Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Now, while that entire thing is going on, onwards to the good stuff - the balance changes! I have also included a list of traits which i have a tendency of forgetting that they exist, just in case you might want to change them around to be less painful for me to deal with. Mind you that you will not be allowed to change them to something else entirely that has nothing to do with what the trait originally was all about, unless you can come up with a good excuse. You are also getting a level soonish, and i am considering carefully whether or not to make it mandatory that, rather than picking a new special ability, you get to upgrade one of your current ones. Or perhaps allow you to choose if you want a new one now or upgrade one now, and then make the opposite mandatory next level or i dunno. Anyway. If you do not like a particular change just whine about it and ill see what i can do.

Black Zenith Balance Patch 1.043

Made everything 2% more awesome. Everything.
Added more textwalls
Fixed a bug where it was impossible to Jailbreak Taraheen's Prison (Sjasogun get the fuck back here)
Recalibrated gravity

New enemies added who are not generic mooks punching bags. Im not telling you what they are or what they do.
Nerfed the Hydra and buffed Kraine by like lots



Underestimated now also makes Thunderpaw's first attack in combat a guaranteed hit, in addition to critting.

Improved Favor of Ziras. Not telling you what that means.

Second Wind now causes Thunderpaw to heal for 0,5 Power each turn for as long as he is below 20% health. No roll is made, but the heal is calculated using 10+Thunderpaw's highest offensive bonus. Thunderpaw can also still take a take a turn to 'heal' himself using his strength modifier in place of his affinity.

Fury Comet now has a cooldown of 10, but deals a total of 4x power damage spread evenly between up to 4 targets.

Vendetta now also gains a +2 to hit for every ally struck, though this bonus will not count to qualify for a crit. See, i told you you would like that particular change.

Blade of Light now heals for the same amount as it damages. Also it has become stronger with the presence of another crystal, improving its damage and healing to 2.5x and allowing for one reroll when determining damage/healing (automatically applied by gm power when applicable, ofcourse). However to balance around this its cooldown has also increased by 2.

Daril Graves

Fixed a bug that caused Daril to sometimes become unresponsive and subsequentially bug out. Unfortunately he is still dead so that is completely and uttterly irrelevant.

Bohw & Mayor

Nerfed Bohw's The Ol' Brimstone to only tripple her area of effect mulitiplayer (down from quadrupple), but increased her Power contribution to 80% up from 75%. Trust me that shit was wicked sick powerful before, why did you think she was able to deal fuckin 4000 damage just before?

Leader can now allow Bohw to gain +6 to her next roll, as long as she has sufficient Leadership Crits lying around to be spent and all.

Potentially nerfing Selfless TO THE GROUND except Blazer said he wanted to change it up so lets wait with that for now. SOON, though. SOON.

Hellbent now makes a roll for a random target on turns where Bohw is considered insane, rather than auto-targeting the 'good' guys.


Added more Final Fantasy stuff & robots


Super Secret Stuff

Nos Reaper

Changed Genetic Insanity to have a 25% chance to become relevant each round. Because counting rounds is dumb.

Berserker Burst now does 1.5 Power damage and is a guaranteed hit.

Frenzy now improves the chance for Genetic Insanity to be relevant by 25%. Yes yes i know it doesnt match up but its fine.

Decreased the Power of Explosive! From 1.3x to 1.25.

Decreased the additional Power of Overexcited from 1.35 to 1.3.

Increased the bonus Power from Madness Dance's A effect from 1.25x To 1.3x.
Reduced the healing provided from the C effect from 35% to 20% because it was bloody overpowered. Pun intended.


Reduced the damage reduction of Class from 10% to 5% because a flat 10% damage reduction is also bloody overpowered.

After using Fine Wine, Watson no longer gains +2 to damage rolls, and his Hit is decreased by -4 rather than -2, however the heal is also increased to 5x, up from 4x, and the cooldown increased by 1.


Enemies are no longer debuffed by Aromatherapy because i really hate modifying that many rolls. However the heal is increased to 0,75x Power.

Simplified Parasitic Relationship a TON by simply having the plant grow 25% more powerful each round rather than having to deal with all that bullshit.


Being brand new and all, Myra is so cool that she doesnt need balancing.


Ring of Hymn: Now questioning why Thunderpaw is still walking around with this despite being utterly useless to him

Water vase: Now defined the amount of healing done by the vase. It is 200, unmodified by any rolls ever.


