Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!

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Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
[Dex]: Reveal obvious contest!

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[Image: NyGAVC1.png]

[Image: SiBg1VX.png]
[Image: wNymzU8.png]

Yes, Contest Time!

So, to start off my fifth year of adventure smithing, I am gonna have another contest! And this one I at least know I won't fudge up like all the previous stuff! Right, enough dilly dallying, let's get into the meat of the things, the Info!

  • The Contest will be designing a mech and a Driver of said mech for Derelict Dreams!
  • The Deadline to it will be The First of June! So 1st of June, 2013!
  • There will be 3 winners, so a First, Second and Third place!

Right! Those bullets tell the general setup! Also, to reiterate:

This should give you a good 30 days to get your entries done!

Now, you can't enter a contest if there's no rules or setup or how to do anything, SO, the rules!

  • Please, follow the template that will be in a spoiler below the rules.
  • Images are not needed, if you make some they will be to "show" the character, but that doesn't mean making an image automatically makes you be better considered for being a winner.
  • I will choose a winner, but I will also discuss your entries with my friends to choose which ones should win!
  • You may send in 3 entries maximum!
  • Please spoiler your entries, as they are pretty long. Optionally you can label each entry with entry numbers and names of the drivers/mecha.

Oh but, you might ask yourself "Dex, why the flock would I care about this?" Well, there are prizes of course! What kind of contest doesn't have prizes?? A bad one, that's what!

  • First Place:
    ◕ A Commission drawing from me! Woo, that's so worthless but who cares, it's still something!
    ◕ You also get to design a company for DD and some of it's products! This will be handled in the thread after the contest is over!
    ◕ Also you will get to design a mech ring for DD! This will also be handled in the thread after the contest is over!
    ◕ And to top it off, I will make you a fully animated avatar!
  • Second Place:
    ◕ A Commission drawing from me! You will
    ◕ also get to design a mech ring for DD!
    ◕ I will make you a fully animated avatar!
  • Third Place:
    ◕ A Commission drawing from me!
    ◕ I will make you a fully animated avatar!
  • Also: The three winning characters will also become part of Derelict Dreams canon, so Diana WILL be meeting these people!

...Damn this thing looks so informa-RIGHT with that out of the way, let's get the template done!


Also Here's an explanation of Affinity:
  • Mech Affinity directly means how well the driver controls the mech, and thus it will provide boosts to the mech's powers and stats when that driver is driving the mech. Also the affinity changes from person to person and mech to mech, example: Person A and Person B wants to control Mech X and Mech Y! Person A has 40% affinity for Mech X but only 20% affinity for Mech Y, so obviously it would be smarter to put Person A in Mech X! Person B on the other hand has 40% Affinity also for Mech X, but a whooping 70% affinity for Mech Y! So it gets put in there to maximize affinity! So maximum potential here is Person A in Mech X and Person B in Mech Y! Basically it is about stats, so a person with a mech affinity of 100% is a freaking serious badass with his or her (or it or schler) mecha!

Right! Nothing else to do than declare the contest open now! Go, go make your entries! Oh, and have fun! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Is there a limit to the number of entries we can submit?
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
(05-09-2013, 02:47 AM)btp Wrote: »Is there a limit to the number of entries we can submit?

Added this rule to the main thread, but im gonna post it here too just to be sure!
  • You may send in 3 entries maximum! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Entry 1:
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Challenge accepted! I will probably write up another later.

Draxon Rell, "Hardnose" Show
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
:I welp it's time for my uncreativeness to go to work. Go! Laziness powers, activate!
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
I finished at 1:56 AM, barely in time.
Forum Username: Lightning Scorpion
Driver Name: Vipra "Copper" Hydraga
Base Data: Her species are naga-like people but with snake heads and bodies so really they are larger snakes with arms. She is around 70 ft long. She has a cobra hood and has two heads used for grasping numerous items and a rattle on the tip of her tail and two horns on her nose. She has yellow eyes and small thin,black snakes with yellow eyes as back-length hair.She can move in numerous ways with her tail which can function as a whip. She also has the venom of an Island Taipan. Vipra is around 21 years old. Quite young for her species.
Character Description: She wears a victorian-style dress and has steampunk-like goggles on top of her head. She wields numerous steampunk bombs filled with a venomous mixture that can make people see hallucations and gain fatigue which leaves a green and purple smoke trail.
Biography: She was supposed to be the queen after her mother died but she never wanted to command and just wanted to invent mechas and numerous potions with alchemy and commanding would take most of her time. So she flew away with a steampunk-like plane to some place else. Unfortunately, her plane crashed. She got out in time and did not die a horrible death but she got her left arm (head?) severed so she replaced it with a steampunk-like copper arm. She saw a dead Sand Wyrm and decided to create a mecha and go battling with other mechas. She has a rivalry and an in-and-out of relationship with a girl who has a human-body of a female with spider-like skin and grey hair but waist down is the body of a spider who has a tarantula mecha.
Mech Affinity: 100%

