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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-21-2013, 05:39 PM
Sorry to double post but:
10 days left guys!! If you want to enter something, get moving!! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-22-2013, 05:11 AM
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Forum Username: TickTockTickTock
Driver Name: Ophelia Staten
Base Data: Human / Female / 16 years old / 4'9" / 95lbs / In good health
Character Description: Ophelia is petite and has long dark hair and green eyes. She's sometimes mistaken for a little kid because of her size and finds it really awkward, so she wears lipstick to look more adult. She wears jeans or sundresses most of the time, but she has a violet pilot's jumpsuit to prevent chafing and so her clothes don't get torn. Additionally, she wears an EEG "crown" that contains the mind-reading AI interface of her mech. She's supposed to leave it on all the time while the AI is in its learning phase, and it's a bit too heavy but she doesn't want to bother anyone about it.
Biography: Ophelia never really liked sports, especially not violent ones. She just wanted to live a quiet life at home, work on her watercolors, and one day get a degree in programming, or possibly veterinary medicine. However, she had the unique misfortune of being the child of Reichard Staten, the independent mech mechanic, and Felicie Tripoda, the famous fighting-mech pilot. They both pushed hard to get their child interested in mech from a young age, and poor Ophelia was just too shy and afraid of disappointing them to say anything. Of course, she used to think mech battles were cool, but she was really starting to outgrow them, and after her mother retired Ophelia lost interest in the sport. She managed to delay her entry into actual mech piloting a few years by appealing to her age and schoolwork, but a few months ago her overjoyed parents made an announcement: they'd found a tutor to homeschool her, and Reichard had just finished a full-scale prototype of the custom battle mech he'd been working on for so long. Of course she'd be very excited to try it out, right? And so Ophelia Staten made her entry into the world of mecha fighting. Over the past months, she's fought as few matches as she could manage, and even won a couple of them by accident or in self-defense. Reichard is still itching for a real test of his new system, though...
Mech Affinity: 40%. The Olympian Ægis 0 is specially optimized for her body size and movements, but its AI still has a lot of kinks.
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Mech Production Name: St800-Medium Amorphous Mecha
Mech Nickname: "Olympian Ægis 0"
Base Data: 10 feet in diameter in a resting position (height and width) / 3 tons
Mech Description: The Olympian Ægis is designed for fighting, but primarily as a proof-of-concept for Mr. Staten's advanced movement coordination and control AI. Seen from outside, it seems like a ball of metal plates moving around of their own accord. Its actual structure is a small, oblong body containing the pilot's seat and the engines, which is surrounded on all sides by a forest of limbs. It in fact has 25 mobile and fully articulated limbs, arranged in 5 rings around the core body. Each limb ends with a large metal plate shaped like an archaic shield, with clamps that allow them to lock together and act as armor or limbs, hence the name "Ægis". Future versions of the St8 are meant to incorporate an internal cabin with an HUD for a variety of detection equipment, but Ophelia sits on the front of the core and has to use sonolocation goggles or look past her shields to see what's outside. The true miracle of the Ægis lies in its control system: a simple set of two levers and pedals can, after computer interpretation, lead all of its limbs to work in tandem. The levers and pedals indicate general types of movements, and the mech itself decides how to accomplish them. Its AI incorporates optimization, choosing the best body shape to make a certain kind of motion, context-sensitivity, preemptively morphing to a configuration that it thinks Ophelia will need, and a cybernetic interface that is meant to eventually learn to read the pilots emotions and intentions. When Ophelia fights, she is mostly very worried about being seriously injured by another mech, and so the Ægis' default form has become a tight metal ball of overlapping plates, which springs onto or rolls over enemies.
Special Details: The whole mech is custom-built, so I described the more unique features above.
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-24-2013, 10:59 AM
Entry One Driver
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Spoiler • Driver
Forum Username: Purple Walrus
Driver Name: Feebie (Cereal number: F33-613)
Base Data: Feebie is an out dated Handy Mandy. Though she has no actually gender, she was designed to look feminine. She is 5.3 foot and weighs 250 pounds. She is not in a good condition and all of her Colours are a bit faded
The HS30-Handy Mandy was designed to make life easy for the average person. Although that person would have to have pretty large a wallet to afford one. Designed with an in built cabinet and extendable legs, this bot can fulfil any house hold task. Like cleaning, cooking, housesitting, babysitting, tutoring, and much much more. They were a huge success back in the day. So much so that they made the next version soon after. As a result masses of HF30's were sent to dumps to make way for the new and "improved" HS31s.
