
Poll: Your musical genre?
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31 35.23%
19 21.59%
All of the above
38 43.18%
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RE: Music
Sorry I haven't posted in here recently - I just haven't found anything new that's good in a while. Instead, have my favorite Rush song:


I'm not actually a huge Rush fan but I never get tired of this song. It just... works. There's nothing I would change about it.
RE: Music
I... I'm cured!

It is a minor life goal of mine to figure out how to make that punchy Genesis bass sound. I just can't get it right. FM synthesis isn't intuitive for me.

edit: Also I can't hear the name "Thunder Force" without thinking of


RE: Music
Woah that's cool! Definitely gonna look into that.

I don't usually go for remixes, but this remix of Billie Jean is kind of awesome. By slowing it down and taking away the harmonies, he makes MJ's vocals sound desperate and strangled.
RE: Music
Did someone say dance music? I like dance music.



RE: Music
George Duke died today

Jesus, I had no idea he was even sick. Wow.

One of my favorite keyboardists of all time, without a doubt. RIP.
RE: Music
I think this is the first artist death that's genuinely hit me hard. :/

To respond to your earlier post, though:

That stuff about the PSG in Sonic 3 is interesting. The ingenuity of early VGM composers never ceases to impress me.

Also, what show is that Animal Style performance from?
RE: Music
Well, that looks kind of inter-

[Image: 33xfnm8.png]

never mind
RE: Music
(08-07-2013, 10:00 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »I will tell you to check this out though
This is cool! I have a copy of the Sonic 3 and S&K soundtracks from a guy who did a similar thing. You can definitely hear the difference, especially in the bass.


Revised this EP for the first time in a while. Probably my favorite release of his. I think you recommended it to me, actually.
RE: Music
Same. I just wanted something that was better than youchoob. I don't need CRYSTAL CLEAR AUDIOPHILE QUALITY for my Genesis tunes.

Interesting S3&K trivia:


I first played S3&K on PC, and the PC version features horrid General MIDI versions of all the tunes. However! It also completely changes a couple tunes, including Launch Base. I prefer the PC version of Launch Base to the Genesis version.

(the track in the spoiler above is a Genesis-ized fan version, since I didn't want to subject you to General MIDI)

A lot of the arrangements are subtly different in the PC version too. Again, I actually prefer some of these changes.
RE: Music
Oh man, listening to MIDI files of game music! That was like half my damn childhood. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

I think the fact that the S3&K tunes hold up pretty well even when rendered in General MIDI is a testament to how good they are.

Checking out TAHNDER FORS now
RE: Music
I used to listen to MIDIs on my Sound Blaster (one of the 8-bit ones) with dat OPL2. Downloaded ’em in school because they had a blazing* shared T1 connection, and at home we had zip. Zippo Internet connection = zip drives and zip files. At one point, had a veritable motherlode of indiscriminately collected MIDI files, darn near overloaded our elementary school miiiiinds.

*sarcasm. there was a T1 line alright, but never T1 speeds.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Music

Obscure-ass French fusion 'cause that's how I do

EDIT: Hahahahaha I just discovered this awful one-off "prog rock" album that Billy Joel recorded in the early 70s:


I can't even handle this
RE: Music

I really, really hope this hasn't been posted already.
RE: Music
(08-09-2013, 06:34 PM)Superfrequency Wrote: »The guiltiest of pleasures


This... is not what I was expecting to be behind that spoiler

In other news the Thunder Force IV omake is dope. Tracks 3 and 5 are my favorites.
RE: Music
Hey, I don't dislike SOAD or anything, I just wouldn't have pegged you as a fan at all haha

My musical "guilty pleasures" tend toward power metal (as I've discussed in length) and dad rock/yacht rock (Steely Dan, ELO, etc.). But like SOAD, these genres tend to be well made even when they're cheesy. I can't think of any truly poorly made music I enjoy. Like I don't get people who jam out to The Shaggs or whatever.
RE: Music
Oh crap I just forgot!

It's... not as outrageous as I thought it would be? I feel like if you took away the lyrics it would just be a mediocre rock song.

I think maybe finding that Billy Joel record the other day broke my badness meter.

Still, "Cyborg Love" remains a fantastic song title
RE: Music
I actually had to be the one to get my dad (who spent most of the 70s and a little of the 80s in some wayyy out of the way places) to listen to ELO. Crazy.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Music
I like ELO. For better or for worse, though, I've always lumped them in with other smooth radio-friendly rock bands from that era, AKA stuff my mom listens to. Maybe that's not fair.


I mean, Evil Woman is insanely catchy and provided the base for a great Daft Punk track.

(interestingly, despite the "dad rock" tag, my dad does not like rock at all! he listens to old R&B, jazz and soul pretty much exclusively. which is kind of surprising but hey I've been exposed to a lot of good music because of him)
RE: Music
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Music
I like the last couple house tracks you posted a lot, Supes!


More new Basement Jaxx. Digging the Latin feel of this track.
RE: Music
yesssssssssss please keep posting stuff like this

in other news what do you think of this?
RE: Music
that bass though

I also like that punchy sound around 3:00, really cool

Speaking of demos, this is somewhat less cool, but:


Also sorry for not replying earlier but I like most of that last batch of house tracks you posted, especially the first two
RE: Music
Speaking of Dam-Funk, what do you think of his new record

RE: Music
some stuff i like


RE: Music
Why do I like Sia?
Plz explain.