Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


Mike attempted to slump agains what he thought was a wall, and fell sideways, passed the point where he expected to stop and continued until he crashed to the floor. He cursed under his breath, and managed to draw the knife from his shoulder with a vector. He tossed it aside without a thought, and bent forward to examine his ankle. He rolled up the blank leg of trouser, noting how well it absorbed the crimson, and probed around his flesh that contrasted against the bleak world with it's red dye. The wound was minor, and he knew he could easily stop the bleeding. He reached into his pocket and retreaved the excess bandages he'd managed to keep, and quickly patched them around the cut. He wondered about a split, and reached halfway to his ear before he realised the pen was missing.
"Crap. Guess that was a mistake. Ha! Well, he would have probably stolen it either way, leaving a man in a mad area with an instant way out would be far too simple for it's liking"
He slowly stood up, and tried in futile to get an understanding of his surroundings.
"Fuck!" He screamed into the air. He wildy began to forge an idea into his head that would help, but try as he might he just couldn't do it.
He started to wander idly, attempting to avert his gaze every chance he could get. Several times his vectors had to stop him from falling or walking into things.
He only had once hunch, the immortal law of mazes he had learned when excaping from the detention levels. Follow the wall, and follow it he tried to his best, even if the wall forced him to proceed over mind numbing eye puzzlers.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke ducked behind a small wall, overhearing Whit and Itzal's conversation. He glanced over to see Whit talking to the skull. “Great. More insanity.” Zeke sneaked away down some stairs and into the interior. As he followed the white walls of the castle he came across a black splatter across the wall, there were screams of anger coming from it. Zeke went up to it and put his ear towards the wall. “Mike?”

Mike hears Zeke's voice, he attempts to pinpoint where it came from but the impossible architecture was making difficult to follow, he instead opted for shouting back
“Zeke! You have to get me out of here!”

“Why? What's so bad in there?”

“Every wall defies every law of perspective!”


“Just get me out of here!”

“Even if I could get you out, you are insane. You would kill me as soon as a released you from your impossible cage. What's in it for me?”

“Itzal and Whit teamed up! We should as well; we'll crush them like insects!”

“How do I know that your little invisible arms won't betray me?”

“My hate for you is only a fraction of what I feel for that fucking Illusionist! My Vectors share the same feelings.”

“huh.” Zeke backed away from the wall, and at the huge black splatter in front of him. He'd need to find a way of breaking this down.

“Sit tight. I'll be right back.”

“You better be.”

Zeke continued to walk through the castle, until he came to a door which was bigger than the others, he entered.

“Well, that's different.” Zeke had entered the throne room of the castle, what was important about it however, was unlike everywhere else, this place was covered with every colour of the rainbow. The whole place looked like an immaculate watercolour painting. Zeke couldn't help but stand and stare for a while.

Something began to vibrate in Zeke's pocket, he pulled out the pen, which seemed to be reacting to the room. Intrigued, Zeke unscrewed the pen and took out the small crystal inside. It didn't seem any different, he pondered over this for a while then came up with a theory, he took the crystal and placed it on the floor. The crystal changed to a deep red, matching the luxurious carpet exactly, Zeke picked it up and placed it back in the pen. “Hmm, maybe it'll work now?”

Zeke gave the pen a slice to the wall, a red line showed across the wall, seconds later the red line burst to flames! Luckily it didn't spread too far, being on a wall. “Hmm…so different colours have different effects…interesting.”.

Zeke took out the crystal again and placed it on a light blue table in the corner, just like last time the crystal matched the colour like a chameleon. Zeke tried this colour out; the light blue streak hit the wall, and froze it. “That'll do nicely.” Zeke left, remembering the whereabouts of the throne room so he could experiment at a later time.

Zeke returned to the splatter blocking Mike's path. “Here goes.” He pulled the pen out and slashed at the splatter, the freeze effect engulfing the black ink. Zeke took a few steps back and kicked it down; brittle pieces of wall flew all around. Zeke took a peek in through the room. “Heh, very interesting.”

