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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
10-21-2012, 11:09 PM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: Wrote a post for Mori and a guest round transition for Great Belligerency.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Fatal Conflict.
- PickYerPoison: Not sure.
- Schazer: Not sure.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Wrote a post for Quietus.
- Godbot: Didn't manage to write.
- Sanzh: Wrote part of a GB profile.
- btp: Wrote at least two posts of significant length.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Worked on a post for Journal of Sociology.
- Jacquerel: Wrote a post for Wretched Rite.
Okay, that's more detailed, though still a little light. I should start keeping track of these things as they get done or something, that's what I do for my personal writing checks.
Speaking of which! Here's what I wrote this week.
Sunday - Wrote a silly GB profile.
Monday - Wrote a silly piece.
Tuesday - Wrote a preliminary script for Firing Squad's ending.
Wednesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Thursday - Wrote a post for Great Belligerency.
Friday - Wrote a silly GB profile.
Saturday - Wrote a silly story.
Yes, that's right - I'm starting to plan out the final update of Firing Squad. It's not happening immediately, but it's getting relatively close.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
10-29-2012, 05:08 AM
Wow, I forgot about this until late in the day, better fix this thing up. Once again, I haven't checked with everyone today; I'll probably ask tomorrow instead.
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: Not sure.
- SleepingOrange: Not sure.
- PickYerPoison: Not sure.
- Schazer: Not sure.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Didn't manage to write. (Busy with midterms)
- Godbot: Didn't manage to write.
- Sanzh: Not sure.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Wrote a post for Journal of Sociology.
- Jacquerel: Wrote stuff for the MSPAFA Awards.
As for me, this is my progress for the week:
Sunday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Monday - Wrote a short piece about Nopor Puss.
Tuesday - Wrote a sandwich.
Wednesday - Wrote a short piece.
Thursday - Wrote a short piece.
Friday - Wrote a Firing Squad script.
Saturday - Wrote a short piece.
Another week that wasn't particularly noteworthy. This is why I'm considering NaNoWriMo even though I got tired of it the last two years.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
10-31-2012, 08:19 PM
As it happens, I've been having thoughts lately about imposing some kind of writing schedule upon myself. So I want in!
Put me down for one 15-min Finger Exercise per day. I'll post the results somewhere. (And if anyone wants to throw some opening lines at me, that'd be cool. I guess I should go make a topic for this stuff...)
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
10-31-2012, 08:32 PM
I've been slacking because I know I can't hit two posts a week anymore and it's making me not do any. Ratchet me back to one a week and we'll see if I can't make stuff happen again.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
11-02-2012, 02:01 AM
I actually wrote about 600 words for a thing today. It was nice to sit down and just type some stuff out.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
11-05-2012, 12:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2012, 12:07 AM by Dragon Fogel.)
Hello, new week. What writing do you bring us?
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: Not sure.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a passage in SaHNoWriMo and a post in Great Belligerency and a post in Inexorable Altercation.
- PickYerPoison: Didn't manage to write.
- Schazer: Wrote the opening passage for SaHNoWriMo.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Didn't manage to write.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Writing practice.
- btp: Unspecified 600-word thing.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Started writing for NaNoWriMo.
- Jacquerel: Wrote stuff for the MSPAFA Awards.
- SeaWyrm: Wrote two Talon Exercises.
SaHNo is off to a good start, even if I technically didn't need it for any of my writing this week. Speaking of that, here it is!
Sunday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Monday - Wrote a short piece.
Tuesday - Wrote part of a post for possible future use in Battle Royale Season 2.
Wednesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Thursday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo and a short piece.
Friday - Wrote part of a post for possible future use in Great Belligerency.
Saturday - Wrote a post for Fatal Conflict and a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
Started writing posts for two battles and wrote a full post for one, that's not too bad. I'll more than likely finish the GBe post this week.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
11-11-2012, 10:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2012, 10:23 PM by Dragon Fogel.)
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Worked on a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
- Solaris: Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote two passages in SaHNoWriMo.
- PickYerPoison: Didn't manage to write.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Worked on a post for Vendetta.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Worked on a post for Mori.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Wrote things for NaNoWriMo.
- Jacquerel: Not sure.
- SeaWyrm: Wrote seven Talon Exercises.
My own writing for the week:
Sunday - Wrote the rest of a Great Belligerency post.
Monday - Wrote a GB profile.
Tuesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Wednesday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
Thursday - Wrote a post for Damnable Fisticuffs.
Friday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo and a post for Damnable Fisticuffs.
Saturday - Wrote a Recycling update.
This was actually a relatively productive week, I updated a battle and an adventure and two ongoing projects. The off-days were just profiles that I don't think I'll be doing anything with.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
11-19-2012, 04:28 AM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Worked on a post for Battle Majestic.
