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Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 02:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-13-2013, 03:22 AM by Dexexe1234.)
[Dex]: Reveal obvious contest!
![[Image: wNymzU8.png]](
Yes, Contest Time!
So, to start off my fifth year of adventure smithing, I am gonna have another contest! And this one I at least know I won't fudge up like all the previous stuff! Right, enough dilly dallying, let's get into the meat of the things, the Info!
Info:- The Contest will be designing a mech and a Driver of said mech for Derelict Dreams!
- The Deadline to it will be The First of June! So 1st of June, 2013!
- There will be 3 winners, so a First, Second and Third place!
Right! Those bullets tell the general setup! Also, to reiterate:
This should give you a good 30 days to get your entries done!
Now, you can't enter a contest if there's no rules or setup or how to do anything, SO, the rules!
Rules:- Please, follow the template that will be in a spoiler below the rules.
- Images are not needed, if you make some they will be to "show" the character, but that doesn't mean making an image automatically makes you be better considered for being a winner.
- I will choose a winner, but I will also discuss your entries with my friends to choose which ones should win!
- You may send in 3 entries maximum!
- Please spoiler your entries, as they are pretty long. Optionally you can label each entry with entry numbers and names of the drivers/mecha.
Oh but, you might ask yourself "Dex, why the flock would I care about this?" Well, there are prizes of course! What kind of contest doesn't have prizes?? A bad one, that's what!
Prizes:- First Place:
◕ A Commission drawing from me! Woo, that's so worthless but who cares, it's still something!
◕ You also get to design a company for DD and some of it's products! This will be handled in the thread after the contest is over!
◕ Also you will get to design a mech ring for DD! This will also be handled in the thread after the contest is over!
◕ And to top it off, I will make you a fully animated avatar!
- Second Place:
◕ A Commission drawing from me! You will
◕ also get to design a mech ring for DD!
◕ I will make you a fully animated avatar!
- Third Place:
◕ A Commission drawing from me!
◕ I will make you a fully animated avatar!
- Also: The three winning characters will also become part of Derelict Dreams canon, so Diana WILL be meeting these people!
...Damn this thing looks so informa-RIGHT with that out of the way, let's get the template done!
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Forum Username: This is your forum username.
Driver Name: The name of the character.
Base Data: What race is it? What gender is it? How tall is it? How heavy is it? Any scars or "not normal" conditions for that race?
Character Description: Describe what clothes the character has, how it looks, what weapons it carries, if any, what items it carries and so on.
Biography: What is this character's story? How did it get to where it is now? How is it's personality?
Mech Affinity: Add a percentage defining how good this person is at controlling it's mech. (Example: 50% Affinity.)
Mech Production Name: What is the product name? (Example: M307-Small Face Mecha.)
Mech Nickname: The nickname! (Example: "Toughnut".)
Base Data: How heavy is it? How tall is it?
Mech description: What does it look like? What weapons does it have? What does it use for fuel? Does it have any weak points? Describe the mech as well as you can here.
Special details: If the mech is "customized" in any way, add how here, and explain how it's different to the "base form".
Also Here's an explanation of Affinity:
- Mech Affinity directly means how well the driver controls the mech, and thus it will provide boosts to the mech's powers and stats when that driver is driving the mech. Also the affinity changes from person to person and mech to mech, example: Person A and Person B wants to control Mech X and Mech Y! Person A has 40% affinity for Mech X but only 20% affinity for Mech Y, so obviously it would be smarter to put Person A in Mech X! Person B on the other hand has 40% Affinity also for Mech X, but a whooping 70% affinity for Mech Y! So it gets put in there to maximize affinity! So maximum potential here is Person A in Mech X and Person B in Mech Y! Basically it is about stats, so a person with a mech affinity of 100% is a freaking serious badass with his or her (or it or schler) mecha!
Right! Nothing else to do than declare the contest open now! Go, go make your entries! Oh, and have fun! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 02:47 AM
Is there a limit to the number of entries we can submit?
The gears spin as they will!
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 02:56 AM
(05-09-2013, 02:47 AM)btp Wrote: »Is there a limit to the number of entries we can submit?
Added this rule to the main thread, but im gonna post it here too just to be sure!
- You may send in 3 entries maximum! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 03:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2013, 03:50 PM by FelixSparks.)
Entry 1:
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Forum Username: Felix Sparks
Driver Name: "Allen"
Base Data: Allen is a sentient AI. Yes, I'm going there. He's three years old, no recorded height or weight. His programming takes about 20 terrabytes though.
Character Description: Allen, when he shows off his AI form, appears as the head of an old man, with no hair, and silver eyes. It's kind of spooky how life-like it looks... When he opens his mouth to speak, code can be see inside his mouth and down what little of a throat he has.
Biography: Allen was originally designed as the AI-LEARN, a complimentary piece of software to be installed in the "Chariot" project line of Mecha to assist new pilots in learning the ropes of piloting. As the project continued, the AI-LEARN was introduced to many ideas, and taught many techniques, to the point where he was able to become self-aware. No one at the facility could be found afterwards, so it's unsure if this was done on purpose, or happened solely by accident. Allen named himself shortly after gaining sentience and seeing his console covered in papers which obscured the writting to look like his current name. Having already been installed in "Chariot", he took off into the reaches of space, not caring for the scientists anymore.
Allen is an interesting AI. Since he was taught not only about war, but compassion and love, he could probably pass for human if he wanted to. As it is, he usually just pilots Big Al around, more interested in exploring the galaxy and learning than blending in with society. He'll help people if they can teach him something, or he thinks he can learn from observing them.
How did Allen end up in the dump? Funny story. The power panel on his back got damaged, and the dump was the closest thing available. At the moment, he can't do much more than talk and bat things away, and his solar-power collection unit isn't functioning properly. If it gets repaired, he could probably walk and get to fixing himself. For now, he sits and waits for someone with enough skill, parts, or ingenuity to come along...
