Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:31 AM
Sallie: Assess your surgery utensils, clean and sharpen as needed.
![[Image: doomed2515.png]](
It has been some time since you didn't take care of those.
Some of them are still cutting, no problem. You just scrub, clean them up.
![[Image: doomed2516.png]](
Other ones need to be sharpened.
Sallie: Contact ragingUnfrequency.
![[Image: doomed2517.png]](
You try to contact your BEST FRIEND, but he hasn't been answering lately.
![[Image: doomed2518.png]](
In the depths of your destroyed soul, you feel a shadow of resentment. You and him go way back. He could at least tell you how the trip is going.
You try to remember what you heard about it.
Wey was dragged in an Alternian picnic.
![[Image: doomed2519.png]](
An Alternian picnic. That's how trolls call these excursions in the wild to find a random troll's hive and to maul them into chili con carne. Sometimes it's for vendetta, sometimes it's religious. More than often it's good, old-fashioned fun.
Here you didn't get the full story. You never joined the reunion to begin with.
![[Image: doomed2520.png]](
Your dark thoughts tip you over, right into EMO MODE.
As long as Wey isn't here, you can try once again to have a little fun.
Sallie: Troll righteousPornstar.
![[Image: doomed2521.png]](
Last hatesex for an apocalypse.
Wasn't that a movie title?
-- undesiredRecollection [UR] began trolling righteousPornstar [RP] --
UR: you ar≠ dirt.
UR: you ar≠ compl≠t≠ dirt.
UR: you ar≠ low≠r than dirt.
UR: you ar≠ th≠ scatt≠r≠d, mix≠d ash≠s o-f a pulv≠riz≠d, approximat≠ly troll-shap≠d pil≠ o-f garbag≠.
UR: i'm sp≠aking m≠taphorically...
UR: but also lit≠rally? that i-s possibl≠. i w≠nt b-y your hiv≠ ≠arli≠r and i-t was destroy≠d.
UR: nothing l≠ft i-n th≠ cliff but a big dark round hol≠.
UR: mayb≠ you ≠scap≠d for now. mayb≠ th≠ m≠t≠ors didn't g≠t you y≠t...
UR: i-n that cas≠, com≠ ov≠r t-o m-y plac≠. s-o i can ≠nd you.
UR: i want t-o ravag≠ yo-u, vamuin, i want your claws i-n m-y ch≠st, h≠lpl≠ssly digging whil≠ i'm putting you down, i-n your rightful place, b≠low m≠, under m≠, crush≠d, harn≠ss≠d, ≠nslav≠d, i a-m your sup≠rior i-n ≠v≠ry way.
UR: i will o-wn you, i will d≠stroy you, your ass i-s min≠, your board i-s min≠, ≠v≠rything that i-s th-≠ pitiful wr≠ck o-f us≠l≠ss muscl≠s and n≠rv≠s and chitin you call your body i-s min≠, your thoughts are min≠, i-t i-s writt≠n i-n the pink and gr≠≠n moons that you submit to your final ≠n≠my, and now you will com≠ t-o m≠.
UR: many p≠ople i crush≠d, but you hav≠ a sp≠cial plac≠ i-n m-y h≠art, vamuin, you mak≠ m-y h≠art colder, i-f only for a night, for th≠ last night, l≠t u-s d-o i-t, th≠ stars conspir≠d t-o k≠≠p the b≠asts apart but th≠y CANNOT b≠ contain≠d, and und≠r th≠ fi≠ry gaz≠ o-f r≠l≠ntl≠ss ast≠roids, you will know my ≠n≠rgy.
UR: do m≠.
UR: do m≠.
UR: DO M≠.
![[Image: doomed2522.png]](
You start removing your clothes. For now, you're keeping the gown... but you are pretty sure it's not going to stay on for long.
Vamuin always had this effect on you. From your first encounter... A few words, a simple gaze, and you ended up hornier than a full stable of raging musclebeasts.
Curse his moon-tanned abs.
![[Image: doomed2523.png]](
UR: d-o you want t-o g≠t kill≠d a-t th≠ p≠ak o-f suff≠ring?
UR: join m≠.
UR: com≠ t-o m-y hiv≠.
UR: com≠ and com≠ again.
UR: and mayb≠, mayb≠ i'll l≠av≠ you aliv≠ at th≠ ≠nd of th≠ night.
![[Image: doomed2524.png]](
Suddenly you are struck as by a laser beam.
You don't know what hits you.
![[Image: doomed2525.png]](
But before you can tell, you are falling.
You barely feel it when you hit the ground - you are already flying far, far away.
![[Image: doomed2526.gif]](
Sallie: Wake up.
![[Image: doomed2527.png]](
![[Image: doomed2528.png]](
- Trollt♠g!
![[Image: doomed2529.png]](
- what?
- Tell me your trollt♠g!
![[Image: doomed2530.png]](
- wait, wait... what i-s this plac≠?
- We need your trollt♠g!
![[Image: doomed2531.png]](
- CAlM dôwn, lôvêd ônê. Lêt ûs lêAvê thêM sômê spAcê tô brêAth.
- Sorry... I guess I'm p♠nicking...
![[Image: doomed2532.png]](
- Cross is de♠d, ♥♠nny m♠y be...
- Wê dîd êvêrythîng wê côûld. Î AM sô sôrry, My dêAr... Bê brAvê. Wê bôth nêêd to bê brAvê And cArry the MêMôry ôf ôûr fAllên côMrAdês.
- what ar≠ you talking about? who ar≠ you, what i-s this shit?
![[Image: doomed2533.png]](
- Yôû Arê fîndîng yôûrsêlf rêgAînîng cônscîôûsnêss în yôûr ônêîrîc rêspîtêblôck.
- ...
- Wê Arê ôn Dêrsê, thê SAtûrnînê Sôvêrêîgnty, thê rêAlM ôf dêstrûctîôn, thê dôMAîn ôf dArknêss. PArt ôf A côsMîc gAMê. Yôû bêlông tô thîs côMpêtîtîôn, yôû Arê A fûndAMêntAl côMpônênt ôf thîs MystîcAl MAtch, And yôû shAll tAkê yôûr rîghtfûl plAcê As ônê ôf thê înhêrîtôrs And chAMpîôns ôf AltêrnîAn cûltûrê.
![[Image: doomed2534.png]](
- Yôûr ArrîvAl hAs bêên fôrêtôld. Yôû MAy bê rêlûctAnt, bût yôû nêêd tô ûnderstAnd yôûr dêstîny. Ôûr wôrld îs bêyônd sAlvAtîôn bût wê Arê bôth gênêrAtêd And prêdêstînêd tô rêAch A hîghêr gôAl. Wê wîll mAkê cîvîlîzAtîôn Anêw, wê wîll crêAte An êntîrê nêw ûnîvêrsê ôf sêcrêts And MArvêls.
- Don't tell them too much! They'll be lost.