- Solaris: Worked on a passage for SaHNoWriMo and wrote a post for Battle Royale Season 2 and wrote something mysterious.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a passage in SaHNoWriMo and worked on a post for Vivacious Deadlock.
- PickYerPoison: Not sure.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Worked on a post for Vendetta.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Wrote a post for Mori.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Not sure.
- Jacquerel: Worked on a post and wrote a script for Black Temple.
- SeaWyrm: Wrote six Talon Exercises.
My own writing for the week:
Sunday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
Monday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo and a post for Inexorable Altercation.
Tuesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Wednesday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Thursday - Wrote a silly story.
Friday - Wrote a passage for SaHNoWriMo.
Saturday - Wrote a silly story.
I actually enjoyed this week quite a bit even if it wasn't incredibly productive outside of SaHNoWriMo. My gangsters story yesterday was a lot of fun to write, as was Thursday's story.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
11-26-2012, 12:49 AM
So it turns out not a lot of people were around to check with when I thought of this. I'll put down what I know of, little as there is.
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: Wrote out planning stuff for an adventure.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Vivacious Deadlock.
- PickYerPoison: Not sure.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Not sure.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Not sure.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Not sure.
- Jacquerel: Wrote for a school assignment.
- SeaWyrm: Wrote three Talon Exercises.
My own writing for the week:
Sunday - Wrote a GB profile.
Monday - Wrote a short piece.
Tuesday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Wednesday - Wrote part of a post for Battle Royale Season 2.
Thursday - Wrote more of a post for Battle Royale Season 2.
Friday - Finished a post for Battle Royale Season 2.
Saturday - Wrote a silly story.
I spent three days on a post and ended up not including everything I wanted in it, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Plus it leads into a post that should be fun to write.
Aside from that, it was a pretty random week. Although Consistency took a turn for the weird after the last update, even I don't know what's going on with that any more.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-03-2012, 02:48 AM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: About 300 words for a work in progress.
- SleepingOrange: Worked on a post for Phenomenal Fracas.
- PickYerPoison: Not sure.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Not sure.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Wrote for schoolwork.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Not sure.
- Jacquerel: Wrote about 1100 words for the MSPAFA Awards.
- SeaWyrm: Wrote four Talon Exercises.
And as usual, my own writing this last week:
Sunday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Monday - Wrote a GB profile.
Tuesday - Wrote a Damnable Fisticuffs post.
Wednesday - Updated Pete the Peasant and wrote a Damnable Fisticuffs post.
Thursday - Wrote a Damnable Fisticuffs post.
Friday - Wrote a short piece.
Saturday - Wrote a Tonguewizard update and a short piece.
This week saw three Fisticuffs posts and three adventure updates. Plus I got Consistency back on track, or as close as it gets to that. Not a bad week, all in all.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-10-2012, 03:02 AM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Not sure.
- Solaris: Rewrote last week's work.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Phenomenal Fracas.
- PickYerPoison: Wrote several short pieces about the Hero Squad.
- cyber95: Not sure.
- XX: Busy with schoolwork.
- Godbot: Not sure.
- Sanzh: Wrote for schoolwork.
- btp: Not sure.
- whoosh!: Not sure.
- Garuru: Not sure.
- Jacquerel: Wrote a post for Deathgame 9000.
- SeaWyrm: Summarized stuff in Burn Up A Character.
As for me, here's what I did:
Sunday - Wrote a short piece and a GB profile.
Monday - Wrote a Tonguewizard update.
Tuesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Wednesday - Wrote a short piece.
Thursday - Wrote something stupid.
Friday - Wrote a butt.
Saturday - Wrote a Pete the Peasant update.
This was not a great week for me writing-wise, a lot of these were short and inconsequential. I'll aim to write more interesting things this week.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-17-2012, 03:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2012, 04:33 AM by Dragon Fogel.)
So there was a little talk about how this whole thing works. As a result, I'm trying something a bit different this week - putting people's names in categories! There's a list for people who wrote, a list for people who didn't, and a list of the people I'm not sure about. If you're on the "not sure" list, tell me what you did or didn't write that week and I can move you to one of the others. Preferably the "wrote something" list.
Related, there is a special announcement below the week's progress. Those interested in the list of things I wrote this week, just wait a bit and I'll make another post about that.
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Worked on a post for Battle Majestic.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Grand Battle Season 3.
- PickYerPoison: Wrote a short piece about the Hero Squad.
- XX: Wrote for finals.
- Sanzh: Wrote some worldbuilding stuff.
- cyber95
- Godbot
- btp
- whoosh!
- Garuru
- Solaris
- Jacquerel
- SeaWyrm
You may have noticed that this thing has been going for a while now, but not that many people are regularly writing each week. (Also that I often don't check back with people and keep writing "Not Sure" for them.)