As if on cue, Mike flew round an impossible corner, as if falling from the ceiling, he looks glad to see normal architecture through the doorway. Less so for Zeke. “You took your god damn time!”

“I got you out didn't I? Now come. With have a gambler and a Illusionist to kill!”

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Lankie Wrote:resoived
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


Mike flashed a grin, welcoming his rival as a temporary equal. they had no ties to each other and no interest other than their own hides.
A relationship that could harbour no betrayals. Just the thing Mike could live with.
"I see you left out Gadget, don't see him as a threat I spose? He made Grimm into something... quite lovely. Hahaha!"
Mike walked beside Zeke, albeit at a distance of a little more htan two meters. He had to be sure no heads were going to be lopped off. As he walked, he felt more and more blood eminating from his shoulder, and i was beginning to pool down his back.
"Stop" He announcedafter a few more steps. "Gotta patch a wound up. My mind wasn't working right enough to fix it before"
Mike tossed the roll of bandages into the air aove his head. It streakerd up in an arc, and as it fell the vectors clamped over it. He sat down and removed his coat, a large stain growing above his wound, and the vectors rolled out the bandages around his bleeding shoulder.

"You know, without the murderous inten thtey fill you with, those arms prove themselves to be quite useful do they not?"

"Yeah..." Mike responded, "But they have way too many quirks for my liking. Oh well, thats the life of a beta" This last part was too quite for Zeke to catch completly as he said it under his breath.
"Enough talk. I'm good to go, lets not waste more time. We need to catch them slightly more of guard than they usually are, and we don't have luck on our side"

"But we do have a truce. They won't trust each other, and we do our things differently"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit scratched his chin, and responded.

"A man of class? Hah, that depends on what class is to you. I've always been simply myself. I must say, though- a game to play? A game, with only death for the loser, would require two things from both of us- overabundant pride, to conform to conform to rules in face of death, and... Well, the rediness to die as soon as your pride is crushed. It'll be truly difficult to make work..."

Whit paused. He needed to adress the alliance... Was it alright, that he had an ally toconfront his opponents? Well, of course it was.... If an alliance could be formed, it was within the limits of both participants.
The skull didn't even feel the need to say it's piece.

"... But that can wait, I suppose? You said you wanted to make a trap, right? I probably can't help much, but let's see what we have. I have an eraser and Whiteout. The eraser doesn't erase perspective, though- just objects created."

Itzal silently contemplated. Whit agreed to be allies- there was no reason for him not to. He had shown the tools he had gained... They could be useful. The question was, would Itzal reveal everything it had? Maybe if It held something back... It could be used for a suprise attack... But, No, it was useless. Whiteout and eraser were things that made things dissapear- it didn't matter what tool was used to create. Itzal decided to show it's hand, and see what could be used.

"I have a pen, and a pencil. Hmm... Can I have your eraser? It could be useful for a certain type of trap..."

"look, Whit, itzal is definitely conning you..." the skull warned.

Whit paused, looked thoughtful, and drew the rolled up piece of eraser from his sleeve. It wasn't a particuarly useful tool, and could't be used against him anyway. Since most of it was hidden under his jacket, he hardly lost anything either. It wasn't much of a loss at all, but certainly looked like a symbol of trust.

"It pains me to part with it, but take it. I won't give you the Whiteout though- it's probably the only thing I can use."

Whit paused briefly, as if he was willing to allow Itzal to object, but didn't expect it to.

