mael for 189 damage each!

The witch casts a spell on the Impaler, and darkness starts coalescing around it.

Still out of sight, Lucid raises a long, slender blade, then plunges it forwards into the air. All the way on the other side of the wall, Savannah lets out a cry of pain as a deep wound suddenly bursts open across her chest, dealing 594 damage!!

Another cultist, this one a dwarf in mail standing in the very middle of the barricade, raises a large, blocky shield, preparing himself against the first attack to land.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
It says my abilities are ready even though I'm silenced. So can I not use actions but I can use abilities and items or what exactly does silenced entail?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
((I think you can use your specials, to bad I am going to be a total dick here and disable those too.))

Bohw pulls another arrow from he quiver and looks over her shoulder to the two guarding the back. She takes out another handful of her unique firebombs and begins fastening them to the arrow, shouting orders at the two rear guards as she does so.

"Taran! Watson! Go to the front! Get that Warlock!"

The instant the spell wears off, Mayor suddenly bolts forwards with burst of speed, digging up dirt and gravel with a glare so furious it looks as if he was blinded by his rage. Charging to the aid of Savannah and Mael, his body shines with an unnatural but familiar glow and strangely enough, tiny multicolored jewels growing around the edges of Mayor's armor this time. With his complete lack of self-preservation however, he fails to notice and rather decides to keep his shield high as he activates his selfless ability, continuing to charge full speed at the barricade as he intends to break it down by running right through.

Bohw then puts the heavy, explosive arrow in it's place in the bow, taking aim at the notorious spell thief in the middle of the group, wasting no time as she lights the fuses and shoots. the Rune of Focus struggles to correct the course of the overburdened arrow, but just as the shot flies over the barricade one of the bombs explodes, scattering several lit explosives around the room. Then, the bombs glow blue and almost turn mid air as they land at the feet of the rather unfortunate Echo, Sarth, Lucid and Karin.

Simplified version of command:
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
ah well I banish myself anyway
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson had been caught completely off-guard and was bewildered. Shadow spike lions and such. He followed Bohw's command to "get that warlock".

"Right on it!" Watson says, a nervous tone in his voice.

One should always be prepared, however, as he activates his Runeguard on his back and rushes with Taran towards Sarth, using his Mana Leapers whenever he needs to jump about. Watson attempts to slash at the Grandwarlock with his Greatsword, but being careful not to be in Taran's way.

"Such a shame for you to side with an uncouth youth!" Watson says, as the Starmetal whizzes through the air and cuts through the Warlock.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
You cannot reach Sarth unless you can somehow get past that barricade in front. Which would require either some pretty sick acrobatics or teleportation, probably. Or something that lets you walk though things like a ghost?

Also damnit i forgot about Taran.

(11-23-2013, 02:31 AM)Psych Wrote: »It says my abilities are ready even though I'm silenced. So can I not use actions but I can use abilities and items or what exactly does silenced entail?

You can use items, but not your own specials, or you can focus for a turn to lower the duration of the silence by an extra round.

Remember that banish doesnt take up your action so you can potentially do something else if you like.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
You could try. Expect chaotic results. Also i suppose i forgot about those.

Actually i were considering changing the water vase to be less bullshitty during combat.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah squeaks in surprise as blood spurts from her chest. She loses her footing, tumbling to the ground and skidding forward a bit as Mael runs on. "Not again..." She didn't want to try to run away, not like last time, so she starts to scoot backbackwards, aiming the healing wand at the spreading bloodstain on her sweatshirt and healing the gash on her chest.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Echo banishes herself and focuses on removing her Silence then.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Myra glared through beady eyes at the three little minions ruining the ambush. At least it gives her more time to set up preparations on Thunderpaw and herself. The ravenfolk dashed into a nearby tree so the new minions will be more likely to attack Thunderpaw who is closer and more visible, and began to prepare another spell. She was about to cast a flashy one, but thought better of it. Instead, she begins to whisper in a tongue that humans could not articulate. Unfamiliar characters fall out of Myra's beak, and find their way to Thunderpaw. The strange letters lace themselves within the Feather-shield, and appear benevolent at the moment. The runes Myra cast will latch on the any enemies that comes into contact with Thunderpaw while the spell lasts, and will tear apart the very essence of the enemy, from the inside out. These particular runes are very unstable, she knew, and won't last very long, but it's a price she's willing to pay for greater potency and multiple targets.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
i wonder if i should make a rap or rhymes section on the front page
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Will you do it if I write an entire parody of that song?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
No. Maybe. Potentially.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Nos grins stupidly as he looks around the field again, dazed and a bit more disoriented than normal. He eventually notices Savannah retreating to heal.

