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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 09:10 PM
You know what whatever. Here's my tracker data since the doc just claimed.
We got:
ICGC visited nobody
Sea visited Garu
Also please note that our tracker results are probably swapped, as shown by D1.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 09:44 PM
Finished getting caught up
Still okay with lynching Kane.
Would also like to see Caliborn and Dpaul die. Bears needs to shoot or get off the pot.
Dini I'm feeling better about.
Seedy missing is weird as hell.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 09:45 PM
Well that was caught up for several hours ago
I just forgot to hit send
We have a doc claim now?
Le sigh
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 09:58 PM
(05-13-2013, 09:10 PM)Yewchung Wrote: »You know what whatever. Here's my tracker data since the doc just claimed.
We got:
ICGC visited nobody
Sea visited Garu
Also please note that our tracker results are probably swapped, as shown by D1.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I visited garuru so...
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 10:01 PM
also blarrgh we have no way of confirming beru and she was my lynch initially, and that never stopped being a thing (until Granola). vote: beruru
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 10:30 PM
(05-13-2013, 04:26 PM)Yewchung Wrote: »As for a vote, I'll just start with a Vote: Kane for the same reasons I stated yesterday, namely trying to kill conversation and general scumminess.
When did that happen?
Also, I'm kinda confused by all the claiming =( would someone be kind enough to summarize a bit?
It also really makes me want to shoot this gun so...I'm up for shooting again?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 10:31 PM
Goddang it math
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Night Two: Playing Chicken (20/21)
05-13-2013, 10:32 PM
(05-11-2013, 11:22 PM)amosmyn Wrote: »
The gunban is on today.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 11:27 PM
Yeah I forgot, thanks.
Well, the orange... I have to say the orange makes (in my opinion) Math town :/. I find it a bit hard to believe that scum would claim such a large public action, unless it's a big fat gambit or something.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-13-2013, 11:50 PM
Part of the thing that makes me think it's scum's doing is because we could've tested numerous people via bears/tea claims.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 12:07 AM
Wait uh
I definitely didn't visit anyone last night.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 12:18 AM
Well, yeah remember the tracker results kept getting switched (supposedly). So it does say you visited no one.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 12:21 AM
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Spoilerdying in the night has made putting off catching up in favor of finals and papers a retroactively very good decision. seriously though if I reread and came back to this I woulda cried
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 12:35 AM
(05-13-2013, 11:50 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »Part of the thing that makes me think it's scum's doing is because we could've tested numerous people via bears/tea claims.
We still can if people are willing to wait a day. I think.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 12:36 AM
I have realized I have previously been playing the part of Solaris all wrong. Instead of simply acting verbose with pseudoelequence, I should have more strongly instated my intense love and partnership with all things Mirdini. However, I suspect I will be able to make amends.
Here are the key events I believe occurred:
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SpoilerDay 1: A lot of players talked, but no real information was garnered. Though a few players acted a bit suspiciously, no in-game motivations for that behavior was confirmed.
Night 1: The mafia opted to recruit granolaman instead of making a kill. A superwatcher would have been immensely beneficial to them, and as he had daychat, they gained his N1 data.
Day 2: Granolaman (who was conceivably one of the more valuable members of the mafia - since they gave up a night kill for him) was lynched. His role (and many other roles) were revealed. This is the most critical point of information from which to decipher in game motivations.
Night 2: The mafia opted to kill Palamedes, in lieu of taking a gamble on Garuru/Yewchung. This turned out to be a good move for them, as for one, Garuru was protected by credit, and two, Anacreon had targeted Palamedes. This meant that their Palamedes kill also affected Anacreon. A Lucky Shot.
And here are the players I believe are AS GOOD AS TOWN:
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btp - Yes, myself. Here is why I would argue for my towness. I voted for granolaman (a valuable mafia player) and kept my vote on him. When I felt that he had incriminated himself sufficiently, I pushed for others to vote for him. At the end of the day, with 3 hours left, I posted votals in order to encourage those who had not yet voted for him to do so. If I was attempting to execute a scum member to make myself look better, I'm certain I could have chosen a less-valuable member.
Mirdini - He was the second key player in granola-lynch. He's been making consistently strong posts with town benefits in mind. He hasn't been seen lying, and he's been discouraging poor play from other town members. Also
Garuru - He claimed tracker and had his results backed up by town. There was no need for him to do this had he been scum. He was honest enough that we were able to gather his role quirk with Yewchung.
Yewchung - Partnered with Garuru, backed up Credit's claim, and seemed to have good reason for witholding the information at start.
Credit - Just, just should not have claimed doc, but he targeted the right people and his visit was backed up by Yewchung. I would not be surprised if we found him dead in the morning.
Coldblooded - It does not make since to me for him to have been masons with Granola if he was also a member of a scum faction. If this was the case, then he could have gained information from Granola about roles, given them to the mafia, and the mafia would not have had to sacrifice their night 1 kill. There are still complications here. Why was he in particular masoned to Granola? CB, would you care to posit a hypothesis?