"So... Let's begin, shall we?"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"We need a plan. I'm fairly certain anything relying on this pencil will be deeply flawed, judging how easily Mike smashed through it, but the pen needs ink. Mike had a bucket of it, and he did not have the bucket when he was tearing his way into the castle, so the source must be here. Hmmm. We should try to find it as we plan." Itzal took the eraser from Whit and headed down the hallway, looking into the different rooms. Whit followed, watching the hallway more than anything else, while still keeping a close eye on Itzal. "Perception is key here, what you see is what you get, even if what you see would normally be impossible. For instance:" Itzal paused its search long enough to sketch a quick object in the air., and handed it to Whit.
Whit started at the object, turning it over. He blinked several times, trying to understand its reality. "But how..."
"Really now, people need to stop thinking in 3 euclidean dimensions. Its not even accurate to reality. We'll need to design our trap with this in mind. I have a few ideas." Itzal looked out one doorway and spotted the courtyard. "Ooh, that will do nicely. Come on, We'll set up our trap here." Itzal entered the courtyard, and started scouting it out. It looked down the well. "Haha! I think I found our source of ink. Perfect!" Itzal drew a bucket with the pencil and lowered it into the well. When he drew it back up, the ink had stained the entire surface of the bucket."With all of this we should be able to set up anything we want. Any ideas?" Itzal asked, as it started drawing devices among the bushes.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit smiled... Something had come together in his mind.
"great that you haven't lost all ability to rationize..." the skull said.

"Hush, you. Anyway...Actually, I only have one idea. I really can't think in this abstract way. Can you draw a hole?"

Itzal swung the pen twice, creating a small pit in the middle of the room.
"Is there anything to this?"

"Wonderful. See, I was thinking... When we got here, before anything was drawn, there was a floor to stand on. Drawing things creates anything. That pit, for instance, only exists because of the two lines. That's all there is. So...
Whit drew out his Whiteout and smoothly covered the two lines.
"Where's the pit now? It's gone. There is no hole. It's back to being solid ground again. So... What happens to things that are in the pit when the pit vanishes? The ground would reappear where the things are. What happens when things exist in the same place as the ground? My bet... Is that it's completely erased, overlapped by the ground. Either that, or completely buried under it. "
Whit turned back to Itzal.
"So, that's all I can think of..."
It was true- he couldn't think of anything else, a better emtbod of absolutly erasing something... Or someone.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"A good thought, though not as simple as you might think. The hole is merely an extension of the negative space we normally consider empty. By erasing it,you would revert it to be positive space. Anything in the hole at that time would then exist in the positive space. However, from their perspective, they are still in the negative space, and we would become the positive space." Itzal replied, as it started creating several pits around the area and covering them.
"So... they would be in the walls?" Whit asked
"More or less. Everything we consider to be solid they would consider to be empty, and visa versa. IT would prevent them from interacting with use directly, and I doubt Zeke understands this well enough to interact with us. Mike certainly didn't. Here, let me show you some otehr things I prepared." Itzal pulls aside the bushes to reveal one of his devices. Due to its warped perspective, every point on it seemed to be above a neighboring point. A small ball was rolling down it, an endless hill with no bottom. IT was picking up speed as it tolled, faster and faster. "I made this so that I can break part of the wall away, and the object will fly out at a tremendous speed, as if it had been dropped from high in the sky."
"But...that doesn't can't work. It violates the laws of physics..."Whit stuttered.
"Your point?"
"Err...fine, I guess none of this has made a whole lot of sense."
Itzal then went to a clear spot in the courtyard and started drawing a thick grid in ink. When it was done, it reached down and picked it up, and he stared folding the net. "This should be of interest to you." Itzal said as it drew a pencil bullet around the net. "Try firing this out of your gun." Itzal said, tossing the bullet to Whit.
Whit caught the bullet out of midair put it in the god gun. IT fired at a nearby statue. The pencil vaporised almost immediately, and the pen net unfolded, hitting the statue and entangling it. "Nice. Can you make me some
more?" Whit started planning. This could be a significant advantage.