Character Description: She is basically a walking museum piece. Feebie wears a straw hat that has a hole in it. It also has a pink plastic flower pinned on to it. She carries an old green plastic watering can with a picture of a flower on it. Feebie has an old pale yellow monitor head with a light blue screen. Her monitor displays a simple face with two eyes and a mouth, so she can express a wide array of emotions. Though it is a bit broken so it sometimes flickers when over emotional. She has a rectangular turquoise body with a cabinet and six blinking lights on the front. Four of the lights don't work, and her cabinet is filled with dirt and a red flower named Reginald is growing in it. On the front face of the cabinet is Feebie's cereal number F33-613. Feebie's arms and legs are dark red. Her two legs can extend, increasing her hight by 2 foot. Though one of Feebie's leg's is rusted so she can't fully extend it without falling over. Her left hand has three fingers. While Feebie's right hand is replaced with a pincer of a different robot, which looks out of place with the rest of her. The rectangle body is wider at the bottom then the top. At the bottom on the edges of the rectangle is a chrome strip that goes around it. This gives the impression that Feebie is wearing a simple skirt.
Biography: F33-613 (or better known as Feebie) is kind and always wants to be helpful. She is always ready to make friends, though she becomes overly excited and flustered when trying to do so. Which means her monitor glitches out and she starts to ramble. She's a bit quirky. She often feels lonely at times, so much so she named her flower Reginald and sometimes talks to it. Feebie loves her little red flower and would be at a loss without it. Which is why she doesn't let anyone else touch it. If Feebie could, she would leave Mech fighting altogether. But unfortunately she needs the money for her own repairs and pure water for Reginald. Though she spends more money on the flower then on herself. Feebie dreams to one day make her very own garden with lots of beautiful flowers and a little house.
Feebie only really remembers things after she was reactivated alone in the dump. She doesn't know what she did, or who she served before. This is because all Handy Mandys have their memory wiped before deactivation. So that no information about the household or owner can be recovered from the bot's memory core. Apparently she was not properly deactivated and so reactivated years later. As she picked herself up from the garbage she soon realised that some of her systems were not functioning efficiently. One of the more serious problems was that her right hand was broken and hanging limp. She removed the broken hand and went in search for a replacement. So she sort of just sadly wondered around the dump aimlessly, looking for a new hand. After a long time of searching she finally found a somewhat working hand, though it was really more of a pincer then a hand but it had to do. As she was attaching her newly found hand, she noticed a dot of red near a mound of old junk. This wasn't any old rusted red, it was bright and lively. After she got a little used to her pincer hand, she went over to investigate. As she got closer she soon realised that the dot was actually a beautiful red flower. Feebie was transfixed by the little red flower. She was amazed such a thing could grow in a place like this. It gave her hope and for the first time since she was reactivated Feebie felt happy. That moment all Feebie wanted to do was to look after it. She dug up the ground around the flower, then opened her cabinet and started to fill it with dirt. She picked up the red flower and placed it in the now dirt filled cabinet.
She was so happy with her new flower friend that she starting collecting anything to do with Flowers. Like an old plastic watering can, some gardening magazines with pictures of flowers on them, and even an old straw hat which a had a fake flower pin on it. Sometime later she realised that her poor little flower (now named Reginald) had started to look a little withered. Luckily she had recently picked up an new old gardening magazine. She opened it and skimmed though the pagers. She leant her first thing about gardening. That plants need pure water to live. This was probably why Reginald looked sick, dump water is not the most nutritious thing out there. Though pure water would be hard to get in a dump. The only pure water she had seen was in vending machines, and you need money for that, which Feebie didn't have. Just then luck gave her a hand in the form of a flyer hitting her face. On it was an advisement for mech fighting. It would seem that mech fighting paid quite well. But she would need a mech first and a tough looking one, judging by the flyer.