This is first and foremost a personal growth thing, so I don't want to be just jumping in and assigning rewards and penalties based on my own thoughts alone. But you, the writers who signed up for this thing, probably have at least some idea of what mix of rewards and penalties might work for you.
So, here's a new thought I'm tossing out there so we can see what we do with it. Come up with a personal incentive system. You don't have to tell me what the specific rewards or penalties are, but if you say something like "I will reward myself if I write five things in a month" or "I will punish myself if I go two weeks in a row without writing", I'll make a note of that. Then, each week, I'll note who gets rewarded/shamed/whatever.
Or you can just do this on your own and not tell me anything! That's fine too. But if you tell me, I'll keep track of it here.
Nobody's obligated to do this, but if you think it might help you, feel free.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-17-2012, 03:30 AM
I did not write this week. I'm giving the Talon Exercises thing a rest for a while.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-17-2012, 05:18 AM
Do you want me to take you off the list? I can put you back on later if you want. Or you can just say "write something once a week" or set some other goal. It's your call.
Anyways, as I promised earlier, this is the stuff I wrote over the last week:
Sunday - Wrote a script for a scene in Vial.
Monday - Wrote a brief summary of a nation.
Tuesday - Wrote a post for Battle Royale Season 2.
Wednesday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Thursday - Wrote most of a post for Grand Battle Season 2.
Friday - Edited and finished a post for Grand Battle Season 2.
Saturday - Wrote an intro for a GB spinoff that probably won't actually be made into anything.
That was actually fairly productive. After writing the Vial scene I concluded I wanted something completely different from what I'd written, but it gave me ideas. And, of course, I got two posts and an adventure update written.
I don't know what I'll write this week just yet, maybe I should try to think ahead more on that so I don't struggle every night. I think I might make Fisticuffs a focus for the week, and write for that if I can't think of anything else.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-17-2012, 09:07 PM
I think I'd prefer to be taken off the list, actually. The only writing obligation I have these days is a grand battle, and I'm not even sure what's happening with that at the moment.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-17-2012, 11:32 PM
I guess you should take me off the list. But I might want to be back on it soon.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-23-2012, 11:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-24-2012, 12:47 AM by Dragon Fogel.)
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- PickYerPoison: Wrote a short piece about the Hero Squad.
- XX: Finished writing a post for Vendetta.
- Sanzh: Wrote a biography for a GB profile and worked on a post for Last Thing Standing.
- Garuru: Wrote a post for $300,000 Fight-A-Thon.
- Not The Author
- SleepingOrange
- cyber95
- Godbot
- btp
- Solaris
Wow, that's a long Not Sure list. That may change if I edit this later, but whatever. If you're on that list, let me know if you wrote something or not.
Anyways, as usual, here's my writing.
Sunday - Started writing a Damnable Fisticuffs post.
Monday - Finished writing Damnable Fisticuffs post.
Tuesday - Wrote something silly and wrote some short rough scripts for Vial.
Wednesday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Thursday - Wrote a script for Firing Squad.
Friday - Wrote a round transition for Intense Struggle.
Saturday - Wrote a short piece.
Overall, I don't think I was at the top of my game this week, but I did get some significant things done. Also, I made progress towards a Nopor Puss update that's already scripted, I should try to finish that up.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-30-2012, 11:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-31-2012, 09:52 PM by Dragon Fogel.)
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Not The Author: Worked on a post for Battle Majestic.
- Solaris: Wrote a post for Deathgame 9000.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Great Belligerency and worked on a post for Intense Struggle.
- PickYerPoison: Wrote a short piece about the Hero Squad.
- XX: Worked on a post for Battle of the Century and a post for Relentless Slaughter
- Godbot: Worked on a post for Vivacious Deadlock
- Sanzh: Worked on a post for Last Thing Standing.
Once again, the "Not Sure" list is pretty long, anyone who's on it should let me know whether to move them.
Anyways, my writing for the week:
Sunday - Started writing a Write-Off story.
Monday - Finished the Write-Off story.
Tuesday - Wrote a Tonguewizard update and worked on a short piece.
Wednesday - Wrote a GB profile.
Thursday - Wrote a short piece.
Friday - Wrote a GB profile.
Saturday - Wrote a post for Great Belligerency.
Not the most productive week, I guess that's the holidays for you.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
12-31-2012, 07:07 AM
I did not write this week! A true tragedy, one that has repeated itself frequently. I suppose my punishment is this public declaration of ineptitude.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
01-06-2013, 10:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2013, 03:20 AM by Dragon Fogel.)
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Solaris: Wrote, in his own words, "two character retrospectives and 2099 words of mistakes"
- SleepingOrange: Wrote a post for Intense Struggle and worked on a post for Inexorable Altercation.
