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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
10-28-2013, 02:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 12:02 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Watson had finished mulling on the possible strategies he could take with the rest of his group.
"Yes, and she shall continue to be a nuisance so long as her presence permeates these caverns. We cannot leave these caverns, for she shall exert full effort on eliminating us."
Watson clears his throat for a moment before speaking once more.
"Escape is not an option as we do not possess the time to make an exit without being pursued by Echo and her minions. It would most likely cause terrible injury due to the rough terrain atop this mountain. With this in mind, there are two other options. The first is diplomacy which of course, is always an ideal option in my mind. However, we must disable Echo so as to not allow her to take advantage of the time during which we try to negotiate. Of course, this is not a very plausible endeavor but still worth pondering, in my opinion.
The second option is the most obvious but presents the most difficulty overall. We engage in battle with Echo and her ravenous band of hooligans. Why, she has yet another working with her as I only remember fighting with Echo's group of three in the cave of the nagas. So this presents a challenge... and the cave in which she is in is most likely riddled with traps so those must be dealt with. Furthermore, Echo will resort to the tactic of entrapping Bohw, so we must come up with a way of preventing her from doing so or better, entrapping her, as we dispatch the rest of her rugged crew. Those left to be defeated can't be helped, as the black-clad woman throws daggers that phase through armor and the other cultist creates monsters of shadow, so we had might as well try our best in fighting them as I see no way of preventing them from pulling the same trickery as they had done last time. As for the fourth cultist? I haven't the slightest idea what to expect from them."
Deciding that it's still better to have some protection rather than none at all, he begins to wear his armor. If the worst happens, his green trinket will pull through for him. Somehow. For all he knows, it could simply be the most useless piece of jewl'ry he had ever had the gall to wear in his life.
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SpoilerSeriously gonna read the first BZA to find this thing's effect
EDIT: also whooo pagetopper
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
10-28-2013, 09:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 09:05 AM by MasterBlade.)
It was then that Thunderpaw came out from the shadows with a wide grin on his face. "Traps, traps, and more traps. She trapped us coming in, and she's likely to trap us coming out. If we're going to get that pixie lass, we're gunna need to change the rules of her ambush game. And the last time I checked, we have two more than we started with."
"Y'know, I could probably jump down that hill pretty easy. Raven Girl could fly down, or I could take a second with my featherfall ring, scratch-free. And while the bulk of the party goes into her battlefield head-first, the split party attacks from the rear to trap the trapmaker. Assuming she can sense our numbers like we can hers, she might not realize our ploy in time to act on it."
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
10-28-2013, 07:14 PM
Myra tucked her Book of Warding away safely in her magical inventory, bobbing her head in accordance. After listening to everyone speak for a while, Myra finally decides to jump in. "...If she's a mage-thief who uses traps, as you guys are saying, I don't think she'd be willing to cooperate, especially through diplomacy. If anything, she'd use our hesitation as an opening for a first attack. But if she's that much of a trickster, then we would either need to hit her fast and hard, or perhaps cast some spells upon ourselves to defend against her magic attacks or traps...? I bet I could lay some runes on you guys that could reflect a spell or two! Not sure if it would last long, though, and the reflection one might only work for one spell."
"With that being said, Thunderpaw's plan, I think, is a good one! We could even pick the henchmen off from the shadows while you guys are busy keeping the trick-lady's attention."
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
10-29-2013, 04:49 PM
"If you intend to split up, i would lend you the speed of wind, to see you there faster."
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
10-31-2013, 02:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-31-2013, 02:51 PM by BlazerC.)
Bohw scratches her nose as she tries to figure out the best way of going about the situation, Echo's intentions are no doubt malicious, diplomacy will not help the situation in the slightest.
"Thunderpaw's plan sounds about as good as we're gonna get, really. I'd rather not spend much more time talking about a new one, We're on borrowed time as it is."
She looks around at the party, counting the group's number with her fingers as she mutters to herself. After a proper head count, Bohw speaks up to add to the plan. "Our formation is simple, Mayor will be a fair deal ahead of the group to trip any traps, take early attacks, all that for the sake of the squishy people here."
