[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight

[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Adara taps her chin playfully, thinking your questions over.

[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"Oh, about... one thousand total? I wouldn't say I lead them in the same way your little princeling's father leads his country, though. Just handle the organizing. We're freefolk, equals in every sense of the word. You'll hardly find our elders fattening their pockets like in the peasant republics out west. None of us do anything without all others getting a voice in it. Anything less would be the tyranny we're all running from. There are plenty of capable folk who can manage my duties without me around, and we all agreed I was the best one for this job, so here I am."

She flashes a smile and a wink at Baylee.

[Image: MDwphtF.png]

"Oh really? Nowhere Important happens to be where I'm from, too. Lovely place, I'm sure you'll agree. I look forward to learning more about you, if that's the case: the most interesting folk seem to always come from Nowhere Important."

She gestures to you all. "Come along, then! Let's get a move on."

As you walk, the NPCs introduce themselves.


Eventually, you arrive in a small grove in the middle of the woods.

Before you stands a strange assortment of characters. One of them is tall, of indeterminate gender, with short hair and dark skin with strong red undertones. They stand beside a pegasus, of all things - a rarity in these parts, even in a kingdom as rich as Renault. The other stands out because he lacks any such distinguishing equipment - no weapons, no armor, no horse. He only has a set of clothes and a big blue scarf.

When the knight speaks, it's with a sort of... strange, formal gentleness, as if they're distant from the world but still beholden to its conventions.
[Image: knuaLZd.png]

"Lady Adara - I am glad to see you return."
[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"Ugh! How many times have I asked you not to call me 'lady'? The word drips with pretense. We are equals, Alex, and I will not see you act in deference to anyone, no ifs ands or buts! Understood?"
[Image: knuaLZd.png]

"...Understandable. I will try to resist the urge in the future."
[Image: VOoPAvA.png]

"I've got my doubts. These the folks we've got to escort?"

Adara confirms you are, and goes through the trouble of introducing each of you.
[Image: VOoPAvA.png]

"Got it. I'm Dorian. Stick near me, folks - I'm not much of a fighter, but in battle you'll find no one you're happier to have around!"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Saya looks to Adara.

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]
"On good terms with the Birds? Do you know if they've taken anyone in recently? I'm looking for some members of the Hawks."
Current Projects:
Human space is at war, and we're all caught up in it - Scattered Stars

A woman chases another through the snow, but where will their path lead them? - Footprints in the snow
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: ad53975546d6dc91277024792177748235d1f148.png]
"Too bad, I'm the least interinsting person you'll ever meet sadly. Ya' woulda knew that if we actually ran into each otter in 'Nowhere Important." She scoffs and with a growl she turns around and stomps away to the back of the group. Rotten bandits. Always harrassin the good folk. Nothing good comes from them.
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Sunny sees all the interesting new faces. However, one face in particular draws her attention, and she bounces over to him.

[Image: 1YHEHWt.png]

"Hello there! Dorian, was it?" She asked, looking him over with an intensely inquisitive stare. "I couldn't help but notice you lack the weapons of war that many of us here possess. You say your not a fighter, and forgive me when I ask this, but what do you do?"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Alex's bright eyes turn to Saya. Despite their brightness, they look... glassy. Foggy. Distant.
[Image: knuaLZd.png]

"...The Bird Kings do not share their information with us readily. Facts are a commodity to them. That said, there have been no reports of any birds passing over the border, and I've caught no sign of them with my reconnaissance. My apologies."

Adara chuckles as Baylee stomps away.
[Image: MDwphtF.png]

"How charming. I hope the rest of you have trained your manners as well as her - I won't have any 'please ma'ams' or 'by thy wills' while I'm around, either. They're officially banned here! Speak plainly and speak as you feel. That is the first term of our service!"

Dorian ignores his comrade's over-the-top declarations in favor of talking about something useful. Rather than simply telling, however, he shows Sunny the extent of his power...

By doing a pirouette, followed by a few sensuous gestures. It's rather hard now to miss the relatively form-fitting nature of his outfit underneath the scarf. When he does speak, he puts on a ridiculous 'posh' accent.
[Image: IJPMRlw.png]

"I am a dancer of unparalleled verve and vivaciousness, madame! A performer bringing light to the hearts of my comrades on the battlefield!" He returns to speaking like normal. "I'm sure it seems as silly as a clam on a canary, but trust me: there's a certain magic to performing, same as comes out of your books and staves. I'll be a useful ally to have on the field."

Alex simply nods.
[Image: knuaLZd.png]

"I can verify his claims. It helps."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Hmm. This is...strange. At least, there still seems to be much to learn here, even if Mazelina seems woefully out of her element. She always feels the need to correct people referring to her as a 'holy woman'-- seeing as she was an acolyte and not fully realized, hardly anyone worth mentioning in the church-- but always thinks better of it. No one would care,  not really.

Instead she takes in everyone's appearance and does her best to commit their names to memory, chewing on her lips and cheek as she thinks.

