WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

1 trillion Mod Points to Mirdini

-1 million Mod Points to Mirdini for making me late to class probably.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

A Killer Cuppa Tea Wrote:@Pala - I never voted you...? In fact, I think you're pretty town. Also, where do you get "laying low" from in my behaviour :s
I said you didn't vote me Tea, and that if you had I would have been suspicious. I get the laying low because you're usually more active and talky, here however you were making one-two sentence, low contribution posts and it's not something I'm used to seeing in you when you're town.

Mirdini Wrote:Glorious?
But why am I a robot? Or a guy with a robot? Or two different robots? Mysteries abound.

Mister Visceral Wrote:When the hell did I ever "go on" about how I had all of these connections?
I don't feel like going through quotes because I have class soon and I'm sick and fuck that but basically here's what I remember
1) You get called out for going after Cat for no reason, claim you did it to get connections and that it was a success
2) You were asked for said connections, and said you didn't want to reveal them until someone flipped
3) You say that you didn't want to reveal the connections you made out of the vote unless people died
4) (In desperation?) you claim now that you had no connections and never claimed to have them

No matter what way you look at it, you very strongly suggested you had shit in points 1-3, if you had planned to have things and didn't get anything out of it why didn't you admit so right at the beginning?

Also I apologized for getting the word wrong on the anacreon thing why are you still trying to bring that up? PS you still heavily implied you thought he was a total liar about the miller thing in a couple of posts.

On that note ANACREON I SEE YOU THERE POSTING NOTHING. You are p. much confirmed non-mafia you should be stating all of your game-related opinions on everything always.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by TehPilot.

yes we are quirking posts, we are two beings after all
try not to let shouty overwhelm you though
we still haven't had the opprotunity to analyze fully and every post you see has bee phone-generated
we will get around to ensuring things are said though as we do have many things to say
please be good sports for us

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

The real question is:

Why does Pilot have a quirk when Sanzh didn't?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by cuttlefishCuller.

First there came curiosity : So it was that, sitting on a balcony under the starlit sky I did read the thread. Accusation. Suspicion. Camaraderie. The list ran long, snippets of thought given the animus of a person's voice, a comforting susurrus in the darkness. As I read something begged attention, some impossible unevent.

Then came wonder : 'How was it?' she thought 'That I escape worthy mention?' She did read, and read yet more, and found herself a ghast in their minds. 'Is this it? Is this how I finally achieve victory? A thoughtless spectre beyond notice, beyond their reach? Is it so that I escape dread fates and dwell so, here, amongst them. That I shall so escape death and bring all crimes into the light? Their silent saviour?'

Then came fear : Such joy was not to last. As she remembered that she had indeed been addressed at one time, by Solaris. Solaris, with his so active imagination...
'Is this what I am then?' She railed against the realisation. 'Can I even be called real? What should happen when he wakes? Is that my end? Simply an unremembered dream scooped from the bowl of his mind when morning comes?'

Then came the end : It was then that the stars began to fall, and the whole world shook. It was then, amidst the falling stars become snow in such tormented landscape, as the midnight backdrop peeled away from the world to a transparent edge that she spoke.

'it is the mercy'

Vote: St. Elsewhere
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

This is just getting more and more baffling as it goes on.

Is St. Elsewhere like some sort of alias cuttlefish because I think I got everything else you're saying (and wish there was more!) but I'm a little lost there.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

@Pala - if my posts have been on the short side, it's because the vast majority of them have been from my phone. I think I've made one or two bigger ones and they were the ones that were made from my computer. I've tried to be concise though, posting what I feels need to be said (albeit with the odd fluff post here and there). I don't think I've shied away from attention, nor neglected to make my opinions felt. Ill be the first to admit that perhaps my posting isn't as much as it normally is, but that's entirely due to real life and busy-ness.

If there is something you feel wanting or that I'm lacking, feel free to ask me on it - writing posts on the phone is slow and there is a slight possibility that I may forget the odd thing here or there that I intended to mention.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Palamedes Wrote:This is just getting more and more baffling as it goes on.

Is St. Elsewhere like some sort of alias cuttlefish because I think I got everything else you're saying (and wish there was more!) but I'm a little lost there.
St. Elsewhere was a show about a hospital but then it turned out it was all some autistic kid's snowglobe or something.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.