- As ûsûAl, yôûr wôrds Arê întrîcAtêly tîêd tô thê trûth. Î shAll kêêp thîngs strêAMlînêd, nêwcômêr: wê nêêd yôû tô rêvêAl yôûr Mônîkêr. Ît mûst bê ûnvêîlêd nôw tô Avôîd fûrthêr trAgêdîês... Yôû cAnnôt fAthôm thê mAgnîtûdê ôf your bîrthrîght, And thê bûrdên ôf rêspônsîbîlîty yôûr shôûldêrs wîll cArry.
![[Image: doomed2535.png]](
- don't know, don't car≠.
- WhAt?
- infodumps ar≠ for los≠rs. d-o you r≠ally think you ar≠ this int≠r≠sting?
![[Image: doomed2536.png]](
- ... yôû lîttlê...
- How c♠n we c♠ll you then?
- you can call m≠ th≠ doll, th≠ mann≠quin, th≠ ≠mptin≠ss. n-o past, n-o g≠nd≠r, all despair. i a-m suff≠ring mad≠ fl≠sh.
- We re♠lly need your n♠me... Pretty ple♠se?
- ... oh. "sallie".
- I wôûld rAther prêfêr yôûr psêudônyM în înstAnt MêssAgîng sêrvîcês...
![[Image: doomed2537.png]](
- that i could do i gu≠ss.
- Thên by All MêAns, dô sô.
- it would b≠ possibl≠.
- Îndêêd.
- probabl≠.
- Ônê wôûld sûrêly hôpê sô.
- We don't h♠♥e time for this!
![[Image: doomed2538.png]](
- Trollt♠g S♠llie! Trollt♠g!
- und≠sir≠dR≠coll≠ction. now how can i ≠xit this dr≠am?
- Wêll, wê MAy bê Ablê tô hêlp...
![[Image: doomed2539.png]](
![[Image: doomed2540.png]](
- Ren♠rt!
![[Image: doomed2541.png]](
- Th♠t w♠s brut♠l!
- Sôrry, my dêAr. Ît îs hArd tô fôcûs And tô rêMAîn cAlM... My ôthêr sêlf îs fîghtîng ôn My ôwn plAnêt.
- Oh no! Will you be ok♠y?
![[Image: doomed2542.png]](
![[Image: doomed2543.png]](
That was the weirdest dream of your life.
Endless questions arise. What does it symbolize? Who were these two assholes? Would they be any good at fucking your brains out?
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2023, 04:35 AM by Cauchemar.)
![[Image: sallieoriginaldesign.png]](
![[Image: team_alabaster.png]](
![[Image: emomode.png]](
Sallie is one of the few characters I did not entirely create myself! Their original character design, as well as the draft for their pre-surgery form, are from my friend from back then, sadisticNothings, who drew this mutilated figure back in 2011 (they are also the one who did this great Renart fanart).
In sadisticNothings' original concept, Sallie's backstory was different: she had been experimented on by nefarious troll scientists. Her trolltag, quirk and personality were also different, she was a lot more passive, and she was of female gender. I restructured all of it in order to fit into the Alabaster plot and my personal way to do things.
But Sallie's visual design stayed pretty much the same, and was one of the things which motivated me to start the adventure.
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:37 AM
![[Image: doomed2598c.png]](
![[Image: doomed2599.png]](
![[Image: doomed2600.png]](
Hemsut: Talk to the weird elephant people
![[Image: doomed2601.png]](
![[Image: doomed2605.png]](
![[Image: doomed2603b.png]](
Renart: Grind.
![[Image: doomed2606.png]](
The ill-advised decision of some Subaltern Conscripts to enter your hive results in a lot of pain for them, and a lot of fun for you.
You are already appreciating this game.
![[Image: doomed2607.png]](
It is useful, too, since you need to thaumifice yourself a new terminal quickly. You have to monitor Batori.
You need to start planning things more seriously, too. For too long, you relied on your divination. But the clouds of Skaia never warned you about wanton computer destruction.
Some things escape your gaze. Therefore caution is paramount.
Renart: Collect horns.
![[Image: doomed2607b.png]](
You still have priorities, though.
Batori and Ginneo: Talk.
![[Image: doomed2608.png]](
- And Ґhen RenarҐ showed me someҐhing. Screencaps he had Ґaken ╙rom your computer screen.
- My heart ys encoyled yn fear of the mysdeeds by your eyes descryed.
![[Image: doomed2609.png]](
- Yet Y must ask...
- You already know whaҐ I read.
- ... Yes.
![[Image: doomed2610.png]](
- You Ґried Ґo abandon me. I would have given my life ╙or you, ╙or boҐh of you... And you Ґhrew me away.
![[Image: doomed2611.png]](
![[Image: doomed2612.png]](
![[Image: doomed2613.png]](
![[Image: doomed2613b.png]](
![[Image: doomed2614a.png]](
- Y must ask for your forgyveness. There are no excuses for my behavyor. Y v-vas yndeed tempted to relynquysh your salvatyon and to leave you to perysh aflame on our heavenly body. And Y dyd make thys choyce, thys most terryble choyce.
![[Image: doomed2615.png]](
- Yf you fled Alternya v-vyth your lyfe, yt v-vas not thanks to me; truth be told, our late Rhapsodyst symply was not sv-vyft enough to ensure your death.
- ...
![[Image: doomed2615b.png]](
- Yf Y can do anythyng, anythyng at all, to make amends, Y shall. Yf you v-vysh for me to support you entyrely, Y shall. Yf you v-vysh for me to dryft av-vay and to forget about you entyrely, Y shall become the most tenuous ghost yn the skylyne. Yf you need tyme...
![[Image: doomed2616.png]](
- Ґhank you.
- V-Vhat?
- Ґhank you ╙or Ґhe ҐruҐh.
![[Image: doomed2617.png]](
- I already Ґook Ґime. I ҐhoughҐ about iҐ Ґime and Ґime again.
![[Image: doomed2618.png]](
- And I ╙eel no rancour, BaҐori. I ╙eel hurҐ. My guҐs ache. But no anger, no rage. Such matters ╙eel plain to me now… You did Ґry Ґo abandon me, and I did noҐ get any help in ╙ronҐ of Ґhe ╙iring squad laҐer on. BuҐ I killed you once while Ґrying Ґo ҐargeҐ my ResidenҐ! Are we not boҐh beyond all o╙ Ґhis? Don’Ґ we have imporҐanҐ goals to ╙ocus on?
- You blossomed yn such a radyant v-vay...
- You and me boҐh. I leҐ go o╙ Ґhe grub; you ╙orgoҐ Ґhe Rainbow Drinker.
- Your v-vords stryke true. By leavyng the denyal behynd me, Y gayned more strength. Y accepted death, yts yneluctabylyty. Hov-v remarkable yt can be, then, that at thys precyse moment... Y gayned the means to reach eternyty. Yt v-vas your gyft to me.
