Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Gadget pulled a large container out of his bag and filled it up completely with soil. "You'll probably need this at some point later on."
"Right, then. Are we gonna to get goin'?"
Gadget looked at Cobra in the distance. He wasn't worried about him, no, Cobra was strong. He was more worried about himself. It was likely that some of his enemies were already up on the ark, and, well, he wasn't the strongest person in this competition.
"Okay, Carrie, bring me up."

"Sure thing, Gadget."
Carrie took off, carrying Gadget. Whir followed closely behind, and Jim managed to catch a draft. It swerved back and forth semi-uncontrollably, due to the fickle nature of the wind, but overall stayed on a notable course.
"Hey! Hey, over there!"
Whir pointed towards a rock, sailing through the air towards the Ark. It collided, causing a loud sounds on the impact, but it also created a new entrance.
"Whoever did that probably isn't concerned with anybody's safety, so we can only hope it doesn't do too much."

"You know that, just by saying that, you've set the inevitable in motion. It's all a Goldberg disaster from here on."
Gadget sighed, "Yeah, I know. Let's just get to that hole and see what's inside."
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

A loud breaking noise stirred something inside Mike's mind.
Inside, the madman was waking up.
'What are you doing you baby? Crying to yourself again, I see. Fuckin' great, I fight my ass off trying to stay alive and all you've ever done is cry'
"Shut up" Mike said through the tears.
'Me? Nah, I can't shut up. You're me afterall, and I am myself. Confusing, isn't it? It's supposed to be, I wouldn't be mad if I made sense.
"I said shut up!"
Mike stood uo with force, and started samming the walls with his vectors in a random fashion.
"I don't need you anymore! All you do is kill! I want my life back damnit!"
'Hahaha. Yes, that's true. But face it, you're old news. Lemme show you. Stop'
Without Mike's say so, the vectors stopped. He tried moving them but they remained motionless.
'See? I have been the one in control for years. They finally listen to me, because they LEARN. You're weak. I'm strong. They follow the strong. Now, I'm taking back MY body, and you are going to sit there in the recess of MY mind!'
An explosion of pain rampaged through Mike's head. He shook back and forth with his hands over his head. He screamed on and on. Eventually, he collapsed onto the floor.
And Mike stood up in his place.
"It only gets easier. Hahah, well. Back to business"
Mike surveyed the cage, taking note of the dents caused by his vectors.
In the back wall was a hole.
He ripped through it, creating an entranceway into some sort of tunnel.
"Hmm. Well, I can only go forward from hear. Wherever Itzal is, he better be ready"
"I'm comin' for ya!"
And he ran down, straight towards the excersise hall.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit missed. To be fair, this was the first time he had tried it purposefully, but missing something that big? He was a little disappointed. Oh well, he thought. He had enough time to try again... he put one of the strange pinecones he had found earlier in the gun. It was a snug fit. He raised it up... and fired. Literally. The Pinecone barely went a few meters before the intense speed and wind pressure tore it to pieces. However, this particular kind of Pinecone was extremely dense and dry. it was ripped into several thousands of tiny fibers, which rubbed together and bursted with heat. This happened several hundreds of thousands of times within the fraction of time, turning the one pinecone into a huge ball of fire. Whit fell down Again, but this time to avoid the bright lights and heat. The flames traveled through the aim for a few seconds, and then completely dissipated.

Whit finally opened his eyes to assess what had happened. Somehow, firing the alien pinecones created a fire. Even though it was fairly far away and traveling in the other direction, Whit could still feel the strength of the blaze. He was again, elated. Options were just unveiling rapidly before him, and ones that he could easily use as weapons. However, he quickly realized he had probably revealed his position, with the sudden burst of flame. He began moving again, but not before grabbing a few other small rocks and cones off the ground. As he moved, He shoved another rock into his weapon and fired at the balloons. This time, although he was in motion, he knew he would hit it.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke figured he made enough sharpened sticks now. He quickly made a crude holding satchel from a large leaf to carry them and stood up. He could feel a heat to his left, a new fire perhaps. Travelling in that direction confirmed it, the surrounding area was ablaze, it was smaller than the previous fire, must have been lit recently. He continues in the direction passing the fire. Eventually he hears a rustling ahead of him, Whit running in the same direction as he was.

Whit continued running, confident that the ship would ‘sink' so to speak, he heard the rustling of leafs echo behind him: Zeke. He grimaced, he was getting tired for fighting this blasted ninja, but he was a whole lot more confident, he had a stratergy which worked and he was going to implement it. He quickly turns round to fire he God Gun at Zeke

Zeke pre-emptively dodged the blast, subsequently ducking in and out of cover from the standard gun fire. Zeke knew that this wouldn't get him anywhere, but that was what the spears were for. During another God gun blast Zeke dives out and throws one of the spears.

The spear impales itself in the tree right next to Whit, cutting the side of his head slightly. Whit flinched and broke his pattern, he didn't expect this. Zeke had advanced forward, forcing hit to back off a bit. Zeke repeated his tactic of spear throwing, whit clumsily dodging out of the way from the sharp sticks. This was too much, a tactical retreat was in order.