Mech Affinity: 100% Affinity. He IS the Mech.
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Mech Production Name: A-1730 (Pronounced "A- One Seven Thirty")
Mech Nickname: Official Project name: "Chariot" Allen's name for it: "Big Al"
Base Data: The suit itself is about 6'0" tall, and weighs about 370 pounds.
Mech description: The "Chariot" model Mech was designed to be used by whoever came across it, regardless of race, culture, or sexuality, if that matters. That's why Allen was created, to teach anyone to use the suit. It can be used for near anything the user can imagine, offense, defense, support, repairs, all is possible. The A-1730 has a few slots for tools and weapons, which can be switched out for other parts as needed. Beyond anything else, the A-1730 is an adaptive combat suit, which would have been great had the lab behind it ever finished. As it is, only the prototype exists, and the lab disappeared from public records some two years back. The suit itself can run on either Solar, Hydro, or Electric power, allowing it to be used in a multitude of circumstances. It is most effective while on Solar power, while barely functional on Hydro power unless completely submerged, like fighting in the ocean. As it is a prototype, it cannot be perfect. There is a large glowing panel on the back, when, if damaged, reduces the amount of energy the suit can store. If struck with enough force at the base of the spine, the suit will lock up and getting out will be impossible until the suit is fixed. It also doesn't have a very large oxygen supply, so if sealed it will only hold enough for normal human consumption for an hour and a half, two hours at the very limit. The armor on the "Chariot" is rather thick, but lacks in movement speed and flexibility because of it.
Special details: As a prototype, no true "Base Form" exists. Over time, the machine has adapted to having Allen as the pilot, and would likely reject an organic pilot unless something happened to Allen. Even then, half the controls would be locked since the physical controls haven't been touched in so long they might be faulty or dangerous. Allen routed most of the programming and movement of Big Al to his own programming, so if something happens to one, the other will also be damaged.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 04:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-13-2013, 03:34 AM by BigBurkhart.)
Challenge accepted! I will probably write up another later.
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Draxon Rell, "Hardnose"
Forum Username: BigBurkhart
Driver Name: Draxon Rell
Base Data: Gear Hume / Male / 7.2 ft tall / 675 lbs / Small dent above right eye
Character Description: Draxon wears brown heavy workman’s pants, a white tee shirt, and black suspenders at pretty much any given time. If he’s at home or relaxing he usually just wears the pants. Draxon is a fully-metal Gear Hume, with bluish grey metal plating as his “skin.” He prefers not to carry any weaponry, but in places that seem a little rough he carries a standard small-caliber pistol just in case. On the job Draxton wears standard-issue safety equipment for construction sites.
Biography: Draxon Rell got his start as a construction worker. He worked hard, and when his shift ended, he drank hard with his work buddies. Life was simple for Drax, and he was happy, more or less. He did have a bit of a gambling problem, but it never was too big of an issue since he knew when to call it a night, and on average, he broke even. Draxon’s start in the mech fighting circuit started after one night of heavy drinking and a drunken bet that he couldn’t convert one of the construction mechs into a fighting machine. Being stubborn as he was, Draxon accepted the bet, and later that night he finished his heavy modifications onto his ride. He added two extra arms, an advanced jump-booster, hard armor plating, rearranged and modified the lifter for offensive purposes, and added an upgraded link system so he could plug himself directly into the controls of the machine. Fortunately, he won the bet. Unfortunately, he was fired the next day for the modifications and told “Keep the piece of junk. We can’t use it anymore” by his boss. Draxon was livid. Amazingly though, he was more angry about the “piece of junk” comment than the whole getting fired from his job deal. He took his mech to the nearest fighting arena he knew of, and entered himself. Draxon had been in plenty of brawls before, and had complete faith in his handiwork. He also had a bit of a gift for determining the center of gravity on almost anything he came across, so he punched, rammed, and threw his way to the top of the lower brackets. However, whenever an advancement fight came up, something inexplicably went wrong. A leg gave out. His arms didn’t respond. The cameras to the cockpit didn’t function correctly. It was always some minor fix that crippled him, no matter how thorough he was in the pre-fight diagnostics. Draxon eventually just gave up trying to advance. He was making decent money fighting, (about as much as his construction work) so he just accepted his place in the lower tiers.
Mech Affinity: 85% Affinity (Could be higher with upgraded equipment. Combination of neural link and heavy experience behind the controls.)
Mech Production Name: H409-Heavy Lifter Mech
Mech Nickname:
Before mods: "Hardbody"
After mods: “Nosewrecker”
Base Data: 5 tons, 16 ft tall
Mech description: The H409 Hardbody is a tough, reliable construction mech, naturally containing hard armor and high strength. Its legs are reinforced to compensate for carrying heavy building materials. The arms, though thinner than the legs, are still strong and contain highly flexible tri-prong “hands” at the end, capable of grabbing anything from girders to tools effectively. The mech’s body has a slight oblong shape (some would say it resembles a bean with arms and legs) and completely encapsulates the pilot for safety. When walking, the mech seems to be hunched over due to its shape, but that’s by design. The top of the body contains the instruments used for sensory input. There are also sensors hidden around the sides to allow for 360-degree vision, but only the ones on the “face” are visible.
As the mech is designed for construction and not for combat, it has no weapons other than what the pilot can improvise and its own heavy bulk and armor.
The mech’s internal mana battery only requires occasional recharging.
Special details: The original Hardbody was customized so much that it needed a new Nickname. “Nosewrecker” was the result. The design was given 2 extra arms of the same type, a powerful propulsion and acceleration system embedded in the back, even more armor, and a frontal “horn” to be used for grabbing and throwing enemies, or pinning them against walls. It now resembles a humanoid Atlas Beetle with powerful legs more than anything else. On top of everything else, the mech was painted to have the same color of metal “skin” as the driver.
