Wings of Fury 2

Wings of Fury 2
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Henri did indeed shake Comète's hand!

"Of course. It's not everyone that can make armor capable of taking dragonfire," Henri told her with a smile. "I will very likely commission a suit for myself in due time!"

And then he gladly took Zaya's offered address before looking to Guillairme and laughing, smacking his own head.

"Indeed, my good friend! And I almost forgot something most important! I was wounded last night, but there is nothing stopping me today!"

And he went charging back over the inner wall towards the keep. If anybody went to follow, they'd quickly find Henri chanting a powerful Hymn of Strength as he dragged the dead dragon's corpse into the keep. He intended to give her the closest he could to a burial.
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Zaya considered Guillairme's offer. "Hm. Doubtful. Seen a lot of specialists in the last five years. None had answers for me. Goes far beyond 'restless spirit'. Still. Possible they might... find something others have missed. Can't hurt to ask. As long as they don't attempt... exorcism right away. Given the circumstances... could be harmful. To me and to Keraza."

She glanced at the dragon on her shoulder. "Is it safe? To bring the children there?"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Guillairme glanced up as Henri took off, but he'd be back. He surely wasn't doing anything too crazy. "Certainly not; those of my order would not risk ending a life in such a way." He smiled.

"I would not walk into just any temple and let these babies run about--certainly not at a Mashellian order. But those of us in...the orders further from Chunadie's heart?" He said, phrasing it diplomatically. "Well. We all serve the Gods, of course, but our patron's paths may lead us in different directions... Seigneur Endormi would not have been one to dictate a child's fate for his own prestige. Not under any interpretation. They will be safe there."
~◕ w◕~
RE: Wings of Fury 2
It was a fine morning, with Holek is shuffling, making... nay, CREATING breakfast for all, and also petting Pepper's nose as often as he could. He was too sad to see his new friends leave, but didn't really know what to say. Not with words, that is. Instead, he expressed his feelings with the delicious morning snacks, sharing it with all who were leaving. He put one small baggie of pastry in Zaya's hand...
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Grokzurl is watching as everyone prepares to set off on their separate ways. He goes first to his new charge, giving them a gentle scratch under the chin. He hasn't got much in the way of things to transport a small dragon in, so hopefully he'll be able to keep away from any villages until he could fashion something suitable. 

When Zaya hands him a note, he smiles. "I'll be sure to write to you," he says, "Though I'm not sure how you'd get back to me. I'll probably be moving around a lot, but if I find a place I can stay I'll let you know where it is!" He smiles brightly once more. "I hope to see you and the purple one again someday!" 

After his conversation with Zaya, Grokzurl approaches Avag. 

"I wish I could take you up on that offer! If you could remind me where to find you and yours, I'll be happy to drop by when I can!" Avag is clearly a well traveled person. Despite how limited their time together has been, Grok is sure Avag must have a wealth of experience, compared to himself. 

"It would be good to see you again, all of you. Not sure how possible that'll be in practice, but. Fingers crossed?"

Next is Guillairme. Grokzurl finds it difficult to meet his eyes as he walks over, and the shame is just as obvious in his voice. "I'm sorry," he mumbles, "I couldn't be of any use yesterday. I do hope you'll forgive me, Sir."
RE: Wings of Fury 2
"I'll consider it," Zaya said to Guy. "Long way to travel, though. Not sure I'll make the trip this time. Maybe when I return. Have to get back home soon. Thanks regardless. I'll... see you again, I'm sure. Maybe send mail. Good luck with everything."


Zaya smiles to Grok in return. "Communication will be... difficult. Sure we'll figure it out eventually. Might not even be on Salin long-term, so. I'll try to get mail sent to me wherever I am. Either way. You'll see us again. Been good to meet you."


Zaya received the pastry bag from Holek. Were those... tears in her eyes? Probably not, actually, but she appreciated the gesture. Holek really was the best of everyone here. Even if he named a dragon after a spice.

Zaya bade him, too, a farewell. She'd see all these people again, sooner or later. Hopefully. She was terrible at goodbyes, so after that, she gave a final farewell to the group and headed out. She had a long road ahead of her just to get home - and maybe a longer one once she was there. Now began the greatest journey of all...


Of an immortal, highly-intelligent magic lizard.

