CYOGTCG 2. In the process of re-implementing the points system.
03-25-2013, 03:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-04-2013, 03:41 PM by Supernerd.)
This is a card game loosely based off a party game called 1,000 blank white cards. In this game you create your own cards and duel your friends by drawing random cards from a big deck that contains all of the cards that everyone made! I've played and hosted a similar game on another forum and have made a few adjustments for the sake of game balance, such as making it less difficult to make a comeback when you are losing. Before you start to play, you should make 5 or more cards, and cards should be PMed to me instead of posted in this thread.
How cards work
Cards can have numerous different effects as specified by players, but as a general rule each card will have a name and a presence number. A player will need a certain amount of "presence" in order to play a card. Your presence will generally go up as the game progresses and if you don't have enough presence to play a card you will not be able to play it. There are two main categories of cards, cards that have life and cards that do not have life. A card that has life will remain on your field until its life runs out, and a card that does not have life will typically dissapear after its effects take place (although some lifeless cards will stick around until certain conditions are met). Once per turn each of your cards that have attack can attack another card on the field, and if your opponent has no cards with life on their field you can attack them directly. A direct attack on your opponent will always deal only 1 damage regardless of the cards attack power. Here is a template that you can use. A card does not need to use this exact template but your cards should be set up in such a way that there is no confusion as to how it works.
![[Image: 7gcIHHn.png]](
How presence works
Presence replaces points from the previous games. Each player starts the game with 1 presence and at the start of each turn you will gain 1 presence. (The person who takes the first turn does not gain 1 presence on their very first turn to counter the first turn advantage thing). Cards can have special presence altering effects, and the player with less life will gain an amount of presence equal to the difference between both players life. If your presence is reduced in such a way that you no longer have enough presence to sustain all of the cards on your field then there are no negative repercussions aside from not being able to play anything else (including 0 presence cards) until you have a positive presence level.
Quick recap: Presence = 1 + turn count + difference in life if yours is lower ± other card effects - the total presence of all the cards on your field.
Card balance
As a general rule of thumb, a cards sum of life and attack should be approximately equal to double its presence level, though cards can be somewhat stronger or weaker than that. Special effects and whatnot should be factored into price. Cards with a presence cost of 0 or less can be made, but such cards should be useless or near useless.
Game rules
1) For a standard game you will start with 10 life and 6 cards.
2) You can make a card at any time, even mid game.
3) If you have 0 or less hearts, you lose.
4) You draw one card at the end of each turn instead of at the start. PM me whenever you need to draw cards.
5) You are expected to keep track of what cards are in your hand. Consider making a text document for this purpose.
6) Cards cannot attack on the same turn they are played unless otherwise stated.
7) You can only play one card each turn.
Card creation rules
1) A card must have a name as well as a legible presence number.
2) No card can target a player specifically (IE. Billy Is Great: Billy wins instantly because Billy is Best)
3) Cards can NOT affect other peoples games. Cards CAN be affected BY other players games however.
4) Cards CAN affect other specific cards, even ones made by other people (IE: Craig. Can only be destroyed by playing Blitzkrieg)
5) Cards CAN require competitions (IE. Both players play oregon trail and the person who gets farther gets points), but cards CANNOT use competitions for skills lots of people don't have (IE. Both players remix sunslammer and the one with the better tune wins points)
6) Cards CANNOT force the other player to do something they are uncomfortable with (No forcing the other player to draw Baby Muppet Porn)
7) Cards SHOULD be 300*200 pixels
8) Use random effects (coin flip, dice roll) sparingly.
9) Card text that is not in english, not legible, or in some sort of code is to be treated as gibberish and has no effect.
10) No submitting cards from previous games, this game works a bit differently.
11) If you saw this game on another forum, you don't need to submit cards for more than one game. Each branch of this game will have cards created from each forum the game is in.
Here are some sample cards.