"Sure, but before you get any ideas, don't think a net could hold me for more than a moment."
"I wouldn't dream of it" Whit replied.
Itzal stopped and stared at Whit. "Right... another thought. With your tools we can easily make an escape, even through a wall if need be. We can make Pen barricades over all the doors, and drop them when he enters. It would keep him pinned in here. After we stop him, we can easily whiteout the doors and leave."
"Good idea."
Itzal tossed it the pencil. "Draw slabs large enough to block the doors, and then dump ink all over them. That should be make then impregnable."
Whit caught the pencil. He stared at it.

"You should just take it and run." The skull said. "Make sure you come out of this with an advantage."

Whit ignores the skull and started drawing the slabs. The illusionist was obviously
much more in tune with the workings of this world than he was, and hence this was not the time to betray him. The odds where too far in Itzals favor.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"but wait... If the ground only defines another plane, that doesn't quite mean my idea is unapplicable. You say that holes only move people to different planes? What happens if I erase a hole with someone halfway through it?"

"... Hmm. I could speculate, but the nature of this universe is based off perception. Logic would say the sudden inclusion of planes would sever matter, but We will have to see. Then, while we're on this point, why not try erasing holes in solid objects? That would likely have the same effect. Actually, there's a better way to do this. You should probably look away."

Itzal began sketching in space. Loops, bends, curves were created, forming planes in ways that didn't quite make sense. Definition was added, planes changed places... Soon, the entire room was filled with loops and curves- yet, they made sense. An entirely possible room, at first glance.
"Alright, turn around. I've created a loosely logical room. It seems perceptually correct... But erase a single part of it, it is percieved as something else completely. Anything caught inside will have hundreds of planes intersecting them."

"I see, I see... Could you tell me where it's safe to stand while we set off this trap? No, nevermind, don't tell me. I'm sure I'll find out."
Whit made note of impressions, patterns... Where everything would fall into place as it fell apart. It was a series of loose connections i his mind, a vision he partially created. He couldn't be sure of anything... but he wouldn't ask Itzal. He trusted his loose perception, his solid logic, and his luck above all else. On this point, even the skull agreed.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"I wonder what would happen if you fired a chunk of eraser out of your gun? Something to ponder, at least." Itzal mused aloud, half to itself, half to Whit. Itzal drew some penned holders on the doors, and positioned the ink-soaked barriers above them, supporting them with pencil ropes. It gathered all the ropes from the various barriers and attached them to a common point in the center of the room, such that if he central rope was severed all of the barriers would fall. Itzal then use the eraser and pen to draw grooves under the doors for the blocks to fit into, so it would be very difficult to grasp the doors and lift them.

Itzal then draw penned blocks above the room, supported by pencil ropes, and added spikes to the bottom of them. "This room is getting pretty deadly. The only thing that would make me happier at this point would be some large mirrors... but I doubt that will be necessary. The trap is set, now we just need some bait"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit gives Itzal a deadpan stare.
"I'm pretty sure everybody, at least Zeke and Mike, want to murder you horribly. That's more than enough bait."

Whit stops, and thinks.

"Although, they'd be expecting this, a trap room. Hm... I know. We need a fake room, or such. Maybe we need to work in the hallway too? Hm... actually, we might as well set up traps everywhere. Why bother with giving a way out?"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

[ooc]Wait - wasn't you in a courtyard?[/ooc]
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

oh and erm...reserved then
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

"They're plotting."

Zeke looked down from one of the castle walls, clinging close to the tower he emerged from so that he wouldn't be seen. "They've made one hell of a death pit down there."

"Who cares? Let's just get down there and screw them over!"
Mike grew impatient on the tower stairwell.

"No. The traps would get you. We need someone more agile. Like me."

Mike boiled and stewed in anger, Zeke noticed this.

"Don't worry. You'll get your fix of bloodshed."

Zeke continued to ponder the courtyard. "They have barriers set up on the doors, Itzal can easily escape, I'm not sure about Whit but he is smarter than that, he probably has some way. The nets aren't attached to anything...probably incomplete, those blocks should be easily dodge-able. The holes...jesus what fool do they take for?"

