[Escapade] (formerly forest)

[Escapade] (formerly forest)
[Escapade] (formerly forest)
[Image: today_is_your_day__3_by_mewqit-dbuqw4z.png]
Today is your day! You’ve pulled a few favors in.( more like a lot of favors.) aside from that, the good thing about today is that you. B-44444 are able to make a notail, With no restrictions! That means you can make them any class or give them any type of traits you want! ( of course you can only give traits such as hair color, skin color, ect.) you are so excited!

[Image: children_by_mewqit-dbuqz26.png]

You walk towards your control panel, brimming with anticipation. Just think of all the things your creation could accomplish! But now is time for action.

[Image: make_your_child__by_mewqit-dbuqzaw.png]

[ I would like to apologize for the inconvenience this method of posting the images is. I’m fairly new to this entire thing and I’m not sure how exactly to operate this :’)) once I find a more efficient way to do it I will update this. ]
RE: [Forest]
Hi I helped you out by fixing your post for you!

To place an image just do-
[img]IMAGE URL HERE[/img]

I highly recommend you upload your images to imgur as it can make image tags for you and is more easier than DA. If you use DA you'll have to right click the image and do "Copy image URL."

Hope that helps!

Face: ^^v^^
Class: L-andlord or W-aiter
Hair: Something short and black!
Gender: Common Notail "Whatever dude"
Skin: Lets go with your own skintone, it's a nice one.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Forest]
(11-25-2017, 02:31 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »*snip*
Face: ^^v^^
Class: L-andlord or W-aiter
Hair: Something short and black!
Gender: Common Notail "Whatever dude"
Skin: Lets go with your own skintone, it's a nice one.
That seems cool, seconding.
RE: [Forest]
Face: =/
Class: Just make an A class do it [or alternatively a Y-eotail
Hair: Curly and red
Gender: Nah
Skin: Yeah, your skin tone is pretty!
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Forest]
Face: The same face as you!
Class: The E class you always dreamed of being.
Hair: Long ginger hair!
Gender: They!
Skin: Tan brown and or dark brown!

Golly this adventure looks super cute already!!!
RE: [Forest]
BUILD A BABY! BUILD A BABY! BUILD A BABY! BUILD A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>class: w-aiter
>hair: blonde flowing locks
>gender: whatever man
>skin: something pretty dark!
>face: ~w~
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Forest]

class: Q class, strong!!
Hair: flANNEL
gender:...flannel? If flannel isnt an option pick "whatevs, man"
Skin: I would say flannel but is that even possible? Flannel first option, dark skin 2nd option!
Face: °♡°
Dont have no adventure no more <o/
RE: [Forest]
Class: G, or Y if so desired.
Hair: Banana Yellow
Gender: Super Neuter
Skin: Stone Grey
Face: ._.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: [Forest]
Face: =/
Class: A beatiful A-class to punch the other kids. Ok, this may go wrong
Hair: Curly boy!
Gender: STRONG
Skin: whatever!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [Forest]
[Image: made_your_child__by_mewqit-dbutiku.png]
you put in the settings for your new creation. Your not going to lie and say that they maay be a little based of the notail you always wanted to be. Enough of that though, you need to contact the nearest M-aternal class to pick them up.

[Image: child_in_progress____by_mewqit-dbutiq8.png]
you feel so proud of your young notail!

[Image: downloaded__by_mewqit-dbutiuo.png]

[Image: get_that_child_by_mewqit-dbutixo.png]
The nearest M class happens to be one that you know. You’re practically. brimming with luck! Knowing that you shall probably never see them again saddens you a bit, but you know they will be in good hands.

[Image: untitled_artwork_2_by_mewqit-dbutj3a.png]

[Image: untitled_artwork_1_by_mewqit-dbutj7v.png]
“Well, it’s finally time to let you out into the forest kid, because I’m feeling generous I’ll give you a choice. /V\ “

[Image: gwench_and_thorn_head_by_mewqit-dbutjen.png]
“Your capture creature can either be this gwench or thornhead you see on the the screen. The gwench is a bit fancier, with the drawback of it being dumber then the usual one. if that’s even possible. The thorn head is just like you average one, nothing special. Sooo, chose one before I kick you out. /V\ “ [ Thanks for the helpful comments!]
RE: [Forest]
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Forest]
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Forest]
>Gwech, the ugly boy!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [Forest]
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: [Forest]
> Everyone will think you're weird with a gwech, but you're an E class! You do what you want! A gwech will be useful for your future adventures! Also, it's FANCY.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Forest]
[Image: untitled_artwork_7_by_mewqit-dbuv1mp.png?1]
[Image: untitled_artwork_6_by_mewqit-dbuv28c.png]
[Image: untitled_artwork_5_by_mewqit-dbuv2yd.png]
Hmmm.. well, that was certainly something.
[Image: untitled_artwork_4_by_mewqit-dbuv3em.png]
but wait... where is your capture creature? It didn’t leave out the door like you did...
[Image: untitled_artwork_3_by_mewqit-dbuv3yc.png?3]
Upon finding your capture creature on the ground you feel compelled to give them a hug. Sooo...you do! Halfway to check if they’re still alive and halfway because they’re just so... huggable! Two questions plague your thoughts. Those being, what will you name your Gwench and what is your plan to survive this forest?
RE: [Forest]
> Name it Baroness von Bubblebutt. A lovely name for a lovely lady.

> Finding food and shelter would be a good start! Perhaps you can band together with some more seasoned travellers of the woods?
[Image: fNYPmPd.png][Image: uLF0DoV.png]
RE: [Forest]
> Name it Dabby. That's a good name for a gwech, right?
> Who needs plans anyway? Let's just do what you were made for and explore!
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Forest]
> Mesh the Gwench!!! Great name. C:
> You should try mapping out the forest in your head! Try to find out good places to find food and nap.
RE: [Forest]
>idk uuhhH toothpaste

Toothpaste is a nice name for a young capture baby
Dont have no adventure no more <o/
RE: [Forest]
>Yer an explorer, so... Explore!
>Maybe find some food.
>Remember, if the berry bush has dead critters (or notails) around it, the berries are probably toxic.
>In fact, that's probably going to be important to your continued survival!
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Forest]
[Image: untitled_artwork_9_by_mewqit-dbuyivs.png]
you get up, filled with purpose. You are a proud E-xplorer class and you intend to do some exploring! You also decided to name your Gwench “Dabby”. [Image: untitled_artwork_8_by_mewqit-dbuykfe.png]
As you start to look around your surroundings you see smoke rising into the air. It could be another notail! But, would one really make themselves so obvious? Should you explore it, or keep looking?
RE: [Forest]
Oooh fire.
Wouldn't be an explorer if you didn't check out the place, so...
Do that.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Forest]
>ExplorE it!
RE: [Forest]
> Yeah, check out the fire!! Even if it's not a notail and instead the beginning of a forest fire or something, maybe you'll find some free dead meat.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]