+iny ©at people

+iny ©at people
RE: +iny ©at people
The (new as of now) knowledge that this is a game and there are other players will probably change our strategy quite a bit. Up 'till now, our goals have been: have fun, explore the setting, explore our abilities, make our TCPs comfortable, let our TCPs have fun, and prepare our TCPs for any situation they might come across.

Put that way, I don't think our goals will change for the for the foreseeable future.
RE: +iny ©at people
speak for yourselves, my goal has always been to keep things interesting. which is the opposite of safe and cute
RE: +iny ©at people
i have always relied on the kindness of strangers
RE: +iny ©at people
[Image: o7eyBt2.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: Every time you use a tilde as punctuation, it cuts us like a razor, please stop.
FROG-CRIMES: Also our pronouns are our business, just use our name or “you”.
FROG-CRIMES: …you got it right, though.

[Image: EXx6j0f.gif]

MACARON: oh jeez sorry X(
MACARON: I guess I can be a bit less nosy.

FROG-CRIMES: So, what did you mean by “planning”? We didn’t really have a goal, coming into this. We weren’t aware there were strategies to be had, or things to plan for, or, that there were even other players.
MACARON: right
MACARON: so, our session isn’t full of players yet, a few more people need to join
MACARON: depending on who joins, we may not actually need any plans?
MACARON: cause if the game stays peaceful, we can just make whatever we want and it’ll be fine
MACARON: but if someone like, say, Spit, joins the game...
MACARON: we’d have 2 start preparing our kitties 2 fight.
MACARON: and that’s not my cup of tea.

[Image: YixUJgA.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: ...Are we supposed to have a goal, then?
MACARON: There is, in fact, an end point 2 this game.
MACARON: Every1 has 2 have reached their own personal TCP limit, which is 5 cats per session, and all the kitties have 2 be friends.
MACARON: Which means, every1 has 2 be allies.

FROG-CRIMES: What if the game turns violent, or someone doesn’t want to be allied with the other players?
MACARON: Ummm… then it’s a team deathmatch, and the surviving allied team wins.

FROG-CRIMES: Huh. Well, it might not be a surprise to you that no matter what strategy we come up with, it’s going to end up looking like improv, since there’s so many different voices pulling in different directions here.
FROG-CRIMES: Up until now, our strategy has just been “make cool stuff”.
MACARON: Hehehe, nothing really wrong with that so far!!
FROG-CRIMES: Heh, alright.
FROG-CRIMES: In the meantime, until we need to make defenses, we’ll probably be keeping our base pretty homely.
MACARON: Sounds fine!

[Image: eIAzBz3.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: Also we just spawn whatever we think is cool, but one of us is thinking of making some tcps based on creatures from our world
MACARON: woah woah wait, “UR WORLD”?
MACARON: omg so ur not even a collective from Morbit?
MACARON: I didn’t realize, but that explains a lot, actually!! Haha coooool
MACARON: That sounds like it would be fun!! I wanna see an alien creature-type TCP!! O3

FROG-CRIMES: No promises. We’ll see what we can do.

MACARON: Alright, do u have any more questions or anything? We should prolly check on our kitties soon...
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
>let's do a check on our TCPs, what they know and what they got
>Also, come on guys, Macaron is really nice we shouldn't be mean to them!
RE: +iny ©at people
hey does anyone else think it would be cool if we spoke in our three different eye colors to represent our different heads

we're one roy g. biv motherfucker
RE: +iny ©at people
Hell yeah my man, that is for once an idea that I can get behind.
RE: +iny ©at people
I'm a fan of the personalized cat emote.

Also, who's Spit?
RE: +iny ©at people
>aw macaron we're sorry, a lot of us think you're real nice!!

>some of us are just big meany-pantses and like being Rude O^O
RE: +iny ©at people
We made a candy planet, you showed up on the candy planet. Assuming cause to effect, who can we expect to spawn in on a hornet planet?
RE: +iny ©at people
We should probably know more about Spit if they're hostile. Can't be too careful.
RE: +iny ©at people
[Image: 5JJD2Sk.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: Uh, we’d like to mostly apologize for our earlier outburst.
FROG-CRIMES: You’re actually pretty nice, some of us just like being jerks.

MACARON: I see, I see, thank you o’3

FROG-CRIMES: So, we Created this candy planet earlier, and then you showed up on it.
FROG-CRIMES: We also spawned a hornet planet earlier… who can we expect to show up next?