- PickYerPoison: Wrote a GB profile.
- XX: Wrote a post for Battle of the Century.
- Sanzh: Worked on a post for Last Thing Standing and worked on a post for Battle of the Century.
- Not The Author
- Godbot
- cyber95
- btp
My own writing summary:
Sunday - Wrote a Consistency update.
Monday - Wrote a script for a Nopor Puss update.
Tuesday - Wrote a short piece.
Wednesday - Wrote a short piece.
Thursday - Started Twenty Quest and updated it a few times.
Friday - Wrote a script for Firing Squad and updated Twenty Quest.
Saturday - Wrote an update for Twenty Quest.
Wow, this was a very adventure-oriented week for me. Not only did I start a new adventure, I got quite a bit of work done on a Nopor Puss update and have a Firing Squad script awaiting Malky's wonderful panels. And I updated Consistency, too.
I don't think Twenty Quest will be very long, my experience has been that coin-flipping gets old after a while. But I'm having fun with it right now, and it's nice to have something new to work on.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
01-13-2013, 11:47 PM
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Solaris: Wrote stuff for Mafia games
- PickYerPoison: Wrote a post for Minigrand 5112.
- XX: Wrote a post for Quietus.
- Sanzh: Worked on a post for Last Thing Standing and.
- Not The Author
- SleepingOrange
- Godbot
- cyber95
- btp
- Garuru
- Jacquerel
And now I bore you with my own writing from the last week.
Sunday - Wrote a silly story.
Monday - Scripted a scene for Vial.
Tuesday - Wrote a preliminary update for my U4G adventure.
Wednesday - Wrote a draft for Mini-Grand 5113's opening.
Thursday - Rewrote a preliminary update for my U4G adventure.
Friday - Wrote a short piece.
Saturday - Wrote a post for Fearsome Encounter.
It was a slow week, overall, though getting a battle post in was nice. I'm probably going to do a few more drafts before I actually start my U4G adventure, that's what I did with Broken Prophecy.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
01-16-2013, 11:08 AM
Would you mind taking me off your list for a few months Fogel? I actually thought I asked last week but apparently not.
I did find it kind of helpful (even if the results don't seem to imply that's true) but I'm going to be far too busy until April or May or some time in that region to be able to guarantee the ability to get anything done on a regular basis, whereas previously it was just "no" because I was being lazy.
I'll probably ask you to put me back on again when I've graduated ;)
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
01-20-2013, 11:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2013, 12:04 AM by Dragon Fogel.)
So funny thing, I don't know offhand what anybody wrote this week, and when I go on IRC to check, only Cyber is around to ask.
Consequently, the Not Sure list is a bit long this week.
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- cyber95: Wrote part of a story.
- Sanzh: Worked on a post for Last Thing Standing.
- Solaris
- PickYerPoison
- XX
- Not The Author
- SleepingOrange
- Godbot
- btp
- Garuru
Information on what people wrote would be appreciated.
While we wait for that to trickle in, here's what I wrote this week.
Sunday - Wrote the intro post to The Bacon Winfest and wrote a short piece.
Monday - Wrote a silly story.
Tuesday - Wrote a short piece.
Wednesday - Wrote a Broken Prophecy update.
Thursday - Wrote a short piece and a brief adventure opening I probably won't do anything with.
Friday - Wrote a short dialogue and a short piece.
Saturday - Wrote a short piece.
Not my best week for writing, most of it was filler and some of it wasn't particularly good. Though Broken Prophecy is always fun. I should update that again sometime this week.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
01-27-2013, 04:12 AM
I'm going to have to ask to be taken off this for a few months now that school's started, I want to acclimate to my course-load and being distracted by writing probably won't help in that regard.
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RE: Weekly Writing: Sign up!
01-28-2013, 12:28 AM
And another week goes by.
- Dragon Fogel: Wrote something each day.
- Solaris: Wrote a "character thingy", in his own words.
- XX: Wrote a Relentless Slaughter post.
- Not The Author: Wrote A Battle Majestic post.
- SleepingOrange: Wrote an Inexorable Altercation post.
- PickYerPoison
- Godbot
- btp
- Garuru
And my usual summary of my own week:
Sunday - Wrote a short piece.
Monday - Wrote a GB profile.
Tuesday - Wrote beginnings for two short pieces and a GB profile.
Wednesday - Wrote two short pieces.
Thursday - Finished the intro post to Minigrand 5113 and wrote a short piece.
Friday - Finished a short piece from Tuesday.
Saturday - Edited short piece from yesterday and expanded on the other short piece from Tuesday.
For those who didn't already hear it, I joined a writing club last week. This has already been helpful in finding things to write, and will hopefully continue to be.
I didn't update Broken Prophecy like I planned to, though. I should really try to get that done this week.