The acceleration system does not allow for unlimited flight, but it allows powerful leaps and dashes to be made in combat, with sustained hovering for a limited time. It is located on the back under the exterior armored “wings” of the shell.
The mech’s main weaknesses are its lack of ranged weaponry, and while tough, it’s certainly not a fortress. It was designed to quickly close gaps and enter into close combat, where this mech excels at. Grappling, striking, and throws are all very effective from this mech. It has trouble dealing with opponents with comparable speed and specializing in ranged weaponry, though.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 12:51 PM
:I welp it's time for my uncreativeness to go to work. Go! Laziness powers, activate!
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-09-2013, 07:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2013, 04:02 PM by Lightning Scorpion.)
I finished at 1:56 AM, barely in time.
Forum Username: Lightning Scorpion
Driver Name: Vipra "Copper" Hydraga
Base Data: Her species are naga-like people but with snake heads and bodies so really they are larger snakes with arms. She is around 70 ft long. She has a cobra hood and has two heads used for grasping numerous items and a rattle on the tip of her tail and two horns on her nose. She has yellow eyes and small thin,black snakes with yellow eyes as back-length hair.She can move in numerous ways with her tail which can function as a whip. She also has the venom of an Island Taipan. Vipra is around 21 years old. Quite young for her species.
Character Description: She wears a victorian-style dress and has steampunk-like goggles on top of her head. She wields numerous steampunk bombs filled with a venomous mixture that can make people see hallucations and gain fatigue which leaves a green and purple smoke trail.
Biography: She was supposed to be the queen after her mother died but she never wanted to command and just wanted to invent mechas and numerous potions with alchemy and commanding would take most of her time. So she flew away with a steampunk-like plane to some place else. Unfortunately, her plane crashed. She got out in time and did not die a horrible death but she got her left arm (head?) severed so she replaced it with a steampunk-like copper arm. She saw a dead Sand Wyrm and decided to create a mecha and go battling with other mechas. She has a rivalry and an in-and-out of relationship with a girl who has a human-body of a female with spider-like skin and grey hair but waist down is the body of a spider who has a tarantula mecha.
Mech Affinity: 100%
Mech Production Name: Sand Wyrm V-0001
Mech Nickname: The Large As Fuck Worm or Sand Wyrm
Base Data: The Sand Wyrm is approximately 15 km long and 1 km wide and tall.
Mech description: The Sand Wyrm looks like a sand wyrm. Sand Wyrms are brownish orange burrowing beasts with saw-blade like fangs on top of their circular mouths and small 1 dm wide eyes around the head and close to the mouth and live only in the desert. She modified the Sand Wyrm to have short spikes on every side of the body and a shell that was numerous plates stacked together. She put more fangs deeper within the mouth of the sand wyrm to act as more saws. The inside has been hollowed out into an bronze area with numerous ingredients, potions, nuts, bolts and metal scattered on the bronze floor. There is an AI programmed by her that has the Sand Wyrm's mind. She put a glass wall within the mouth just after the saws for better vision.
Special details:N/A
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-10-2013, 05:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-13-2013, 03:48 AM by MasterBlade.)
This is the first of three entries I intend to make. The others will come whenever I feel like it.
Entry 1
Axel Ridge- M427 Small extinguisher mecha "Hydro" (Old Bessie)
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Forum Username: MasterBlade
Driver Name: Kurt Russel Alex Ridge
Base Data: Human, Male. Age 67. Weight: 167 Lbs. Height: 6'2. No unsusual genetic or physical deviation.
Character Description: Wears a standard firefighter worker uniform with several medals of honor welded to the front. The helmet bears a nonstandard star, similar to cowboy hats. Russel himself looks rather old, sporting a long, grey beard. Draped across his back is a replica wood and iron fire axe, nowhere near the standard of modern fire crews. It serves more as a symbol than a tool, though it bears an edge sharp enough to be a weapon. Despite his age, he's more than capable of using it in combat.
Biography: Kurt Russel is the former fire chief of Sandhaven, now several years retired. During his time he was commended many honors for his dilligent work for the people of Sandhaven, often joining the fire crews in extinguishing raging flames. His selfless commitment to the job is responsible for many saved lives, and he is revered justly as a local hero.
Since his retirement, Russel has taken up mech fighting as a hobby, using his old Hydro-class mech standard for the fire brigade. All the work done on his mech was done by-hand as a project vehicle; Kurt knows how every piece in his ride down to the number of screws. On top of that, his countless years experience piloting such mechas in emergency situations makes Russel a fierce opponent. His skill as a pilot is equally matched by his honor, fighting fair amongst those that would use cheap tricks to win. The money isn't even a factor; he competes to relive the thrill of his glory days.
Mech Affinity:
M427- 100% Affinity
Late M4 Series- 75% Affinity
Early M3 Series- 30% Affinity
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Spoiler![[Image: JXvcVQa.png]](
Mech Production Name: M427 Small extinguisher mecha
Mech Nickname: "Hydro"
Base Data: 7'8 Weight- 3.6 tons.
Mech description: The M4 series was originally developed as a floor model for maintinence crews in combustion plants where fires posed a safety issue to M3 pilots. Its design is similar to the M3, but with pneumatic sprayers built into the arms for the purpose of extinguishing rogue flames. Since its original iteration, the M4 series became a popular tool among fire brigades for its compact size and ease of mobility, often replacing bulky trucks in dangerous situations.