"Y'know, I feel like you're going the wrong way there." He says, as though she were within earshot, and starts charging forward past her. He brandishes his hammer and starts cackling. The disoriented feeling was getting worse with each step. But he saw a scattered selection of bandit-types in front of a barricade. And... was that the dapper fellow trying to jump over that barricade or something?

"Hoohoo! Fly, little man, fly to the heavens where you can rest forever more!" He yells at Watson, then dives at the barricade swinging blindly and wildly.

((Overexcited on the barricade and I guess also the higher priority targets around it might be good too))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Thunderpaw circumvents the point of the contact runes by continuing to throw hammers at the approaching foes.

He is so glad these were stocked in bulk at the other keep.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
This battle is not going very well at all, but it's not like Bohw expected Echo to play fair. As she watches another hammer fly through the entrance however, she begins to grow stressed from the fight and concern for her allies.

"DAMNIT MAN!" Bohw shouts as loud as she can. "GO IN THERE AND HIT HER!"

((You are seriously letting Psychout do what they want you to do, by wasting you time on the weak squishy enemies with single target attacks, at least try some AoE move on them if you insist on attacking them, but you're kind of the ace in the hole here so can I suggest that you please beat someone over the head with a fury comet or something while Myra AoE's the critters next turn?))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(If this were any other fight I would be all up in their buisness. At the same time, this is Echo and we have not even broken through the barrier. Trap sense is going like mad.)

Thunderpaw winces at the shout from the leader. Orders were orders, but it was still a risky move given how advantageous their position was. "Oy, raven girl, what are the chances you have some sort of familiar to probe the hall? It sounds like they have it rough in there."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Myra would have winced from the shouting, too, but alas, she is a bird at the moment, and no such expressions can be made with a beak. Judging from Bohw's orders, things must be pretty grim in there. And so soon! Well, tables can be turned, especially this early on in the battle. "Not a familiar, but a stone! I can peer into it to scry on a location as well as use telepathy through it to communicate. But, for me to use the stone, I would have to maintain focus on it. In other words, I can't fight while I'm scrying." She paused a moment, as if just realizing something, and started again, this time flapping and cawing for emphasis as she thought to Thunderpaw, "And my name is Myra!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"A'ight lass, do what you need. Nothing is getting through this hallway without iron through their skull!"

Thunderpaw trades out his throwing hammers for his maul and takes a defensive stance. He'll cover the hall for Myra, bashing anything that comes within melee range.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
[Image: darksun1.png]


Razan Wrote:"Feel Nature's WRATH!"

Leaning on his staff, Razan raises his free hand, crackling with a green, primal energy. He lets out a shout as he unleashes a radiant beam of emerald power. Aimed down the corridor, it collides with one half of the barrier, searing right through it and blasting a line of destruction into the room, striking two of the corshari, the gallant and the safeguard. It strikes Echo aswell, but she seems to have turned ethereal in the mean time, and goes unharmed. The others are not so fortunate, though, each taking a massive 851 damage, (roll 19+8) before the beam fades, leaving a viridian afterimage spanning from one end of the room to the other, aswell as killing the elven cultist and a corshar outright.

The room itself continues to assail them aswell, though the wind and fire seem to have died down. Rocks continue to rip themselves free of the ground, slamming into nearby targets, dealing 210 and 255 damage to Lucid and the Witch. The Impaler managed to evade the one that came bearing down on it.

Meanwhile, the thick layer of ice Savannah had conjured on each of her three targets earlier seems to stretch and grow, until icy spikes have formed, which promptly launch themselves at nearby targets. Only one of the spikes hit, dealing 170 damage to the Safeguard.

From outside, an eagle suddenly dives through the entrance, screeching in anger and viciously attacking Karin with its talons. He manages to shield himself suitably, though, and the attack only deals 23 damage.

(11-23-2013, 02:35 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw pulls another arrow from he quiver and looks over her shoulder to the two guarding the back. She takes out another handful of her unique firebombs and begins fastening them to the arrow, shouting orders at the two rear guards as she does so.

"Taran! Watson! Go to the front! Get that Warlock!"

The instant the spell wears off, Mayor suddenly bolts forwards with burst of speed, digging up dirt and gravel with a glare so furious it looks as if he was blinded by his rage. Charging to the aid of Savannah and Mael, his body shines with an unnatural but familiar glow and strangely enough, tiny multicolored jewels growing around the edges of Mayor's armor this time. With his complete lack of self-preservation however, he fails to notice and rather decides to keep his shield high as he activates his selfless ability, continuing to charge full speed at the barricade as he intends to break it down by running right through.