![[Image: doomed2619.png]](
- V-Vhy dyd you offer me Octolon, my resplendent v-varryor? You could have become a deyty. Through my actyons only my pyxelemental fell; yt v-vas not your myssyon to counter such a loss.
- I kinda haҐe myself. Even now. I'm noҐ sure I wanna live wiҐh myself ╙or... such a long Ґime. While iҐ is a quesҐion you had Ґhe answer Ґo. I knew you wanҐed li╙e: why noҐ give iҐ Ґo you?
- Yt v-vas an unyque luck to be moyrayls v-vyth you.
- Maybe noҐ in pasҐ Ґense.
![[Image: doomed2620.png]](
- V-Vhat? Surely you v-vould not...
- You're imporҐanҐ Ґo me, BaҐori. You are Ґhe moҐ admirable person I ever meҐ in my li╙e, in all areas I could conceive o╙. You are aҐhleҐic, smarҐ, eleganҐ, efficienҐ beyond anyҐhing I could ever dream o╙. And yeҐ… ҐhaҐ’s noҐ Ґhe reason why I ╙eel pale for you. Maybe Ґhere’s no reason why we ever ╙eel pale, or black, or anyҐhing, for oҐher people. IҐ comes Ґo maҐҐers o╙ specific chemisҐry. SomeҐhing beҐween us jusҐ… clicked. SomeҐhing incredible.
![[Image: doomed2620b.png]](
- I do noҐ wish Ґhe end o╙ our relaҐionship. IҐ was... sҐrong. SҐronger Ґhan Ґhe pain o╙ Ґhis one beҐrayal. I ҐhoughҐ Ґhese romance movies abouҐ ╙aҐed moirails were pure propaganda; now I am noҐ so sure.
- The dyamonds at fyrst syght.
- Yeah. I'd like Ґo explore ҐhaҐ.
![[Image: doomed2621.png]](
- BuҐ righҐ now, iҐ's complicaҐed. We have Ґhe game Ґo win, and Cross died, and Vamuin died, plus Ґhere's monsҐers everywhere, Ґhe Denizens PaҐriarcha and Ґruncare are on Ґhe loose, and we have a goddamn SERIAL KILLER who jusҐ joined Ґhe game!
- V-Vell, v-vhen you put yt thys way, the sytuatyon does seem…
- And SecҐra barely escaped a ciҐy, and CopycaҐ doesn'Ґ answer anymore, and Ґhe enҐire Ґimeline almosҐ goҐ erased, and... and...
![[Image: doomed2622.png]](
- At ease, my dear.
- Ґhere's jusҐ Ґoo much going on, BaҐs. And our relaҐionship, I... I don'Ґ wanҐ Ґo desҐroy whaҐ we have, buҐ I need Ґime. Some Ґime... Maybe a loҐ of Ґime.
- Y hear you.
![[Image: doomed2623.png]](
- Yt ys an agreeable sytuatyon. The sentyments nestyng yn my heart are tyed ynto a gordyan knot as v-vell.
![[Image: doomed2624.png]](
- Yn order to ascend, Y was epytomyzed v-vyth your pyxelemental... Therefore, Y obtayned all of yts memoryes, both as a game construct and as a gatheryng of accessoryes.
![[Image: doomed2625.png]](
- Toys, posters, fans and plushyes, a kyd's toys, an adult's delusyon, the dreams of a lyfe that never v-vas, a larva magycal.
![[Image: doomed2626.png]](
- And your late, dystorted custodyan ys part of the melange.
![[Image: doomed2627.png]](
- Yes... Y am Goldye, yn a sense.
![[Image: doomed2628.png]](
- Y am the hedgechyck you constrayned to play your games. Y am the Red Payl v-vhych hunted you through the entyre complex. Y am the tortured and the executyoner.
![[Image: doomed2629.png]](
- Y have memoryes of myself restrayned, tormented...
![[Image: doomed2630.png]](
- ... and of myself usyng the dentystry apparatus to torture the pathetyc mutated lusus lyyng before me.
![[Image: doomed2631.png]](
- For a bryef, everlastyng moment, Y v-vas not a person: Y v-vas a gatheryng. A complete symphony of payn and sufferyng. Y v-vas all of your toys, hopes, trespassyngs, stayned pleasures and hollov-v dreams.
![[Image: doomed2632.png]](
- And then yt v-vas sylent, v-vhen Y attayned God Tyer. The other dysappeared, my entyre conscyousness supersedyng theyr souls. They are alyve no more. Yet Y do remember...
![[Image: doomed2633.png]](
- My ympressyons of you are not alv-vays the best, to say the least. Nonetheless... At the same tyme, Y remember you tryed to make thyngs ryght. Y can forgyve you yn the name of Goldye, and of the congregatyon v-vhych called ytself Octolon.
- I... Damn. I have Ґo apologize, Ґoo.
- Y do not requyre your tormented remorse, you v-vere already told you are as forgyven as anyone can be.
- I’m sorry. ╙or everyҐhing.
-These deeds are behynd us. Yet…
![[Image: doomed2634.png]](
- Now I... like, I geҐ iҐ. We DO need some Ґime!
- Ah, v-vell, ours ys quyte the baggage!
![[Image: doomed2635.png]](
![[Image: doomed2636.png]](
- BaҐs. We sҐill need Ґo Ґalk abouҐ Ґhe main Ґopic.
- Yes... Renart.
Renart: Check on Batori.
![[Image: doomed2637.png]](
With your newly made MASK OF TRAGEDY, you can finally reconnect as Batori's Server Player.
![[Image: doomed2638.png]](
Damn. She's with Ginneo. What else did you miss on Batori TV?
Well, if they ever talk, you will check the logs. Know about it.
No one in this team is smart enough to one-up you, anyway. And you destroyed any trust which could remain between these two.
Ginneo may possibly realize your duplicity, but he will not manage to persuade Batori.
Ginneo and Batori: Keep talking.
![[Image: doomed2639.png]](
- You convynced me, Y must admyt, the evydence ys overbearyng.
![[Image: doomed2640.png]](
- The facts you do knov-v, the logs you receyved from our dearly myssed leaders, your ov-vn memoryes compose together a most dysheartenyng symphony.
- The Artysan must be defeated.
- WhaҐ worries me is he knows Ґhe ╙ruҐure. Since a long Ґime, apparenҐly.
![[Image: doomed2642.png]](
- Cross came Ґo Ґhink he is a rare case of already awakened Player, wiҐh equal and simulҐaneous awareness in boҐh our original universe and Ґhe game session. Which means Ґwo things. One, he read numerous evenҐs Ґo come in Ґhe clouds, and was able Ґo plan accordingly. Ґwo, his mind was exercized by Ґhe mental gymnasҐics of operaҐing Ґwo bodies aҐ Ґhe same Ґime.
- Or of communycatyng betv-veen two conscyousnesses constantly.
- RighҐ. We don'Ґ know how iҐ works ╙or sure. I dived Ґhrough Ґhe manuals, noҐhing on Ґhis in Ґhose files.