The M427 "Hydro" is the current production model of the series. Features include a reenforced cockpit to protect the pilot from building collapse, an industrial lazer cutter for breaking apart obstacles, and a multitank barrel system for quick loading of multiple extinguisher types. The Hydro uses tanks of compressed liquid loaded through the back as ammunition for its sprayer, pumped through hoses that stretch across the mecha's arms. The sprayers themselves come in two modes; Burst and Spray, which are switched between at the pilot's discression. Spray acts much like a traditional firehose with a constant stream of liquid, while burst fires concentrated balls of extinguisher at the target. The limited ammunition of the mecha makes burst the more popular mode when a constant water source is not readily available.
Mech description: The M4 series was originally developed as a floor model for maintinence crews in combustion plants where fires posed a safety issue to M3 pilots. Its design is similar to the M3, but with pneumatic sprayers built into the arms for the purpose of extinguishing rogue flames. Since its original iteration, the M4 series became a popular tool among fire brigades for its compact size and ease of mobility, often replacing bulky trucks in dangerous situations.
The M427 "Hydro" is the current production model of the series. Features include a reenforced cockpit to protect the pilot from building collapse, an industrial lazer cutter for breaking apart obstacles, and a multitank barrel system for quick loading of multiple extinguisher types. The Hydro uses tanks of compressed liquid loaded through the back as ammunition for its sprayer, pumped through hoses that stretch across the mecha's arms. The sprayers themselves come in two modes; Burst and Spray, which are switched between at the pilot's discretion. Spray acts much like a traditional firehose with a constant stream of liquid, while burst fires concentrated balls of extinguisher at the target. The limited ammunition of the mecha makes burst the more popular mode when a constant water source is not readily available.
The Hydro class was designed specifically for use in dangerous, heat-intensive situations commonly experienced by fire fighters. The unit comes equipped with high-traction legs to resist the force of the sprayers integrated into the functionality. Design focus was put less on carry strength and more on maximizing mobility to get at the sources of flames. The cockpit is sealed off from the outside environment with its own built-in air regulatory system to protect the pilot from smoke and heat, allowing them to walk through infernos like it was nothing. A less-combustable electric motor system is used to fuel the mecha, which allows quick charging between work sites.
Weaknesses sported by the Hydra-class vary, and mostly come in when used beside its intended purpose. The series' trademark hoses have little protection from being severed by an outside force. Furthermore, the lack of built-in heater system makes the mecha extremely inefficient in cold environments. The unit itself has less carrying capacity than its M3 counterpart, relying on a slow industrial cutter to destroy obstacles rather than carrying them off.
Special details: Kurt Russel's Hydro unit "Old Bessie" has been modified with a rebuilt tube and sprayer system that can handle more caustic liquids such as acid, fuels, and Grimeborn adhesive in addition to the standard extinguisher liquids. Both sprayer nossles have been equipped with propane burners to ignite flammable liquids into flamethrowers and fireballs. Besides that, Old Bessie handles just like the standard work model.equipped with propane burners to ignite flammable liquids into flamethrowers and fireballs.. Besides that, Old Bessie handles just like the standard work model.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-11-2013, 12:02 PM
Any relation to the Movie star Kurt Russell?
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RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
05-12-2013, 04:38 PM
(05-11-2013, 12:02 PM)RatStar Wrote: »Any relation to the Movie star Kurt Russell?
Crap! Someone help me think of a short, coarse name for Mr. Fire chief! D:
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-12-2013, 07:43 PM
Alex Ridge! That sounds plausible!
The gears spin as they will!
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 12:31 AM
- Mech Affinity directly means how well the driver controls the mech, and thus it will provide boosts to the mech's powers and stats when that driver is driving the mech. Also the affinity changes from person to person and mech to mech, example: Person A and Person B wants to control Mech X and Mech Y! Person A has 40% affinity for Mech X but only 20% affinity for Mech Y, so obviously it would be smarter to put Person A in Mech X! Person B on the other hand has 40% Affinity also for Mech X, but a whooping 70% affinity for Mech Y! So it gets put in there to maximize affinity! So maximum potential here is Person A in Mech X and Person B in Mech Y! Basically it is about stats, so a person with a mech affinity of 100% is a freaking serious badass with his or her (or it or schler) mecha!
Adding this to the opening post. My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 02:22 AM
I justify 100% affinity from Fireman X having piloted his particular mech for years in actual danger situations. If that's a problem I could change it. :x
Also, posting this cause it might be handy for other entrants.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 02:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2013, 01:06 AM by DoubleD.)
I hope I did this right. Tell me if there is anything wrong here.
ENTRY #1: Venom Scale
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SpoilerForum Username: DoubleD
Driver Name: Randal Magnus
Base Data: Human, Male, 5’4, 120, typically uses a Metal bo-staff. He also carries around a bottle of unknown liquid. He takes a drink of it every so often, but refuses to tell others what it does.( It is infact, a bottle of medicine, to calm his extreme levels of anxiety. It is very, very potent)
Character Description: Randal has very messy, medium length ginger hair. He is lean, but is actually very strong and fit. He typically wears a plain T-shirt and sweatpants, going for comfort, not fashion. He is very cautious when making friends, but is otherwise very amiable. He appears to be “the coolkid” but if he doesn't take his medicine, he devolves into a quivering bundle of nerves. He is very ruthless when fighting with his mech, but is otherwise wary of opponents in driver-to-driver combat. He is in his early adulthood, and is still a bit childish.
Bio: Mech fighting has been Randal’s life since it helped him feel power despite his anxiety disorder. He has searched every back alleyway and shady offer to find a mech that suits him. Eventually he came upon this company which made the Wingwraith line, but as they never sold well, they eventually went out of business. Randal’s current mech is one of the last of it’s kind, due to it’s general weakness to blows.
Affinity: 65% affinity. He mostly knows how to use his mech, but he surprises himself with a new way to use something or move every so often.
Mech Production Name:"Wingwraith" EX-127 Small Winged Speed Mecha
Nickname: Venom Scale
Base Data: Height: 6’5 Weight: 420 pounds
Mech Description:
The EX-127 model is a very minimalistic model. It has very small squatty legs, meant for leaping, not walking, similar to the design of a frog’s legs.