Zeke had got Whit on the retreat, this was more his comfort zone, he advanced forward faster than Whit, it was only a matter of time before he caught him. Whit fired his gun behind him while running, bullets whizzing through the forest, Zeke dodging any that came near.

Eventually Whit heard a noise he didn't want to hear; the click of an empty gun, he paused in an opening, panting for breath. He was tired of running he was going to make one last stand. Zeke burst through the forest in the air, he figured Whit wouldn't expect it. Luckily Whit aimed hig God Gun up in time and fired.

Zeke felt the massive blast of the God gun Smash into him, he was launched into the air at incredible speed. He looked down on the forest, parts of it engulfed in flames, Zeke closed his eyes. He prepared for the inevitable; his death.

Except it never came. Zeke crashed into water, going incredibly deep, Zeke quickly swam up and took a deep breath of air, amazed that he actually survived that. He then heard a strange creaking sound. He glanced up to see the huge ship was now descending. And he was directly underneath it.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra continued to fasten leaves to other leaves, his tarp getting bigger and bigger now. Soon he had a very large 30 x 30 foot tarp. This was very good, but air could still get through the leaves. So he went on another search, remembering distinctly where his tarp was. Not a few minutes after he began searching, he found what he was looking for. It was a large cactus-like plant that was oozing a sticky substance out of the many pods riddling it. Cobra took his shield and sword then proceeded to break all the needles off so he could manage the thing. He then cut it at the very bottom as close to the root as possible, the same substance from the pods oozing out where he cut. He quickly flipped it upside down, so the goo would stay inside, and rushed back to where his tarp was. He leaned the cactus-like plant against a tree (He had no idea what this plant was called) and tried to find some bamboo. He finally stumbled upon a fairly large patch of it, and began cutting haphazardly, until he had a significant amount of stalks. He tied them together with a nearby vine and dragged them back to his tarp. Now he could really begin to work. He took the bamboo and cut all the pieces to equal, 4 foot lengths. Soon he had a very large pile, stacked neatly, and he went to search for some thing, strong vines. This wasn't particularly difficult, for vines were everywhere around the area, and gathered as many as he could find. He then began the tedious part of the operation: Taking the pieces of bamboo, fastening them together side-by-side to make floors, and trying to keep them relatively sturdy enough to stand on. After 10 minutes of trying and ultimately failing at this, Cobra began to get frustrated, throwing the bamboo everywhere, like a child throwing a tantrum.

"FUCK IT! It doesn't NEED a basket!"

Cobra grabbed his cactus-like plant and walked over to his tarp. He began to pour the goo on the tarp, thoroughly covering every inch of it. The finished product was exactly what Cobra had wanted. The goo had dried and made a silicone-type sealant along the tarp. Cobra picked one end up, held it up to his mouth, and blew. He felt around the other side with his free hand, and couldn't feel any air coming through.


The goo had also strengthened the tarp, making it extremely hard to tear. Cobra searched around the forest a little bit more and came across a thing, but strong, tree. He cut it down with a few chops with his sword and stripped it of its branches. What he had now was a semi-straight, sturdy and thin log. He tied four vines to it, two on each end, and designated 4 corners of the tarp, to which he tied the other ends of the vine to. Now he was ready. He grabbed a smaller stick, about the size of a torch, wrapped a bit of underbrush and leaves around it, then ran off towards the fire. He returned to his work space, flaming stick in hand, and ducked his head under the tarp, where he held the torch. The effect was almost immediate. The tarp began to rise on its own, slowly, but surely, and nearly brought the log that was attached to it off the ground. Cobra jumped and caught the stick, pulling it down, and stood on it, where he held the torch up below the tarp. It began to rise at a steady pace now, having a bit of trouble getting him off the ground, but soon he was above the forest treetops, looking at the ark and all the fire engulfing the forest. Cobra was quite happy with himself, but then realize that he had no means of steering. The wind began to carry him away from the ark, he panicked. In a last ditch effort to try and prevent himself from plummeting to the ground, gouging himself with sharp rocks, he focused all his energy to weighing down one of the 4 vines attached to the balloon. This helped, albeit not that much, but it helped. The balloon began tilting a bit, then began to travel the direction that Cobra was pulling on. He experimented with each corner, pulling them down, getting the same result each time, then pulled the two back most vines, throwing himself in the direction of the ark.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit watched Zeke fly with interest. He had definitely won the fight, Zeke would probably die, and the stage would change soon. Still, he couldn't help but feel that the victory wasn't so much that he had won, but that Zeke had lost. Could that even be considered a victory? Sure it could, he reaffirmed in himself.
A victory is a victory. I won't regret anything about it.
Whit let go of the other pistol inside his Jacket. He was hoping to use it as a suprise, but it was better this way, conserving ammo. He slid one of the two spare clips into his empty gun, watched Zeke's body as it flew out of his line of sight, and waited for the familiar transformation of the enviroment. It did not come. Whit thought about it. Either Zeke somehow survived, or the stage didn't change based on death. The latter seemed incorrect, though... He had seen Grimm die immediately before the shift to this place, and the other masked one was also nowhere to be found. It was more plausible to think Zeke had survived.

