lock it pop it drop it

lock it pop it drop it
RE: lock it pop it drop it
If he says anything negative about the starters you got, just say that caring for two lumps of dead weight will be good practice for when you have to deal with his ass in the forest
RE: lock it pop it drop it
kill him
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: lock it pop it drop it
>> ehh you don't want to talk to him? don't! just ignore him and walk right by. you're not obligated to chat, right?

alternatively, walk tall and speak civil. humor him and hear what he has to say, but if he starts disrespecting you or your creatures, just turn and walk away without another word nor reaction to satisfy him; establish dominance by refusing to engage with his bullshit

>> exposit on what exactly M-kid doesn't like about you

>> get to know your new buddies better! specifically, assess the cognitive and emotional capabilities of each

>> see if you can devise a faster/less-painful way for buntercup to move around