![[Image: doomed2643.png]](
- IҐ iҐches. Are Ґhe scar╙s really indispensable?
- You evoke tales of my spectator’s duplycyty. And yet you v-vould speak v-vyth your mouth yn full vyev-v?
- … You’re righҐ.
- Y am convynced he ys no expert yn lyp-readyng. Nonetheless, the lack of sound yn the game’s mystycal v-vyndov-vs ys our only certaynty. V-Ve must communycate cautyously.
- So what is Ґhe plan?
- The masculyne specymens of our cursed specyes regularly fall prey to a most damagyng dysease, and Renart Azeban does not seem to belong to the exceptyons. V-Ve shall use thys v-veapon agaynst hym.
- WhaҐ is Ґhis ╙abled ╙law?
- Hubrys, my dyamond, hubrys. V-Ve shall name hym to the most dangerous and exposed posytyon of all, as naked and vulnerable as a mere mortal before a Lord of the Day.
![[Image: doomed2645.png]](
- V-Ve shall make hym the nev-v, undysputed master of Team Alabaster.
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:38 AM
Weywot: Check in on Mnevia.
![[Image: doomed2646.png]](
-- ragingUnfrequency [RU] began trolling melancholicRuin [MR]--
RU: >:[ ] Okay, first question : where the HELL are you? Where are we? WHAT is this?
MR: W}{ere are you, jackass!
MR: W}{ere did you }{ide?
RU: >:[] You will never guess
MR: Try me.
RU: >:[] I’m with Hem in some goddamn METAL CAVERN
RU: >:[] Looks like a clown cathedral, but all BLUE
RU: >:[] We were taken in by some weird wool-covered musclebeasts, or some close lookalike. They are GIGANTIC!
RU: >:[] And the sky, it’s so bright. But… SURVIVABLE. We don’t even get blinded, nothing. It must be some kind of psionic light
RU: >:[] Where are we Via?
RU: >:[ ] Where did you take us?
MR: You went outside in the -lig}[t-?
MR: I didn't dare to try.
RU: >:[ ] AAAARGH you are still in the HIVE
MR: Of course I am!
MR: Did you see what it looks like outside?
![[Image: doomed2647.png]](
RU: >:[] Yeah, that was my QUESTION
RU: >:[] Via, what the FUCK is this place?
MR: It looks… blue?
RU: >:[] It’s corroded metal
RU: >:[] CONTINENTS of sculpted corroded metal
RU: >:[] And the beasts told us the seas are MUSHROOMS
MR: My good partner in crime, it suddenly sounds like you are no stranger to mus}{rooms yourself!
RU: >:[] Ha. Ha.
RU: >:[ ] Let us get this STRAIGHT.
RU: >:[ ] You put us in this shit.
RU: >:[ ] Now it’s up to you to get us OUT OF HERE.
MR: Well, let me t}{ink…
RU: >:[] You have FIVE minutes. I need to check on someone.
Weywot: Check in on Sallie.
![[Image: doomed2648.png]](
Oh. She has left you messages.
-- undesiredRecollection [UR] began trolling ragingUnfrequency [RU] --
UR: s-o, how i-s your picnic going?
UR: around h≠re th≠ n≠ighborhood i-s d≠ad
UR: lit≠rally
UR: most p≠opl≠ ar≠ offlin≠, i b≠li≠v≠ th≠ m≠t≠ors did som≠thing t-o th≠ n≠twork
UR: you w≠nt offlin≠, th≠n onlin≠ again
UR: i-s i-t th≠ ≠nd o-f th≠ world?
UR: i-t was bound t-o happ≠n, i gu≠ss
UR: w≠ d≠s≠rve nothing l≠ss
You do not know where to begin your tale.
Sallie: Look at posters.
![[Image: doomed2649.png]](
Oh, how you love traditional Alternian movies. Tales of madness and tragedy.
This one with TROLL MICHAEL KEATON as a ghost subjuggulator was something else.
Sallie: Captchalogue tools.
![[Image: doomed2650.png]](
You start picking up one of your tools… But you forgot about your HOLLOW MODUS.
![[Image: doomed2651.png]](
It only has one function, and that function is to throw the thing away, making it disappear forever. It is a modus that is always empty, just like your tortured soul.
![[Image: doomed2652.gif]](
You are disheartened. You liked this scalpel.
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2023, 04:39 AM by Cauchemar.)
Sallie: Respond to the weird bug girl.
![[Image: doomed2653.png]](
-- unkemptParamour [UP] began trolling undesiredRecollection [UR] --
UP: Hi person! It's kind of ♠ person♠l question…
UP: ♠nd I'm sorry for st♠rting the convers♠tion like this…
UP: But ♠re you ♠ ♥iolet-blood with sc♠rs ♠ll o♥er her f♠ce?
UR: and body
UP: Right, ♠nd body!
UR: y≠ah I a-m
UR: a body that i-s
UR: what ar≠ you going t-o d-o about i-t
UP: ???
UR: ar≠ you going t-o us≠ m≠
UP: Oh ye♠h! I could use a friend!
UP: I could really do!
UR: could you r≠ally d-o
UP: Well, Copy ♠lw♠ys tells me I m♠ke a good friend. =:)ɸɸɸ
UP: Okay, next question!
UP: Did you h♠♥e ♠ny str♠nge dre♠ms lately?
UR: i d-o not hav≠ dr≠ams and r≠al lif≠ i-s m-y nightmar≠
UP: It IS you!
UP: I recognize your style!
UR: what d-o you m≠an
UP: I'm the girl of your dre♠ms! Literally! =XDɸɸɸ
UP: We'♥e been looking for you!
UP: On Diespace, Zerocities, Gr♠hoo, Meet ♠ Weirdo, ♠WOL, Cherubfire, e♥erywhere!
UP: It's been hours!
UP: Felt like 4 sweeps of se♠rch, re♠lly, I feel out of ♠ nightm♠re myself, out of ♠ ne♥erending st♠sis… We thought you m♠y be de♠d, killed by ♠ meteors, urb♠n ch♠os, musclebe♠sts, hell, ♠nything...
UR: i a-m d≠ad
UR: m-y ≠motions ar≠ d≠ad
UR: m-y hop≠s ar≠ d≠ad
UR: m-y will i-s d≠ad
UR: m-y body i-s lying i-t do≠sn't r≠fl≠ct th≠ r≠ality
UP: Well, hey, you ♠re here!
UP: You're Sallie, right?
UP: Let me tell you about ♠l♠b♠ster.
![[Image: doomed2654.png]](
Sectra then proceeds to tell you, in disturbing details, about the trials a group of six trolls must overcome in order to save themselves, ensure the survival of their species and create a new universe.
![[Image: doomed2655.png]](
UR: o-k i think i got this
UR: this gam≠ looks l≠thal
UP: But I think we don't h♠♥e ♠ny choice... The meteors ♠re killing ♠ll of us, now. The entire pl♠net! ♠nd if the Glub h♠ppens, the Empire will be de♠d ♠s well. For us, for ♠ll of trollkind… It's ♠ choice of sur♥i♥♠l!
