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02-07-2017, 02:59 AM
Quote:Ghouls are incredibly dangerous, but the opportunity to... (vivisect? Dissect?) A ghoul would be invaluable. As-Is, I believe we have the tools to functionally neutralize the ghoul for study, remove the teeth/claws/vocal chords, etc.
As we lack the equipment to properly examine the body, we would only develop a rough understanding of Ghouls. Still, it would be an improvement from what we know. A small mercy would be that at least the Ghoul can't feel any MORE pain, right?
(...I'm not saying it's bad idea but no exactly the right moment or quite in character don't you think ?
Those are poor panicked refugees, childrens, mother and elderley, who have been in this place for barely a day, not, unless further indication, doctors and scholars (and even if they were there's still panicked refugees, that's kinda important).
Even putting aside that not only do they likely miss the tool but also, unless futher idication say otherwise, y'know the skills and methodology to learn something proper of it; I don't think thirst for knowlege and ideas of dissection are particulary on their mind, immediate short erm survival is kiiiind of a much bigger priority here..)
We could probably take this ghould in wolf form by sneaking behind pouncing and one good b ite at the throat (kind of a wolf speciality), that neck look slender and easy to snap and it's flesh... i wonder oif it'd make an acceptable sacrifice to rimwulf. Still gotta agree, let's hide in the house for now, just make sure it can't see you even if it decide to take a peek through the door. (Hey also while you are at it, as wolves, diging fitting in that basement and digging some extra might be a
little easier ?)
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02-07-2017, 03:17 AM
(True, true. We will have plenty of opportunities later on when our village is, well, a village.)
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02-12-2017, 08:59 AM
I think a decoy using the deer could be worth considering. It cannot sense via smell or sound, so if we had someone ambush and flank the deer we could get the ghoul to turn to it, and attack it from 2 or more sides if it doesn't have good peripheral vision....
I think it's worth considering baiting the ghoul and ambushing/flanking it, or the deer
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02-13-2017, 05:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 05:06 AM by Mayu_Zane.)
(02-07-2017, 02:59 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »We could probably take this ghould in wolf form by sneaking behind pouncing and one good b ite at the throat (kind of a wolf speciality), that neck look slender and easy to snap and it's flesh... i wonder oif it'd make an acceptable sacrifice to rimwulf. Still gotta agree, let's hide in the house for now, just make sure it can't see you even if it decide to take a peek through the door.
Three of your people take shelter in the basement, but two dwellers in wolf form and filled with courage sneak up on the ghoul. They do not waste time in going straight for the jugular.
![[Image: refugeville_010.jpg]](
The ghoul quietly falls, finally released from its miserable curse. Your people can hear the Goddess of Justice whisper, but do not understand what she has said. The ghoul’s head is destroyed with the stone axe, and its remains are offered to Rimewulf.
Rimewulf does not respond. It seems he does not like undead meat. The remains are respectfully buried near the trees.
Before night falls, your people take down a deer and two rabbits. They let the meat dry out for storage.
Morning comes. Another group of refugees arrive.
![[Image: refugeville_011.jpg]](
A rancher and two cows. He has survived the painful journey here by drinking nothing but milk. He is ecstatic at finding clean water to drink for a change.
Your people welcome him warmly, happy to see another escape the clutches of the Signet. Before noon comes, two people arrive, though this time they are mercenaries.
![[Image: refugeville_012.jpg]](
A man and a woman. They claim to be former slaves, armed with the same chains they were once restrained with. Their chains now have meat-hooks attached at the ends.
Kori the merchant demands they show the Sigil of Courage. To everyone’s relief, they bear it as well.
After a brief but impressive demonstration of their agility, the mercenaries offer their protection services. All they ask for in exchange is food and shelter. They used to ask for crumbits, but finding work has been difficult. Your people accept their terms, and the pair begin patrolling.
The settlers spend the rest of the morning making more space in their crude basement, with Kori’s help. They also decide that to save space, they should sleep in wolf-form.
