THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)

THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Is the discord still open to new members? I joined it a year or so ago and then left, and in the time since, all links to it seem to have disappeared or expired. Am I missing something or has it been closed off?
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
I believe there are fortuna servers run by fans that are still active but there is no longer an official Fortuna sever.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Would fortuna as a game be more like paper mario or wholly 2d? Also how much control does a player have over the character they're controlling, do they have direct control over the characters fine movements, point and click or does the player say something to do and the character will act it out?
[Image: uIBQxlT.png]
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
What stat does psychic powers use?

Also what would Hypnos think of a species that can shape dreams, but also helps people sleep?
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Xmancer says it's based on intelligence, strength and endurance, while mind control seems to only be based on intelligence. I couldn't tell you what the other psychic powers are based on, though.

There also seems to be a skill component to it. Slate was less skilled at pyromancy than his food agressive cousin, and Kelda was able to mind control Latta even though she was about as smart as your average housecat at that point. (Though that might just be the perks of malevolence in action.)
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Would it be possible to play Fortuna without any player input controlling the crewmembers? If so I could imagine a player livestreaming an "Idletuna".
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
It can be done by setting Athena as your patron and then giving her all your crewmembers. Characters do move on their own but ironically the more sanity points they have the less free will they have other than taking care of themselves. Having a low sanity crew mean they start second guessing stuff and refusing to listen to player / crew orders more.

They also, yet again ironically, focus on surviving more and thus may realize that tossing themselves at Fortuna is a poor choice.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
(08-27-2018, 11:01 AM)Fellow Wrote: »Xmancer says it's based on intelligence, strength and endurance, while mind control seems to only be based on intelligence. I couldn't tell you what the other psychic powers are based on, though.

There also seems to be a skill component to it. Slate was less skilled at pyromancy than his food agressive cousin, and Kelda was able to mind control Latta even though she was about as smart as your average housecat at that point. (Though that might just be the perks of malevolence in action.)

To break it down based on what's been talked before, if it helps further:
- Strength is the power of it iirc
- Intelligence can be the power of it additionally, or how many variations of psychic powers one can learn/use. This is rly just a guess
- endurance is how long they can sustain usage of their psychic powers before they either burn out/fail.

With Kelda it may be that she also was giant, and the larger a character is in Fortuna the bigger their physical stat bonuses are compared to a person scaled character. This has been Word of Gime before and is in the Fortuna guide CC put together. Kelda being a malevolent, Latta being a former Kelda Kuppa, and her being used to using mind control also probably factor in. The size also probably helps her power range, and lastly her size again probably helps her endurance (sustaining long, constant usage of psychic powers).
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Don't wanna double post but does O2 ever talk shit about Ox owning seizing birds? Does O3 defend the bird's breeding stock quality, or does grandbog join in?
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
How does one apply for a class leader? I've made a few attempts but I don't think I'm doing it right.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
I saw your messages I just haven't been up to keeping tabs on class leader stuff. I'll see if I can open a topic for the last few class leader slots but until then I won't be touching any of the leaders except for the ones I already doled out to people.

(Small sidenote. I don't tend to look at PMs too often due to time/commitment. I do look at Cosmosdex emails but may not respond to all of them. I actually thought I sent an email to you but I guess it didn't go through / I'm misremembering.)
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
What if Hades blew the whistle we got of Macciu, and we haven't seen him cause this summoned the singer who has kidnapped him into being his friend?
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Mildly relevant question, is controlling a fauna who is part of the crew the same as controlling a regular crew member? Like obviously they'd be more unlikely to succeed doing certain complex actions, but are there any penalties or limitations other than lower chances?
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
So, not sure if this question has already been asked, but are there any estimates of when the Fortuna shop will be ready?

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
I'm looking to get it open around the start of December. I have everything but shipping supplies and the posters right now (going to be ordering both soon!) so really the only thing in my way is taking a few days to set up a paypal store. Sadly I won't be able to look into other payment options for anyone who prefers direct payments.
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RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Hmm, the cop thought something was off when he touched east. I wonder if east is secretly a tailmic.