UR: don't g≠t cut≠ with m≠
UR: o-r 'charming' lik≠
UR: l≠t m≠ r≠phras≠ all of this
UR: you want m≠ to ≠nt≠r a cosmic gam≠ cr≠at≠d by unknown forc≠s, which tortur≠d and kill≠d all of th≠ play≠rs insid≠ multipl≠ tim≠s?
UR: a gam≠ which manag≠d to kill this Vanny person?
UR: who was suppos≠dly on≠ of th≠ strong≠st trolls in ≠xist≠nc≠?
UR: a gam≠ which kill≠d him a thousand tim≠s?
UR: and you com≠ t-o m≠ and t≠ll m≠ i-t's a sw≠≠t d≠al?
UR: and you want m≠ t-o jump right into th≠ fir≠dog's maw?
UP: Well, when you put it like th♠t, it sounds re♠lly b♠d!
UR: k im in
![[Image: doomed2656.png]](
UP: Wh♠t?
UR: y≠ah i don't s≠≠ what ≠ls≠ to do
UP: Oh GRE♠♠♠♠♠♠T! =:Dɸɸɸ
UR: and i don't r≠ally car≠ ≠ith≠r way
UR: l≠t th≠ apocalizard-flavor≠d chips fall wh≠re th≠y will
UR: what is your nam≠ again?
UP: Sectr♠!
Renart: Adventure!
![[Image: doomed2657.png]](
Your first round of thaumification is over, your wound to the side is cured, your Egoneir will surveil your teammates, fifteen rungs of your Stratospectral Escalevelator are conquered.
You are ready to start the hunt.
Before you, the majesty of the corroded continent unfolds. You hesitate between multiple points of interest:
- The TETRACLAVE MUSEUM where Subaltern Conscripts abound.
- DIONYSIUS PARK shimmering with beautiful lights.
- The COMMUNAL AMPHITHEATRE where a crowd of Concomitants are gathering.
Where will you go?
[Not only can you suggest DESTINATIONS, you can also propose ALCHEMY COMBINATIONS!
They will not be displayed with the proper alchemy interface in the story, in opposition to what happened in the past, for I think it would hurt the pacing at this point, but I will show in the thread the ones I choose to integrate in the story.]
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:40 AM
Alabaster Update: You Are a Larval God Playing the Game of Life.
Renart: Dive.
![[Image: doomed2658.png]](
![[Image: doomed2659.png]](
![[Image: doomed2660.png]](
![[Image: doomed2661.png]](
The visions did not lie. You can fall from stories without taking damage!
You are STRONG! This game makes you strong! You've just started practicing and you are already accomplishing marvelous feats!
![[Image: doomed2662.png]](
You've always been physically weak. Weaker than most. But now uncanny energies are at work within your body, amplifying the impact of your every move, absorbing shocks, optimizing your metabolism.
And there's something behind it, too - as if those processes were only the tip of the iceberg, as if they were to be discarded along with your mortal coil, your fleshy interface, your mundane chrysalid, as if you had always been something more than a troll, since birth, since before your own birth. An entity of untold and infinite power, a rift in the fabric of reality, a mythological figure waiting awakening.
You are a larval god playing the game of life.
Renart: Check out Dionysus Park
![[Image: doomed2663.png]](
![[Image: doomed2664.png]](
"Can't you see we're having a moment?"
![[Image: doomed2664a.png]](
"Ah, Nestor, how I long for our time together..."
"Each of these instants is precious, Mikhail. I could spend eternity tying my gaze to your splendid eyes."
![[Image: doomed2664b.png]](
![[Image: doomed2664c.png]](
"Once upon a time, our world was all machines, fruits of endless labour by the Herrería of Eternity. They were four powerful blacksmiths and engineers, and worked day and night to bring about miraculous contraptions, bright factories and flamboyant automatons, all wrapped in the most exquisite arabesques and general pattern.
One day they started talking making something else."
![[Image: doomed2664d.png]](
"We were having a nice date but the only thing this guy wants to talk about is exposition.
![[Image: doomed2664dd.png]](
![[Image: doomed2664e.png]](
![[Image: doomed2664f.png]](
![[Image: doomed2665.png]](
You walked right into the worst kind of trap: a pure makeout area.
You need to get out of here right now.
Renart: Go to the amphitheatre and greet the locals.
![[Image: doomed2666.png]](
"Hello stranger! You are new, but you can still participate! You're here just in time for the initial debates!"
![[Image: doomed2666a.png]](
"We live in terror of the two Heraldos del Chaos. The prophecies evoke two tiny figures, one of them bearing the head of the beast, the other one mammoth-like, both of them covered with grey, colorless leather like the one adorning your face. They will appear at the end of times and hunt down the innocent, leading battalions of acting puppets. Who will protect us from the two Heraldos del Chaos?"
![[Image: doomed2666b.png]](
"As a commune of horizontal structure, it is important to reach maximum consensus over all kinds of decisions. And it looks like the exchanges and positions this time are going to be complex... The topic of these debates this time is extremely delicate."
![[Image: doomed2666c.png]](
"The Herrería wanted to create life. They started by refining the automaton process to unimaginable excellency, thusly producing the Protectors of Oscuridad. But they were unsatisfied with the result. They left the Protectors to wander in the wild and focused on their next project...
![[Image: doomed2666d.png]](
"We are waiting with hope and dread for the prophesyied Lunatic Primacies, whose roles in our future histories are ambiguous. One of them will be a protector, one of them will be a threat, one of them will serve the other, and they will end up defeating each other. What does it all mean?"
![[Image: doomed2666e.png]](
"When we come to think about the several benefits in regard to their cause, how have they arisen? Have they arisen out of hate of others and injuring others? Of course we should say no. We should say they have arisen out of love of others and benefiting others. If we should classify one by one all those who love others and benefit others, should we find them to be partial or universal? Of course we should say they are universal. Now, since universal love is the cause of the major benefits in the world, therefore Mozi proclaims universal love is right. And, as has already been said, the interest of the magnanimous lies in procuring benefits for the world and eliminating its calamities. Now that we have found out the consequences of universal love to be the major benefits of the world and the consequences of partiality to be the major calamities in the world; this is the reason why Mozi said partiality is wrong and universality is right."
![[Image: doomed2666f.png]](
"After three thousand days and three thousand nights, the Herrería succeeded. They created the opposite principle to everything mechanical, a purely organic being. The Recién Nacide. This being was smart, gentle, tiny, dextrous, and wanted nothing more than to help with their cause. Together, the creature and the creators started working on an even grander project, the ultimate destination: they were going to explore the very fabric of reality and to add their own brick, their living principle, the Dice of Awakening. They sacrificed everything to this noble pursuit, and forgot about the consequences... they could only see the end result, the magnificence they so fondly desired.