The cab is also located in the center of the Mech, legs coming out of the cylindrical cab at the bottom, the arms from 1/3rd of the way down.. The cab is mostly open air, facing the drivers stomach out. A thick, tinted visor extends from the upper half of the cab, covering the drivers upper chest, head, and neck. A rim of metal also surrounds the feet and arms of the driver. The driver inside is suspended by a series of straps and motion sensors which allows the driver to move the mech with pinpoint accuracy.
The Mech’s arms are also somewhat small, ending in very large, hooked blades meant for shearing metal, and grappling onto ledges. These Blades extend most of the way down the mech to the floor, with the arms taking about 1/8th of the distance, where its multiple joints are located allowing for a large frontward range of motion.
From the back is a pair of heavy, dragonfly's wings, each of it’s four wings exstending past the Mech’s width..
From the back, multiple engines can be seen, used to move the wings fast enough to lift the Mech into the air, as well as to change speed and movement more easily.
Covering the mech is a array of solar panels, which chargen the numerous Batteries that protrude from various areas on the Mech’s back. In daylight, this keeps the Mech consistently charged. At night, the batteries keep the mech charged for up to 102 Hours when fully charged.
The rest of the mech lacks a good deal of plating, as well as lightweight materials, keeping the mech itself light, most of the weight coming from the Wings, batteries and engines.
Overall, Letting this Mech getting hit is not the best of ideas. It can take a good deal of damage, but is very weak compared to other models. It’s weakest spot, for the mech, is the back, but the driver is also at risk at the front of the mech.
The Benefit of this model is its fast, helicopter like flight, as well as its speed, using it’s wings to glide extremely fast along the ground.
It is used for stealth and fast, devastating attacks. Think of it like the Striker role in DnD. It Blazes in, gives a devastating metal rending strike, before getting out of range of the target, repeating in a series of Hit and runs.
In addition, the blades are equipped with an electric shocker, allowing extremely large pulses of electricity to be pulsed through the blades. Due to the Wingwraith being electrically run as well, it is off by default.
It has a Gray/black coloration. It is batlike in body appearance.
Mech Customization: As a very unknown and unused mech, No customization has been done, as to not tamper with the formula anymore than usual. The only thing that is special is the katana symbol burned into the top right wing underside.
ENTRY #2: Sensei
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Forum Username: DoubleD
Driver Name: Handam Tanna
Base Data: Human, Male, 5’3 around 135 pounds. He has a shaved head, by his own choice, and wears looser clothing.
Character Description: He is a Caucasian male, and wears looser clothing. He keeps his head shaved and maintains a high level of cleanliness. He has a very isolated personality and distances himself from all others.
Biography: As an orphan, he was adopted by abusive parents. He ran away, only to be taken in by the shady company EX. He was used as a mech test subject. When the company went bankrupt, he was allowed to take the mech he spent most time testing. Since then, He’s been trying to get into a mech battle.
Mech Affinity:Due to the Mech’s nature, it is 100%, as it basically pilots itself. Should the sensor system be broken, the Mech goes into manual override, and Handam has no idea how to “actually” use his mech, and has 0% then.
Mech Production Name: EX212 Medium Prophet
Mech Nickname: Sensei
Base Data: 700 pounds, 11 feet tall.
Mech description: the EX212 Medium Prophet takes a look back towards feudal japan. Resembling a large human, it has light weight armor similar to the ancient samurai. It has a ahnd with opposable thumbs, and every finger is equipped with razor sharp fingertips, similar to claws. It’s armor covers all loose and exposed pistons and wires, but is not altogether that strong.
The rider slips into a cylindrical tube, and the armored head then encloses itself around the Driver’s head. Where it’s eyes would be, is a V-shaped piece of glass that extends way beyond the head. It reads and identifies different statistics and other things, such as weak spots or possible strong points, on whatever it sees, before projecting that data onto the translucent screen (Think Vegeta’s scouter).
The EX212 Medium Prophet also comes with an extremely fast processing sensor and radar system. It process at razor speeds, allowing the fast and nimble jointed robot to avoid practically all attacks. The system also reads the Hormone levels of the Driver, and instinctively interprets that into actions.
The Armor merely serves as an article of clothing really, and underneath is unguarded pistons, motors, and computers. Any solid hit will Knock out the sensitive Tracking system, causing the Robot to become completely manual. If this happens, the head is also boosted off, so that the Driver can breath without ventilation, as it is an air tight suit. Otherwise, the driver stands/lays in a padded cylindrical tube. When it goes into manual, a panel of buttons comes out which controls the Mech’s hairpin trigger body responses.
The inner body’s metal is dull and somewhat sturdy, allowing punches and rakes to deal good damage. The armor is lightweight and shiny, in attempts of blinding the opponent.
Special details: Nothing special at all
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 03:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2013, 03:51 AM by SupahKiven.)
Facility and the Melter
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Forum Username: SupahKiven
Driver Name: Facility
Base Data: Grimeborn, Male?, 6'9", 120lbs, Facility has a crack down the middle of its (his?) left eye jewel.
Character Description: Facility is a grimeborn, with the typical Grime and eye jewels. Facility has two. He is built like a human, with two arms and legs and a similar body structure to an adult male. One of the few differences between a human is is lack of fingers, only having two not including the thumb, as well as only having three toes. He has a length of pipe that he uses as a club occasionally. The only articles of clothing he has are a single red converse shoe he found in a trash pile and a scratched baseball helmet.
