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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-23-2013, 01:59 AM
Do you think there is someone better to lynch? Because I'd be willing to hear it.
Also Kane I said you were riding his ass because the instant people popped in to defend Pilot you were all over the 'but this proves nothing' angle which I can't not take as you trying to push the lynch through. And yes, scum would have to no-target because otherwise they'd hit town and town would know Pilot was lying.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-23-2013, 01:59 AM
10:00, I guess..
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-23-2013, 02:03 AM
Oh, I see.
I responded with a "but this proves nothing" because I really thought that this would prove nothing. Doesn't mean I think he's scum because I'm arguing against a defense for him.
Wait, sorry, don't get it. (all hypo) Scum hits town w/ whatever, pretends to like cop Teh or something, Teh and scum both claim that Teh was targetted what goes wrong?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-23-2013, 02:04 AM
EBWOP: whatever = whatever extra powers the scum has + the kill
Also, when does the day end actually?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-23-2013, 02:06 AM
Day's over, no lynch, flavour up soonish.
Proceed to do your nightbusiness. You have until April 26th at 10:00pm EST to complete your actions.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-25-2013, 05:45 AM
Pardon the lack of flavouring so far. School's been busy. Just be sure to post in your QT even if you will not be performing an action tonight.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Night One: Slumber (21/21)
04-30-2013, 02:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-30-2013, 02:30 AM by amosmyn.)
Night 1 Start
![[Image: boring_class.jpg]](
The Crooks discussed, bantered and engaged in all sorts of methods of communication and threats, but to no avail. It seemed like a strange thing to banter over the devotion and loyalty of a group of men whom have devoted their lives to the jail breakout, nevermind the Crooks Hollow cause. So, with their eyes drooped within their lids, they headed off to rest and return again the next day.
Night has begun and ended prior to this post. Day will begin after all actions have been sorted out.
Please welcome btp, who will be replacing Solaris
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Night One: Slumber (21/21)
04-30-2013, 03:29 AM
Day Two Start:
...well, back to the tables I guess?
Nobody died in the night. Day ends on May 5th at 11:59PM EST.
With 21 alive, it takes 11 votes to lynch and 7 votes to bar a player from shooting.
The orange of gunbanning has not been deployed.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 03:43 AM
Hello, I shall be playing the part of a Solaris. I have trained my whole life for this role, but I am always open to critisim. Please let me know what I can do to make this transition more comfortable for all of you.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-30-2013, 05:58 AM
TOWN READZ!!!111oneone
I'm making this as I read along. If you want to know which quotes I read while making this, ask.
Palamedes: -Town because he wanted to incite discussion by claiming he's a member of the mafia.
MathGurl: -She also tried to incite discussion with that Cop-Vid-Doc thing. Though that doesn't help early in the game.
In fact I'm not sure whether or not she already knew that and is only trying to look helpful
Why post the question if you know it's useless anyway? scum lean
-also made the point that Pala was trying to be helpful.
Town lean
-this post is kinda scummy because she's trying to get on people's good side too much.
-something about CANADA
(04-19-2013, 12:05 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »
Show Content
SpoilerMathgirl you probably only went to Toronto or BC or something Canada is huge (also how would one know you weren't already in Canada and are just trying to rile up panic at the lack of talking?!?
that's supposed to get people talkin'. Town lean.
-AAAAAND WE HAVE PROGRESS! this post details her thoughts on why she looked like she was sucking up earlier... though she didn't explain her other posts? Town lean I guess.
-that post also details that she wouldn't mind being lynched
nuuuu mathie why would you say that all townies are good no matter the role (EXCEPT VANILLAS WHICH ARE EXCELLENT FODDER FOR SUI-VIGS AGAINST THE MAFIA )
-justifies Yewchie's further scumminess. town lean point.
Anac: -called Mathie "townish" early in the game, but didn't state the reasons why. Maybe because they're apparent??? okay then town lean
-uhh lurk much???? also this post - scum lean 4 u ;33
-tried to get Tea to post, that's a town thing to do, right? 
town lean
Jacquerel: -made the point just stated above. Town lean
TehPilot: What are you doing, cheering mathGirl on for??? NO POINTS FOR EFFORT ALLOWED NONE NONE AT ALL. She explicitly stated she knows it's a bad question!!! ONE SCUM POINT FOR YOU PILOT
-he poses a question about suivigs... Town lean i guess. For inciting discussion(?) Town lean and not town because i see it as trying to give mathG an opportunity to make a town answer. Meta questions do not help other people make a theory about you. ANOTHER SCUM POINT FOR YOU PILOT. THINGS AREN'T LOOKING GOOD FOR YOU PILOT
-good on with this post. town lean.
-mechanically confirmable on page 11 gets you down to a scum lean over all. I'd rather vote: anacreon
-okay page 12 gets you up to town because you've explained lots of gut feelings and Cat and anac and yeah this is good.