![[Image: doomed2666g.png]](
"The Recién Nacide tried to warn them, but they would not listen. They poisoned the air, resulting in acid rain. All of their previous works were destroyed. The clockwork rusted. The racks stopped. All of the automatons ceased to move, and all of the architecture was corroded."
![[Image: doomed2666h.png]](
"My, My, whAt dô we hAvê hêrê? Yôû sêêM Assûrêdly thê Môst prêtty And dêlîcAtê dAndy. Wôûld yôû bê têMptêd by A MAssAgê frôm A fêllôw Aêsthêtê?"
![[Image: doomed2666i.png]](
"Amongst our people, we often sing this tragic song:
'The prisms should shine,
The horns in line,
Mud snakes unleashed,
Darkness entombed,
The sand will flow.
And the flesh must grow.' "
![[Image: doomed2666j.png]](
"The Recién Nacide swore to get revenge for itself, for the world. Oxidized by rancour and pollution, it became the Floating One. It walked the entire world to find the runaway Herrería, and ate them, one after another. Growing after each forbidden feast.
As for the Dice of Awakening, no one knows if the blacksmiths succeeded before the tragedy. If they did, the Dice would be hiding in the folds of the world, between the fundamental components of creation and destruction, drowning in the flow of time and of the most sacred processes of the universe."
![[Image: doomed2666k.png]](
"Don't talk to me now! The debates are about to begin!"
![[Image: doomed2666l.png]](
![[Image: doomed2667.png]](
- They came to us in arms!
![[Image: doomed2668.png]](
- Our world does not know war, but these tiny strangers poor in fur and good fats, with carnivorous mouths and eyes the color of angry sky, sport weapons we only see in myths.
One of them is the living portrait of a Heraldo del Caos. The other one lacks the Mark of the Beast, but could develop it. We know nothing about these intruders. And we are supposed to let them be?
![[Image: doomed2669.png]](
- What else, Milady? Are we supposed to throw away all of our values at the first sign of threat?
- Louise, we should deliver them to the Benefactor of Innocence. Heroes are meant to protect the Territory.
![[Image: doomed2670.png]](
- It is my understanding, my dear, that the Benefactor is in fact a sinister individual, with a thirst for destruction. We should ally with the two strangers and prepare for the arrival of the so-called Hero. Accept no fake messiah...
- Now you are choosing a side, Piotr. Siding with the intruders. If you wish to be objective, let us be truly egalitarian. I say we throw both the Benefactor and the two strangers in jail until we sort things out.
- These strangers are political refugees!
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2023, 04:42 AM by Cauchemar.)
Renart: Take note of this conversation.
![[Image: doomed2671.png]](
The deliberations go on and on. Geopolitics enter the discussion. The mammoth Kropotkin is interested to explore new Territories, and Louise Michel wants to go with him as an ambassador, to reinforce peaceful relationships with the other planets. Kanno Sugako disagrees and think it is primordial to get rid of the Benefactor first, for no one can be free while the Princes and Princesses of Derse and Prospit exist. You make a mental note to eliminate this one first, on general principles.
Then the one who wanted to deliver the refugees to the Benefactor, Milady, leaves the assembly, unhappy.
Renart: Follow Milady.
![[Image: doomed2672.png]](
You catch up with Milady in a narrow (by mammoth standards) alley, where she is in great discussion with a masculine mammoth named Proudhon. They seem to share the same opinions.
You introduce yourself as the Benefactor of Innocence and quickly declare an alliance.
![[Image: doomed2673.png]](
- Îf by êxtrAôrdînAry yôû dêsîrê môrê Allîês, Yôû shôûld lôôk fôr An ArtîsAn CôncôMîtAnt, Adôrnêd wîth tûsk jêwêls. Sûch A côûrsê ôf Actîôn, hôwêvêr, rêqûîrês sôMê prêcAûtîôns... Fôr A stArt, dô nôt Accêpt hîs MAssAgês.
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:43 AM
Milady and Proudhon: Rendezvous with the Concomitant.
![[Image: doomed2683.png]](
Weywot: Talk to the elephant.
![[Image: doomed2684.png]](
- Why are you upset?
- Two mammoths just disappeared. They were amongst the most vocal opponents to the Benefactor.
- So? It's obvious RENART did it!
- Things are not this simple.
- You have a serial killer on the run. Seems pretty SIMPLE to me.
- ...
![[Image: doomed2685.png]](
- What's the matter?
- If only I knew if...
- Hey, I don't know what's keeping you. You seem hindered by some social rules I don't UNDERSTAND. It's enraging but...
![[Image: doomed2686.png]](
- I will trust you. I will choose to trust you.
- Thanks, I GUESS?
- I will entrust you with a truth of my people, jump on my back and be careful on the way.
Wey: Use protection.
You use a blanket made of mammoth fur in order to hide yourself. According to Via and Hem, Renart can now fly. He also split in two like some evil paramecium, and he has eight arms.
Yeah. You don't know what the girls have been smoking.
But you're gonna be cautious. Just in case. The entire situation is impossible, so maybe Renart has access to some unknown powers. With this fur, from the sky, you'll be invisible.
![[Image: doomed2688.png]](
While the mammoth adopts a steady trot, you take the time to consult your Murderous Silent Notificator in detail.
Vamuin has left you a lot of messages.
You take a deep inhalation before reading them : being the titanic asshole's auspistice has been a living hell. Particularly when Sallie was involved.
![[Image: doomed2689.png]](
But he doesn't talk about his urges to hatefuck all of Alternia here.
Rather, he's telling you to get on the move. To move to another hive, if possible.
Three hives are apparently scheduled to teleport away from Alternia in some fashion, in the close future.
![[Image: doomed2690.png]](
The addresses are Crossover's hive, Renart's hive and some random greenblood's hive.
Wait. Renart's hive?
![[Image: doomed2691.png]](
You quickly copy/paste all of the data to Hem and Mnevia. This could explain everything.
You keep scrolling up... and you explode with the rage of a thousand suns.
![[Image: doomed2692.png]](
![[Image: doomed2693.png]](
Mnevia: Let's see what your doing.
![[Image: doomed2694.png]](
You are looking for an exit which does not involve surreal acrobatics.
You’ve managed to reach the basement.
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:44 AM
![[Image: doomed2698.png]](
Mnevia: Open fridge.
![[Image: doomed2698b.png]](
![[Image: doomed2699.png]](
![[Image: doomed2700.png]](
![[Image: doomed2701.png]](
![[Image: doomed2701b.png]](
![[Image: doomed2702.png]](
![[Image: doomed2703.png]](
![[Image: doomed2703b.png]](
![[Image: doomed2704.png]](
They say you feel pain when your first love ends.
![[Image: doomed2705.png]](
But your first hate, too, can be hard to say goodbye to.
![[Image: doomed2706.png]](
After some time, you don’t know how long, your survival instincts kick in. They are not enough to bring warmth back to the universe, or to get you to move your body.