Mayor's If It Bleeds: I think i have managed to remember to determine if an attack was one or the other but yea generally conditional +defense is dumb and i would really suggest changing this up to something that isnt super specific as it is currently.

Nos' Frenzy: I always forget to check if Nos is actually below 25% health, which is amusing because it SAYS RIGHT THERE when i do the calculating i just forget the effect exists i guess this is one of those things i just need to realize is a thing.

Watson's Merlin Cant Touch This: I always forget this damn thing until AFTER i have already resolved the amount of damage done and yea it just basically sucks having to recalculate that completely and i hate it.

Savannah's Cryomania: I always forget to check if enemies actually become affected with Frostbite. Generally low-chance-to-activate traits really suck, as also evidenced by Thunderpaw's previous version of Second Wind.

Savannah's Permafrost: Things that increase damage by a minor amount from only one particular damage category are


Plus it also makes me recalculate things i have already done which also sucks

Reactive: yea im just forgetting this exists and i should be getting better at making it actually trigger i guess. If you want to keep it the way it is it'll also be buffed considerably damage-wise because come on making a single attack that does slightly more damage once a fight really sucks. And only if something actually punches you at that.

Myra's Witch's Familiar
Its basically like a blanket buff only to mages (and only Savannah and Nos even casts spells and then only sometimes) and i always forget that theyre supposed to get a damage boost
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(09-01-2013, 10:38 PM)chimericWilder Wrote: »Enemies:
Nerfed the Hydra and buffed Kraine by like lots

He's still alive ;-;
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Its a joke assuming that multiple many people play the game and would also play through chapter1. Also on how because i felt he was underpowered i made the hydra really powerful to compensate.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

After a long enough pause Bohw finally sits upright, holding back tears and gritting her teeth furiously. Trying to regain her composure as quickly as possible- and failing, she shouts at Thunderpaw in hope of some kind of response.

"Come on!" She yells, with a whimper. "Don't-! Don't do this! Please, tell me you're alright! Tell... tell me everything is going to be fine! Say something!"

She winces and begins to look grim, looking at the wound she caused. Bohw thinks about the things Thunderpaw told her last time she lost control of herself, she must gain control of the situation here, the cause of it is irrelivant here. "First aid. Spells will help the healing process but this is a very serious wound, he needs rest. Does anyone have any cloth or bandages?"

Mayor, looks over his shoulder in concern, gripping his mayoral sash worryingly for some reason. There is not a lot he can do without great sacrifice, so he turns to Razan to approach him. The Golem looks almost nostalgic as he suddenly bows in front of the Druid, followed by some inaudible, clinking noise. Mayor then stands upright and extends a hand to make a proper greeting this time, he owes the man a lot, it's the least he can do.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Nos snorts, though at what it's hard to say. He just looks generally dissatisfied for a few moments, then it's replaced by a goofy grin which rapidly dissolves back into a frown. After a few seconds the frown cracks again only to be reasserted as he catches himself not-frowning again and 'corrects' it. This goes on for a while, Nos basically looking like he's trying to be mad, until he walks away from the party and sits down facing away from them, grabbing his face and trying to force it to stay mad but constantly forgetting that that's what he's doing.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]





Thunderpaw knocks the teacup out of Watson's hand while shouting gibberish about it being no time for snacks.


What was that, the third time Thunderpaw had danced too close to death this week? He tossed aside his armor cuirass so he could get a better look at the damage. The scarring looked bad, as most wounds do. He took solace in the thought that he managed to survive the hit, and that the magical aura meant his armor would need little repair from the brute of the attack.

"And these are the fallen brothers you speak of? Tell me, how many are we seeking? Two? Twenty? We have already lost many in our march to gain what we have, all while wandering blindly."

Thunderpaw stares dead into Ranzan's eyes, a look of fury deep within. "There will be no more riddles. There will be no more secret dealings and half-spoken plans. You will tell us exactly where these remaining crystals are, for I refuse to die fighting on an unseen path and I refuse to have them die in my place under the same folly."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson catches the teacup with both of his hands before it hits the floor. A look of worry came on his face.

"You were on the brink of death. This is not a snack and I would be loathe to have you think that this revitalizing water would be thought as such. I highly suggest you drink it, for your own sake if nothing else."

