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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 12:41 AM
konec0 Wrote:Supah: #419 excuses for what?
To me, it just looks like excuses in general.
Examples would be #401 (He's making an excuse so that he can't be held liable for any flip that happens) and #413 ('Don't lynch me I'm town')
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 12:51 AM
I had Red as town based on activity - Redscum usually flails around early and gets lynched/freaks out. Him voting for myw after implying he thought myw was a derp rolecop who gave away Scofflaw's role kind of lessened that.
Have Pilot as town because scum probably wouldn't have waited that long to hop on the wagon, especially one like that where people were saying there was next to no accountability. It's the same reason I think Mirdini is probably town too. Scum are most likely in the middle of that wagon.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 03:30 AM
Have some votals
Soft 5, Hard 11
calibornio (2) - Palamedes, myw
2create (5) - Gnauga, yd12k, Red709, cyber95
yd12k (1) - Purple Walrus
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 04:11 AM
Okay, so people seem to think I'm suspicious for a number reasons, and here I will explain why they do not make me scum:
1) Lack of posts- I haven't been posting because I was at a religious youth thing from Friday to today and only had access to a phone. I didn't realize day had started until I got back home. Also, there are people who haven't posted since RVS and they seem more suspicious imo.
2) PW defense- I understand why this would seem weird, but I already explained. I had played another game where RVS confusion led to my eventual D1 lynch, and I thought something similar was happening to PW. However, FS reminded me there were only 12 players in the other game, which I had forgotten and after I realized my mistake, I stopped trying to defend PW. PW is neutral imo atm.
3) Cat bandwagon- I agree that I had no good reason to vote cat except meta, but neither did anyone else. I didn't think cat was scum, but I did think she wouldn't be very useful if she was town.
If there are other reasons people think I'm scum, please tell me.
Also, on 2create, I feel like he could be derptown, but he could also be newbscum since a lot of his posts could go either way. I'm thinking more newbscum, but I'm gonna hold off on voting him until I have some god evidence against him.
Anyway, who do people think Kieros ended up saving? I think that is an important piece of data that hasn't been analysed much, and the FS death wasn't very informative.
Finally, mathgirl please post. Vote: mathgirl.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 05:32 AM
sorry people, i haven't really got enough time for this.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 06:30 AM
Wait, are we even sure frigidscholar was offed by the maf? Thete were multiple kills tonight, and Kieros makes more sense.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:23 AM
I assumed the first kill was the mafia kill, but ok.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 08:11 AM
(05-28-2013, 04:11 AM)calibornio Wrote: »Anyway, who do people think Kieros ended up saving? I think that is an important piece of data that hasn't been analysed much, and the FS death wasn't very informative.
hard to tell, don't want to spend too much time speculating, not very useful info anyway. My money's either on Mirdini or mr. revealed doublevoter over there.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 01:38 PM
(05-27-2013, 10:17 PM)Red709 Wrote: »2create STILL looks scum as hell with his "OH GOD IM TOWN DONT KILL ME ITLL BE BAD FOR YOU TOO" which is like bad scum defenses 101
except it feels like derp as much as scum
PW continues to make me make low-key acio noises at him
hey look red is saying all the things I want to say
it does help that almost all the people piling onto 2create are people I personally want to make acio noises at
because g'damn 2create is sorta digging holes left and right. I sort of want to side with the Palamedes' "come on guys he's 3p" but that's a cop-out and also the last time I thought that the person was actually mafia.
eugh 2create lynch would be so extremely informative it isn't even funny - he flips scum Palamedes/cyber (oh no better bus it's too late to save him etc.) look terrible and the people that've been bouncing on him since d1 look reasonably better? Gnauga's post is giving me hyper-bus heebie jeebies
also giving me heebie jeebies is konec0 and Palamedes both passing me off with 'he's town his d1 play made no sense as scum' which I'd love to take at face value but it feels more like them trying not to get in fights with me
they're still townier than the average player in my book right now but something to keep an eye on?
as much as I'd love to support 2create lynch for delicious info I'm still feeling he's town who's getting dogpiled by sorta-scummy people?
actually hrm rgh egh difficult
I certainly wouldn't mind a lynch on Purple Walrus or SupahKiven eventually (those slots should probably die at some point, fS feels like it was a vig shot but if it was that was suboptimal? I had him in the sorta scummy category yesterday but he certainly wasn't as bad as the lurkers who pop in with a few sentences and a vote per day. alas)
but actually uh Vote: 2create for REASONS
hey scoffles you're alive could you talk you're pretty high up in my town reads atm
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 01:52 PM
mrgle unvote REASONS were probably not reasons on further investigation
which makes me consider two interesting branching states? one is that 2create is scum and either his team is hyperbussing the shit out of him (I would) or his team is trying to pass him off as 3p (konec0/palamedes scumteam horrorshow) and the other is he is town and scum are going for the easiest mislynch of their lives (with gnauga or red as the token townie on the wagon? I'd like Gnauga's posts more but literally all he's done this game is vote 2create twice which isn't exactly convincing.)