[Image: a078853c10c8af81ed7398825416c7c0421d25a9.png]

"Is there a second term?" Adara's declaration seems the most important thing to focus on, outside of the pegasus nearby. A beautiful creature, though there would (hopefully) be time for petting later. "I enjoy knowing these sorts of things in advance, rather than having them sprinkled about."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Adara gives a dramatic laugh, a full bodied 'OHOHOHO!'

[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"I'm glad you asked! First, no formalities! Second, we bow to no one! Third, any harming of innocents will result in immediate termination of our contract and a rescinding of our truce! Fourth and final: We reserve the right to vote ourselves out at any time, no ifs, ands or buts!"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Barnabas nodded. They all seemed fair enough. Besides, for people who'd just met, expecting promises of loyalty beyond these terms seemed foolish anyway. But... He watched Baylee leave, then back to Adara, then Saya, tail swooshing a little. Saya seemed to have this. He gave a nod of recognition to Adara, and reached out to put a hand on Saya's shoulder.

[Image: nMexSPx.png]

"We'll find them. You've got this." He said softly, full faith in his voice.

He looked to Lysistrate, giving a gesture to his mouth and ears to say they'd talk later, but for now followed after Baylee, to the back.

[Image: nMexSPx.png]

Barnabas walked beside her for a bit, glancing at her before eventually simply asking. "Wanna talk about stuff?" Very straight forward about it, not insinuating and pushing as little as possible whilst still asking.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Sunny gasps at Dorian's movements, offering a single clap in delight once he finishes.

[Image: HS9ICQl.png]

"Amazing! That was quite the interesting showcase!" She says, putting her palm to her cheek. "I'll admit I've never seen anything quite like it. Were your skills honed here in this little corner of the world, or do your skills originate from elsewhere?"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Okay. Asking is good, hurting innocent people is bad, and they're in it for themselves and can bow out if they sense danger. Mazelina doesn't see a problem in this.

[Image: a078853c10c8af81ed7398825416c7c0421d25a9.png]
"Your idea of formalities includes...'miss', 'ma'am', 'sir', royal titles...?" Her brow arches. "Anything else to keep in mind? Nicknames? Favourite foods?"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: a2f7fde224a6dd2dcec6d884f86bcf195847dfae.png]
Baylee raises an eyebrow and tilts her head. "Ya mean about the scene that happened there? Where I totally embarrassed myself and threw a fit? I just really don't like how they kin be out and proud about themselves bein bandits. How can they act so proud when they take from people who do tha real work that they ain't inclined to do? It really cheeses me off."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: nMexSPx.png]

"Yeah. That stuff." He said, nodding a little awkwardly at that. "I wouldn't say it was that embarrassing. Were you one of those people?" Barnabas asked, a little quieter as he side-looked at Baylee, not directly watching or staring at her as they talked.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Dorian's dancing coupled with Adara's exuberance have cut through the tension Casey had been feeling like a hot knife through butter. Before he knows it, he's got a smile on his face again, worries shelved for the time being.

[Image: casey_novice_smile.png]

"I think you and I will get on just fine, Adara," he remarks. While he still has questions about these free peasants, Adara's stipulations seem reasonable, and her unflappable demeanor is a sharp contrast to the stuffy seriousness hanging over the nobility in their group. Turning to Dorian and Alex, he offers a casual wave. "Pleased to meet the lot of you. Thanks for lending us a hand like this."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Dorian gives a comic little salute to Sunny.
[Image: IJPMRlw.png]

"Glad to be appreciated. I learned during my time with Alexis over here." He jerks his head toward them. "Don't think they'd much appreciate me going into detail more than that, but suffice it to say, it was back in the League. Things weren't the best for us there - so now we're here!"

Alexis's face remains cold, distant, but you catch the slightest flinch echoing across it: a slight change in the orientation of their eyebrows, a shift in the light of their eyes.

Adara chuckles at both Casey and Mazelina.
[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"Flattery will get you nowhere, loves - or, rather, it'll get you everywhere with me, but I'm no one important. You focus on taking care of yourselves and doing what pleases you, and I'm sure all other things will fall into place. No need to be so concerned with what I want - what do YOU want? This is the freest you've ever been, the freest you'll ever be! Embrace it!"

As you talk, you find yourselves leaving the forest. Before you is a wide Savannah, mountains stretching up and covering the sky in the distance. Adara marches forward, arms moving in dramatic flourishes as she speaks.
[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"I take it you lot have never been to the Kingdoms of the Laguz? If you've got any questions, now's the time to ask them!"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: nMexSPx.png]

Barnabas squinted at the other members of the group, then stepped forward and clearly asked. "Why don't you tell us what you think of them and what we should know? It'd help me gain a better opinion of you too to hear your views about them." He said, also, not knowing much about the kingdoms of Laguz himself actually, so trying to hide it behind finding out more about Adara.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Baylee follows Barnabas and responds.
[Image: a2f7fde224a6dd2dcec6d884f86bcf195847dfae.png]
"Nah, I'd never stoop to bein a bandit. I was just sayin it like that cause she also claimed to be from nowhere important an i was tryin to throw her words around."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: 1YHEHWt.png]

"Oh yes, I have a question." Sunny chimes in, raising her hand. "Forgive my inquisitive nature, but I simply must know. And I suppose it doesn't really pertain to the area, but moreover our reasons for being in it." She taps at her chin. "Is petitioning the Laguz for assistance in matching up to the Republic's war machine our only goal here?"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Barnabas and Baylee

[Image: nMexSPx.png]

"I meant one of the people they take from. I know you wouldn't choose to live by profiting off the weak." He said simply, sounding a little quieter. He hadn't meant to insult her.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Milo speaks up after Sunny's question.