Mech Affinity: 34% (It is a complicated mech to use and she is not very skilled in mech driving)
Entry One Mech
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• Mech
Mech Production Name: J805-Good Natured
Mech Nickname: Feebie's name: Mr. Tree (Feebie can not see the irony in naming it Mr. Tree)
Base Data: 1450 lb, 9.9 Foot
Mech description: The J805-Good Natured was designed to deforest large areas of woodland. Though they were not very successful due to the complex number of levers and buttons the user had to operate. The J805 is pretty slow and not very agile. It is sturdy and can take a few hits
The body is a cylinder with a window that half wraps around the chest. The cockpit is located inside the chest of the mech.
To get to it you have to go through the door that is on the lower back on the mech. Once inside you have to clime a ladder to get into the cockpit.
Though due to the shape of the window there are some major blind spots. You can't see right below you, so things that are too close to the mech can't be seen. On the up back is a large metal basket where the freshly cut wood was kept. Though Feebie keeps bits of junk in it to throw at her opponents. The J805 has large treads so that it can get over any terrain with ease. It has a sphere head on top of the body, on it is a strong search light so you could still work after dark. The head can move around by turning one of the many levers in the cockpit. The right hand has a saw for cutting trees, while it's left hand is a large robotic claw used to hold and pick up wood that the saw cuts. The left arm is also extendable and retractable so when the hand grabs a tree it can pull it down. It can extend to a maximum of 4 meters. Feebie one day hopes to convent her mech into a little house for herself.
Special details: Feebie has painted flowers of different colours across the body. They are badly drawn.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-30-2013, 02:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-30-2013, 02:52 AM by Dexexe1234.) My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-31-2013, 01:01 AM My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-31-2013, 08:19 PM
What hour and minute are the applications due?
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-01-2013, 09:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2013, 02:56 PM by Dexexe1234.)
if you have an application thats almost done, get it in this thread. I Won't accept anymore entries after 8 hours has gone by from THIS instant of time.
EDIT: Time's up! Now comes the judging period! Give me to at least the 10th of June! That should give me enough time to figure out who the winners will be!
I hope you have had fun in this contest! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-04-2013, 10:48 AM
Oh dangit. I have a late entry anyway.
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Spoiler![[Image: miewsaxtiw.jpg]](
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-09-2013, 11:20 PM My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-11-2013, 03:28 PM My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-11-2013, 04:57 PM
Was that other doll Feebie?
Anyway I had fun doing this thing, even if I didn't win.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-13-2013, 07:16 PM
Oh man
I'd just like to say, thank you very much for irrationally inflating my ego
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Spoilersomeone actually liKED MY CHARACTER WHREEEE
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-14-2013, 03:14 AM
Master has given Blade a prize? Blade is a free elf!
...shoot, now I need to design an arena. MORE WORK! CURSE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUuuuuuu....... o-o
(time for the drawing board)
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-14-2013, 03:22 PM
So! You winners have some other stuff to produce now! How exciting is that? I have no idea, you guys seem to like it though so without further ado, some words:
Trade Company:
TickTockx2, this one is a little tricky, as what you will be producing here is a fully fleshed out company that will exist in Derelict Dreams. Everything from how their ads look to what their company thinks of their consumers! Here is a healthy checklist of the things needed to be thought up:
- How ads look.
- Products (at least three, but more is welcome.)
- How expensive they are (are they for the rich and priveledged? The common man? Do they help the homeless?)
- Who is their owner? Is the owner important to the company, and thus the image of it?
- Are they sponsoring any mech drivers? If so, who? These people don't need to be fully fleshed out, but if the story turns towards meeting one of them, I will contact you again about the production of said characters.
- What category of "reach" would you say the company has? (Local, international, space faring or galactic sized?)
Besides these points, the sky is the limit. You just get to producing the company and I will twist and change things where it is needed, but I will promise that I won't just spit in your face and say the company cannot work. There are trade companies for everything in Daros!
Mech Ring:
TickTockx2 and Master of Blades, this one should be kind of obvious. It is a Mech Ring, a place where mechs fight. Just like the stuff above, you have to fill out some things:
- What is the location of the Mech Ring? In a swamp? On a giant flying island?