Bohw glances over to Mayor, who nods approvingly in response, with no objections there she continues. "Then, in a line we will have Mael and Savannah at the front, being the close combat fighters they are. Myself and Nos will be in the middle, er, druidy who'sit, you stay behind us because she might see you as a valuable target, plus to support us with long ranged attacks and healing. Meanwhile, Watson and T-er... Taran, You both seem pretty sturdy so you will be at the back of the group as defensive support and prevent us from being flanked from behind at first, but once the pace picks up try doing something about keeping Echo's friends off of the rest of us."
"Oh and Nos, you should probably stick a spell in that orb you have there."
Making vague gestures and waving her arms about, she turns to Myra and Thunderpaw. "Finally, you two will take the alternate route suggested, have Druidy give you the speed windy so you can get in place super quick but try not to join the combat immediately, it's likely Thunderpaw is a prime target for being turned Ethereal or, whatever she did to me, just be a bit patient and attack when the time is right, I trust your judgement on this. You can also prevent escape of our target as you deem necessary with both of your prime chasing abilities."
Bohw pauses to have a quick glance at the wound she caused Thunderpaw, it's hard to tell he was even stabbed in the first place, but she still looks uneased. "And... Myra..." Bohw adds, "Keep an eye on Thunderpaw for me, I know he was healed, but he still suffered a massive wound back there. In fact, if anything becomes a problem for either of you, don't be stupid, act accordingly."
"Anyway, riiight, that's basically it! Nothing's set in stone and we might have to throw this plan out the window first thing when we see them, but it's something. Any objections, really?"
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-04-2013, 04:59 PM
Plan set, the party swap positions according to Bohw's plan of approach, then resolve to give Myra and Thunderpaw a couple minutes to get into position.
As for them, Razan closes his eyes in contemplation for a moment, then waves a hand, and a light breeze picks up around the two. Feeling no different, they set off regardless. And yet, it soon becomes obvious that there is a difference, for the very air seems to part at their passing through the dank stone halls. To Thunderpaw, it feels more akin to floating at high speeds than actually running.
Regardless, they soon emerge from the ruins where they met Shanterel. Theres no sign of the funny little man, save for the remains of the campfire, now little more than burned out ashes. Myra investigates the area, finding a good spot for Thunderpaw to jump from. As Watson predicted, the area seems like it would have been difficult to navigate on foot, though perhaps not nearly as dangerous as he made out. Fortunately they dont have to worry about that, and Thunderpaw promptly leaps off the cliffside, activating his ring.
He's never jumped like that before. Its as though he is almost completely weightless, though the occasional wind doesnt seem to blow him away. Instead, he glides gracefully to his destination, landing softly in the grass only a short run from the entrance into the ruins. The weathered outdoor ruins are nearby, though nothing moves anywhere as far as either he or Myra can see, and Myra can see far indeed.
The time to attack has come. What do you do?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-05-2013, 02:33 AM
((Thanks for the push, Chim, I've been pressed for time lately due to college, but I'll be sure to get my posts in more frequently!))
Myra glided soundlessly alongside Thunderpaw, keeping watch on the ground below. As the Bunni touched ground, the ravenfolk remained in flight, making lazy, wide circles right above her partner's head. The beautiful thing about telepathy is that you can choose who hears it, and people- even mages- can't listen in on telepathy unless they are actively seeking to do so. Considering the circumstances, Myra felt it perfectly safe. "I'm going to cast some spells on us," Myra thought to Thunderpaw, "Bohw said something about you guys turning Ethereal, so I'm going to try and take care of that now."
Hovering in front of Thunderpaw, Myra flapped her wings in his direction, as ashen tendrils of smoke pushed out from her feathers. Even thought it was mid-air, and looked just like smoke, it somehow seemed heavy and unmovable. The smoke floated to Thunderpaw, and clung well to his person. "This magical smoke should keep your body and soul bound to this world and dimension. This spell is meant to last a good, long time, but since it'll be in a battle, it might fade mid-battle. So let's see how this works out!"
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SpoilerJust to be clear on the spell, I'm hoping to cast a spell on Thunderpaw that'll keep him glued to this world/dimension to prevent any Ethereal mishaps like with the last encounter with Echo, for what I'm hoping will last the entire battle. That's cool with you?
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-05-2013, 05:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 05:40 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Watson walks up to Bohw. He understands his role, but he must now find a way to better harden it.
"Bohw, might you have any explosives on hand? Preferably liquid ones? I think I might be able to augment my Alcoholic Dragon Breath."