![[Image: m8oe8JS.png]](
![[Image: X3gCOmM.png]](
This is a card game loosely based off a party game called 1,000 blank white cards. In this game you create your own cards and duel your friends by drawing random cards from a big deck that contains all of the cards that everyone made! I've played and hosted a similar game on another forum and have made a few adjustments for the sake of game balance, such as making it less difficult to make a comeback when you are losing. Before you start to play, you should make 5 or more cards, and cards should be PMed to me instead of posted in this thread.
How cards work
Cards can have numerous different effects as specified by players, but as a general rule each card will have a name and a presence number. A player will need a certain amount of "presence" in order to play a card. Your presence will generally go up as the game progresses and if you don't have enough presence to play a card you will not be able to play it. There are two main categories of cards, cards that have life and cards that do not have life. A card that has life will remain on your field until its life runs out, and a card that does not have life will typically dissapear after its effects take place (although some lifeless cards will stick around until certain conditions are met). Once per turn each of your cards that have attack can attack another card on the field, and if your opponent has no cards with life on their field you can attack them directly. A direct attack on your opponent will always deal only 1 damage regardless of the cards attack power. Here is a template that you can use. A card does not need to use this exact template but your cards should be set up in such a way that there is no confusion as to how it works.
![[Image: 7gcIHHn.png]](
How presence works
Presence replaces points from the previous games. Each player starts the game with 1 presence and at the start of each turn you will gain 1 presence. (The person who takes the first turn does not gain 1 presence on their very first turn to counter the first turn advantage thing). Cards can have special presence altering effects, and the player with less life will gain an amount of presence equal to the difference between both players life. If your presence is reduced in such a way that you no longer have enough presence to sustain all of the cards on your field then there are no negative repercussions aside from not being able to play anything else (including 0 presence cards) until you have a positive presence level.
Quick recap: Presence = 1 + turn count + difference in life if yours is lower ± other card effects - the total presence of all the cards on your field.
Card balance
As a general rule of thumb, a cards sum of life and attack should be approximately equal to double its presence level, though cards can be somewhat stronger or weaker than that. Special effects and whatnot should be factored into price. Cards with a presence cost of 0 or less can be made, but such cards should be useless or near useless.
Game rules
1) For a standard game you will start with 10 life and 6 cards.
2) You can make a card at any time, even mid game.
3) If you have 0 or less hearts, you lose.
4) You draw one card at the end of each turn instead of at the start. PM me whenever you need to draw cards.
5) You are expected to keep track of what cards are in your hand. Consider making a text document for this purpose.
6) Cards cannot attack on the same turn they are played unless otherwise stated.
7) You can only play one card each turn.
Card creation rules
1) A card must have a name as well as a legible presence number.
2) No card can target a player specifically (IE. Billy Is Great: Billy wins instantly because Billy is Best)
3) Cards can NOT affect other peoples games. Cards CAN be affected BY other players games however.
4) Cards CAN affect other specific cards, even ones made by other people (IE: Craig. Can only be destroyed by playing Blitzkrieg)
5) Cards CAN require competitions (IE. Both players play oregon trail and the person who gets farther gets points), but cards CANNOT use competitions for skills lots of people don't have (IE. Both players remix sunslammer and the one with the better tune wins points)
6) Cards CANNOT force the other player to do something they are uncomfortable with (No forcing the other player to draw Baby Muppet Porn)
7) Cards SHOULD be 300*200 pixels
8) Use random effects (coin flip, dice roll) sparingly.
9) Card text that is not in english, not legible, or in some sort of code is to be treated as gibberish and has no effect.
10) No submitting cards from previous games, this game works a bit differently.
11) If you saw this game on another forum, you don't need to submit cards for more than one game. Each branch of this game will have cards created from each forum the game is in.
Here are some sample cards.
![[Image: m8oe8JS.png]](
![[Image: X3gCOmM.png]](
![[Image: xt5QaUF.png]](