Bohw then puts the heavy, explosive arrow in it's place in the bow, taking aim at the notorious spell thief in the middle of the group, wasting no time as she lights the fuses and shoots. the Rune of Focus struggles to correct the course of the overburdened arrow, but just as the shot flies over the barricade one of the bombs explodes, scattering several lit explosives around the room. Then, the bombs glow blue and almost turn mid air as they land at the feet of the rather unfortunate Echo, Sarth, Lucid and Karin.

Though Mayor doesnt make it all the way to the barricade, he does manage to get pretty up-front, and is ready to take any incoming blows for his comrades.

Meanwhile, Bohw's arrow passes overhead, and explosions scattered throughout the room follow shortly, dealing 216 damage to Sarth, Lucid and Karin! (roll 5+4+3)

(11-23-2013, 03:14 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson had been caught completely off-guard and was bewildered. Shadow spike lions and such. He followed Bohw's command to "get that warlock".

"Right on it!" Watson says, a nervous tone in his voice.

One should always be prepared, however, as he activates his Runeguard on his back and rushes with Taran towards Sarth, using his Mana Leapers whenever he needs to jump about. Watson attempts to slash at the Grandwarlock with his Greatsword, but being careful not to be in Taran's way.

"Such a shame for you to side with an uncouth youth!" Watson says, as the Starmetal whizzes through the air and cuts through the Warlock.

Thanks to your Mana Leapers, you are able to quickly charge down the corridor, only to perform a daring leap, somersaulting over the wreckage of the barricade and landing only a few steps from your target. You swing your sword, which lights up with a glowing pattern of power as it bites into Sarth's robed form, dealing 413 damage! (Roll 19+5-2)

Instead of yelling in pain, he glares at you, making a cutting motion towards you with his left hand, and dark energy forms in a line along the path of his strike, ripping into your form for 315 damage! As he does, two dark creatures manifest nearby.

Immediately, Lucid is there behind you, slashing at your exposed back with a curved blade, dealing 230 damage! In the same instant, another wound springs open across Savannah's back, dealing 255 damage!

(11-23-2013, 06:02 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah squeaks in surprise as blood spurts from her chest. She loses her footing, tumbling to the ground and skidding forward a bit as Mael runs on. "Not again..." She didn't want to try to run away, not like last time, so she starts to scoot backbackwards, aiming the healing wand at the spreading bloodstain on her sweatshirt and healing the gash on her chest.

Another bolt of pain threatens to drown you in oblivion. Your vision is growing dark, and even pulling out the wand is a struggle, not to speak of how difficult simply holding onto the blood-slicked thing is. You dont know how you manage, but you somehow croak out the activation word, and feel a sense of relief as a warmth spreads through you, healing you for 225 health and restoring you to your senses (roll 5+5, crit).

(11-23-2013, 09:03 PM)Psych Wrote: »Echo banishes herself and focuses on removing her Silence then.

You cant help but be relieved that you dont have to subject yourself to all of the explosions happening around you. Still, the situation is hardly optimal.

Regardless, you work on breaking through that pesky silence. It's still blocking you from casting any actual spells at the moment, but you could probably dismiss your banish and take another action, if you'd like - the silence should expire regardless of whether you focus on it again or not.

(11-23-2013, 09:05 PM)Frolic Wrote: »Myra glared through beady eyes at the three little minions ruining the ambush. At least it gives her more time to set up preparations on Thunderpaw and herself. The ravenfolk dashed into a nearby tree so the new minions will be more likely to attack Thunderpaw who is closer and more visible, and began to prepare another spell. She was about to cast a flashy one, but thought better of it. Instead, she begins to whisper in a tongue that humans could not articulate. Unfamiliar characters fall out of Myra's beak, and find their way to Thunderpaw. The strange letters lace themselves within the Feather-shield, and appear benevolent at the moment. The runes Myra cast will latch on the any enemies that comes into contact with Thunderpaw while the spell lasts, and will tear apart the very essence of the enemy, from the inside out. These particular runes are very unstable, she knew, and won't last very long, but it's a price she's willing to pay for greater potency and multiple targets.

You cast the spell, then watch as Thunderpaw charges into combat. (roll 13+5-2)

(11-24-2013, 04:51 PM)Dais Wrote: »Nos grins stupidly as he looks around the field again, dazed and a bit more disoriented than normal. He eventually notices Savannah retreating to heal.