Noon arrives. Agents of the Signet have come.
![[Image: refugeville_013.jpg]](
They are mercenaries too, but different from the ones protecting your village. They carry massive clubs, and wear only animal skins. There are six of them. Three of your villagers want to fight. One grabs the stone axe, another takes the knife and the third grabs the thickest branch they can hold. Relief the dog bares his teeth at the invaders.
Kori joins the fight too. She’s terrified of the undead, but not of mortals in loincloths. She reveals her venomous claws for the first time. This merchant has nothing but loathing towards the Signet.
A fight is imminent. What should your people do before the enemy crosses the river?
- Throw branches, with the pointiest ends towards the foe
- Sacrifice rabbit meat or deer meat to Rimewulf for good luck
- Get into formation. Mercs in front, villagers in the rear.
- Get into the stone house and defend from inside.
- Ask Kori to poison the river with her claws (this will kill all fish in the river and make them inedible)
- Carve spears out of branches as fast as they can.
Population: 8 out of 12 shelter spaces
Wealth: 8 crumbits
1 Dog (Relief)
2 Cows (Bilin, Daina)
12 tapioca (seedling)
10 mangould (sapling)
Iron Knife x 1
Stone Axe x 1
Steel Hooked Chains x 2 (Mercenaries)
Two Mercenaries
Kori (Miscellaneous Goods)
40 branches
4 mushrooms
1 deer meat
2 rabbit meat
1 stone house (with basement)
1 shrine
Devoted Wolfpack: Rimewulf’s followers can transform into wolves at night, granting faster movement, enhanced senses and combat strength.
Marked By The Signet - The Signet will never stop sending scouts.
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02-13-2017, 06:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 06:28 AM by smuchmuch.)
All of those except one, with a bit of hurry none of these action are mutualy exclusive.
Except the poisoning the river thing (I mean forget the fishes, it's also your source of potable water, you REALLY don't want to poison that).
Although I have to question just how potent that poison is if a single spider can poison a whole freaking river and all the fishes in it, seriously just seeing Kori should make those mlercenaries soil their loinclothes...
But yeah put mercs in the front. One villager sacrifice some rabit meat, the other carve some lances as fast as they can and have Kori poison the tip (or poison a bucket of water and just dip the lances in)
When the bad guy come, throw the lances and then rush into the house to defend from there while the mercs hack at the rest.
Of course you could just try to talk the mercenaries out of attacking you, mercenaries are kind of open to beoing paid off, it's kinda why they are mercenaries in the first place but eh, i doubt you have anything they'd be interested in and they could repport your positiuon to the Signet so...
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02-13-2017, 06:21 AM
Make a sacrifice to Rimewulf. Whatever else we do, we need what help we can get.
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02-24-2017, 09:44 AM
>have someone not fighting sacrifice rabbit meat to rimewulf
>have a villager get onto the roof of the house and sharpen their sticks to use as javelins. Anything that attempts to enter the home will swiftly be stabbed in the head
>everyone else get in formation, and the hooks should be used at first in an attempt to disarm the closest enemy, and then go to take their life
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03-21-2017, 04:18 AM
(02-13-2017, 06:21 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »But yeah put mercs in the front. One villager sacrifice some rabit meat, the other carve some lances as fast as they can and have Kori poison the tip (or poison a bucket of water and just dip the lances in)
When the bad guy come, throw the lances and then rush into the house to defend from there while the mercs hack at the rest.
(02-24-2017, 09:44 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>have someone not fighting sacrifice rabbit meat to rimewulf
>have a villager get onto the roof of the house and sharpen their sticks to use as javelins. Anything that attempts to enter the home will swiftly be stabbed in the head
>everyone else get in formation, and the hooks should be used at first in an attempt to disarm the closest enemy, and then go to take their life
One settler makes a quick sacrifice to Rimewulf. He graciously accepts, and grants a boon:
![[Image: oC6ooy6.jpg]](
A big, friendly wolf has joined the fray! It’s not Rimewulf himself, but this mangy wolf is more than welcome to help.