Watson sounds perfectly innocent while saying this, as if "Alcoholic Dragon Breath" is a phrase you hear every day.
"We'll never know what Echo has planned, so it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for a flanking behind us."
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-07-2013, 06:07 AM
(11-05-2013, 02:33 AM)Frolic Wrote: »((Thanks for the push, Chim, I've been pressed for time lately due to college, but I'll be sure to get my posts in more frequently!))
((Ditto for me, though of course this is coming in much later. But I should have loads more time for the near future if not longer.))
Nos had followed Bohw's plan, and her, thus far but the lack of action was boring him a bit. The jumpy rabbit guy getting more hang-time was kind of neat, but a passing novelty. He gazed around the area lazily and yawned audibly.
"Goodness, it's like they're onto us or something. Who are we fighting again? Because if things keep going like this I bet we could just do whatever it was they were stopping us from doing. Leaving, was it?"
((Also, if and I guess regardless of whether or not I may, Blazer stop obsessing over your word count. It's consistently beautiful and surprisingly appropriate.))
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-07-2013, 09:20 AM
(11-07-2013, 06:07 AM)Dais Wrote: »((Also, if and I guess regardless of whether or not I may, Blazer stop obsessing over your word count. It's consistently beautiful and surprisingly appropriate.))
in fact i should be handing out prizes or something. except i dont have any.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-08-2013, 12:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2013, 01:31 PM by BlazerC.)
Bohw shoots Watson a curious look, then silently opening up her jacket and sifts through the large collection of bombs in her pockets. After a short period, she pulls out two spheres with one too many small holes to count, along with what looks like a glass bottle wrapped in an animal hide.
"These were inside the box of explosives Ziras had, not sure what he was doing with them, probably confiscated. He had a lot of weird bombs in there." She gives them a brief look over before handing them over Watson, trying to gauge what they exactly do. "Those two small ones look like a mechanism that, when thrown, will shoot some kind of liquid... maybe. Definitely liquid inside though, judging from the container it's corrosive too. The bottle however is most likely filled with some slow burning fuel, meant to keep things burning for a long time or make fire walls I guess."
Looking over to Watson again, Bohw looks somewhat reluctant to hand over explosives to Watson of all people, but his request is fair enough to be justified. "Is that what you had in mind?" She asks.
Mayor scouts ahead with a determined look in his eyes, at least, as determined looking as two glowing slits can look for a golem. He presses on ahead of the group with great strides, his pace certain and unwavering. There is no way he will let any more harm befall the group at the hands of that psychopath, he has enough trouble on his hands as it is and she isn't helping.
He's almost eager, hoping to step into some kind of trap. If anything, Mayor knows for certain that if Echo is still here, he will teach her a lesson she will never forget.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-14-2013, 11:47 AM
In response to the blank stare Bohw is receiving from Watson, she scowls and shoves the explosives in his hands.
"Whatever your planning, it better work." She comments, moving back ahead to her position in the line. Bohw just continues to walk down the hallway with the others, heading towards the exit.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-14-2013, 08:19 PM
Savannah twirls her knife between her fingers, clipping the edge of the Champion Blade every once in a while. The light clang keeps her focused, as the trek was getting a bit... tedious. She leans her head back, looking at the ceiling and attempts to strike up a feeble conversation with Mael.
"Eesh, we're almost out of here, right?"
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-14-2013, 10:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-14-2013, 10:52 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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SpoilerOh crap I forgot about this. Too many roleplayysss, sorry.
[In response to post 536:]
Watson looks calm, confident in his ability.
"Indeed, it will concede with complication! I have attempted it successfully many times and what I had always noticed is the amplification that incendiaries allow for the fire. If I am correct..."
Watson takes one of the bombs and turns it around in his hand while observing it.
"then Echo will suffer quite a bit!" he says, in a chipper way.
He then takes the other bomb if Bohw allows for him to do so.
"I think we are quite close, yes! I see the light." Watson walks and points towards the exit with the light streaming in.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-16-2013, 06:50 PM
"Heehee, c'mon and hurry up, hurry up!" Although the party is as a whole moving enough to keep Nos happy, his excitement makes him still run back and forth in spurts of movement as they all go forward, slipping in and out of position from time to time. "If we're getting jumped, we're getting jumped! Let's just get it over with!"