Mech Production Name: Sand Wyrm V-0001
Mech Nickname: The Large As Fuck Worm or Sand Wyrm
Base Data: The Sand Wyrm is approximately 15 km long and 1 km wide and tall.
Mech description: The Sand Wyrm looks like a sand wyrm. Sand Wyrms are brownish orange burrowing beasts with saw-blade like fangs on top of their circular mouths and small 1 dm wide eyes around the head and close to the mouth and live only in the desert. She modified the Sand Wyrm to have short spikes on every side of the body and a shell that was numerous plates stacked together. She put more fangs deeper within the mouth of the sand wyrm to act as more saws. The inside has been hollowed out into an bronze area with numerous ingredients, potions, nuts, bolts and metal scattered on the bronze floor. There is an AI programmed by her that has the Sand Wyrm's mind. She put a glass wall within the mouth just after the saws for better vision.
Special details:N/A
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
This is the first of three entries I intend to make. The others will come whenever I feel like it.

Entry 1
Axel Ridge- M427 Small extinguisher mecha "Hydro" (Old Bessie)
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Any relation to the Movie star Kurt Russell?
RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
(05-11-2013, 12:02 PM)RatStar Wrote: »Any relation to the Movie star Kurt Russell?

Crap! Someone help me think of a short, coarse name for Mr. Fire chief! D:
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Alex Ridge! That sounds plausible!
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
  • Mech Affinity directly means how well the driver controls the mech, and thus it will provide boosts to the mech's powers and stats when that driver is driving the mech. Also the affinity changes from person to person and mech to mech, example: Person A and Person B wants to control Mech X and Mech Y! Person A has 40% affinity for Mech X but only 20% affinity for Mech Y, so obviously it would be smarter to put Person A in Mech X! Person B on the other hand has 40% Affinity also for Mech X, but a whooping 70% affinity for Mech Y! So it gets put in there to maximize affinity! So maximum potential here is Person A in Mech X and Person B in Mech Y! Basically it is about stats, so a person with a mech affinity of 100% is a freaking serious badass with his or her (or it or schler) mecha!

Adding this to the opening post. My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
I justify 100% affinity from Fireman X having piloted his particular mech for years in actual danger situations. If that's a problem I could change it. :x

Also, posting this cause it might be handy for other entrants.

[Image: ZHceCjF.png]
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
I hope I did this right. Tell me if there is anything wrong here.
ENTRY #1: Venom Scale

ENTRY #2: Sensei
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Facility and the Melter

Patient 49 and the Biohazard
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Masterblade, can you please spoiler your pic? Cuz now the page is getting real long. In fact, entries should have their bios and mech descriptions spoilered as well, knowing those are always the longest.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
yeah ICan't is on to something. Everyone, please spoiler and label your entries with numbers and the names of the characters/mechs! The last part is optional, but spoilering is not! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Ok, here's my take on the "affinity." If you have 100% affinity with your mech, you can control it with little more than a thought and it quickly and effortlessly responds. I have my (currently) only entry set at 85% and he has a neural linkup! Just keep in mind you don't have to have 100% affinity to know your mech inside and out or to be a good pilot.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
I'm so making a character for this.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Felsera and her M1404-Medium Beast Type "Hunter"
RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!


RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
Edited in a picture to my post. I know Dex doesn't like 3D art, but since the image is optional anyway, I figure it's no big deal.
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
what. When did I say I didn't like 3D art.

No seriously, if I said it in my past on MSPA, we must all remember that being a teenager is not fun, and being over that stage is a thing to be celebrated. My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
(05-17-2013, 03:37 AM)Dexexe1234 Wrote: »what. When did I say I didn't like 3D art.

No seriously, if I said it in my past on MSPA, we must all remember that being a teenager is not fun, and being over that stage is a thing to be celebrated.

It was during one of the Geaworks Wars, you put out a ban on 3D art because it's hard to replicate. I guess I might've interpreted it as more of a general statement than it was. ^.^;
RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
oh yeah that was because it was hard to redraw since it was tough to understand (for me at least at that time). I have nothing against it anymore, even if I had some kind of anger with it in the past! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.