Biography: Facility doesn't tell people a lot about himself because nobody expects a Grimeborn to talk, and everyone considers them scum. For anyone who cares to listen to his erratic and difficult to understand explanations, he will try and tell his story. In the dump he had found an old mech, rusted and scratched. He and a fair number of other Grimeborn managed to patch it up shakily, using tools they had 'borrowed' from a Clucker. Due to the time and effort it took to repair the mech, Facility and the other Grimeborn began to wear away. To combat this, the started combining themselves together, integrating what little knowledge they had into each other. This made them smarter and gave them a more complex body structure. The mech work became progressively easier as they formed into a single being, until finally the mech was finished and Facility was one.
Finding out what to do with the mech they just fixed was a lot harder. Facility spent a few weeks driving the mech throughout the dump, learning how all the controls worked and how to charge it. They even figured out how to melt down scrapped machines. However, this presented them with another problem: what to do with all the metal they had just melted down. One mind figured it out. They should shoot things with it. When the others asked, it told them of the few buttons they thought were broken. They worked the buttons (some of them actually were broken) and learned of some 'modifications' made to the machine. Soon enough, Facility roamed the areas in their machine of doom, using it to attack Cluckers more easily. They passed by an arena with a mech fight.
Someone stopped them and asked if he was going to participate, and if so, they needed a name. Not having a name, they stuck their head out the window, surprising the person there. They obviously did not expect a Grimeborn to have the mental capacity to drive a mech. They looked around, extra eye jewels bubbling up to check for a suitable name. One mind took over when it saw one, a word that stood out on one of the numerous posters that peeled off the wall yet refused to leave. It took the grime that made up its body managing to burble out a word through the use of sloshy sounds and things that could almost sound like letters. "We... I... am Facility." The person stared at the Grimeborn quietly. “Facility? Uh... okay... Just uh... bring your mech this way.” They won.
Mech Affinity: 65% Affinity
Mech Production Name: GG215-Hot Pot Mobile Smelter
Mech Nickname: "Melter"
Base Data: ~3 metric tons, 5'7"
Mech description: The Melter has a triangular prism shaped structure supporting a giant iron vat. The vat is attached through strong rotors, one on each side, that allow the operator to tilt the vat and allow the melted metals inside to be poured out. Additionally, there are two filters on the 'lid' that allow gases necessary for smelting in, as well as a sort of 'hot plate' installed into the bottom of the vat. On one side of the prism is the control box, where the driver sits. It's basically just a box with a large amount of wires protruding from the side and and a glass pane for the operator to look out of. One abnormality that set it apart from its previous model is a crane like arm extending from the back of the control box. It allows the driver to open the vat and load things into it (after placing the lid somewhere else of course). The Melter has eight single-jointed, lockable 'legs' that is uses for movement. These legs are each able to support up to half the mech's weight and the joints can lock up to prevent them from bending the wrong way or breaking. It does have three back-up wheels in a compartment in the control box that can replace a broken leg.
The Melter can use its arm as a semi-long range battering weapon, although it is better used for blocking small projectiles and countering melee attacks. It is strong enough to be able to rip loose pieces from poorly repaired mechs. It's main weapons are the two non-standard 'cannons' attached to the side of the vat and the top of the control box. The one attached to the vat can shoot bigger projectiles as well as farther, but once the melted metal inside the vat drops below a certain level, it can no longer fire as effectively. The one on top of the box shoots shorter, smaller, and faster globs. It is fed through a heatproofed tube extending from near the bottom of the vat.
The Melter uses melted down metal, any type from any source, as a fuel for its main weapons. The mech itself is powered through electricity, usually gained from charging stations, but occasionally drained from abandoned mechs in the dumps. The Melter's main weak point is speed. It is quite slow while turning and just moves slow in general. The eight legs are also easily susceptible to damage, but due to the way its armor is set up, as well as the mech's build, it is pretty difficult to get to them.
Special details: Facility's Melter mech has two customized 'cannons' that allows it to project any melted metal within the pot out at a moderate velocity. The general structure of the mech is also built heavily armored, with thick metal plates soldered onto places where it can be afforded.
Patient 49 and the Biohazard
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Spoiler Driver
Driver Name: Patient 49
Base Data: Human Male, 6'1”, 231 lbs, No abnormalities, aside from the hazmat suit that he never removes.
Character Description: Patient 49 wears a hazmat suit, a dirty yellow in color. It hangs loosely off of his frame, making it almost impossible to tell whether or not he's thin or the suit is simply big. The hood is less of a hood and more of a helmet, it being a cylindrical shaped head covering with a one-way view piece, preventing others from seeing his face. The suit's gloves look clunky and thick, but Patient 49 easily maneuvers in them. The boots are made of a thick and heavy material with iron soles. The sleeves and legs are tucked into the gloves and boots respectively, creating an almost airtight seal for him. He has an air tank attached to his back, with a hose leading into the back of the hood. He always has two things with him, an empty fire extinguisher and a manila folder containing three documents.
Biography: The first page of his manila folder, one detailing his employment, has numerous points of information blacked out, likely to protect either the patient or the company. It states that Patient 49 is a 'Caucasian male' from some place off in the east. He was hired to assist with waste disposal in a nuclear facility. About three weeks into his new job, an accident happened involving his mech malfunctioning and two barrels, one of electromagnetic waste and the other of possibly radioactive material. The accident report, the second document, lists the damages sustained from the accident. “Mech crippled, needs severe repair on cockpit and waste storage compartment, as well as moderate repairs to lower and upper left legs. Minor repairs needed on engine. Operator sustained extreme injuries to torso and arms in the form of burns and rupture of tissue, including separating of bone and muscle. Blunt trauma to the head, as well as possible psychological afflictions, including PTSD. Immediate medical attention required, in addition to compensation and/or, if necessary, termination from company. The third document is a stained printout of a conversation, seemingly from a hospital. “Report number eight-seven, two thirty. Patient forty nine escaped from hospital room at... four o' nine in the morning. Minimal resistance was encountered. The patient managed to knock out three guards in his escape. Incapacitated them using a compound taken from his own room being used as a pain killer. In his escape, took six oxygen tanks from storage, as well as a fire extinguisher. Next morning, company ________ asked if Patient 49 was still admitted. Johnson mentioned the escape and heard the man from the company mention something along the lines of 'the mech. His mech'. Need to tell Danica to request more guards and more funds to increase security. I don't want a repeat of this incident. Report over.”