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-17-2013, 06:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2013, 04:10 PM by chimericWilder.)
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SpoilerOh, look! Slack-time is over. Face-punch time has begun.
The party moves forwards at a quick speed, Mayor running a good length ahead. Mael, responding to Savannah's question, nods. "It'll be good to get out of this dark, humid place. I dont like being underground."
She gets no chance to respond, though, as just ahead, Mayor rounds the corner, raising his shield in defense. Then, a flicker of magic lashes out from somewhere down that corridor, and Mayor freezes in position, going as still as a statue. As you rush to aid the armor golem, two fireballs and a hail of what appears to be shadowy spikes greet you. One fireball impacts against Mayor's immobile shield, nevertheless burning him for 120 damage, while the second fireball goes wide, exploding against the far wall. Several of those jagged spikes strike Mayor, Savannah, Nos and Watson, dealing 102 damage to each of them.
Down the corridor waits your adversaries. A number of cultists guard the entrance into the room, holding defensive positions behind makeshift barricades, made from piles of rubble and sharp wooden stakes - thats going to be tough to charge at. In the middle of the room stands Echo, with two casters beside her and two more cultists waiting close by. The thing that launched those spikes at you earlier is immediately recognizable. It seems to be a new type of shadow creature, appearing as a malicious-looking lion with an array of spikes extruding from its skin. A long, sinous tail bears even more of the spikes, and by all appearances this was what it used to launch its attack on you just moments before. A number of corshar also prowl around nearby, but there seems to be suspiciously few of them. For that matter, there aint all that many cultists nearby either. Perhaps this will be easy, after all.
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Thunderpaw: 743/1300, Grace of Wind, Dimensional Anchor (12)
Farstrider: 1000/1000
Fury Comet ready!
Vendetta ready!
Blade of Light ready!
Restoration ready!
Slowfall Cd 8
Bohw: 812/830, Rune of Focus (+3 Hit)(5)
Leader: 0
Mayor: 1279/1512, Disabled (1)
Sabotage ready!
Selfless ready!
Hellbent ready!
Block ready!
Nos Reaper: 1098/1200
Kill Time: 0, 0
Calming Breath ready!
Overexcited ready!
Madness Dance ready!
Spell Focus ready!
Savannah: 1085/1200
Aromatherapy ready!
Absolute Zero ready!
Parasitic Relationship ready!
Manacharge ready!
Wand of Healing: 20
Watson: 1333/1400, has liquid explosives
Wits ready!
Fine Wine ready!
Dragon of the Red Wine ready!
Runeguard ready!
Water Vase: 3 charges
Myra: 1057/1200, Grace of Wind
Readiness: 0
Change Form ready!
Winds of Fate ready!
Punishment ready!
Wraithstrike ready!
Shield of Feathers ready!
Farsight ready!
Mael: 913/1000
Inner Focus ready!
Deathstroke ready!
Razan: 3893/5000
Balance: 50/100
Wrath ready!
Absolution ready!
Wildcall ready!
August Bulwark ready!
Echo: 3200/3200
Invigoration: 0.25x
Reverse Gravity ready!
Slow Time ready!
Arcane Consumption ready!
Banish ready!
Toll of Midnight ready!
Blazing Flames ready!
Grandwarlock Sarth: 1100/1100
Blood Pact: 0
Damage Dealt: 120
Harvest Life ready!
Chaos Bulwark ready!
Lucid: 1400/1400, Soul Link
Undeterred Assault: 0
Blood Trance: 0
Whispering Blade ready!
Hatred Unleashed ready!
Karin: 800/800
Alacrity disabled
Smokescreen ready!
Cultist Berserker: 1000/1000
Rage: 0
Cultist Safeguard: 1300/1300
Cultist Gallant: 900/900
Regnant Corshar: 1250/1250
Onslaught ready!
Bristling Impaler: 650/650
Cultist Witch: 700/700
Binding ready!
Corshar 1: 500/500
Corshar 2: 500/500
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SpoilerE: Added in Bohw's rune. (Roll 6-1, crit)
The rune can be dismissed prematurely. If that is done, an additional portion of the remaining Hit bonus will be granted on that turn, and the trait will become availalble again next turn.