He offers the cup again, ignoring Razan as soon as he mentioned the words "gather" and "shards" in the same sentence.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Savannah was distracted with the ceiling, giving the others privacy with Thunderpaw and stuff. They had it handled anyway, right? Being that she was ignoring the grim situation behind her, it's a surprise when she hears Watson's teacup smacked away and Thunderpaw start speaking. She turns toward him in interest (and maybe a bit of shock, man did you see what happened how is he alive) and watches him chew out that dude.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Ofcourse. I had to keep the enemy uncertain as to what i were doing. Even dreams are not safe. As for your questions, there are technically a total of eight shards, though in addition to the two you have recovered, another two are already in our possession. That leaves four scattered throughout the world." He reaches a hand down beside his waist, where an assortment of scrolls are protected in each their case. He selects one of these, unrolling it to reveal a map picturing the kingdom, which he hands to Thunderpaw. "One is hidden in a shrine on a tall mountain. As it is the most well-defended, it is also of the least importance. Another has, unfortunately, been claimed by one of our old enemies. Not the same entity which has caused all this, i believe he has an agenda of his own. Regardless, he moves around quite a bit. We lost spotted his flying fortress here." He points to a place on the map that seems to be mostly farmlands and smaller woods. "Another is located at a sort of forge, up in the highlands. That will be your last destination for a variety of reasons, but mostly because the thing that inhabits that place is particularly corrupted. The last shard, i do not know where is, to keep it safe in case i meet an untimely fate. Others will guide you to it. But we are in hurry - theres a good chance that the nearby town and everyone within it are in mortal danger. We must go!"

E: bloody ninjas
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Hmm, this would all be a lot easier if we still had that friend with the ship..."

Mountains, more mountains, in the sky, and unknown. With the airship girl gone, the most feasable crystal to hut for would be the one of unknown location. At the very least it would give opportunity to locate the one with a ship, or the man with a fort...

"Town first, but tell us who will be guide to the last crystal you speak of."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Myra sighed in relief as Thunderpaw regained his consciousness. All this talk of crystals and unseen paths is certainly intriguing to her, but she manages to keep her beak shut and hold back the spring of questions that are popping up in her head. She takes perch on Thunderpaw's shoulder and drinks the conversation in.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah jumps to her feet, snatching her sword up. She points toward where they came from with her blade. "Hold up! You said the town's being attacked?! Then what the hell are we doing here, talking about shards and flying things? Let's go!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"It might be. I do not know, but i do know that it would be an excellent time and place to strike with overwhelming force, with Ziras exposed practically in the open. I warned him, but i have had no response. I should have come sooner."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
So much new information, and so many curiosities to be sated! But it seems time and words are of the essence. Flapping her wings to stretch them out a bit, Myra finally speaks (or rather, thinks) up, "Caw, I'm perfectly ready to leave for the town, but I believe there was a question your 'Champion' asked, regarding our future guide to that unknown crystal! And, if I may so add to the inquiries as well, who is this Ziras-fellow to you?" She looks around the group, trying to gauge whether or not everyone is ready to go. Did we even get what we were after in the first place? Are we going to come back to explore the rest of this place? So many things she does not know!

In spite of all her thoughts being on the matter at hand, Myra turns back to the direction of the Hydra in the lake. She wonders if Hydra meat is tasty, much less edible. Are their teeth worth much? Maybe she should scavenge one of the Hydra's decapitated heads that are on the shore for anything interesting or possibly worth selli- "SHANTEREL COULD TOTALLY COOK HYDRA MEAT, COULDN'T HE!?" That thought alone was enough to launch her at the nearest one, searching it for loose pieces of meat, tooth, eye, or anything of value that she could possibly take. Heck, maybe it has some pieces of previous explorers stuck in its teeth. "TONIGHT, WE FEAST!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Thunderpaw looks around the cave for loot, determined to not leave until his question was fully-answered.

Yes, he meant that bit about not going on uninformed.

Also these rooms usually contain loot.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"He is a note-worthy noble who believes the same things as we do about the way in which this world will end if we don't put a stop to its second sun. Ziras financed our trip to this place. And by the looks of it, he might have to pay a lot more if we're about to resolve any piece of this puzzle. Also, indeed, Shanterel can probably cook hydra. I don't know if hydra is my cup of tea, really, but even so... when would we return to him?"