![[Image: doomed2707.png]](
Still, when weaved with the thirst for revenge, you find a way.
Mnevia: Open another fridge.
![[Image: doomed2708.png]](
![[Image: doomed2708b.png]](
Another fridge, another corpse.
![[Image: doomed2708c.png]](
This one is not your failed spades story. Not a friend either.
However, you think you recognize her. She may be hornless now, without makeup, wearing a serene expression, eyes closed on her final fight... but the hair, the face, the clothes are unmistakable.
You know this girl. Always in the background during crazy parties.
![[Image: doomed2709.png]](
You remember seeing her at Tozy's hive again, last week.
![[Image: doomed2710.png]](
Tozy's last week.
Tozy's last party.
![[Image: doomed2711.png]](
It is up to you to ensure it does not become everybody's last party.
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:44 AM
Weywot: Notice martialPuppeteer.
![[Image: doomed2712.png]](
The person who took your computer also unblocked martialPuppeteer, aka magicalPaws, aka GINNEO ADARNA, a scourge you would not unleash upon the account of your worst enemy. And to add insult to injury, they started messaging him.
Shades of black sparkle in the fire of your ignited cardio-vascular pump.
![[Image: doomed2713.png]](
However, when you start reading the conversation, you see familiar terminology.
![[Image: doomed2714.png]](
A game. Manipulating your environment. Not only does it echo Vamuin's explanations, it also fits with what you saw in Renart's hive.
You make the difficult decision to message both Vamuin and Ginneo.
![[Image: doomed2715.png]](
Before you can read their answers, the mammoth reaches his destination.
![[Image: doomed2716.png]](
"The prophecies announce the arrival of the two Heraldos del Caos. They are meant to destroy everything, to ravage this world, to swim and feast in blood and misery.
This is the traditional representation of one of them."
![[Image: doomed2717.png]](
![[Image: doomed2718.png]](
"While he bears our likeness, he will be merciless."
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:46 AM
![[Image: doomed2734.png]](
PP: Just wait for the selfie
MR: Some incredible monsters wit}{ more appendages t}{an a centipede lusus, rig}{t?
![[Image: doomed2735.png]](
PP: Damn, Via, you take the fun out of everything
PP: How did you guess?
MR: C}{eck Wey's texts, }{e sent us a lot of data.
MR: We're finally starting to piece t}{is t}{ing toget}{er.
MR: We're contacting Adarna, too, and -
PP: Adar-what?
PP: How is this buffoon supposed to help us with anything?
![[Image: doomed2736.png]](
MR: }{e is tied to t}{is entire mess.
PP: Really
PP: So what's the trick here? What's the explanation for all of this nonsense?
MR: Long story s}{ort…
MR: It's all Vamuin's fault.
PP: I KNEW I landed the best kismesis!
PP: Go Vamuin go!
![[Image: doomed2737.png]](
MR: Our common quadrant found and launc}{ed a forbidden game w}{ich tears down t}{e very fabric of reality.
MR: It t}{rew us rig}{t into a parallel plane of existence w}{ere the players }{ave to... distort t}{eir }{ives in order to reach god}{ood?
MR: T}{e game also appears to be responsible for t}{e apocalypse consuming Alternia.
PP: Okay Via, time to slow down on the caterpillar juice
PP: We have more pressing matters than your discovery of psychotropics
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RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:46 AM
![[Image: doomed2738.png]](
PP: Renart is on the run. The mammoths told us he participated in some kind of assembly
MR: Must be Classic Renart. Because Yellow Spider Renart is still in t}{e }{ive.
PP: What is he doing?
MR: }{e removed all of t}{e cadavers... }{e can apparently move t}{ings by telekinesis w}{en wearing a green mask.
MR: Doesn't seem to }{ave a lot of reach, t}{oug}{. So far I've managed to stay outside of }{is sp}{ere of influence.
MR: Limited power to }{is psionics, too. }{e didn't yet manage to remove t}{is freak cadaver I anchored to block }{s way.
PP: Oh, so you found Tozy?
![[Image: doomed2739.png]](
MR: }{a. }{a.
MR: Do not antagonize me on t}{is.
![[Image: doomed2740.png]](
MR: No, it's not Tozy.
MR: I used anot}{er of Renart's victims.
MR: Not one of ours. A weird moustac}{e guy in a Batman suit wit}{ green teet}{ and a clock key.
PP: You definitely had enough psychedelics
MR: Wait until I tell you about t}{e }{orns.
PP: Business first. Juice later
MR: Rig}{t.
MR: Now I'm }{earing t}{ese weird mac}{ines Renart has everyw}{ere.
MR: T}{ey are carving, rotating, scanning, s}{ooting... stuff.
MR: }{e's preparing some new trick.
PP: Oh yeah, the white machines, I noticed them too
PP: Looks like foreign technology. It's all metal! There isn't even honest-to-Gl'bgolyb slime piping in them
MR: Does it really shock you more than the panorama?
PP: Damn our dear planet looks like a paradise compared to this place
PP: This is madness
PP: This is a mess
PP: This is insane dangers, impossible monsters
![[Image: doomed2741.png]](
PP: I love this shit
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Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:46 AM
![[Image: doomed2742.png]](
You cannot believe you are finally massacring Subaltern Conscripts made of pure horn.
You're not sure how you feel about this.
On one hand, you will not lack carving material for the centuries to come.
On another hand, it makes all of your hive's decorations, all of your artistic approach even, terribly lessened.
You cannot believe you are finished prototyping surprises made of pure cruelty.
You're not sure how you feel about this.
On one hand, you will not lack screams of terror for the centuries to come.
On another hand, it makes all of your kill count, all of your sadistic violence even, terribly lessened.
![[Image: doomed2743.png]](
You will need to up your game, to compose an ode to ignominious terror, if you want to get some meaning back in your life.
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Pronouns: They/Them
Posts: 71
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Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:48 AM
![[Image: doomed2763.png]](
UR: s-o this vanny guy di≠d.
UR: just lik≠ that.
UP: Not sure!
UP: He w♠s supposed to get surgery... He ne♥er got out of the block, and we got no news from his white c♠r♠p♠ce friends...
UP: Gin didn't monitor the surgery, he h♠d ♠ f♠llout with ♥♠nny right before it h♠ppened, he didn't feel good enough to w♠tch it.
UP: He took us ♠ screenc♠p of the hi♥e ♠fterw♠rds.
[ unkemptParamour has sent surgery.jpg ]
![[Image: doomed2764.png]](
UP: No ♥♠nny in sight.
UP: Gin didn't say a word.
UR: y≠ah, vanny's toast.
UR: and th≠ kid i-s out.
UP: It's the hypothesis, I think; if it w♠sn't out, we would be in ♠ doomed timeline.
UR: why do≠sn't it wr≠ck all of our shit, now?
UP: ♠ccording to Cross, the Lieuten♠nts st♠y on their L♠nd...