E2: Added Myra's spell (roll 17+7, crit)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-17-2013, 07:11 PM
"Ghh..." Savannah whips her arm up, the shadow spikes slashing at her. Echo catches her eyes and Savannah glares. "Not you again." Glancing behind her, she gestures at her companions, mainly Nos. "Get over here and help me!" After issuing her command, she leads the charge, conjuring a ball of ice which she tosses at the new shadow beast. When it impacts, Savannah casts Absolute Zero, catching the Regnant Corshar and one of the cultists standing near it in the icy blast. Her other hand holds her blade, preparing her swing should any of the enemy attack.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-17-2013, 08:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2013, 08:11 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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Spoiler1400-102=1298 health, not 1333, which you have placed for Watson.
Also can we have a top-view map because FUUUUUCCCKKK
And also so that I'll know if I have a chance of making Watson just spray the whole group of them with explosive fire
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-17-2013, 09:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2013, 10:45 PM by chimericWilder.)
(11-17-2013, 08:11 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »
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Spoiler1400-102=1298 health, not 1333, which you have placed for Watson.
Also can we have a top-view map because FUUUUUCCCKKK
And also so that I'll know if I have a chance of making Watson just spray the whole group of them with explosive fire
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SpoilerYou have 5% damage reduction and heal yourself for 30 health every turn. 
this is the best i can do. Behold my paint skills.
![[Image: eiwi.png]](
the purple one is Echo, but she might not necessarily be standing there, if Psychout thinks thats a bad place to be standing.
The black ones are evil mean shadow creatures.
The gray ones are bandits. Cultists. Bandit cultists. Except for the light green one, which is the witch.
The blue one is Sarth.
The dark green one, currently out of sight, is Lucid.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-17-2013, 11:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2013, 11:19 PM by Psych.)
Echo finally lays eyes on the group, before raising her arms as they glow with magic. "Enough hide and seek. I'm tired of these ruins and there's no leaving them for you. I have a job to finish! And don't think sneaking up on me is going to work either."
Echo unleashes a mighty tailwind, slamming the gang back and shredding them with gusts.
If her book counts as just an item and she's able to use it too, then she pulls out her Tome of Midnight, and throws it behind her, summoning more monsters for Thunderpaw and Myra to take care of as well.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-18-2013, 02:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2013, 08:52 PM by Dais.)
After taking the surprise attack, Nos recovers and stares at each of Echo's companions in turn while listening to Echo speak, then turns to Echo herself as she starts casting. "Hm, okay! I've got words for you, too, whoever you are! Now what were they? Oh yes,
'curses to thee,
but now in round three,
silent shall ye be!'"
Chuckling at his childish rhyme, he unleashes the spell he put in the focus earlier, aimed at Echo.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-19-2013, 09:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-19-2013, 11:19 AM by BlazerC.)
(Did you forget to activate the rune I cast? Or did you just outright disallow such a spell to exist. Would be nice to know in future scenarios if that was the case though )
For a brief moment, Mayor's expression looks stunned, but is quickly replaced with a furious glare. His arms and legs twitching as they struggle to move, shield raised, he slowly lurches forward. Maybe it's because the magic having a strange effect on his summoned spirit, his construct body or even his sheer willpower, Mayor's outright refuses to remain completely immobilized, even if the spell has at least done it's job in preventing him from doing anything useful.
Meanwhile, the Blue rune on Bohw's chest lights up as she is shoved back by Echo's attack. Trying to stay her ground from the assault she pulls an arrow from her quiver and knocks it into the bowstring, pulling it back as she silently picks out a target among the chaos. She shoots, an arrow with a blue trail flies true and bends around the people in the way, heading straight to Sarth.
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-20-2013, 02:49 AM
(We haven't even entered the battle yet. Can we be targeted?)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-20-2013, 04:43 AM
(I doubt it, Echo just threw a book behind her that apparently summons monsters. It's not actually targeting you as much as the area behind her.)
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RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
11-20-2013, 08:25 AM
( Speaking of missing runes and spells, I also cast a spell earlier, but I'm not seeing any status that would indicate that the spell went through. )
The ravenfolk caws, startled by the sudden movements and sounds going on in the ruins. Myra makes sure that her position remains to the side where the wall obstructs Echo's view of her, and casts an array of magical plumes upon Thunderpaw. If the magical plumes work like they should, then Thunderpaw will take less damage for a while. She's going to make sure Thunderpaw joins this battle as prepared as possible before she'll have to focus on bigger things.