Mermaidini: -tells us all not to suivig unless we're scum, which is justified. One town lean point 4 u.
also that sounds a tad suspicious. +1 suspicion
Garuru: -good for you garuru you disobeyed the other ruru.
-your mathie, tea, pilot votes are justified from scummiest to least.
though I would go for a pilot lynch by this point. This is going to change maybe as i read along, I don't know. Town lean point.
-gave his reads and detailed the anac lynch. town lean
-no, you can't defend weird posts. They're weird for a reason. A bad reason. ONE SCUM lean POINT.
-uhh, there WAS a good reason for heading out of RVS.
-page 11 you're urging pilot to suivig. BAD GRANOLA BAD. scum point.
Fuzzy-version-of-me: -Yes, you were right to put pressure on tea! GO ME.
seedy: -so you noticed the weird ring to her posts too??! town lean point!
0_o: -justified his mathie vote well with the conversation points about mathie posing weird questions and the suivig discussion. town lean
-gives scum leans on page 10, though granola is supposed to be on the scum list because his "that wasn't a good reason to get out of RVS" isn't a good reason in itself. Nonetheless, one town lean point.
-requested an extension which is a good thing cuz we need more time for this. town lean
-uhh actually yes you have participated in lots of mafia games. Well, a fair amount. Idk this is suspicious. one suspicion point.
-"Vote Mathgirl for killing conversation." seemed like a derptown vote for me, like you were joking. Guys, you're taking this vote too seriously.
- wait how can you say you're less experienced than mathie. How. I've seen you both on quite a bit of the mafia games I've lurked.
-pgs 10-12 get you up to Town. I am sleep deprived and those look like good arguments. BUT DAMN IT I REPLACE IN HALF AN HOUR BEFORE NO LYNCH.
Cat: Uhhhhh you look bandwagon-riding-ish. Where are your REEZUNS. come on give some reasons. Scum lean.
anac: -requested an extension - town lean
-also provided info about tea which is also good, town lean
-you seem to divert attention to fuzzy, instead of, like, the really important lynches going on NOW. Scum point.
Tea: What are you doing, lurking!??? I know the chocopie forums are good, but man, teh games are good HERE TOO!!!! scum lean.
-made speculation about tehpilot's extremely scummy posts and mathie's pseudo-weird posts. 1 TOWN point.
scum lean
-ok good you stress the Yewchie lynch as well. Town point4u!
-...I don't really know how to feel for this post.
seastormjt: -dissected Mirdini's post about the gururu vote thing a bit. 1 town lean point.
-what are you voting 0_o for???? he's making an honest effort of getting out of RVS. scum lean.
Yewchung: -no yewchung you gotta be prepared. you can't just keep that randavote! scum lean point
-srsly yew? SRSLY? scum lean
-this great post. Town lean. You gave explanations for some of your quotes.
Boogey: You haz justified the yew thing but then rebutted yourself with the whole "speedy mislynch" thing ovar here - scum lean
GenetiXientist: You don't post much do you
Solaris: neither do you?
Blah blah blah page 11 sucks, pilot lynch and anac lynch giving people a reason to rush votes, can't use that!
Page 9 REALLY sucks. Really.
Preview Edit: OOOOkay 0_o is Kane.
My two bits on what's happened so far
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 06:14 AM
Dear anacreon:
What the fuck are you.
Also I'd like to hear a couple people weigh in based on the end of yesterday. Mirdini and Pilot come to mind immediately, though there's probably a couple others.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 09:45 AM
Hi checking in to say I got marked and that I am greatly confused by credit's post...
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 10:08 AM
I am also greatly confused by credit's post.
He also seems to have misunderstood the fact that we're all part of the crooks hollow mafia, so claiming that you're part of he mafia is just a kind of running joke here.
Oh also, I've been sick for a bit more than a week. Week and a half, I guess? That's the main reason I haven't participated very much. Sorry about that. I'm mostly recovered but I'm likely to not be /super/ active.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 10:23 AM
Credit appears to be trying a kind of stream-of-consciousness type analysis, which just seems to be a confusing jumble of reads and thoughts. Hey credit hey put those opinions in readable form please.
So I'm in a better state of mind for mafia now - took a nice break, went out to party with some friends, got good exam results. It's 6:18 am and I can't make any real big posts now, although I do have a few things I want to be looked at:
- Tea, for #280 and his "strongest" townread
- and Granola, who's suivig urging is especially bad.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-30-2013, 10:44 AM
(04-30-2013, 05:58 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »-uhh actually yes you have participated in lots of mafia games. Well, a fair amount. Idk this is suspicious. one suspicion point.
- wait how can you say you're less experienced than mathie. How. I've seen you both on quite a bit of the mafia games I've lurked.