So I seriously went back through my posts to see where I might have "gone on" about having reads from the catvote. These are the things I've said about catvote.

Mister Visceral Wrote:Hey look he knows. And if you're wondering why I stated it with such assuredness, it's because nothing ever really gets reacted to unless you say it with 100% assuredness. Like my bullshit catvote, the reactions to which will be forever stowed away until they become relevant.
Mister Visceral Wrote:
Palamedes Wrote:Visceral I will vote for you if you don't give me what you 'got' out of that Catvote within the next five hours or so, and I will then never unvote you until you are dead.
Nothing at the moment. No flips yet, sir, and I don't feel like going back and analyzing it until it becomes vaguely relevant.
I even said that I didn't get anything from it the moment it was brought to my attention.

Mister Visceral Wrote:
Palamedes Wrote:Too bad. Do it. Only a couple people reacted so give me your analysis if those people died and flipped scum/town.
No. :>

It's just not worth it at this point. In fact, it would probably end up being anti-town just because of how awful my analyses end up being - people (town and scum alike) are going to jump on my ridiculous reads saying "I don't see that connection" or "hm... this one certainly is a thing" and it's generally going to end up being unproductive for town, especially because I would probably end up getting lynched over them.
I still don't claim to have any reads. If you are going to twist this, "people (town and scum alike) are going to jump on my ridiculous reads saying..." into me saying I have reads, understand the entire hypothetical context of that sentence.

Mister Visceral Wrote:I've been wrong far too much lately to try to scrap together some bullshit reads on people with vague reactions to my catvote, when people are just going to take that post and run with it. I'll be happy to do other, more useful, more plausible and reasonable things once the opportunity for me to do so arises.

I'll conjecture about them once flips happen. Until then, if I put anything out there, even as a "wild guess", I'll just get persecuted for it. Not worth it at this point. I'm not going to post opinions now when they aren't based on anything.
I would have to "scrap together some bullshit reads on people" meaning "I don't have any reads at the moment and would have to make them up."

And then I made not a single post until I actually analyze the reactions that occurred.

I am honestly baffled at how, if you're town, you're getting all of these notions about me. I never claimed to have solid reads on the catvote reactions, and you are saying that I am and using that as the basis for the argument against me.

Palamedes Wrote:So Visceral.

Why exactly did you go on about how you had links and theories but didn't want to reveal them, and then as soon as you started taking flak from people besides me you come in and say 'lol secretly I had nothing'. You going after Mr. Guy for agreeing with me doesn't help you either because Guy is town as hell (my strongest townread by far anyways).
The only flak I received between 233 (me refusing to make up reads) and me giving my two shits was this:
anacreon Wrote:Ok MV is looking horribad now like really horribad from that Exchange between him and pala. MV people are already jumping at you right now for not sharing your opinions.
No offense to anacreon, but that wasn't exactly what stirred me to action.

Actually that's pretty unfair. I pretty much did give the reads as a reaction to getting crucified for not having them. So that point stands. But the first part of your argument is still completely invalid. And still confuses me. Because I kind of have a townread on you but don't know where the hell you're getting the basis of your argument from.

Oh right me going after your "strongest townread".
1) How is he your strongest townread?
2) How is what I pointed out not a valid thing to be suspicious of?
3) How does the fact that I'm going after a guy you think is towny make me scum?

...The more I look at it, the more your fabricated argument looks like pushing an easy mislynch on me.


Vote Palamedes
(I don't remember the last time I went with my gut on anything when my mind told me otherwise aaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by TehPilot.

Palamedes Wrote:The real question is:

Why does Pilot have a quirk when Sanzh didn't?
because Palamedes
the situation for us is dire
our previous incarnation you call Sanzh was doing subversive things and hiding his true nature
guaranteed me and my friend blacktextbeard can always try and fuse and behave like one being
but it was tiring and thus when Sanzh regenerated into this "TehPilot" we were tired and gave up the ruse

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Luneix.

So, if I'm parsing that properly, Sanzh was replaced for not quirking, which is an integral part of his role?
If so, hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm indeed.
Also, not to put any more undue pressure on you Visceral, but can I ask which post the reads you referred to ("I pretty much did give the reads as a reaction to getting crucified for not having them.") were in?
As I think, perchance, that I may have been lax in my attention and missed it.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Oh hey thanks Visceral (because of how the forum works now I'm just gonna put that stuff into regular quotes instead of shuffling through them because fuck you I'm sick and lazy).