Regular parenthood was an average journey at best. People did it all the time!
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Rozenn beams at Comete! Her pen-strokes are less elegant, more bouncy - lots of rounded lettering and cute flourishes. Maybe even a heart on a couple of the exclamation points.

"That's such a cute name!!! I've decided mine will be named Maël(le), depending on their preference when they grow larger. I think Zaya's point about gender was probably important. We'll have to make sure to meet again so we can get them better acquainted with one another! I look forward to meeting with you again! Until we do, may your steel always sing and may your forge always be fiery. :D"

Then she turns, scribbles a bit more gracefully, and passes a note to Avag.

"Thank you so much for your offer, Sir Avag! I'm not sure where my path will take me next, but I'm sure our routes will become entangled somewhere along the way. I think I have a lot to learn from you - you're bold beyond compare, and I think I could use a bit more of your strength in my heart! Your family sounds lovely, and I hope I get the chance to sample their hospitality! Maybe I can cook for them as a thank-you. :) I'm looking forward to it one way or another. Until we meet again, Sir, I hope the winds remain ever at your back and that luck always twists in your favor!"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Despite being very nearly the same age and having even less combat experience, it seemed he was a Sir in Grokzurl's eyes...Guy didn't hate it--but, of course, he oughtn't linger in self-indulgent pride. It was his duty to direct such deference to whom it was owed--and in doing so, help Grokzurl lift his spirits. Guillairme spoke with a kind and patient smile, but whether Grokzurl looked up enough to see it was uncertain. "Tell me, to whom do you pray foremost?" He asked.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Terzi was too distracted from Henri’s shenanigans by the dragon that had been left behind. The poor thing had crawled away from the nest and had rested, near the fire, by spot she had sat. Terzi picked it up with a blanket, wiping dirt off its white scales and nestling it as it shines sleepily.

[“Oh little wanderer, straying from the nest, you’ve made yourself my problem, hm? Well it seems I must care for one of you until we find one of your own to take charge of you. It’s not what I planned for, but it seems to be a fate I can’t resist... short of giving you to Chunadie. We’ll avoid that, yes?”]

She set the hatchling in a cozy spot and set about breaking down camp... what hasn’t been broken down already by the others, at least.
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Caulind had a small tent set up, enough for himself to be barely sheltered from the elements. Caulind also apparently, was not a morning person. Only barely deigning to show up for food, oh, properly cooked food, nice, before groggily zoning out over by the side of the ruins, watching the wildlife and nature before showing up again to see Henri off. He mouthed the address to himself blearily, trying to make sure it set in despite his brain not working well right now.

Then, the note from Zaya. He gave a polite smile and hid away a worried expression, remaining at the camp as people returned and branched off, watching.

Eventually, he merely rubbed at his chin, yawning loudly and stepping off into the ruins. He returned a minute later, seeming awake, and splashing some of the gathered water onto his face before inspecting the nest. Seemed the baby dergons had mostly been collected as he picked up the silver one. "Yes yes, sorry. Need to get back into parent mode maybe? I'll be on the ball in a bit." As he held them, scrutinising briefly as he lifted them up above his head, giving a little twirl to give a sense of motion to the baby.

"Oh you'll be flying soon enough you will." Before pulling them close, letting them get their little claws into his clothing and a good grip as he bounced them in his arms, walking over to beside Terzi. "Need any help?"
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Avag nodded to Grokzurl when he approached. "South of here, in Chunadie. A dozen miles north of Mireval, not too far from a little river village, here..." he pulled a book out of his bag, flipped to a crudely-sketched map and did his best to point out how to get to Belzren house - mostly to Grok, but also to anyone who would listen. "I'm serious, drop in whenever if you need a hand, or if you just want to say hi! Even if you can't stick around, it'd be good for the dragons to be able to see each other while they're growing up!"

Then he stopped and went quiet for a second to quickly read Rozenn's note. "Aw, thanks, though of all the people here I'm probably the least Sir of any of us. I'll look forward to you coming to visit, 'specially if you're still up for helping me practice some sign. Think it'll be a useful thing for the little buddy here to know!" He picked up the bronze dragon again, continuing to bury it in affection. "Good luck out there! I can't wait for the first reunion!"