UR: you'r≠ full o-f shit. i'll g≠t i-n th≠re and th≠n i'll g≠t parasit≠d. i can s≠≠ that coming.
UP: Well you're not m♠king it e♠sy now!
UP: Tell me good news, S♠llie! ♠re you inst♠lling?
![[Image: doomed2765.png]](
UR: it's still n≠t h≠re. this gam≠ i-s h≠avy.
UR: h≠avier than your ass mayb≠.
UP: ...
UR: o-h com≠ o-n now, this was a good on≠.
UP: You're e♥en cr♠sser th♠n ♥♠nny.
UR: i'm not th≠ on≠ with "i wanna bon≠" writt≠n i-n all of m-y letters. dirty.
UP: It's not like th♠t! It's just...
UP: I've ♠lw♠ys w♠nted to find lo♥e ♠nd h♠te.
UP: It's ♠ rom♠ntic thing, not ♠ sexu♠l thing.
UR: ar≠ you ac≠, girl?
UP: No! But I focus on other p♠rts of the rel♠tionship. Sex is ♠ nice strong p♠rt of intense soul meeting, not the me♠t of it!
UP: Don't you think these things ♠re better with your f♠ted love ♠nd h♠te fore♥er?
UR: sur≠ if th≠y fuck you tog≠th≠r.
UP: Urgh.
![[Image: doomed2766.png]](
UP: Wh♠t I c♠re ♠bout: The me♠ning of life. The sur♥i♥♠l of our species. The be♠uty of the sky. My g♠ze di♥ing into Renny's.
UP: Wh♠t I don't c♠re ♠bout: your ♠bsurd f♠nt♠sies.
UR: i hate t-o br≠ak th≠ n≠ws to you, shith≠ad, but didn't you ≠njoy a walk long ≠nough t-o g≠t tonight's pr≠dicam≠nt?
UR: our sp≠cies i-s don≠ for.
UP: We should ne♥er gi♥e up hope...
UP: M♠ybe Th♠umification c♠n m♠ke us ♠ m♠triorb.
UR: matriwhat?
![[Image: doomed2767.png]](
UP: The centrolecith♠l egg of the mothergrub lusii. Symbiotic♠lly linked to our own genome through p♠r♠-synthesis.
UR: n≠rd.
UP: You should know this inform♠tion! Troll reproduction is not just ♠bout p♠ils and nooks!
UP: Do you even use ♠ lid?
UR: d-o i look lik≠ som≠on≠ who'd car≠ about doing i-t saf≠?
UP: Congr♠ts! Time for ♠ second urgh.
UP: M♠triorbs m♠ke mothergrubs, whose proto-s♠lpinge♠l tr♠ct rel♠ys and restructure...
UP: Oh well, the gist of it is, we need a m♠triorb for proper troll reproduction.
UP: E♠rlier in the night I looked for one, but things went b♠dly...
UP: I c♠me to K♠ndiz♠ City to t♠lk to ♠ scientist, but sh♠ w♠s ♠lready killed.
![[Image: doomed2768.png]](
UP: ♠nd th♠t's when the nightm♠re beg♠n. For re♠l.
![[Image: doomed2769.png]](
UP: There were killers ♠nd monsters everywhere.
UR: it's alt≠rnia, girl, wh≠r≠'s th≠ diff≠r≠nc≠ with daily ≠xp≠ri≠nc≠?
UP: I only m♠n♠ged th♠nks to the help of some strong sur♥i♥ors.
UP: It's ♠ good thing we're ♠ w♠rrior species...
![[Image: doomed2770.png]](
UP: We fought ♠nd b♠rric♠ded ♠nd fought some more ♠nd sur♥i♥ed for hours, I c♠n't belie♥e we sur♥i♥ed this one.
UP: In the end we were sep♠r♠ted by ♠ bunch of d♠yw♠lkers.
![[Image: doomed2771.png]](
UP: I h♠d to run ♠w♠y, to climb in the higher le♥els of the ♠p♠rtment building...
![[Image: doomed2772.png]](
UP: The monsters were still r♠ging, I had to take refuge on the roof.
UP: Th♠t's where Cross picked me up.
![[Image: doomed2773.png]](
UP: ♠nd then it all collapsed. The building w♠s... sh♠ttered.
UR: so ≠v≠ryon≠ in th≠r≠ i-s d≠ad too.
UP: How m♠ny good trolls died?
UP: How m♠ny will die?
UP: We're ♠ll going to die.
UR: wow slow down girl.
UR: you'r≠ st≠pping o-n my brand.
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:49 AM
![[Image: doomed2769unfiltered.png]](
I admire the work of Cerulean Snake (The Cerulean Motley Crew, the amazing adventure of troll pirates! ) and it was such a great surprise, this Spring, when they accepted to cooperate with me for a CROSSOVER. And not a simple cameo or funny two-panels crossover, but a serious intersection of events in BOTH our adventures with impact on the characters' trajectories and our respective endgames.
To be clear: this is not an alternate universe where our casts meet. This is an unification of our worldbuildings and chronologies, our two interpretations of the Homestuck universe, most specifically of the Alternian lore, harmonized to each other.
Alabaster characters will appear in The Cerulean Motley Crew and its sequel. Cerulean Motley Crew characters will appear in Alabaster. They will meet, oppose and cooperate, and to read one story will give additional insight on the other.
Furthermore, we're developing all-new character design and creature design for the intersection.
If you just like one adventure and are not interested to read the other, don't worry! Snake and me still keep autonomy in our respective projects. Both The Cerulean Motley Crew and Alabaster were conceived separately and the larger plans will remain, and we will keep our adventures satisfying reads by themselves.
But if you read both, you'll have more fun. A lot more fun!
Long life to Alternia and to troll fuckery!
Future Chever & Govani designs (Hivebent/Alabaster era)
by Cerulean Snake
![[Image: crossover1_futurechevergovani.png]](
Future Chever & Govani adult sprites (Hivebent/Alabaster era)
by Oasis Nadrama
![[Image: crossover2_futurechevergovanisprites.png]](
Daybreaker Strain stages 3, 4, 5
by Oasis Nadrama
Posts: 71
Joined: Apr 2016
Pronouns: They/Them
RE: Alabaster: The Doomed Session - BACK FROM THE DEAD IN 2023
11-11-2023, 04:49 AM
Renart: Level up.
![[Image: doomed2774.png]](
O celebration and exhilaration! The Stratospectral Escalevelator has been overcome by the simple beauty of mindless massacres.
Complete dungeon.
![[Image: doomed2775.png]](
It was a long road, a trying ordeal, and it encomprised way too many fights, riddles and platforming moments, but you are finally done with the Fábrica de Autómata.
This last mid-boss left you close to exhaustion.
However, you are now facing the final enigma. Finally. Finally, your robot army is at hand.
![[Image: doomed2776.png]](
Such entertainment! You merely need to shuffle pieces around in order to repair the most powerful machines the Territory conceals, the Protectors of Oscuridad.