First case! (Aka post)
"Like my bullshit catvote, the reactions to which will be forever stowed away until they become relevant" - Key here is 'stowed away until completely relevent'. Tell me this doesn't sound like you have reactions and what they mean but don't want to say them until they're 'relevent'. If you had nothing when the heck would nothing ever become relevant at all? Why not just outright say 'like my bullshit catvote, which I was trying to get reactions from but didn't get much'?

Second case!
"I don't feel like going back and analyzing it until it becomes vaguely relevant." - Again with the going back and analyzing it when it becomes relevant. If you had nothing, when was it ever going to become relevant?

Third case!
"It's just not worth it at this point. In fact, it would probably end up being anti-town just because of how awful my analyses end up being." - 'At this point'. I don't think I need to elaborate again how little sense this makes if you knowingly had nothing from the start.

Fourth case!
Yeah your point is fair here but like, after spinning shit with your other three posts you should have just outright said 'actually I have nothing'.

So you're 1/4 on those quoted posts for in some way not implying you had something when you didn't. Now, good audience, notice that 1/4 is also one of the most common ratios for scum against town in mafia games!

I'll give you all a second to get the shock of this development out of your system. Now, with this added bit of statistical evidence, how can you, the jury and executioners, not help me put this man to rest?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by TehPilot.

Luneix Wrote:So, if I'm parsing that properly, Sanzh was replaced for not quirking, which is an integral part of his role?
this is a falsehood
apologies if I was unclear at first
quirking is not necessary but we are doing it for reasons which shouty mentioned
the previous owner of this slot was replaced for reasons unknown to me

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.

Yeah I see what you mean with the first one looking bad. That's my mistake for poor word choice. I still don't understand how your second and third cases work, though. Could you clarify? Also answer my questions about MrGuy?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Oh right Mr. Guy. I already (think) I talked about him but I'll try to summarize it quickly while I'm still concious. Most obvious is his relationship with people I think are suspicious (you and Tea mostly) and also I think he handled the opening game in a way scum don't usually (stayed active through it even when people went after him. He's also been posting frequently enough and always with some sort of take on what's been going on, as opposed to just making unrelated or unimportant one sentence remarks. Then of course there's the whole general vibes feeling from his posts.

The second case up there works in the same way the first does, by talking about how you didn't want to go over it until it was 'relevant' you implied that there would be a time when it was relevant to go over what you had gained, and therefore that something was gained out of it in the first place. The third is also the same but substitute 'relevant' for 'at this point'.

Sorry if I'm not being totally clear but my head's all messed up right now. I'm gonna go rest and see if I can get more sensible, let me know if there's still some confusion and I'll try to clear it up again then.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.

Palamedes Wrote:Oh right Mr. Guy. I already (think) I talked about him but I'll try to summarize it quickly while I'm still concious. Most obvious is his relationship with people I think are suspicious (you and Tea mostly) and also I think he handled the opening game in a way scum don't usually (stayed active through it even when people went after him. He's also been posting frequently enough and always with some sort of take on what's been going on, as opposed to just making unrelated or unimportant one sentence remarks. Then of course there's the whole general vibes feeling from his posts.

The second case up there works in the same way the first does, by talking about how you didn't want to go over it until it was 'relevant' you implied that there would be a time when it was relevant to go over what you had gained, and therefore that something was gained out of it in the first place. The third is also the same but substitute 'relevant' for 'at this point'.

Sorry if I'm not being totally clear but my head's all messed up right now. I'm gonna go rest and see if I can get more sensible, let me know if there's still some confusion and I'll try to clear it up again then.
The thing is, I hadn't analyzed anything really in depth at the point where I posted those. I really just sort of skimmed posts to get to where I was and... wasn't sure if there was anything there that would ever become relevant. And I figured that it would become relevant once people started a-flippin'.

It was sort of a bluff, yeah, but it was well-intended.

Also, feel better. I've been sick for the past few days, too. v_v
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Luneix.

@TehPilot - Ah, sorry. I have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions after I think I've understood something, but in case I misconstrue anything you, just yell at me or hit me or something
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Mister Visceral.