Ten days after the date listed on the report from the hospital, the first sighting of a male in a hazmat suit and a semi-repaired mech signing up for a mech fight was made.
Mech Affinity: 90% Affinity
Mech Production Name: M100- Waste Disposal Mecha
Mech Nickname: Biohazard
Base Data: 4.7 metric tons; can stand up to 9'11”, regular height or 'resting mode' is 6'9”
Mech description: The Biohazard is spider-like, with six jointed legs connected to a cylinder, which is seven feet wide and fifteen feet tall, about three fourths of the way up. The bottom portion of the cylinder holds the waste to be disposed of. There is a door about five feet tall and three feet wide, with a thick window and a large iron handle, through which waste is inserted into the cylindrical container. The upper portion of the cylinder is the driver's cabin. It is just large enough to fit a human male of average height. It is simple, with one way glass as a windshield, a seat and a control pannel. The legs are dual jointed, so as to allow the mech to position itself in a variety of different ways.
The original 'weapons' the Biohazard has is the buzz saw attached to an triple jointed arm on the left side of cockpit and the quadruple pronged claw attached to a similar arm on the right of the cockpit. The saw was used to slice low-risk cargo small enough to be placed into the carrying hold and the claw was used to load things into the mecha. Now, they're used for combat in addition to its two extra legs.
The Biohazard, being an experimental mech, runs on one of most easily accessible materials: water. It has a large steam engine equipped to the back, which gives a sort of 'slouch' to the machine, to compensate for the weight of the engine. The main weakness of the Biohazard is its joints. It has a multitude of them and any one being damaged could potentially cripple the mecha.
Special details: The left legs of the mech differ from the right legs. The right legs have three 'toes' extending out at even intervals from the center of the foot, while the left have a sort of 'shoe', a metal hemisphere that surrounds the foot. Additionally, the prongs on the claw are barbed and the joints have been reinforced. A patched up garden hose extends from the cargo hold to the steam engine. The hold has been filled with water and turned into a crude pump that triples the amount of time the mecha can go without needing to refill.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 03:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-15-2013, 12:45 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Masterblade, can you please spoiler your pic? Cuz now the page is getting real long. In fact, entries should have their bios and mech descriptions spoilered as well, knowing those are always the longest.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 03:22 AM
yeah ICan't is on to something. Everyone, please spoiler and label your entries with numbers and the names of the characters/mechs! The last part is optional, but spoilering is not! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 03:32 AM
Ok, here's my take on the "affinity." If you have 100% affinity with your mech, you can control it with little more than a thought and it quickly and effortlessly responds. I have my (currently) only entry set at 85% and he has a neural linkup! Just keep in mind you don't have to have 100% affinity to know your mech inside and out or to be a good pilot.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 01:23 PM
I'm so making a character for this.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-13-2013, 09:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2013, 02:36 AM by Draykon.)
Felsera and her M1404-Medium Beast Type "Hunter"
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Forum Username: Draykon
Driver Name: Felsera
Base Data: A member of a humanoid avian race known as Aereons, Felsera is covered from head to toe in a mane of beautiful purple feathers. Though her race has large wings, they cannot fly, and instead typically drape over her body like a cloak. Her hands and feet both end in razor sharp claws, though most of her race prefer to let their talons dull over time, Felsera keeps her's razor sharp.
Felsera's race has evolved a rather unique variation on the fight or flight reflex known as 'hunter's trance.' In an act similar to flipping a switch in their brain, an Aereon enters into a trancelike state of mind. Their civilized, social nature vanishes entirely, and they instead become viscous animals, unable to feel pain, fear, or mercy. In trance mode they maintain their intellect, and become ruthless hunters, stopping at nothing until whatever they've decided to destroy has stopped existing.
Character Description: Typically dressed in a relatively unassuming T-Shirt and a pair of work pants. She also has a pair of square glasses she needs in order to see. Her eyes are that of someone disinterested in whatever happens to be around her, and she's not known to talk much. In fact, in general she seems completely detached from everything.
That all flips around completely when she enters hunter's trance. Her pupils narrow into slits, and she discards her glasses, as though some natural instinct takes over for her senses. She takes on a playful attitude with whatever she's marked as her prey, taunting them as she laughs maniacally. Her animal-like mech becomes 'part' of her, like an extension of her natural weapons. In this form she's also completely reckless, picking a fight with whatever in the area happens to look strongest.
Biography: Born a spoiled rich girl, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, a lifetime of getting whatever she wanted has left Felsera jaded and detached. She began entering into mech fighting circles at a young age, and quickly grew addicted to the rush of battle. As she perfected her trance mode, she became more and more bloodthirsty, going from simply disabling her enemies, to ripping them to shreds.
As she grew more and more addicted to battle, she became more and more detached from normal life. Because her status enables her to go through life so passively, she's all but stopped existing in normal life, truly 'living' only in the heat of battle. She now seeks out stronger and stronger opponents, constantly yearning for the thrill of the hunt.
Mech Affinity: 30% normally, 90% in 'hunter trance'
Mech Production Name: M1404-Medium Beast Type
Mech Nickname: Hunter
Base Data: ~2 Ton weight. ~4 Meters high in biped mode, hunches down to ~2 meters in quadruped mode. ~3 Meters long from snout to rear.