Watching as everyone was getting ready to go, Avag looked back to his own tent. "Guess I should pack up too," he said putting the bronze dragon down, grabbing them another scrap of meat to keep them busy and heading over to start packing up. "Anyone want to stick as a group on the way down the mountains? Doubt it'll give us much trouble, but we still need to actually get back to Chunadie before we need to split up, and I'm happy for the company along the way!"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Petting his dragon as if they were a small kitten, Holek approaching Avag. After some hesitation, collecting words, he opens his mouth "Cancome?" After a bit of further pause, he puts on his glove "I would like to take up your offer and visit, and if you don't mind, learn about the local cuisine of your area, and of course, I would help out with preparing dishes for everyone in return! Rorak Blarholm, our raid leader has extremely recommended for us to stay with a family for a while, as long as we send him a litter about it. And of course, your little friend and my little friend would be close to each other too." He once again pets Pepper, with the puppet's hands.
RE: Wings of Fury 2
"Oh yeah, of course!" said Avag, nodding enthusiastically. "I was never much of a cook, but I'm sure my family and the villages nearby have plenty of food secrets they could tell you." He glanced between Holek and the puppet, clearly unsure which one he was supposed to be talking to, before settling on Holek. "If you need somewhere to stay until your leader calls you back, we'll have you covered. Do you think Rorak will like the little dragon? Do you think he's going to be a safe person to tell? Maybe you can keep them a secret on the boat, since I'm guessing you'll need to take a boat to get back. And if you end up deciding that's too risky and not going back, if you think that'll be safer for the baby, we'll put you up in the meantime!"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
“Only in so much as this will be faster if we work together.”

Terzi motioned to the blanket pile she’d left her hatchling in, which watched her with big, needy eyes.

“Only so much you can contribute with a child in your arms. I’m going to start taking down my tent. I’ll get the stakes on the left, you can get the right. And together we’ll make sure the center post doesn’t hit either of us when it topples over.”
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Rozenn shakes her head at Avag and hands him another note.

[Nope! You and Comete are among those most worthy of the title. Maybe even more than me! In my home, the title is one used for heroes and warriors rather than nobles who think themselves better than others by birth. You're brave, kind, and unafraid in the face of danger. I will have to insist on calling you a Sir, Sir Avag!"

As for the journey forward, I'd be happy to accompany you. It's always good to have a stalwart ally by your side if you're going to be running off into danger! I'll do my best to carry my weight. :D]
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Sir Henri came back over the wall, returning to the group.

"There! The dragon is buried," he remarked. "With that, I believe I must be on my way. Farewell to you all, and don't hesitate to write if you need something."

He smiled, then climbed up onto his horse and prepared to depart yet again.
RE: Wings of Fury 2
"I -- well...." Grokzurl is clearly taken a bit off his guard by the question. "No one, I guess? Never really prayed much at all." Guillairme is smiling, so Grok assumes he can't be too bothered by Grok's poor performance. "Why do you ask?" 

Later on, dragon curled up peacefully in his arms, Grokzurl waves down Rozenn. 

"Still thinking of trying to keep the little ones together?" he asks, giving his passenger a gentle scratch on the head. "I think I'm likely to stay on Alma. I'm sure there are plenty more old crumbling places like this one squeezed between the plains and the forests and the mountains. I'd like to see how many I can find! I've already decided to visit Avag somewhere along the way. If you'd let me know where you're hiding out, I'd be happy to bring Gek'ko here for a visit some time."
RE: Wings of Fury 2
No one at all?! Oh, may the Lords be merciful to him. "I see."

Guy closed his eyes for a moment, thinking over his words, before he tried to catch Grokzurl's gaze as he spoke. "You came to me for forgiveness; I believed knowing such would help me understand where you saw shortcomings in your conduct yesterday-if there was, indeed, anything that requires you to seek such forgiveness. It appears to me that you've faced danger with bravery and taken on an extraordinary responsibility without complaint. You ensured the little ones had plenty to eat last night, did you not?"
~◕ w◕~
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Grok gives a nervous chuckle and admits, "Yes, well. I couldn't just leave a dozen or so babies with nothing to eat." He lets himself smile, shaking off his earlier nerves. "I just felt I didn't....contribute. With Naissyri, I mean. You asked for my help and I barely kept up with the rest of you. Hopefully I turn out better at raising a dragon than I was helping slay one..." Grok almost winces as the word 'slay' crosses his lips. It's so strange, when he'd seen the flyer he'd been so excited! But now, the whole affair has taken on a very different meaning for him. 