Watson decides to voice what everyone else is probably thinking and that is:

"And is there no reward for our deeds? A hydra, we laid waste to a hydra. Are we not deserving?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah winces, putting a hand to her temple. "Ugh. Telepathy. You know what? Whatever." Savannah grumps off and goes to look for anything interesting, loot-wise.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(updates will be slow for a while yo)
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
((Sorry for the late response, I have been busy. And forgetful.))

In response to Razan ignoring him, Mayor makes some kind of noise, it isn't entirely sure what he means by this. Mayor just turns around and forcibly snatches the Map from Thunderpaw, then suddenly looks very sorry and performs a slight bow in apology. After that, Mayor looks around on the map, trying to see if any of the locations Razan pointed out have names that stand out to him, then graciously hands it back to Thunderpaw.

Bohw stays on the ground sitting upright, muttering things to herself and still looking displeased in herself, making the note to keep control for the future. Still, she is somewhat more relieved now that Thunderpaw seems to be still breathing, even after what she remembers of what was a lethal blow. That doesn't stop her from glaring the wounded bunni down, the instant he staggers or looks ill Bohw is going to drag him to the closest cleric.

She gasps, suddenly remembering something and patting down her pockets. Bohw digs around in her side satchel and (hopefully) pulls a small bauble out of one the smaller pockets in the bag, still safe and sound.

"Oy! We still got that small army outside, don't we?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
(09-06-2013, 10:55 PM)MasterBlade Wrote: »Thunderpaw looks around the cave for loot, determined to not leave until his question was fully-answered.

Yes, he meant that bit about not going on uninformed.

Also these rooms usually contain loot.

(09-07-2013, 12:30 AM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Savannah winces, putting a hand to her temple. "Ugh. Telepathy. You know what? Whatever." Savannah grumps off and goes to look for anything interesting, loot-wise.

Looking around, it soon becomes quite obvious that most of the cavern is just a regular cavern, with rocks and the occasional cave mushroom and suchlike. Savannah scans the depths of the underground lake with a spell, but other than an usual amount of broken bones rattling around at the bottom of the lake, there seems to be nothing down here.

Thunderpaw remembers having spotted the remains of a table, though. He also remembers that the table back in the fortress contained a lot of various things, so he hops back over to the far shore to check that out. The 'table' is little more than wet sawdust, however he does find a couple things lying scattered about in the vicinity.

Splintered Staff
The fragments occasionally flicker with the barest hint of power.

Book of Warding
Study the book for any useful information. You'll need to spend a significant amount of time reading to gain anything useful from it.
Surprisingly intact, this book is sealed with a heavy clasp and contains information on various magical protections and their practical uses.

Torn Tome
Though this book is obviously magical in nature and radiates more power than most of the other things here, the frayed, gaping hole through its center seems to have undone its power.

Verdant Fragment
Unknown Effect
A small, green, jagged gemstone. It is dull, but holding it gives you a feeling of invincibility.

Decayed Fabric
This cloth is in a bad shape, and no wonder with the moisture it must have been exposed to. Even telling what it once was is difficult.

A Locket
Unknown Effect
It holds a small, smudged picture of a group of lizardfolk. It doesnt seem special.

You also find 73 gold coins in a small, watertight leather purse, only partially rotted.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Thunderpaw seems to know what he's doing and it's not like Watson can cast a "Under-water Sight" spell of some sort so he walks to the far shore, where Thunderpaw is. Watson's jumped to the appropriate places in order to get to the other side.

"Well... it seems we have found the 'loot'... or lack thereof."

Watson finds the same things on the floor helter-skelter. He is still enthralled, however, by the fine detail and the measures undergone to protect this book. Watson is taken to it and takes it too.

He also sees the Fragment and Decayed Cloth. He takes the spear from his back, and his greatsword, placing them both in his hat. What a bottomless hat indeed. Watson ties the decayed cloth up with the fragment inside it. The cloth is then placed in the inside pocket of his suit.

10 gold is drawn out of the bag for Watson.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Thunderpaw looks closely at the locket. It didn't seem like a particularly magical trinket. Then again, the last room had a storybook, and that wasn't a particularly potent tome either. He drew the Farstrider book out of his bag, pondering why such objects would be in shrines like this.

He then put both book and locket back in his bag, taking a fair 10 gold as he left back to the off shore.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah grumbles again, mad that Thunderpaw found loot before her. She tromps over and grabs what's left, some shimmery, splintered wood and 15 gold. Then, she returns to where she was before, sitting down on a rock and skipping stones.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
@Credit: you cant walk on water.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]