- Is it legal? If it isn't legal, the chance of killing off characters is suddenly there, as there are no one to stop the fight if it goes awry.
- What are the core rules and gimmicks? All Mech Rings have something that makes them "unique".
- Is it sponsored? If it is, it will have a lot of ads from the ones who sponsor it, along with a "sponsored mech driver", which is explained a little more in the above text about trade companies.
- Who owns the Mech Ring? This person is the chief, the one who makes the rules of that particular ring! Besting the chief will either make him step off or give something akin to a mark of recognition to the one who bested it.
Besides all this, the sky is once again the limit! I will of course make it fit into the story, but I won't change everything if I think it doesn't fit something because that's just silly! Everything fits!
Supahkevin, Masterblade and TickTockTickTock, What sort of thing should your animated avatars be? Just explain what it should entail and I will make it so. And the "commission" image you get is on the level of something like this or even this. You can also look at my DA gallery for more ideas of what I can produce.
I hope you have fun working on your entries, at least as much fun as I will have drawing your prizes! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-14-2013, 06:43 PM
Can the readers throw in ideas for the company and the ring if they can't come up with any?
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-14-2013, 07:49 PM
Hmm, what to do for the avatar...
![[Image: 0DZibBJ.png]](
Here is a high-resolution render of the model to pretty much all of my avatars.
Make it do something avatar-worthy.
(I will PM you about the commission. It will be glorious o3o)
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-16-2013, 12:53 AM
Wow, thats a lot of things to design for one person. I can't wait to see what they come up with.
Also to put my mind at rest.
Give it to me straight Doc, how close was it. Because it sounded really close.
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RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
06-16-2013, 01:09 AM
(06-14-2013, 06:43 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Can the readers throw in ideas for the company and the ring if they can't come up with any? 
Uh, sure, but that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of this, wouldn't it?
(06-16-2013, 12:53 AM)Purple Walrus Wrote: »Also to put my mind at rest.
Give it to me straight Doc, how close was it. Because it sounded really close.
If you are talking about why I did not choose your entry, it's because it reminded me of this:
![[Image: the-jetsons-jean-vander-pyl-0.jpg]](
And that just kept weirding me out, to the point where I just couldn't see it in Derelict Dreams. It's not that your entry was badly made, it just rubbed me and the friends I shared it with the wrong way. My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
06-16-2013, 08:30 PM
Oh, well I was going for something more like this:
![[Image: 63.jpg]](
Because of the whole flower thing and her being out dated.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
07-06-2013, 08:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 08:59 PM by Dexexe1234.)
im sorry for being slow Masterblade, I have been very depressed these days. This is as far as I have gotten:
![[Image: CESDDqm.png]](
EDIT: Did some more on it:
![[Image: QWJ0x4a.gif]](
Is it good enough? My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
07-06-2013, 10:12 PM
I didn't even win/request that and I think that looks great
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
07-07-2013, 10:26 PM
Ok, I did a thinking and am back
So I thought what would be the best avatar is
kawaii Elesh Norn
Official Art Ref
more specifically, what originally set me onto this absurd idea
I don't really care about pose, just whatever works best for you
I'll probably be back soon with ideas for something else?
anyway, thanks again for doing this it's great
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
07-14-2013, 11:34 PM
So uh... I'm sorry for not posting my stuff in here. I just uh... I don't know. Apologies. 030
For my avatar, it'd be great if it was SCP-173, maybe just turning towards the 'camera' or something.
I also still have no idea what I want for a commission so I'll get back to you on that.
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RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
07-14-2013, 11:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 01:42 AM by MasterBlade.)
(07-06-2013, 08:21 PM)Dexexe1234 Wrote: »im sorry for being slow Masterblade, I have been very depressed these days. This is as far as I have gotten:
![[Image: CESDDqm.png]](
EDIT: Did some more on it:
![[Image: QWJ0x4a.gif]](
Is it good enough?
That is... wow :O
I should probably get you those arena details. I completely forgot about this >.>
(also do you have a version of that avi without the background? i would love to paste that EVERYWHERE :V)