Zeke once again turned to Mike, who blanked most of what he said out.

"You see that rope?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah. What about it?"
"Shoot it."
"What now?"
"Yes now."
"Then what?"
"I haven't thought that far ahead yet."

Zeke vaulted the small wall down into the courtyard, balancing perfectly between a thin strip of land in-between two holes. "Ahem."

Itzal and Whit quickly spun round. Whit drawing his Godgun out.

"Ah. The Ninja. Earlier than expected. I'll admit I expected a more conventional entrance."

“Well, I pride myself on my unconventional ways.” Zeke's voice was thick with sarcasm

Whit slowly edged towards one of the nets Itzal had produced.

“Not that it matters, I'd like to think you as an intelligent man Zeke, although I've been wrong before. You've fallen straight for my t- “ BANG!

Mike shoots, talking out the rope holding the barriers in place, they all shut into the door.

“Trap? Heh…so have you.”

Whit loads the pencil bullet attached to the net, Zeke notices this and instinctively jumps to the side. Whit fires, the net uselessly hitting the wall Zeke was.

Zeke pulls the pen out in mid air, and begins franticly scribbling below him. The light blue ink hoves over the ink holes, as Zeke slides right above them.

“Damn it!” Itzal spawned some knifes from his cloak and began expertly throwing them at harnesses holding the blocks together, making sure to cut only the ones above Zeke.

Zeke looked up to see the blocks. “Heh, gravity. Far too slow.” Zeke jumped towards the wall, the block crashed down with a huge smash. He launched off the wall to land harmlessly on the block.

Whit managed to traverse the way of pits to another net Itzal produced, he loaded it, took aim and-
“I wouldn't do that if I was you!”
Mike crashed down from the wall onto Whit, causing him to misfire the net harmlessly.

Itzal watched as Whit struggled to get Mike off his back, turning back to Zeke, who is looking incredibly smug on the block.

“You fool! You ruined everything!”

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"I should have expected as much from you. No matter, I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve." Itzal moved its foot and tripped a prepared string. The side on one of its hidden reality-warped devices sprung open, launching the small ball at Zeke at terminal velocity. This is only about a tenth the speed of a bullet, and Zeke jerked out of the way of it, leaving a mere scratch on his back. He look at Itzal, ready to leap, but Itzal was not longer there.

"Oh, not this again" Zeke muttered.

Meanwhile, Whit was send tumbling by Mikes tackle. His godgun flew out of his hand and skittered across the floor. Whit tried to leap for it, but was snatched out of the air by Mike's vectors and thrown across the room. lifted his head to see Mike walking over to the godgun.

"So, this is the weapon you've been firing all over" Mike said picking it up. He examined it for a moment then aimed it at Whit. He was about to pull the trigger when motion from above caught his eye. One of the blocks was falling from above.

Itzal watched as Mikes vectors caught the block before it hit him. As expected. Itzal was already in the middle of throwing a volley of daggers. Daggers embedded themselves in Mike's side and he gasped in pain, and nearly simultaneously HooDoo daggers struck his vectors, causing them to drop the block. He dove out of the way, nearly making it before it slammed down on his leg. The godgun went skittering across the floor and fell into a pit. Itzal launched another volley of daggers to finish mike off.

Zeke suddenly launched himself out of nowhere and grabbed the daggers out of the air, throwing them back at Itzal. They struck Itzal in the stomach, sinking in deeply. "Got you." Zeke said, and leapt at Itzal, brandishing the pen down in an Icy

Itzal gasped as he yanked the dagger out of his stomach and used it to parry the pen. A flurry of motion ensued, Zeke striking quickly with the pen while Itzal tried desperately to fend him off. "If you make A quip about the pen being mightier than the sword, I'll have to stab you" Itzal remarked.

"If it is, then I'll have nothing to worry about" Zeke remarked.

Suddenly, Itzal deflected the pen down instead of away, sending the pen slashing across his stomach.

"Wrong move."