"hmm... maybe we'll meet again. I'll take everything from you properly then."

He glanced back up at the ark. It was sinking. It didn't look fast, but considering the size... He really didn't know. He did know, though, that if Zeke landed safely he'd probably be under that.

"... Or maybe we won't meet again. That's fine. I like that way better, actually. Fighting you again and again has been getting... Boring."

Again, Whit was talking to something that wasn't there. But, he wasn't trying to speak to Zeke. He simply wanted the words out. Once they left him, he was certain fate, or luck, would hear it.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

The floor swayed underneath Mike's feet as he ran. He quickened his pace, knowing that Itzal would be long complete with it's preperation.
The corridor ended in a dead end, with a large locked barrior blocking his path. A vector punched it, creating a large dent, then another, and another, until a gap presented itself between the partitions. They reached out, and dragged the two sides away.
Light flooded through into Mike's eyes, blinding him. He shaded his eyes with his hand, and stepped out into a large area.

It was similer to some sort of field or park. Grass covering most of the floor, some places having seperate terrain and some even had aquarium's. There were no large vegetation other than some weeds here and there, and the grass was getting tall. Whoever created the ark had been away for a while, it seemed to him.
He sniffed the air, and grinned. It wasn't that he could even tell if Itzal was there or not. It just ment itself to be his bluff.

Itzal didn't fall for it. It waited from an observation room hidded from the outside. There were many obstacles, traps, distractions and mirrors to keep Mike, and more importantly, his vectors at bay.
He shifted through the ship once more to get near the excersize field. Doves and bats were good, but in this environment... yes, it seemed feasable and stealthy, unlike his other transformation.
Itzal quickly formed into a small army of grasshoppers, before speading them out towards Mike.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal swarmed through the grass, spread out thin, virtually undetectable. Mike cautiously made his way through the room, wary enough to counter all the traps he stumbled into. Itzal did not care. They were serving their purpose. The grasshoppers slipped through a door barley open, and reformed into Itzal's normal form in one of the cage rooms. It drew out a odd device from its cloak, with swirling spirals and shifting colors. If anyone else had been there to see it they would have found they had a hard time looking away from the mesmerizing device.

Itzal held up the device in clear view of the cages and walked along until it found a beast unable to look away from the device. The beast if found was fairly nasty looking, so Itzal opened its cage. The beast was so transfixed with the motion and light of the device that it calmly followed Itzal to the door, and Itzal shoved it through and closed the door, turning the latch to seal it.

Mike turned around when it heard the door open, just in time to see a beast thrown through the door. The beast looked startled at first, then its eyes locked into Mike's; a predatory standoff.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit's thoughts snapped back to reality. There was a blazing inferno in front of him, and a falling ark above him. He squinted. Were there... Flying people? Yes, it looked like there were two figures rising towards the ark. He lifted his godgun. They would make easy pickings from this distance. However, he decided against it. He had grown confident now, past seeking a simple victory. No, he wanted to win completely, utterly, to know the limits of his opponents and destroy them. It was the only way he found any meaning to interact with others- and here, there were no rules, nothing to hold anyone back. His opponents could easily use their full potential- their limits... Whit strove to find those limits, to gauge the entire worth of the beings that would soon end beneath him. He would stand above their existances... Whit's grinned maliciously at the distant figures.

But for now, he needed to escape the fire. It was convient that he had sent the ninja away, without even killing him. Whit could go back to his original plan: knocking a hole in the wall. He rushed back to the indent he had created, and began firing again. Very soon, the hole would be complete.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Fuck yeah, fixed my computer. Reserved.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra continued his flight towards the ark, and noticed it falling.

Huh. Odd that I didn't notice that falling earlier. This could be quite problematic.

Cobra became entranced by the slowly falling ark, and forgot that he was holding a torch. The rightmost vines caught fire, severing the stick he was standing on from the rest of the balloon. Without those ties, the balloon was uneven, thus causing Cobra to plummet slowly to the ground. As the stick fell below him, he could barely grab onto the other vines, and gripped with all his might. The torch fell down into the firey abyss he was now flying over. This was quite bad. Cobra began to panic. He was going to fall into the fire.


Cobra was panicking. This was the absolute last situation he wanted to be in. And then it just got worse when he realized something: The goop from the cactus-like plant was extremely flammable. This was also quite bad. The balloon combusted quite quickly, turning to ash in mid-air, leaving Cobra to plummet the 50 feet to the ground. By some chance, as if the gods were smiling upon him, he landed in a swamp-like area where the fire wasn't ('Cause, you know, it's water) and he just sat there for a while.


He had absolutely no idea what to do. He was completely surrounded by fire, and sitting here in the middle of a swamp wasn't going to help him win. He began to look around, maybe find something he could use to douse the fire to some degree, but alas, there was nothing to be found. Cobra simply stood and pondered things.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

MyifanW Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 3: Sanctuary/Ark
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.