8 sticks have been sharpened into javelins, tipped with Kori’s poison. One villager takes position up on the roof while the enemy fords the river.
Meanwhile, the chain-hook users stand at the very front of the defenders’ formation. They aim for the wrists, hoping to take away the enemy’s enormous clubs. The other defenders wait for an opening.
A fight ensues. The enemy has no defense against the poisoned javelins, and they already lost two weapons at the start of the battle.
![[Image: OKYXYNw.jpg]](
Your people, the Verezan, are victorious! On the field there lie four dead foes and two wounded enemies. They have surrendered, both of them suffering from broken bones. Miraculously, your people suffered no losses, and Rimewulf’s flea-infested servant-wolf has vanished.
These mercenaries made a deal with the Signet, and though they do not know it yet, to retreat back to their old masters means certain death for them, for the Signet will kill those they deem to be failures and recycle their remains for their factories.
The villagers recover six large wooden clubs from the enemy. They are quite heavy, but fortunately still useable if held with two hands. The loincloths of the deceased are taken as well, and are washed thoroughly in the river.
What do your people do with the two wounded prisoners?
- Sacrifice the prisoners to Rimewulf. Gruesome as it may be, he will accept the corpses of those that have wronged his followers, especially those who served the Signet.
This act will anger Zalana, Goddess of Justice, but the villagers will gain a new blessing from Rimewulf: Moon-might. Moon-might will give your people the ability to heal form injuries in moonlight. If Zalana is angered, her followers might find you and you will either have to fight them or placate their goddess by offering weapons as sacrifice.
- Nurse the prisoners back to health, and then offer them a choice: to stay or leave, but only if they agree to share useful information.
- Tie these prisoners to the nearby trees along with their dead friends as a warning to future invaders.
- Don’t heal the prisoners and just release them. Let fate decide what happens next to them.
- Enslave the prisoners. This will anger Zalana, and make it difficult to gain her blessings in the future. Your people will be able to sell these thralls to any passing slavers. Kori herself is no slaver, but she knows a few who might visit.
- Something else.
Population: 8 out of 12 shelter spaces
Wealth: 8 crumbits
1 Dog (Relief)
2 Cows (Bilin, Daina)
12 tapioca (seedling)
10 mangould (sapling)
Iron Knife x 1
Stone Axe x 1
Steel Hooked Chains x 2 (Mercenaries)
Giant Oak Club x 6
Two Mercenaries
Kori (Miscellaneous Goods)
32 branches
4 mushrooms
1 deer meat
1 rabbit meat
4 loincloths
1 stone house (with basement)
1 shrine
Devoted Wolfpack: Rimewulf’s followers can transform into wolves at night, granting faster movement, enhanced senses and combat strength.
Marked By The Signet: The Signet will never stop sending scouts.
Posts: 550
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03-21-2017, 02:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2017, 02:54 PM by smuchmuch.)
Well healing them then freeing them would be a big gamble.
-On one hand we could /definitively do with some extra stronger, more body abled people.
-On the other hand, there is little garantee they won't jsut y'know, once healed and later when out guard is down, betray us and pillage the village before fleeing also even if they dodn't their very presence will change the social dynamycs of the group.
Also more mouth for feed and those are bi un's.
Killing them is a somewhat /safe option short term (and moon might would be great) as would seeling them into slavery but I'd rather not piss off Zalana, her help would be invaluable against the signet.
Eh, ASSUMING we have enough food to afford that charge, for now let's keep them tied up, alive and healed. We'll see how they are once healed. Just make sure to keep some of those poison lances at bay when they make their choice.
The ability to turn into wolves is great for hunting but we should really get to find some alternate sources of food nontheless.