And here are players who I am not suspicious of
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0_o - He claimed "town bleeder", and his night actions corresponded with those of Garuru's report. Given that some roles in this game are less powered than others, I would suspect that such a role has a place in this game. Not to mention that, after claiming, he frequently offered himself as a "sacrifice" to kill another player. There was no consensus, but Granolaman did suggest he kill Garuru/Yewchung. Granola was part of the mafia at this point. It would have been more astute of him to suggest a different murder combo, had 0_o been a member of the scum
TehPilot - I do not have anything in particular about him here. I am merely placing him in this list because, I do not really suspect him, primarily due to the opinions of other players, Pala and Mirdini to be specific.
Some things that worry me:
Seedy disappeared? Er... died? Which implies a second, janitor kill. I don't think the scum has multiple killers, which would mean that there is a third party killing role in play.
The gunban. At this juncture, today would have been the ideal place for scum to place a gun-ban. We had put a lot of pressure on them day 1 with multiple confirmed claims, a pair of active trackers, and a murdered super watcher. With 3 or so players willing to shoot the following day, it was particularly likely that scum would or at least benefit from preventing that from occurring.
At this point there is no question that MathGirl activated the gunban. The real question is, do we believe that she was simply acting out of her own personal suspisions, or was she acting for the good of the scumteam? Both have valid cases for and against, but seeing how scum traditionally have at least one gunban role, and given prior suspisions, I will say
Vote: MathGirl
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 12:49 AM
(05-14-2013, 12:35 AM)AKillerCuppaTea Wrote: » (05-13-2013, 11:50 PM)TehPilot Wrote: »Part of the thing that makes me think it's scum's doing is because we could've tested numerous people via bears/tea claims.
We still can if people are willing to wait a day. I think.
It's evident it'd be a delaying tactic and whoa whoa wait
I read btp's post and wondered where he got Mathgirl from and I scoured the thread and just saw her post.
Okay this changes things. I'll need to get around to a proper looksee over this.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:03 AM
(05-14-2013, 12:36 AM)btp Wrote: »Some things that worry me:
Seedy disappeared? Er... died? Which implies a second, janitor kill. I don't think the scum has multiple killers, which would mean that there is a third party killing role in play.
Perhaps Seedy commuted or someone "commuted" Seedy? That could also be a possibility to consider, though I don't know if that would be announced differently or not.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:28 AM
I see your point about Math being possible scumbanner, but you have to consider that scum team isn't stupid. I don't think that they would have their gunbanner go out and announce that they activated the gunban. This means one of several situations is currently presented to us.
A) Math is town, and initiated the gunban due to being misguided or something
B) Math is scumbanner and deserves to be lynched
C) Math is scum other than gunbanner who scum for whatever reason wants dead (MultiDOB?)
D) Math is town with some mechanical reason to call gunban
E) Math is third party with some mechanical reason to call gunban
All in all, I'd say that Math being scum is most likely, especially given her D2 behavior. I'd be fine with a Lynch: Math then in that case, unless Math otherwise says something to alleviate that suspicion.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:34 AM
EBWOP: On Seedy's disappearance, that's probably either a Janitor, Jailer, or Driver.
Also another note, apparently scum gave up their kill N1 to get Granola, and as a result there were no kills. However, if this is an additional kill or whatever, then the question is why they didn't use that N1? It makes no sense for them to give up their main scumkill for Granola and not use another kill of theirs. That means that either there was another killer N1 and they were roleblocked/docced against, or something weird and role related is going on.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:48 AM
What...what is all this talk of lynching Math i hear
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:51 AM
I figured they tried to kill palamedes n1, yewchung. And if the doc doc'd him (which is what I had assumed happened before people were like "they must have recruited granola", then, yeah.
The roledump for granola didn't say he was recruited, just that scum knew he was recruitable, too.
Hm... People going for the "he must have been recruited" thing might be telling.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:52 AM
(05-14-2013, 01:34 AM)Yewchung Wrote: »That means that either there was another killer N1 and they were roleblocked/docced against, or something weird and role related is going on.
Docced against.
Yeah that was me. I docced Pala N1.
Also, I don't think there are any other nightkillers and that the only sacrifice is for Granola, who may either choose to keep tracking/masoning or set up a chat with scum. Seeing as how he tracked N1, the scum got to use their kill.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 01:53 AM
Ninja'd: Vortor's got it right.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 02:02 AM
@Vortor and ICGC
Based on the way the game was going and the lack of NK N1, it's almost certain that scum recruited Granola, as they had lots of incentive to do so.
Recruiting Granola would require scum to give up their night kill, meaning Granola could still track.
The kill on Pala N1 was thus likely the only kill N1, and was likely a block of scum's Janitorkill or something. Maybe third party janitor or town janitor? Can't think why town janitor would ever use their ability though.
Other possibilities include that you protected Pala but nobody shot them, and that we have a janitorkiller or something who didn't get their kill until N2.
Or last alternative, that Seedy's role causes them to dissapear on death for a day or something. Delayed revive martyr? I don't think so in this small of a game.
One last note: Scum does not have an obliter, apparently, or we'd all be dead already.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Three: Bodies of Water (17?/21)
05-14-2013, 02:30 AM
i have a really dumb question that i'm sure y'all know what leads to
who hasn't claimed