"...In any case, I thought I should ask where you're planning on hiding yours," he continues. "I'm not going to sit still much, but I want to make sure the little one gets enough time to see the family over the years. The other dragons, and the rest of us, too! Oncle Guy has quite a ring to it, no?"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Guy smiled and shook his head at Grok's explanation. "Perhaps Lord Mashelle might fault you for not bringing a lasso as well, but I found you quite brave, and prepared to step in as needed. Sir Henri was able to complete the slaying himself, is all."

He laughed a bit at Oncle Guy. "Indeed, now I have even more nieces and nephews, don't I? What a strange blessing we've been given. I haven't yet a firm idea of where she would grow up best, but I am headed to my family, and then to my fellows in the Hushed Refrain to figure things out. And yourself?"
~◕ w◕~
RE: Wings of Fury 2
"I'll keep moving," Grok smiles confidently, "It's all I've ever known, and I think it'll be good to teach the little one how to take care of themselves. Just in case, you know?" He sighs, adding that, "I'm not sure I have a very firm grasp on what to do myself, but. I have to do something, so I'll start with what I do know." 

"Thank you for the kind words. I hope we can meet again soon, so our dragons can reunite, and so I can repay the friendship you've shown me!" Grok smiles again, all crooked teeth and mismatched dimples. He's going to remember this Guy.
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Avag read the note, nodding. "Yeah! I'd be glad to have your company. Hopefully there's less danger to charge towards on the way back, since we need to keep these little ones safe. But if we have to charge into danger to keep them safe in the first place, then having you there would be a huge help! Plus if you're going to be travelling around with your little buddy afterwards, don't forget you can come by the house anytime you need somewhere safe to rest!"

At this point, he'd finished packing up his small tent and scooped the bronze dragon up into a cuddle. "Keeping you secret all the way back is gonna be tough, isn't it?" he said, tickling under their chin. "Maybe the others could stick your brothers and sisters in their backpacks, but you're a little too big to fit in mine. Maybe we can use Henri's gold to bribe a boat into looking the other way, eh? You think that would work?" He paused a second, as if waiting for the hatchling to give a reply. "Risky, I know, but I doubt disguising you would work either, unless... hey, Caulind! You know Third Song magic, right? Could you make someone think that the dragons are actually like dogs or cats or something, or is that not your style so much?"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Terzi waves her short staff at the departing knight.

“Don’t push yourself, Sir Henri, I need you to get home alive so that you can send those letters to the university!”

Her tone made clear that she thought he getting himself killed between here and Chunadie was a legitimate possibility.
RE: Wings of Fury 2
"I'm pretty sure that they're going to have to break up into smaller groups one way or another," Rozenn wrote back to Grok, "but I'm still convinced we should find a dragon to parent them. A good dragon, not just one who'll raise them into a problem like their mother. I think Terzi wants the same thing, so I'll try to reach out to her and get her to come along with me and Avag toward Chunadie. She seems pretty smart, so I imagine she'll be able to track down some resources for this sort of thing :)

You're naming yours Gek'ko? :O That's really cute! I think it suits them. :)"


After that conversation, she'll approach Terzi.

"Do you want to travel with us? It sounds like you and me have got similar goals, and Avag makes a point about it being easier to travel if we're all together - at least until we get back to places where a lot of people live. If you don't want to, I understand - you seem not to like me very much! - but I would be happy to be your shield if you'd be so kind as to lend me some of your know-how :)"
RE: Wings of Fury 2
Caulind just nodded at Terzi's commands, walking over to the tend and placing down the silver dragon behind him. He hummed slightly as he helped undo the tent, as a blue tail snaked out from behind him, flicking in front of the baby dragon. There were a couple of little discordant sounds in his humming as he may have gotten a nip, but, hey.

He gave, of course, a wave to Henri, slightly surprised to see him back actually, but hey. "Goodbye again Sir Henri, have a safe trip. Try to leave a break between adventures."

Then though, didn't expect his name to be called out, looking over in surprise to Avag. "..." There was a look that looked like, perhaps he'd just managed to make it stay as looking innocently surprised than serious. "That kind of thing would be... No, no, I never learnt that. Even if I did, using it on everyone who saw them would be incredibly taxing. As well as, if not very skilled... I'm sorry, no." Turning flustered apparently and raising his hands and shaking them emphatically alongside his head.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."