[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks

[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Crew Creation!
>NOT Dr Leorn. If we do, we end up wasting a point by getting Pumpkin and nothing else, or we gamble one point on the hope that more options has someone decent available for 1 point.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Crew Creation!
>De Lorme & more options. What's Fortuna without a little gambling?
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Crew Creation!
>Maximillian! For the fun of AI. We bought big bird, and we have the Loki AI, now we have an AI crew member. We need more robots.
>Yo Nyx,
[Image: xOS3Snp.jpg]
Tell ya what, I'll trade you shitposts for shitposts. Whadda say? Let's make a sort of economy, based on memes. A meme based economy, a... memeconomy, if you will.

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Crew Creation!
>Maximillian and Pumpkin.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even More Crew Creation!
[Image: YyEiydM.png]

>You decide to just take Maximilian, you can never have too many robots after all! Plus you don't recognize what type of AI he is, it's kind of curious.

[Image: 9p2j0yN.png]

>Seems like the only thing you can reassign for player characters like Maximilian from the mod is what their job will be on your crew. Makes enough sense.

Quote: Tell ya what, I'll trade you shitposts for shitposts. Whadda say? Let's make a sort of economy, based on memes. A meme based economy, a... memeconomy, if you will.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Player! If I didn't know any better I would think you were flirting with me!

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
[Image: tenor.gif]

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Lmao. Wonder what Erubby would think about this.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even More Crew Creation!
> Make Max a beast master.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even More Crew Creation!
>Flirt with Nyx. With memes. Flirt with Nyx with memes.

>Seconding beast master for Max.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even More Crew Creation!
>[Image: B9Um1dC.gif]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even More Crew Creation!
(07-27-2017, 09:43 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Make Max a beast master.

[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even More Crew Creation!
> [Image: help-ive-fallen-for-you-and-i-cant-get-up-quote-1.jpg]

> Also yes beastmaster!
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
[Image: zyYdTHS.png]

>You decide to make Maximillian a beast master, seems like the right job for him.

[Image: ZaYstOh.png]

Only one character left to make, and then fortuna will randomly generate one for you. You wonder what fortuna has in store for you this time...

[Image: OvyIpQv.png]

>Either way, one last character to do. What shall this character be....

Quote: > [[Image: help-ive-fallen-for-you-and-i-cant-get-up-quote-1.jpg]

>[Image: B9Um1dC.gif]

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
[Image: Z6y3QL3.gif]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Every day we stray further from the light.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
But no really if I had a stomach I'd be gagging.

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
What are you doing.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Shitposting/making the player think I care.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
What, you've never done this?

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
No. I have not.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Oh man oh man, ok I GOTTA get you to try this now goetia dude.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Shit I wish I had my camera.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Alright alright, so all you gotta do is like

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
reach down deep inside

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
and pull out the unfunniest thing that you ironically laugh at

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
I shall.....try.

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
[Image: 4908380+_1366ea5bf5e73355010913f55e953a2e.gif]

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Never do that again.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
I think we are going to be friends, demon.

>Random Pronouns
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
Name: Terry
Pronoun: They/Them
Species: Agnivyr
Job: Ship Mechanic

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6
Endurance: 7
Agility: 2
Luck: 2

Green:[Compassionate][Humorous][Jack of Trades]
Red:[Pyrophobia][Overly Trusting]
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
> Name: June
Pronoun: she/her
Species: Putley
Job: Theirapst
> STR: 2
END: 3
AGL: 4
INT: 7
CHR: 7
LCK: 3
[Calming Presence]
[Takes Cat Naps]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
>if u were a cheeto you would be a hot cheeto
>[Image: f57551a45442264d6203a595a4464a4c--valent...-cards.jpg]
>[Image: giphy.gif]
>[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
>Goodness me, I love all of you. That was the best surrealism shitpost I've seen in ages. [Image: mIybxMD.jpg]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
(07-28-2017, 03:13 AM)GlowyMushroom Wrote: »Name: Terry
Pronoun: They/Them
Species: Agnivyr
Job: Ship Mechanic

Strength: 3
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 6
Endurance: 7
Agility: 2
Luck: 2

Green:[Compassionate][Humorous][Jack of Trades]
Red:[Pyrophobia][Overly Trusting]

+1 for Terry
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
>Stolas, I approve of your sense of humor and request you continue providing these images when Nyx least expects it.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even More Crew Creation!
>[Image: tattoo-neck-gif-creepy-930207.gif]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even Even More Crew Creation!
[Image: EETgdJP.png]
>You decide to go with an Agnivyr as your next crew member and fill out some basic starting info. Seems alright so far. The game quickly generates an Agnivyr design for you to change as you please. You can determine the fur color, eye color, and horn shape.

Quote: >if u were a cheeto you would be a hot cheeto
Quote: >Goodness me, I love all of you. That was the best surrealism shitpost I've seen in ages.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
This is so laughably bad holy shit.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
I know. Its almost sad.

Quote: >Stolas, I approve of your sense of humor and request you continue providing these images when Nyx least expects it.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Player. No. Dont start this.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Dont go uncorking every friggin genie lamp you come across or else you're going to end up with shit li-

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
[Image: RAFMGqx.gif]

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Jeesus Fuck

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
[Image: 3587052.gif]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even Even More Crew Creation!
You're welcome.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even Even More Crew Creation!
>These Horns:
[Image: PSJ_7304A1.jpg]

>Alright fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine Nyxie. If you're gonna keep rejecting my advances I may need my fainting couch though.

>Hey patrons do you have anything you want on this crew member?
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even Even More Crew Creation!
>Terry should have soft brown fur
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Even Even Even More Crew Creation!
>Muted Blue color
>Brown Eyes
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Onto the Game!
[Image: FLRH5NK.png]

>You finalize Terry's design. Looks pretty good! You're almost done at last.

Quote: >Hey patrons do you have anything you want on this crew member?

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
I do not desire anything.

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
I mean, the easiest way to improve on like, anyone is to just

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
[Image: zp6nvTh.gif]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Jus' saying. But nahh. Shit's not cash enough to get any sun boons from me.

[Image: p57P3VD.png]
Nah. Agnivyr aren't my thing.

[Image: 9RosUT3.png]

>One last look-over, everything seems in order. Fortuna will be generating the last member of your crew, as always. Seems like the crew this round should be pretty interesting. Maybe you should come up with a crew nickname? There was that one time you tried a "Banned" Crew. That was...an experience.

[Image: 30yA0a8.png]

>Final info to fill out: How long the run will be, who to start with and... looks like [Dream Job] is allowing you to choose who it will be applied to. If you leave it blank fortuna will likely choose a crew member at random to change jobs.

Quote: >Alright fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine Nyxie. If you're gonna keep rejecting my advances I may need my fainting couch though.

Quote: Nyxie

[Image: Sue4VAm.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Ahhhh man. Get Good "Nyxie"

[Image: Sue4VAm.png]
Don't you ever fucking say that again.

[Image: GJB6KEw.png]
[Image: How+bill+nye+keeps+himself+from+slapping...c80182.jpg]

[Image: Sue4VAm.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]

[Image: Ev5ORPj.png]
Shit that is fucked up tho stolas.