Someone start fishing int he river, someone else foragin around for eatable fruits and berries before we can finaly get some agriculture going.
.. okay this is going to sound a little grim but those mercenaries corpses that weren't poisoned.. are they .. eadable ? Or maybe rimmwulf will wna tthem, they're already deadso i ddon't see why Zalana would get pissed at us.
Otherwise jsut tie them up to poles as warning.
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03-23-2017, 05:23 AM
For the sake of clarification, is it the act of executing prisoners that angers Zalana, or the act of sacrificing prisoners?
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03-24-2017, 01:39 AM
The unpoisoned dead (3 corpses) are edible, but disgusting. Your people will not resort to cannibalism yet, especially with the river and other sources of food around.
Executing prisoners angers Zalana. Sacrificing the bodies of ones who are already dead to another god, no. The key difference is how and why they were killed. Killing a helpless foe offends the Goddess of Justice.
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03-24-2017, 05:21 AM
>Burn the corpses to sacrifice to Arara, but take some of the meat from the unpoisoned dead to give to Relief
"These mercenaries made a deal with the Signet, and though they do not know it yet, to retreat back to their old masters means certain death for them, for the Signet will kill those they deem to be failures and recycle their remains for their factories."
>ask how much the clubs could sell for
>Consider how many clubs would need to be sacrificed to appease Zalana to redeem for the sacrifices of the survivors.
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03-24-2017, 02:38 PM
Given how big the clubs are, maybe we could use them to improve the house, or use them to make smaller tools.
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04-18-2017, 01:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2017, 01:08 AM by Mayu_Zane.)
(03-24-2017, 05:21 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Burn the corpses to sacrifice to Arara, but take some of the meat from the unpoisoned dead to give to Relief
"These mercenaries made a deal with the Signet, and though they do not know it yet, to retreat back to their old masters means certain death for them, for the Signet will kill those they deem to be failures and recycle their remains for their factories."
>ask how much the clubs could sell for
>Consider how many clubs would need to be sacrificed to appease Zalana to redeem for the sacrifices of the survivors.
The oldest of the settlers remembers that Zalana demands a very, VERY large amount of weapons as tribute for killing wounded prisoners. The six clubs would definitely not be enough. 600 clubs, though? Maybe. The value of the weapon is much greater if it was really old.
The two wounded prisoners are released, crawling back to the Signet, unknowingly into certain death.
Your people burn the corpses as a sacrifice to Arara. The God of Fire is still mostly incoherent, but pleased. A tiny blessing has been granted:
Arara’s Shade - Your people can now endure heat that would normally cause heatstrokes. A common blessing for desert-dwellers and those who wish to endure drought.
Relief absolutely refuses to eat human meat. Whether it is due to his instincts or previous training, is unclear.
The villagers ask Kori how much the clubs are worth. She answers: “Five crumbits each.” She helpfully gives your people a list of prices for everything in their stockpile which she’s interested in buying, and will gladly trade crumbits for them.
As night falls, your villagers use the wooden spears to stab fish in the river. It’s tiring, but with enough practice it can be much faster than using a fishing pole. (You gained 5 fish)
Another day passes, and a new merchant arrives. He displays his Litany of Courage, and Kori greets him warmly.
![[Image: pBmWMdg.jpg]](
His name is Ogot, and he sells materials for buildings, carried by his donkeys. He offers you a price list of items you can purchase:
10 clay bricks = 2 crumbits
30 branches = 1 crumbit
10 stones = 1 crumbit
As a gesture of goodwill, he gives your people a piece of parchment with instructions on what they could build, written by Ogot himself:
(Above ground)
Stake Trap = 1 branch
A trap that can be hidden in the ground, it will seriously ruin the leg of anyone unfortunate enough to step on it.
Palisade = 120 branches
A wall of wooden stakes that forms a ring around the settlement. Has ladders, allowing defenders to attack from above. Effective against cavalry charges. Stone and brick walls can be built behind them for added defense.