"Was it?" Itzal asked, straitening.

Zeke suddenly realized he had frozen the wound shut, stopping Itzals blood loss. "Clever."

Itzal reached into his cloak and pulled out a handful of flash powder, throwing it
down between Zeke and it.

Zeke saw the now familiar motion of the Itzal throwing down the flash powder, and closed his eyes. He leapt in the direction he guessed Itzal would go. He saw the flash through his closed eyelids and opened his eyes to see Itzal darting behind a bush, and swiftly followed.

Whit tried to stand, only to have a sharp pain shoot through his leg, and he fell back to the ground. Whit watched the battle unfold between Itzal and Zeke. His head ached, and vision blurred in and out of focus.
"Get up"
Whit ignored the voice.
"Get up."
The voice became more persistent.
"I said, get up!"
Whit realized it was Noah.
"I don't want to" Whit said. He just wanted to rest.
"You've come too far to just lie there. Now, Get up!"
Whit realized the skull was right, now was not the time to give up. He forced himself to focus. The godgun. He needed to get the godgun back. He started pulling himself across the ground towards the pit it had fallen in. After a while he reached it. He looked down and saw the godgun laying at the bottom of the pit. He reached for it, then realized his depth perception must have been off because he fell into the pit before his hand came anywhere near the gun. He landed in the bottom of the pit, and pain shot through his side. He mentally added a broken rib to his list of injuries.

Itzal ran from Zeke, trying to get some distance between them. Suddenly, he found Zeke standing in front of him, and he slid to a stop. Zeke stabbed at it with his gauntlet, but Itzal managed to catch the blow with its cloak.

"I am getting sick of you." Zeke said, continuing his assualt.

"Then let me put you out of your misery" Itzal said, swiftly erasing one of its prepared lines. Reality shifted to account for this difference, and a wall appeared in between them.

Whit looked up out of the pit. He needed to get away from this battle, but all the doors were blocked. This setup had gone awry, and he wanted time to regroup. He thought back to what Itzal said about erasing a pit. If it was right, then erasing the pit would merely put him into the positive space, effectively removing him from combat. If Itzal was right. And was telling the truth. Whit mulled the options over for a moment, then erased the pit, trusting in fate to protect him.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit opened his eyes to a blank plane. He had escaped again. He stood up. pain filled rib and his leg- he must have sprained his ankle, broken his rib and such... no. That wouldn't have happened to him. He had never had a major injury before, and this was no different. He stomped his leg on the ground. Pain.

"It's sprained." the skull said.

Whit grimaced and looked at the skull again.

"While I appreciate your words when I was slipping out, I don't think they are necessary right now. In fact, I'm certain other options presented themselves while I was still above... like, for instance, I could have erased the lines of the trap. Then Mike would have been in pieces."

"You would have been too... and that doesn't mean anything as of now. You're hurt."

"I would not have died to something I, partially, built. It's impossible. Things don't turn against me, you know. And... I am not hurt."

He stomped his leg against the ground again. pain. Stomped again. pain. Again. pain? Again. it probably hurt... Again. Nothing.

He moved his foot it didn't. He stretched, feeling his rib sting... no, there was no pain.

Whit stood up tall again, with a smirk.

"I told you."

"...You... are a fool."

Whit drew a strap, tying his godgun to his wrist again. The old strap must have snapped. Feeling prepared, he examined where he was. A completely, empty plane... and under it was where the others were. He knew what to do. He drew a circle with his pencil in his right hand. Whit looked through it. He saw Mike first.

Mike sneered and ripped the daggers out of his side. Painful, but it was nothing! The daggers fell right out of his vectors. He looked for Whit, but saw nothing at the moment. He turned his murderous impulses to Itzal. Where Itzal and Zeke were, a wall seemed to form. He Glanced down at the purple Hoodoo daggers. Even in his anger, he could put the obvious together. These daggers were from the second stage, where everyone's abilities were weakened...
He flung them over with his many arms.