"Y'know, I feel like you're going the wrong way there." He says, as though she were within earshot, and starts charging forward past her. He brandishes his hammer and starts cackling. The disoriented feeling was getting worse with each step. But he saw a scattered selection of bandit-types in front of a barricade. And... was that the dapper fellow trying to jump over that barricade or something?

"Hoohoo! Fly, little man, fly to the heavens where you can rest forever more!" He yells at Watson, then dives at the barricade swinging blindly and wildly.

Charging at the barrier with your massive maul, enthusiastically making a swing, your powerful attack shearing right through rock and wood and striking the dwarf in armor hiding behind it, dealing 546 damage (roll 20+9)! You then spend a couple seconds doing a little jig and laughing as you kick at the mess you just made of their defenses, completely forgetting you're supposed to be hitting somebody! The dwarf is rather amused, though - he spent a lot of time piling that shoddy thing up, you hazard a guess at. In any case, he charges you, bashing you in the face with his shield for a rather laughable 38 damage! It gets your attention though, and you swing your maul again, fully expecting to send him flying into the far wall. However, he quickly ducks behind that selfsame shield, absorbing your blow! And instead of being sent flying into the air as he ought to, he merely skips a few inches back, before he ducks back out from his shield, ready to fight again! (Hit 8-1 Vs Defense 9)

Aww, shucks.

(11-26-2013, 09:43 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »"A'ight lass, do what you need. Nothing is getting through this hallway without iron through their skull!"

Thunderpaw trades out his throwing hammers for his maul and takes a defensive stance. He'll cover the hall for Myra, bashing anything that comes within melee range.

The three critters immediately attack you as you approach, trying to chew your face off! Fortunately your knightly armor easily repels two of them, while the third strikes you for 63 damage.

Myra's spell then immediately explodes, dealing 160 damage to each of them! However the spell seems to work perhaps a LITTLE too well, the explosion also hitting you for 80 damage! Fortunately, your various defenses reduces the actual damage inflicted by almost half.

You finish off one of the dark creatures with a sweep of your hammer, dealing 315 damage (roll 16+5)


Mael reaches the barricade only slightly after Nos, immediately engaging the orcish cultist in battle. The berserker roars jumping forwards, bristling with savage fury and swinging his axes viciously, dealing 375 damage!

Mael promptly responds by shoving the orc back, then swinging his blade in a neat arc towards the orc's neck. The blow is only glancing, but still leaves him with a nasty gash dangerously close to his throat, aswell as dealing 360 damage. (Roll 2+4-2, crit)

Taran hurries to do as commanded, but his heavy armor simply is not allowing him to run full out. As he passes Savannah, though, he channels a little of his healing energy towards her, restoring 163 health! (Roll 10+3)

The Regnant Corshar, at last spotting a suitable target, charges at Nos, practically barreling into him and flat out knocking him to the ground. It leaps onto him, viciously striking again and again with its scythe-like talons, dealing 506 damage and pinning Nos beneath it!

The remaining corshar attacks Mayor, punching a hole in his armor for 158 damage!

The witch casts a strange spell on several of her allies. A thin line appears between them for an instant, flaring with power before fading.

The Impaler launches another volley of spikes, hitting Mayor, Taran and Bohw for 127 damage each!

Sarth's dark minion attacks Watson, dealing 95 damage.

Karin attempts to shank Watson, but his dagger is stopped short against Watson's armor.

A darkness begins to gather in one of the far corners.


RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Explosions, Destructive Beams, getting stabbed through his armor, an eagle of all things, there is so much going on it is really it starts to blur together for one particular Armor Golem. One thing sticks out among all the chaos going on however, it is one particular Dwarf who refuses to stay dead, who will suddenly find themselves picked up by a Golem 4 times his size and thrown out the entrance.

Bohw however has had enough of the fight as it is... and it's no where near finished. Annoyed by the fact that the Warlock seems to be not dead though, she decides that she has to finish him herself as she pulls another arrow from the quiver at her side and gives this arrow everything she's got. The rune on her chest begins to flare and spark as all of it's remaining energy is channeled into this arrow, threatening to burn through her jacket as she takes careful aim, waiting for the perfect shot to line up.

It's funny, if it weren't for the noise and general pandemonium that is the current the situation, it would be similar to when she would hunt rabbits in her home village, waiting for the perfect shot to line up. Is that what the enemy has been reduced to now, are the no longer human lives being taken away by her hand, instead just petty game?

...Bohw figures she isn't in the time or place to debate such a completely random thought, Sarth stumbles into her crosshairs and she shoots.