Stone Wall = 300 stones
An eight-foot stone wall surrounding the settlement, with stairs.
Brick Wall = 300 clay bricks
An eight-foot brick wall surrounding the stone house, with stairs. Stronger than the stone wall.
Watch Tower = 50 branches
A ten-foot tower with a roof, helpful for seeing incoming threats.
Defensible Tunnel Door = 40 branches
Tunnel Trap = 1 branch
A sharp stick pointing straight up. Stepping on this will ruin someone’s foot.
Table = 20 branches
Chair = 10 branches
Torch = 2 branches
Stone Hammer = 1 stone, 1 branch
Stone Shovel = 1 stone, 1 branch
Stone Axe = 1 stone, 1 branch
Ogot notes that his donkeys are not for sale. He needs them for his business.
Your people ponder their choices. This place could use some more furniture. They could sell some of their stockpiled goods to trade for crumbits and then buy the building materials.
Population: 8 out of 12 shelter spaces
Wealth: 8 crumbits
1 Dog (Relief)
2 Cows (Bilin, Daina)
12 tapioca (seedling)
10 mangould (sapling)
Iron Knife x 1 (4 crumbits)
Stone Axe x 1 (2 crumbits)
Steel Hooked Chains x 2 (Equipped by Guards, 8 crumbits each)
Giant Oak Club x 6 (5 crumbits each)
Two Chain-Hook Users
Kori (Miscellaneous Goods)
Ogot (Building Materials)
32 branches (1 crumbit for 4 branches)
4 mushrooms (1 crumbit each)
1 deer meat (7 crumbits each)
1 rabbit meat (2 crumbits each)
5 fish meat (2 crumbits each)
4 loincloths (1 crumbit each)
1 stone house (with basement)
1 shrine
Devoted Wolfpack: Rimewulf’s followers can transform into wolves at night, granting faster movement, enhanced senses and combat strength.
Arara’s Shade: Your people can endure heat that would normally cause heatstrokes. A common blessing for desert-dwellers and those who wish to endure drought.
Marked By The Signet: The Signet will never stop sending scouts.
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04-19-2017, 04:52 AM
Can we buy the raw materials for stone axes (2 crumbits for 10)and then resell them at 2 crumbits each for an 18 crumbit profit?
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04-19-2017, 05:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2017, 05:59 AM by Mayu_Zane.)
(04-19-2017, 04:52 AM)btp Wrote: »Can we buy the raw materials for stone axes (2 crumbits for 10)and then resell them at 2 crumbits each for an 18 crumbit profit?
Kori says yes, but notes she will only buy a maximum of twenty stone axes per day, and since making these axes will take time, at most the settlers could make thirty-two axes per day if they all worked from morning to sunset.
The villagers are intrigued, though only two of them are seriously considering doing nothing but making stone tools for a while. The others will likely get very tired of this job. This therefore means that the people can consistently produce eight stone axes per day (2 people x 4 axes per day).
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04-19-2017, 02:42 PM
A regular income of 16 crumbits per day (minus expenses) sounds pretty good.
Let's sell the clubs for 30 crumbits
Then buy 200 stone for 20 crumbits and 300 branches for 10 crumbits.
Let's get our 2 axe makers to work, making axes to sell.
Let's assign 4 people as builders: they spend half the day each making a stone hammer and shovel for themselves, then have them start construction on a palisade between the village and the farm.
Let's then have 1 continue to gather food/fish with Relief
And the last tend to the animals and farm.
Questions: When will the peddler return, if they will leave at all?
How long will construction of a pallisade and watchtower take with construction of stone tools?
We could have one builder break off and start specializing as a craftsman for furniture and torches.
We still have 8 crumbits to spend (maybe 15 if we're willing to part with that deer meat).