The Crystals never reached Zeke. A quick splash of White painted across Zeke, erasing the lines in front of him. In that instant, Zeke saw Whit, smiling like the bastard he was... upside down, and underground. What was going on? Before he could figure what he was seeing out, fractured walls flew up, connecting to the tops of the nets. The crystals hit the front of the walls and clattered to the floor. It was a good thing he had the nets cut. By doing so, he altered the bizarre paths they would have taken. If he hadn't, he would have been severed by the sudden planes that rose. The problem now was... he was trapped, mostly. The only way out was up...

Whit wasted no time capping the whiteout and turning his attention back to Mike. He hoped that that stroke would have dealt with Zeke, but he could not do the same thing to Mike. When Mike cut the net, the side Mike was on fell to the floor, rendering the trap wasted. Still, Whit had plenty of method to deal with him, especially now. First, an old favorite...

Mike wasn't entirely sure what had just happened- his view of Zeke disappeared behind a blank wall. Then, he noticed movement, on the ground... Whit? Whit was upsidedown... on the ground... no, in it? He saw the gleam of the godgun, and raised his Vectors.

"Do you remember this?"
Whit had stuffed two of the pinecones in his Gun. One left.

Mike's eyes widened as a splinting inferno washed over him. His Vectors protected him... Much better than they did before. They oscillated against the blaze, diverting the heat. Still, Whit had used two cones- the flame burst was stronger and lasted longer. Flames got through the vectors and licked Mike's flesh.
As he withstood the fire, Mike screamed for blood. He remembered this all too well. He also remembered how he was going to strangle Whit and eviscerate his intestines. Whit was going to die horribly.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 4: Artistry
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike was angry. An anger so pure, so unrestrained that no amount of time would ever be able to sooth his raging torment of loathing. It wasn't the pain. No, he had felt just as much before. it also was not the traps. Itzal always used traps, they were clever and painful. Mike could understand that.
No. What really pissed him off was that everyone was underestimating him. THey feared the vectors and the guns instead of the true monster. He gritted his teeth and fought past the pain. He erased all unnecessary thought and focused simply on the anger and rage. It filled him, crashing through his body like a tsunami. He ignored the flames and allowed them, in their brief existance, to wash over him. Instead, he focused on his mangled leg. The block wasn't flat, the bones weren't just crushed, they were shattered by the spikes. Even if he moved the block the leg would just weigh him down.
So Mike amputed it. In one clean swipe, the vector tore through flesh and bone and muscle. The limb seperated him, and he pushed himself a few feet to the side, rolling. The pain was intense, more so, it was excrusiating. However, it was like fuel to the fire burning withim him. He raised himself on his good right leg, using his left vector as a substitute for his missing limb and stood.
He quickly turned and faced where Whit was hiding. Mike could faintly see the outline of the circle. 'So thats it huh. Hiding. I have one trick of my own you devious basterd'

Mike propelled himself as far as his vectors would allow, blood streaming out of his stub as he moved through the air. Whit prepared the whitout for another streak, but Mike intervened. He reached around to his shoulder and tore the coat from his back, throwing it into Whit's path. From the point in the floor, Whit could not see any traps, the coat covared the whole middle of the circle. Without spikking a move, a bullets tore through the jacket, and skimmed into the space Whit occupied. One streaked past his hand, leaving a small gash and causing him to drop the whiteout. Another skimmed his side. The coat fell, and so did Mike. He crashed to the floor painfully, gasping out in pain.
"I hope that hurt fucker! I got more waiting for ya! Come up here and dance, or so help me i'll rip your heart out and eat it!"
Empty threats. Mike could do little more at this point. He didn't know whoat Zeke had lined up. If Itzal moved before he did, Mike would probably end up locked away again. Again. Just like those filthy humans had tried to do. 'Well' Mime mused, 'Lets see him try. I'll die before the day I'll get captured. That I promise'
