Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.

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Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
Help what d0 i d0.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Help I accidentally made a b0g t0wn that w0rships the eldritch g0d 0f cha0s.
I don't see the problem

RE: Help I accidentally made a b0g t0wn that w0rships the eldritch g0d 0f cha0s.
nothing, you succeeded
they're gonna summon coolthulu and we will all don the bloodglasses

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Help I accidentally made a b0g t0wn that w0rships the eldritch g0d 0f cha0s.
but it w0rships AzathØth, n0t Cthulu

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
Well... I guess we could at least keep the town healthy. I'll get a map in the morning. In the mean time, go sleep in your cots, cause we're here.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
*yawn*, okay bossman, see you in the morning
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
no i want to eat my favourite food, dirt, from the corner of the world instead

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
Again, like most people here, I don't see a problem with this at all.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
[Image: bog.png]
G00000d m0rning, heres the map. any0ne wanna g0 0ff and cllect w00d f0r m0re buildings?

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
no im eating dirt shush

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
lol necropost
can i help you do wood things
[Image: 47147.png]
A Room you Really Want To Get Out Of : Lore
[Image: logo.png] (Please enable Cleartype if you haven't already. (Enabled by default.))
Some of my stuff uses this font.
RE: Help Ï aÇÇÏdentally made a bØg tØwn that wØrshÏps the eldrÏtÇh gØd 0f ÇhaØs.
sure. necr0p0sts are fine.

Egg It hatched.Show