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04-19-2017, 05:12 PM
(04-18-2017, 01:07 AM)Mayu_Zane Wrote: »30 branches = 1 crumbit
32 branches (1 crumbit for 4 branches)
We can just buy the branches, and sell it right back for a higher profit! If we do this a few times, we'll be able to do what btp suggest without losing anything, and gaining more than we lose. no one tell the merchant.
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04-20-2017, 06:45 AM
(04-19-2017, 02:42 PM)btp Wrote: »Questions: When will the peddler return, if they will leave at all?
How long will construction of a pallisade and watchtower take with construction of stone tools?
Ogot will leave in a week's time. Kori's a permanent resident.
Buildings take 1 entire day to finish with everyone in the settlement working unless otherwise mentioned.
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04-21-2017, 03:01 PM
I'm not sure Kori will buy branches from us while Ogot is here with a better deal.
Does Kori still have the Fishing Rod and Book of Construction for sale? They were 12 each I think.
What is the advantage of the fishing rod over the spears? (Spears can get fish faster but exhaust our villagers?)
We should probably start having our villagers specialize. For instance, it might be worth getting the Book of Construction if it means a villager can study and practice to become a better/faster builder.
It might also be nice to have a dedicated religious scholar - though I don't know if anyone here is qualified for that yet.
So 1 building = 8 people-workdays
So if we have 4 builders make their tools (hammer and shovel) for half a day, and work half a day on a palisade, the palisade will be 1/4th completed by the end of the day.
So lets:
1)Sell the clubs for 30 crumbits
2)Purchase 200 stone and 300 branches from Ogot
3)Have 2 villagers spend the entire day making 8 axes.
4)Have 4 villagers spend half the day making a hammer and shovel each and the second half starting construction of a palisade
5)Have 1 villager go hunting with relief (get them rabbits)
6)Have the last villager tend to the animals/farm (maybe start building a table if there is time?)
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04-24-2017, 03:34 AM
...For branches, we do have some trees that could be cut not far. And people out to hunt with relief could look for a a fores, which wpuld mean woodcuttignexpedition in the future too. Of all the resources Ogot offers, this one we could get by ourselves.
(That said I have to ask, is the screen looking kind of barren a stylistic choice (because drawing bushes and tree all over the screen would be understandly hard, or actualy represting we're ina aplce with little vegetation ?)
That said getting a palisade around the village soonish is a must.
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06-04-2017, 03:52 AM
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SpoilerSorry for the lack of updates! My contract has expired and I’ve been busy doing business/legal stuff starting my own enterprise!
(04-24-2017, 03:34 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »(That said I have to ask, is the screen looking kind of barren a stylistic choice (because drawing bushes and tree all over the screen would be understandly hard, or actualy represting we're ina aplce with little vegetation ?)
There is little vegetation except for grass. Outside of the shown ‘safe area’, it’s almost completely barren in areas not directly touching the river.
(04-21-2017, 03:01 PM)btp Wrote: »Does Kori still have the Fishing Rod and Book of Construction for sale? They were 12 each I think.
What is the advantage of the fishing rod over the spears? (Spears can get fish faster but exhaust our villagers?)
Yes, and the fishing poles can catch rare fish that are more valuable.
(04-21-2017, 03:01 PM)btp Wrote: »We should probably start having our villagers specialize. For instance, it might be worth getting the Book of Construction if it means a villager can study and practice to become a better/faster builder.
It might also be nice to have a dedicated religious scholar - though I don't know if anyone here is qualified for that yet.
The oldest member of the settlers will serve as the closest thing they have to a priest.
(04-21-2017, 03:01 PM)btp Wrote: »So 1 building = 8 people-workdays
So if we have 4 builders make their tools (hammer and shovel) for half a day, and work half a day on a palisade, the palisade will be 1/4th completed by the end of the day.
So lets:
1)Sell the clubs for 30 crumbits
2)Purchase 200 stone and 300 branches from Ogot
3)Have 2 villagers spend the entire day making 8 axes.