MACARON: Uhhhh… hornets, those r like… bees, but meaner, right?
MACARON: ummmmmmmmmmm
MACARON: idk actually, tbh any1 could show up
MACARON: I think it was a coincidence that I joined and u spawned a candy planet.
MACARON: I mean if u made a different planet and I joined and got stuck with that planet, i could MAKE it more candy-like, but not all the way?
MACARON: this 1 is perfect 4 me as is tho, maybe I’ll add some creatures later~

[Image: vtQhfIF.gif]

FROG-CRIMES: Alright, now it would be good to make sure our cats are doing alright without us.
FROG-CRIMES: But one last thing, real quick: Who’s Spit?
MACARON: oh...
MACARON: Spit is… a scary, terrible person, honestly!!
MACARON: I can’t describe her badly enough.
MACARON: She’s another god in my world, and in my pantheon, and…
MACARON: She’s infamous 4 her sadism, and 4 having killed and eaten other gods in our pantheon.
MACARON: Let me make this clear, none of the other gods here do that.

FROG-CRIMES: Jesus. That’s not common on our planet, either.
MACARON: I’d hope not. Anyway, whenever she joins a game, she doesn’t make any alliances and she just tries to kill and destroy as much stuff as she can.
MACARON: She’s not the only person who plays the game like that, but she’s definitely the WORST

FROG-CRIMES: Huh… so, should we just keep our guard up when we meet new players?
MACARON: Yeah, at least if u don’t get to talk to em.
MACARON: u still need to get--- oh hey, look at ur cats!!!

[Image: LT9x504.png]

During your conversation, the three TCPs went into the third puzzle room.
Windy sat back and watched, slowly consuming a solid chunk of sugar Tasty had given them, recovering health, while Tasty and Fennel trial-and-error’d their way through the puzzle.
(Tasty’s health is now Okay.)
(Windy’s health is now Okay.)
Just as you checked back on them, they’d figured out the puzzle, and gotten out the treasure chest. Inside, were three small cubes.

MACARON: Haha, yeah, I already have those 2… I mean, too. U can have em!!

(You got the Modules for the Compass, Tracker, and Communicator!)
(The Compass Module allows you to combine territories with another player by forming an Alliance.)
(The Tracker Module lets you track other deities TCPs and Creatures as well as your own.)
(The Communicator Module allows you to make outgoing calls.)

MACARON: So, if ur done with this room, maybe we can have our TCPs start heading out? I think I saw something interesting in the central chamber, tho...
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
we don't have to boss our tcps around, if they see something interesting they'll go to it, sheesh
RE: +iny ©at people
>We can form alliances!
>Macaron, will you alliance us
RE: +iny ©at people
Yeah, let's investigate the central chamber before we head out. There was something on the pillar in the middle, opposite from the light blue crystal room.
RE: +iny ©at people
Never leave a dungeon incomplete! If you are currently incapable of completing the dungeon, get an idea of what you need to complete it and come back when you have said the necessary equipment/ability/plot progression. Note: 'dungeon' is a placeholder word.
RE: +iny ©at people
Definitely check out that central chamber.

Macaron, any particular trouble cases besides Spit?
RE: +iny ©at people
>MACARON!!!! will u ally with me!!
RE: +iny ©at people
there is absolutely no reason to ally before anybody else shows up, since we can just wait until later. on the margins this can only backfire
RE: +iny ©at people
We only just met Macaron! I think we can hold off for now but keep alliances in mind since they seem super nice so far. but we should def head to the central chamber and see whats up!
RE: +iny ©at people
the only real reasons that I can think of as to why we shouldn't ally is if the scenario where either:
A, Macaron is evil and B, a powerful god hates Macaron and by extension, us.
both of these scenarios seem unlikely to me.
but, I can't think of any good reasons why we shouldn't hold off, so I guess whatever.
RE: +iny ©at people
(04-01-2017, 05:39 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »the only real reasons that I can think of as to why we shouldn't ally is if the scenario where either:
A, Macaron is evil and B, a powerful god hates Macaron and by extension, us.
both of these scenarios seem unlikely to me.
but, I can't think of any good reasons why we shouldn't hold off, so I guess whatever.

If it's the case that macaron is evil, then we should probably make it known that we're unsure if we can trust her until other gods start showing up. For the moment, though, there's no harm in being peaceful.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
(04-01-2017, 08:02 PM)earthexe Wrote: »If it's the case that macaron is evil, then we should probably make it known that we're unsure if we can trust her until other gods start showing up. For the moment, though, there's no harm in being peaceful.

The last thing you want is for someone untrustworthy to know you do not trust them. If they believe you have fallen for the ruse, they are at the disadvantage. You will be on the lookout for treachery, but they will not.

We are a god of JUSTICE. We ought to act impartially and hear arguments from all sides before we determine whether and with whom to ally.
RE: +iny ©at people
another possible disadvantage is that we just don't know everything about the alliance system yet. is it just saying "hey let's be allies," or is it a formal game mechanic? what if, for instance, all our tcps from here on out have to be joint ventures with macaron? not likely, but we just don't know what an alliance entails at this juncture
RE: +iny ©at people
I had a crazy thought. Is it possible for a TCP to defect?
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]