Yep! I'm Kane. Also, I believe I've played in no more than 4 - 5 games in my entire career, and Math has played like 30 (for clarification).
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 10:50 AM
Questions about the Night:
1) Why do people think no one died?
2) Sea, what's a "mark"?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 11:27 AM
I... Am not entirely sure. I got a message in my QT that just said I was marked soooo
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 11:27 AM
I'm kinda swamped right now because I'm studying for AP Physics. Yes, at least compared to y'all, I am a babby.
As such, I don't feel like I can really keep up with a mafia game for the next month or so.
I'd like to request a replacement, and apologize to Amos for not being able to give this game the attention it deserves.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-30-2013, 11:36 AM
(04-30-2013, 10:44 AM)0_o Wrote: »Yep! I'm Kane. Also, I believe I've played in no more than 4 - 5 games in my entire career, and Math has played like 30 (for clarification).
Thirty. 4-5 games is still a lot though, no? you still pick up the skills.
Also, of course, by scum I mean the scum in Crooks Hollow that aren't mafia.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 11:43 AM
(04-30-2013, 10:23 AM)TehPilot Wrote: »Credit appears to be trying a kind of stream-of-consciousness type analysis, which just seems to be a confusing jumble of reads and thoughts. Hey credit hey put those opinions in readable form please.
- Tea, for #280 and his "strongest" townread
- and Granola, who's suivig urging is especially bad.
Also, in that post it says you may clearly ask me about the points. I did not have the time to make a more readable version, I think this version is good anyway for showing how I feel so far about everyone.
I still do not have the time to make a more-readable version so there's that.
Concerning granola: Yes, why wouldn't this be bad? You're not afraid if you accidentally sui-vig a townie?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 11:47 AM
(04-30-2013, 10:50 AM)0_o Wrote: »Questions about the Night:
1) Why do people think no one died?
2) Sea, what's a "mark"?
1) um because no one died at the day start?
Also Vote:granola because that urging of a sui vig and the fact that he just danced around doing nothing.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 12:59 PM
(Anacreon, I think Kane was wondering why no one was dead at day start...)
Also, credit, one problem with your read wall is that I actually have no idea what you think of people? Since it's a lot of adding and subtracting points and not as many results. I haven't had a ton of time to look at it, but I think that would help...
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 01:27 PM
(04-30-2013, 11:43 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Also, in that post it says you may clearly ask me about the points. I did not have the time to make a more readable version, I think this version is good anyway for showing how I feel so far about everyone.
Others appear to be confused by it. Get around to a more detailed and sane readwall when you can.
Quote:Concerning granola: Yes, why wouldn't this be bad? You're not afraid if you accidentally sui-vig a townie?
Granola has done nothing constructive in recent memory and appears to favor chaotic actions (urging my suivig). No right-minded scum would be so obvious, but I don't think town would behave like that.
I dare say it feels... distinctly 3P? Marking potentially implies 3P as well.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day One: Wine Cellar (21/21)
04-30-2013, 01:56 PM
Ok so... what, overall scum reads then?
Palamedes: Town
MathGurl: town lean
Anac: Scum
Jacquerel: Town lean
TehPilot: Neutral.
(I'm not sure I can believe his "mechanically confirmed" statement from before, and he's done more harm than good. But he really wanted to sui-vig which scum would never do.)
dini: town
(tea, I don't know why you think otherwise)
Beruru: hasn't said much! and that "if u hav a reed, follo your dreams think sounds suspicious. Scum
Garuru: Town
Granola: Scum
Fuzzy-version-of-me: town of course ;333
seedy: town lean
0_o: Town
Cat: scum
anac: scum
Tea: town lean
seastormjt: neutral. I have no idea about sea :/
Yewchung: scum lean
Boogey: scum lean
GenetiXientist: lurker or something
Solaris: lurker
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
04-30-2013, 02:46 PM
It seems that past-Solaris was not the talkative sort, and thus was not able to provide you or others with a decent amount of information about his aligeances. As current Solaris, I would like to politely rectify this situation, as I am sure past Solaris would have done, had he the means to do so.
So for those interested parties, I am a member of this mafia, which is to say the town. I claim no other allegiances nor do I feel comfortable divulging more information about my role than to say it is relatively unimpressive. Though I am still greatly pleased to be here.
I would like to enquire about the lack of deaths during the night. This seems to be the most revealing avenue of discussion. While it is a fortuitous event, I must wonder about its cause.
It could be that, at this stage, the scum mafia decided to avoid a kill in order to maintain a daychat with all present members.
Or it could simply be that someone more diligent than myself managed to protect an individual whose life was threatened.
And yet, I am even more disturbed by this lack of deaths, because it would seem that the possibility of a murderous third party has been significantly reduced. If the present third party's goal is not murder, what other goals could they have in mind?