as it stands Vote: SupahKiven I suppose. Got any thoughts on people other than 2create/Walrus? I mean you've made half-sentence jabs at people as varied as Cat/calibornio but never really followed up on any of it.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 03:55 PM
For some reason my train of thought floated to the phrase "could not look scummier if you tried" and now I'm considering the possibility that 2create is Fool? Especially given the whole Clouseau thing.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 04:25 PM
hey don't diss the Clouseau Clouseau is rad as hell :<
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 04:26 PM
also there's the fact that this exists
(04-19-2013, 04:00 AM)LegendaryQ Wrote: »[*]As always, even if I am planning to balance this game, bastardry is always a possible thing, though nothing extreme. No changing alignments, no jesters, etc.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 05:42 PM
Okay, so 2create confuses me. At first, his mannerisms, such as going "Hey, I don't want to be lynched!", could be a very scummy thing, yes, but I have seen lots of newbtown do this, mainly because they really don't want to be lynched so early in their first game. So, I had 2create pinned as newbtown, and I must admit that wagon does not look so good. But then this happened:
(05-28-2013, 07:23 AM)2create Wrote: »I assumed the first kill was the mafia kill, but ok.
It just seems really weird that he went ahead and assumed frigid was the mafia kill without any indication, when he himself said that it seems like a weird scum kill here:
(05-27-2013, 07:42 PM)2create Wrote: »It is off indeed. Why would scum kill frigidScholar?
(post clipped, refer to full post for context please)
I think that he is scum, and is perfectly aware that the mafia chose to kill frigid and tried to cover up for it by going "man thats a weird thing for scum to do, i do not follow that reasoning therefore i am not scum". Except he derped and revealed that he knew who mafia killed.
So yeah I'm feeling scum on him. Still do not like the way people jumped on him for the basic newbtown thing, I mean holy wow. I'm going to Deadline Vote: 2create.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 06:30 PM
(05-28-2013, 12:28 AM)konec0 Wrote: »Red: #420/421 "2c feels derp as much as scum... cali is most suspicious on cat wagon" *votes 2c*
why 2c and not cali red
did I not explain this part
okay while cali feels like more scum on the LYNCH than 2create, 2create also overall is giving us more reasons to lynch him
like between the two, cal feels weirder and 2c feels like either super derp or super scum. possibly both. Either way right now dini is right this wagon will be insanely informative if it goes through
also that post in which I said things was shorter than I wanted because I was 3DS and couldn't tab to see posts
of the others on the lynch:
- Dini looks fine imo, he policylynched, but it's been a long time coming and he didn't push in a super scum way or anything
- Cat was taunting us
- I lynched her because TAUNTS also because I agree with dini this was a good thing overall
- Guy's vote was basically a "well... if she is gonna be useless we might as well lynch her, w/e"
- Pala is fine on that wagon
- Pilot's vote was a last second unexplained thing what the hell potatoboy
overall cali mostly only looks bad because of his weird defense of PW yesterday and the Catwagon jump from hell
2create just... keeps doing what he's doing which is worse overall?? I mean yeah he could be a newbie but at the same time it just feels terrible. also that HEY THEY KILLED FRIGID thing is weird and I didn't mention that I guess? Like where did that come from
at all
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 06:41 PM
(05-28-2013, 06:30 PM)Red709 Wrote: »- Pilot's vote was a last second unexplained thing what the hell potatoboy
me in said vote Wrote:I had changed it in a post but that post apparently got swallowed by the forum and I hadn't changed it since.
is this satisfactory y/n
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:23 PM
Hey, hey, come on. I thought the order of the flips would be predetermined.
But okay, if you think that my logic here is flawed then vote for me.
I'm just afraid I won't really be helpful right now, because derp during life and probably hardly any info on death.
Also I'm gonna go voteless now. Not related to the rest of the message, but quite related to the pressure.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:30 PM
And also yeah being too derpy and hurting town is a valid reason to lynch me at this point. If you're lynching me for that reason, I shan't protest.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:34 PM
hhhhhhhhhhh Pilot
Okay, reminder to everyone doing this, in case it has not been made clear enough
Stop exclusively defending yourself and post something useful to the rest of us
Out of curiosity I decided to look over all of Pilot's posts and this is what they consisted of
Show Content
* claiming not killer
* voting mirdini, claiming not granny
* bluetext just to piss off red, also claiming not granny
* implicitly claiming not granny
* quote joke
* joke sort of thing? teasing? w/e it was not constructive
* presses 2create to use his vote without providing any actual reasoning as to why
* "working on saying things"
* "had a big post but forums ate it, long story short don't like catlynch" (which is fair enough, and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here)
* Further explanation of why he dislikes catlynch! Yes good, even if I disagreed
* "I would make a more worthwhile post but no time, long story short a cat lynch is fine honestly just want more naks"
(Whatever the fuck a nak is, he shifted from "really don't like catlynch and thinks it reflects somewhat poorly on those pushing for it" to "whatever fine I guess" which I find mildly suspicious)
* "Mirdini vote was left over from RVS, let me change it" *promptly votes for lynch he was pushing against two pages ago, gives no reasoning why he didn't novote or something instead*
* Confronts 2create on self-preservation (after others have already called him on it), adds nothing to discussion
tool door: still okay with a 2create lynch if that's what you guys want but I am increasingly vexed by Pilot. Especially if 2create flips scum, in which case I would be fairly convinced Pilot is bussing, but honestly even if 2create is town I'm not happy with this.