Mech description: Originally developed to aid police in searching for fugitives, the Hunter resembles a large canine animal. Its four limbs each end in massive metallic claws. Though they're designed to dig into terrain and walls, the claws are capable of grasping, and can deal some serious damage when weaponized. Though the cockpit is located in the torso, the mech has a headlike appendage containing its advanced sensor array. The snout contains all manner of high-end tracking equipment, giving the mech its nickname.
Ordinarily the Hunter will stand on its hind legs, in a hunched over bipedal position, poised to use its forelimbs as weapons. However, it can easily shift into a quadrupedal mode for quicker movement. While unskilled Hunter pilots view these as separate modes for combat and movement respectively, advanced pilots view them as two parts of the same machine, and will smoothly switch between them in combat as they attack and evade.
Despite its heavy weight, the Hunter's immense limb strength, combined with advanced firmware renders it incredibly agile. Its thick claws can also dig into nearly any structure, enabling it to quickly scale sheer cliffs, walls, or pretty much anything strong enough to not collapse at its touch.
Special details: Felsera's Hunter has been equipped with several high-yield ion thrusters on its back. Though it's still far too heavy to fly, the boosters enable it to achieve absurdly high speeds in short bursts, as well as enhancing its climbing abilities. Ion thrusters have also been mounted on the elbows of the forelimbs, enabling her to enhance the strength of her primary claw strike to the point of ripping through steel like wet tissue paper. Unfortunately, this deals almost as much damage to the Hunter as whatever it's attacking, and so the powered slashes are reserved for particularly armored opponents. Her normal, unpowered slashes are devastating enough as-is anyway.
She's also modified the snout with a powerful hydraulic bite, granting her more versatility in melee combat. A flamethrower has also been mounted inside the 'mouth,' providing some token range capabilities. She's occasionally been known to fire the flamethrower while biting down on a target, heating and melting the target as she rips straight through it. Like the powered claw strike, this deals significant damage to the Hunter's snout as well, and is in general a rarely-seen technique.
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RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
05-14-2013, 08:47 PM
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Forum Username: FuzzyZergling
Driver Name: Adrian Kell
Base Data: Adrian is a male human of average height and slightly above-average weight. He is fifty-five years of age and in good physical condition.
Character Description: Adrian wears a long, thin white wifebeater with a ragged bottom edge. His denim pants also have this ragged edge, which is actually artificial rather than natural. He wears a dark blue denim hat to hide his balding, and a thick leather belt.
Adrian has dark red hair and tanned skin, he is moderately muscled and the top of his head is bald. He has long sideburns which blend into a short, messy beard. His eyes are squinted.
Biography: Adrian is a military nut. Though he has never served in an actual military, he loves collecting weapons and gathering information about battle tactics and strategy. He enjoys projecting an image of power and martial prowess, though in reality he has little actual non-mech combat skills.
Adrian was enamored with mech-fighting from a young age, reading and watching everything he could about the sport. An only child, when his parents passed away he used his sizable inheritance to purchase a mech and begin his current career.
Though he has a good grasp of strategy and tactics, his actual piloting skills are nothing to write home about.
Mech Affinity: 45% (I'm assuming that 50% is the average professional mech-fighter. Adrian is familiar with his mech and fairly competent, but not very dextrous and has bad coordination.)
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Mech Production Name: REO-S66 Three-Legged Walking Tank
Mech Nickname: Tripod
Base Data: The Tripod stands an eleven feet (3.3 meters) when fully erect, and six feet six inches (2 meters) when the cockpit is resting on the ground. Constructed of lightweight materials, it weighs only 1200 lb (544 kg).
Mech description: The baseline REO-S66 is the sixth variation on the sixth design of the short-lived Rigs-Elrin-Ono Mech-Design Company.
A very simple mech, it consists of only the three legs, cockpit, and main gun, sporting no secondary weaponry or defenses. The Tripod is lightweight and extremely maneuverable, and compared to other "walking tanks" it is excessively fast and fragile.
It consumes standard petrol to fuel it's four small, compact engines. The baseline Tripod has no armor, and is designed to be a long-range support mech, sniping enemies from a safe distance. It has a very robust targeting system and internal gyroscopes, ensuring that the pilot can all but ignore environmental factors and simply point and shoot. In close combat it can rely on no other weaponry, and must use its superior speed to retreat until the main cannon can be used.
Special details: Adrian has added armor plates to the legs, providing defence. He has also modified the feet, adding bladed "toes" to act as a melee attack. The extensive targeting system has been gutted to make room for a second ammo compartment, allowing the modified cannon to also act as a mid-t0-short-range machine gun.
The added weight of the armor plating impacts the mech's speed and range of movement; it is no longer able to turn on a dime, or climb steep inclines as a baseline model could.
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![[Image: spidertripod.png]](
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-17-2013, 02:37 AM
Edited in a picture to my post. I know Dex doesn't like 3D art, but since the image is optional anyway, I figure it's no big deal.
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-17-2013, 03:37 AM
what. When did I say I didn't like 3D art.
No seriously, if I said it in my past on MSPA, we must all remember that being a teenager is not fun, and being over that stage is a thing to be celebrated. My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
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-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
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RE: DexadventuDerelict Dreams Contest!
05-17-2013, 05:17 PM
(05-17-2013, 03:37 AM)Dexexe1234 Wrote: »what. When did I say I didn't like 3D art.
No seriously, if I said it in my past on MSPA, we must all remember that being a teenager is not fun, and being over that stage is a thing to be celebrated.
It was during one of the Geaworks Wars, you put out a ban on 3D art because it's hard to replicate. I guess I might've interpreted it as more of a general statement than it was. ^.^;
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RE: Dexadventure: Derelict Dreams Contest!
05-17-2013, 05:36 PM
oh yeah that was because it was hard to redraw since it was tough to understand (for me at least at that time). I have nothing against it anymore, even if I had some kind of anger with it in the past! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.