Edit: East didn't want the collar on his tailmic either. Perhaps they're sharing their collar.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
So, Helios didn't get a ping from asking if Mors, Hades or Cronus locked up Apollo. So someone is hiding if it was one of those people. But Helios did get a ping from asking if it was Kratos, so it's not like Hades was blocked as part of a blanket block on all gods. The person blocking might just have targeted everyone with underworld access.

The obvious suspects here are team Mors, but maybe it wasn't them. Hades got blocked too, after all. What if Hades has sent Apollo to Tartarus to get him into the underworld, and plans to use Apollo to kill Mors? Hades wants to retake the underworld, after all.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
I w0uld like my species, w0lrid, t0 be re-reveiwed.

please and thank y0u

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RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
This is the Fortuna discussion topic, not the Cosmosdex topic. You have already resubmitted your species to be reviewed on that topic, please be patient as reviews are done all at once.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
ah 0k.

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RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
(11-21-2018, 03:18 PM)Fellow Wrote: »So, Helios didn't get a ping from asking if Mors, Hades or Cronus locked up Apollo. So someone is hiding if it was one of those people. But Helios did get a ping from asking if it was Kratos, so it's not like Hades was blocked as part of a blanket block on all gods. The person blocking might just have targeted everyone with underworld access.

The obvious suspects here are team Mors, but maybe it wasn't them. Hades got blocked too, after all. What if Hades has sent Apollo to Tartarus to get him into the underworld, and plans to use Apollo to kill Mors? Hades wants to retake the underworld, after all.

I think from the looks of it Mors probably did it. I feel like they're trying to lure us in, so they can have not one sun god to feed to the Sun God, but two. Even so, I sort of still want to go try and save Apollo...Anyway.
I don't think it's likely to be Hades since he has a few things that are higher on his priority list iirc - namely, getting a new vessel and getting his wife to come back home.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
(11-30-2018, 02:24 PM)rapollostan Wrote: »I think from the looks of it Mors probably did it. I feel like they're trying to lure us in, so they can have not one sun god to feed to the Sun God, but two. Even so, I sort of still want to go try and save Apollo...Anyway.
I don't think it's likely to be Hades since he has a few things that are higher on his priority list iirc - namely, getting a new vessel and getting his wife to come back home.

Hades has practicaly announced to us that he wants to take the underworld from Mors, and Apollo has a lot of experience with putting places under new leadership. And the reason Hades wanted a new vessel is to use it to take over the underworld. If Hades got another plan to take over the underworld, his vessel wouldn't be as important.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
OHHH!! Well then. I still think it's probably Mors and that Rapollo is in danger of becoming snake vored, but it sure would be convenient if it were just Hades trying to get the Underworld back under his control.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Would it? Mors has one of the limbos in his grasp and he and cronus are actively trying to help against the sun god. If apollo could kill mors we'd be in deep trouble.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Apollo can't kill Mors. Mors said it themself, the only person who could realistically end their life is Mors. I mean, admittedly we would be screwed without the ability to save the game but honestly Mors isn't going anywhere.

Also their definition of "helping" against the Sun God could very well involve feeding our patron to it (Helios is a sun god, remember?) so I wouldn't go around putting that much trust in them. ALSO, if Apollo gets fed to the Sun God it'd be really bad for us because let's be real here, Apollo friggin hates our guts. And the Sun God already hates us...It seems like whether we go save Apollo or not, we're screwed.

Even if it is Hades having it out for Mors, even the possibility of it being Mors wanting to feed Apollo to the Sun God is bad news. And it is a very real possibility. Here are our options if it's Mors:
  1. We go save Apollo and possibly lose Helios, our dearest patron and greatest asset.
  2. We don't save Apollo and he gets fed to the Sun God, making it hate us even more than it already did, which let's be real is A LOT.