At the start of the game, each player is given a random position of priority (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) and is dealt three cards.
For every round, each player must select a card to play for the round (if possible), as well as relevant targets and/or information. After the selection period, the round begins; the cards are then played in order of priority. If a player “loses” during this process, their card still activates. After this sequence, each player draws a card, and priorities are shifted such that 2nd becomes 1st, 1st becomes last, and so forth. After this the round ends.
The objective of the game is to either make every other player “lose”, or to make yourself “win”. If either of these conditions are met at the end of a round, the game ends and you win. If every player has lost at the end of a round, the game ends and everyone loses equally. Similarly, if two or more players have won at the end of a round, they both win!
If you have lost, you ONLY lose the power to play a card at the beginning of each round and draw a card at the end of each round. However, you can and are still affected by relevant cards. If a card allows you to do something, you are not prevented from doing so. If you win while you have lost, they cancel out.
If a play has won, the game ends after the end of the round (as they may yet still lose, or more winners may surface).
The Order of Things
Game Start Only
- Priorities randomly given
- Three Cards dealt to each player
Beginning of Round
- Players Select Cards to Play (note: these cards are not considered part of your hand after being selected)
- Cards with “At Beginning of Round” texts are activated/resolved in order of priority
Mid Round
- Cards are played and resolved in order of priority
End of Round
- Cards with “At End of Round” texts are activated/resolved in order of priority
- Everyone draws a card
- Priorities shift (2nd to 1st, 1st to last, etc.)
- Game ends if there are any winners (including by default) or everyone has lost