[Image: N34quH2.png]
"Not to be grim about it but... how likely are they to even listen to us?  Is there even a reason they might want to get involved in our affairs?"
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: fMXbbys.png]

"Depends on the Laguz," Adara responds to Barnabas. "You'll be lucky if you never run into a Wolf Tribe warband, and the Lion King is a stuffy bastard, far as I've heard. The King of the Dead's folk mostly do whatever it takes to fill their pockets. The Birds are mostly alright, though - they've got their problems, same as human lands, but they're not likely to kill you for no reason."

While she gives her dissertation, Roland replies to the two Revotrians.
[Image: VmdCAf4.png]

"That's the plan, yes." Roland gives Sunny a nod. "And we have reason to believe they'll listen to us. At least, my father thought so. I don't know what was going through his head, but it was his belief that we ought to go to the Lion King. If he thought it wise, I can only have faith."

Just as he finishes speaking, a shout comes from Alex.

"Crows on the horizon! Wolves not far after! Prepare for a fight!"

None of you see anything before you - nothing but a small cloud of dust on the horizon. Adara seems to take Alex's words to heart, though, as does Dorian.

A moment passes before your vision clears enough to make out people ahead....

[Image: nQPnUiz.png]

"Haha! Stupid little beorc, wanderin' a little far out of their territory! This war's made for good pickins! Round 'em up boys! Try not to bite too deep - you wouldn't want to ruin the best cuts!"

[Image: rEJoXBE.png]

"The Twins smile upon us today, lads! Our contract may have run dry, but we've just found a little bit of pay all the same! Descend! May your talons be sharp and may their hides be soft!"

In this battle, you may choose up to three NPCs to bring along from the following list. They will count as allies, will listen to your commands, and their kills will bring you EXP. However, for those who are significantly stronger than you, an experience penalty will be applied to any kills they obtain.

Dermid the Great Knight (50% exp)
Lucrezia the Spy (75% exp)
Roland the Fighter Lord (90% exp)
Adara the Soldier Lord (90% exp)
Lain the Fighter Lord (100% exp)
Carlyle the Hunter (100% exp)
Lysistrate the Cleric (100% exp)
Abner the Cavalier (100% exp)
Dorian the Dancer (100% exp)
Alexis the Pegasus Knight (100% exp)

[Image: y0jPMNQ.png]

Determine where you will deploy!
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Barnabas looks a little concerned, troubled by her warnings of wolf tribes, and was maybe about to say something before misfortune apparently strikes. His hair and hackles seem to rise up, as his lips pulled over his teeth, seeing Kin in the distance, a wide-eyed look of something between panic and aggression, that aura of an animal torn between flight and fight, but leaning towards a fight if someone was looking for it.

[Image: nMexSPx.png]

He howled loudly, pushing his lungs to the limit beyond any human capacity for decibels, a sad and angry howl as the fight began and the battle fury began to grow. Murder in his grey eyes now, deeper and harsher with the promise of violence now, he pushed out of the trees.

"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
[Image: twesNZy.png]

"So much for a friendly reception, eh, Your Highness?" Sunny asks Roland, trading her normal smirk in for an amused, dismissive smile. "I'm not sure quite what I expected from this venture, but I suppose I shall do all I can to get us all out safely nonetheless. Allow your loyal ally to take the front lines against your enemies."

Sunny's smile grows to a grin as she whips out her tome, the pages already crackling with dark magic, which arced with something akin to anticipation. Time to find the right page...

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Saya glares at the enemy Laguz and points.

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]

"You better be ready! By the honor of the Azutai Hawks, you'll regret attacking us!"

Current Projects:
Human space is at war, and we're all caught up in it - Scattered Stars

A woman chases another through the snow, but where will their path lead them? - Footprints in the snow
RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Milo glances over at Adara as he readies his lance, before moving towards the front of the group.

[Image: N34quH2.png]
"Wolves... so much for luck then."

He glances down at his lance and wonders if it will work out as well on giant wolves and birds as well as it does a soldier's mount.  Probably would be weird to have asked Barnabas or Saya.  He'd have to figure it out the old fashioned way.

"I don't think this'll be all of them either, there's what, less than a dozen of them for all of us?  Or are they just that confident they can take us all down?"

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight
Casey steps out from the treeline, already brandishing his dagger. 

[Image: casey_frustrated.png]

"Can't help but feel I'm underprepared for this," he muses aloud. Turning to the others, he adds, "I'll try to keep close by. Watch yourselves."