Also lurkers stop lurking etc. etc.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:38 PM
ebwop: forgot to clarify that I have nothing against joking around and shit, but if you aren't constructive as well there is no reason to leave you alive (see: cat)
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:42 PM
You can wait for me to say words on other things MrGuy, the words take time. Gotta analyze and think things over.
But first of all let me explain you a thing:
Quote:Mirdini vote was left over from RVS, let me change it" *promptly votes for lynch he was pushing against two pages ago, gives no reasoning why he didn't novote or something instead*
I was never against the catlynch! OBSERVE POST NUMBER #336:
Quote:I really don't mind the Cat lynch
It's people like Mirdini going "nope we're gonna lynch cat" and not saying anything else is uncool.
The only opposition with relation to the cat lynch was how people were initially just going "cat lynch 2013" and not saying anything else. That was pretty bad, and the people I was glaring at for it explained themselves in time. After my initial reservations were quashed I had no problem getting on board the lynch.
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP -D1: For Realsies (24/24)
05-28-2013, 07:44 PM
Okay, I passed out from sleep deprivation that night Scoffles was asking for reads. And then I had a really busy week since then and I had lots of work and bluh bluh here's what I got:
(05-21-2013, 04:56 PM)Scoffles Wrote: »Credit, please rank Red, Pilot, and Kiven from towniest to scummiest. Show your work.
K, Kiven feels kinda scummy because he only had 1 post in RVS, and one Walrus vote over here.
and then reiterates his Walrus vote over here... if I didn't know better, I would think the Kiven wants to hunt walruses 
but srsly, why the hate on walrus. Twice. Is that necessary?
AND THEN AGAIN after a few pages WALRUSES AGAIN OVER HERE. He's tunneling Purple Walrus with little to no reasoning. And with little to no activity. 4 posts. That's it.
Aaaannd now here we are, with no sign of Kiven. Kiven = Scum
Red seems town to me because he seems more like a victim just for spazzing out on Kieros about linktext and then having people vote him. After a while it gets to a lot of people. Like come on kieros.
But then there was that part where he got angry of there even being the possibility of a double-voter. Why teh hate? I guess this seems suspicious.
This post and the one previous to it point out Walrus' not-a-defense. And cal and 2create's wagon hopping. Pretty town to call that out, no?
this post of red describing how his "wagon" was due to role shenanigans. = effort *thumbs up*
and then this was as far as I got before passing out.
Also I still HAVE lots of work so
MOD REPLACE Sorry guys :c
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:49 PM
(05-28-2013, 07:42 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »I was never against the catlynch! OBSERVE POST NUMBER #336:
Quote:I really don't mind the Cat lynch
It's people like Mirdini going "nope we're gonna lynch cat" and not saying anything else is uncool.
The only opposition with relation to the cat lynch was how people were initially just going "cat lynch 2013" and not saying anything else. That was pretty bad, and the people I was glaring at for it explained themselves in time. After my initial reservations were quashed I had no problem getting on board the lynch. While that's fair enough and I probably should have triple-checked a couple of those posts before I wordwalled
It still rubs me the wrong way that you only provided an explanation for your votechange when called out
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RE: Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24)
05-28-2013, 07:54 PM
(05-28-2013, 07:49 PM)MrGuy Wrote: »It still rubs me the wrong way that you only provided an explanation for your votechange when called out 
Perhaps I was mistaken in my phrasing and assumed the reasoning was implicit? Whatever, there's the reason, should be reasonably obvious now.
also re: 2create
deadline: 2create
So I have played with this guy before. The meta there is completely different and that could account for a lot of playstyle differences that people hopped on during D1. I gave him the benefit of the doubt as it's a newer, louder environment and the meta is completely different.
We get to D2, he makes a scumslip and the pressure is put on. And then I have not seen him crack under pressure so quickly. I've seen him under pressure before and normally he handles it fairly well. Now he's rendered himself voteless, which he claims is to "avoid any more accidents" which feels like a really shitty attempt to try and get out of responsibility for his vote.
I don't trust that whatever power he gets in return is really worth dropping the vote for, and that doing so early on is the best of ideas. Namely it wouldn't surprise me if this was an elaborate gambit that involved claiming loss of vote? Hell I'm willing to test that for myself. Something tells me if he attempts to vote and we wait for moderator votals to show the (lack of) vote we'd know if it's true or not.
People are making noise about Walrus/Credit/Cali as well? Gonna go look at those three and see what sticks out.
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Tropefia - A PYP - D2: Milk Stains (21/24) NEEDING 1-2 REPLACEMENTS INQUIRE WITHIN
05-28-2013, 09:45 PM
So, LeafSw0rd and Credit have asked for replacements. Viata gets first dibs, but this game is now in need of replacements. Those of you not playing the game who want in, now's your opportunity. PM me or post in here to express your interest, and I'll get the role stuff and whatnot to you as quickly as I can.