Luneix Wrote:@TehPilot - Ah, sorry. I have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions after I think I've understood something, but in case I misconstrue anything you, just yell at me or hit me or something

What are your thoughts on my, Palamedes's, Tea's and MrGuy's alignments?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Luneix.

I'll start with Mr. Guy and Tea, because those are the two I'm most confident about:
With Tea, he was pretty much the first person I started suspecting at the beginning of the game, as I felt he was being overly aggressive and accusatory - however, now that we've had a good two days for us all to talk, I'm about 70-80% sure (in my opinion at least), that he was just an enthusiastic townie trying to get a rise (and therefore information and a read) out of MrGuy.
As far as I can tell, MrGuy hasn't done anything overly suspicious, other than responding rather defensively to Tea's initial statements, so I'm still pretty sure of his innocence.
So my summary of that situation at least is that there's a 45% chance of both of them being town, 35% of one being town, and 20% (probably less actually) for them both being scum.

With Palamedes, my current thoughts are that he's being quite aggressive - but while this could be an indicator of scumminess, it could just be that he honestly believes you're scum. I'm not inclined to offer support either way in this situation, as while Pala seems to be playing the role of aggressive townie, it's almost equally likely that he could be scum trying to get a quick lynch in on Day One. Conversely, you, Visceral could either be an emotive defensive townie, or scum trying to get out of a tough spot.

While I don't have a good read on either of you at the moment, I think the easiest way to persuade me to either side is to offer a readwall of at least some of the players, so I could determine whether you're misrepresenting facts or giving an honest view of the situation.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

MV, you still haven't cottoned on to the fact that you are trying to get away with doing nothing. Your posts are literally empty posts that are vague promises of more content later, and when "later" happens, you don't have anything. When pushed on it you don't have anything. And now you STILL don't have anything. If you're going to insist on not doing anything, I'm going to insist on lynching you. "But I don't HAVE anything [img]images/smilies/aghast.gif[/img]!" You say. "Go die to lynch then!" I reply.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

Read through your own posts. You start maybe-reaction-fishing vote on cat, which is fair enough cos I did something similar. Except, I went on to Actually Do Shit, whereas you went on to either trying to get away with sounding like you had something and hiding it, or just plain not having anything but being coy about it. The rest of your posts are defending yourself or backtracking.

You see how, with me, pressure eventually died out? It's because I did something. You literally haven't don't anything productive for town. By your own admission.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by TehPilot.

tea we wonder if you possess any scumreads
preferably ones that are not mister visceral

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

Page 10:
Mister Visceral Wrote:Because at this point, I have about two definitive reads on people.
(emphasis mine)

Page Rightnow:
Mister Visceral Wrote:I still don't claim to have any reads.
Mister Visceral Wrote:I would have to "scrap together some bullshit reads on people" meaning "I don't have any reads at the moment and would have to make them up."
Did i hallucinate and/or miss something because you said you had something and now you're saying you have nothing which is why I can see where Pala is coming from, although I don't approve of the example he used.
also you said "definitive" that sounds pretty confident

if you have do have something: what is it and why are you insisting that you don't
if you don't: lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies lies

Pilot what are your own reads because i didn't like your predecessor at all
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by TehPilot.

konec0 Wrote:Pilot what are your own reads because i didn't like your predecessor at all
my other half is skimming this thread as I type/speak/whatever form of communication is prudent for fora
namely I see you did not like my predecessor as he made one questionable vote before he was regenerated due to inactivity


additionally we feel rather alright with Palamedes
you're alright as well I guess
you could pretty much take mirdini's avatar and move the hand over the shirt and it'd kinda look like us right about now
also we have interest piqued by luniex and the small avatar he possesses
notably post number 344
those numbers lack specified origins
are you perhaps using a mysterious formula to calculate them
otherwise they seem rather arbitrary to us

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D1: Some guy died
Originally posted on MSPA by Luneix.

TehPilot Wrote:
also we have interest piqued by luniex and the small avatar he possesses
notably post number 344
those numbers lack specified origins
are you perhaps using a mysterious formula to calculate them
otherwise they seem rather arbitrary to us
Ahh, a mysterious formula indeed, one steeped in darkness, secrets and, as they say in one hexagonal corner of the globe - [i]le myst