4)Have 4 villagers spend half the day making a hammer and shovel each and the second half starting construction of a palisade
5)Have 1 villager go hunting with relief (get them rabbits)
6)Have the last villager tend to the animals/farm (maybe start building a table if there is time?)
Your people sell off the heavy clubs and earn 30 crumbits. They buy the necessary building materials and get to work. By the end of the day, there is half of a sturdy palisade defending the village. The rest should be completed tomorrow.
![[Image: WojvxUR.png]](
8 axes, a hammer and a shovel are added to the underground stockpile. The hunter and Relief bring back 4 dead rabbits, and your farmer has managed to get a jar’s worth of milk.
As the sun sets, your people gather round and discuss the future. They see the work that they have done, and hope grows.
They name their humble village Refugeville, and pray that this will become a home for more refugees.
Just before they go to sleep, they see a flying creature. They do not know what it is. The villagers quickly hide inside the stone house, and one man watches. The winged creature lands near the river.
The creature looks like an abominable cross-breed of woman and bird, with wings that burst out of its front chest and a feminine face. It looks at itself in the river, and then it begins to cry, tears streaming down its cheeks.
![[Image: PyrAIHZ.png]](
Your people are terrified, but at the same time it doesn’t look like this creature is dangerous. No claws, no talons, just wings and abnormally long legs. Kori and Ogot don’t know what it is either.
What should the people of Refugeville do?
- Drive it away.
- Attack it.
- Approach it. Carefully.
- Transform into wolves and approach.
- Exit the stone house and behave like it’s not there.
- Call out to it and tell it to come closer to the house.
- Throw something into the river to get its attention.
- Something else.
Population: 8 out of 12 shelter spaces
Wealth: 8 crumbits
1 Dog (Relief)
2 Cows (Bilin, Daina)
12 tapioca (sapling)
10 mangould (sapling)
Iron Knife x 1 (4 crumbits)
Stone Axe x 9 (2 crumbits)
Stone Shovel x 1 (2 crumbits)
Steel Hooked Chains x 2 (Equipped by Guards, 8 crumbits each)
Two Chain-Hook Users
Kori (Miscellaneous Goods)
Ogot (Building Materials)
323 branches (1 crumbit for 4 branches)
4 mushrooms (1 crumbit each)
1 deer meat (7 crumbits each)
5 rabbit meat (2 crumbits each)
5 fish meat (2 crumbits each)
1 jar of milk (4 crumbits each)
4 loincloths (1 crumbit each)
191 stone
1 stone house (with basement)
1 shrine
1 palisade (half done)
Devoted Wolfpack: Rimewulf’s followers can transform into wolves at night, granting faster movement, enhanced senses and combat strength.
Arara’s Shade: Your people can endure heat that would normally cause heatstrokes. A common blessing for desert-dwellers and those who wish to endure drought.
Marked By The Signet: The Signet will never stop sending scouts.
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06-04-2017, 04:39 AM
Hm. I suspect that it isn't evil, but it may pose a threat all the same.
If we do want to approach, I suggest sending someone to slowly approach in wolf form to see what happens, followed by someone else to talk if it seems safe enough.
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Joined: Aug 2016
06-08-2017, 11:28 PM
>the way it's looking at the river and crying seems to indicate distress as it's won reflection. We might be looking at something nthat wasn't alway like that, possibly a signet experiment of some kind ?
Anyhow doesn't mean it can't be dangerous. I agree with the above suggestion with extreme caution, with the difference the person in human form should be visible first, while the person in wolf form cover them hidden, ready to leap at sign of troubles.
Posts: 3,946
Joined: Nov 2011
06-09-2017, 02:51 PM
I mean, Kori is a large spider creature so chest-feathers over there might not be all that out of place.
I think the wolf and human form approach is best, but approach calmly - she might just need refuge as well.
I suppose the farmer would exit in wolf form, suspicious in case this creature tries anything with the cows. One of our female members would exit in human form, maybe to help provide comfort to the creature.