Plaid does a nuzlocke

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Plaid does a nuzlocke
Plaid does a nuzlocke
Like most of you (i imagine) i've been watching Griffin Mcelroy's nuzlocke and enjoying it a bunch. I just got Y myself, so i figured why not? I'll do one with the same rules. It's been quite a while since i beat X, so i'll probably get my shit wrecked by a surprise early on but hey

So. The Rules:
-I can only catch the first pokemon i find in an area (unless its something i already have, in which case keep going till i find a new one. If i KO it, too bad.
-If one of my pokemon faints, they get released. NO ROOM FOR THE WEAK HERE
-No potions etc in battle; only outside.
-Battle mode is set, not shift.
-After beating a gym, i gotta wonder trade a mon from the winning team.

Ayyy here we go
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RE: Plaid does a nulocke
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RE: Plaid does a nulocke

Not a lot of interesting stuff happened early on so i'm going to skip it till we turn up at Aquacorde Town, where you meet your friends and first pokemon.

First things first: My friends need to call me something because i guess Plaid isn't good enough for them

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%201%2010%2029%20AM.jpg]

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Anyway. I used a random number generator and rolled a 1, so my new best bud is apparently Chespin! He likes long walks on the beach, sunsets, and stuffing his face with the pink pokepuffs.

Say hello to Teacup.

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%201%2041%2001%20AM.jpg]

He is apparently brave and strongly defiant. God knows how i managed to get the delinquent teen pokemon of the neighbourhood but hey, i'll take it i guess.
I fed him a bunch of pokepuffs, but without 3 pokemon theres only so much i can do in Amie at the moment since i can't play the mini games. Its either ride in circles endlessly around aquacorde or continue down the path at this point, so my hand is forced?

One thing i'd forgotten about X&Y is that they're really, really pretty. To the point where there are specific rest points to look at the surroundings, like so

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%201%2029%2043%20AM.jpg]

Unfortunately the landscape is wasted on the idiots who inhabit the world

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%201%2028%2058%20AM.jpg]

Shauna, how old are you? You've gotta be at least a teen; how do you not know how this world functions? Even my mum knows how to use pokemon go, come on.

Anyway. Theres a scripted event here; you encounter a pidgey with keen eye whom i named Eagle Tim (thanks Schaz). I don't expect to keep him? So i didn't bother taking a photo. He is quiet and mischievous, so my poor trainer has her hands full with two little shits now. Nice.

So. Onwards into Santalune forest! There's all sorts of cool stuff in here to catch; the monkey trio, pikachu, fletchling.

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...Of course.

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At least shes a girl. Being my first proper pokemon, she gets a premier ball! I love those things and tbh most of my money is probably going towards buying pokeballs in lots of ten for ~*the aesthetic*~

I named her Josie! Here's the crew so far.

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%202%2036%2050%20AM.jpg]

Of course, having three pokemon now means i can enjoy the most important part of the game

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Too bad Shauna, you'll have to sit tight while i stuff my children with sweets.

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RE: Plaid does a nulocke

Whatever comes to mind/asking in discord because this thread won't be fast enough to respond i suspect.
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RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
Ran into the crew on my way out of Santalune forest.

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Calem, i don't want to hear it until you get on my level. Hardmode or nothing, my dude.

Shauna asks everyone what they're up to. Apparently the only answer is dunking on literal toddlers, since that's all there is on this route

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[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%206%2013%2015%20PM.jpg]

RIP their poor pokemon, slain by Josie in an almighty stun spore rampage.

There are also a couple of grass patches on this route; more cool things here to find, like dunsparce! So naturally this happens

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%208%2036%2024%20PM.jpg]

I'm so unimpressed i used a regular pokeball. Her name is Jellybean.

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%208%2037%2001%20PM.jpg]

Off we go to Santalune. I had forgotten That this was my first opportunity to look RAD AS HELL

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%2010%2026%2039%20PM.jpg]

Except i spent all my money on premier balls, so all i can afford right now is a single hat. WHATEVER ITS WORTH IT

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I'm cute.
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RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
I figured i'd probably check out route 22 before hitting up the gym, which had this friendly chick who gave me some extra nyooms outside of it.

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I made an attempt at heading into the grass but missed and got a trainer instead? luckily i had a healed pokemon out front oops

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%2011%2034%2031%20PM.jpg]

And then into the grass. I've resigned myself to getting something shit tier again this time-

[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%2011%2037%2009%20PM.jpg]


[Image: Photo%2015-09-16%2C%2011%2038%2035%20PM.jpg]

I have named him Rigby, after dini's dog. I guess that means i gotta try extra hard not to kill him, huh.

I also take back everything i said about Jellybean? Shes a perfect little darling, look at this face

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Next up is the gym!

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RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
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RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
Good luck with not dying. That is, to me, always the hardest part of Pokemon games, Nuzlocke or not. Usually not. Because I die so much.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
Whoof. Big post this time. I haven't been sleeping much because busy so i haven't had time to update the thread, but i have quietly bumbled through a couple more areas. I made a PR video too but idk if you can upload those somehow? Its a thing of beauty at any rate

Okay. Briefly trained a little more before fighting Viola, because bugfriend was on the cusp of evolving.

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and then in we go!

[Image: Photo%2017-09-16%2C%201%2024%2024%20AM.jpg]

I was fairly sure that Tim had this in the bag. Using nothing but gust he quickly tore Viola's surskit to pieces, leaving her with her final pokemon, vivillion.

[Image: Photo%2017-09-16%2C%201%2024%2052%20AM.jpg]

Things were looking up. I was going to get through the first gym battle unscathed.

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...or not.

What the hell was i going to do now? All but one of my pokemon don't fare well against bug or flying, and vivillion's infestation damage makes it really dangerous for anything to be in for more than one turn.

Looks like its time to resort to the trusty bidoof, the only one not likely to get completely hammered.

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[Image: Photo%2017-09-16%2C%201%2027%2023%20AM.jpg]

At this point we're getting into the high risk high reward category, the home of Rigby. He has counter and quick attack, meaning that if he survives a hit he'll really fuck up whoever hit him. Pretty dangerous for him, though. Considering my other two options are the unevolved form of the opponent who can't damage shit and a grass type who will fold like a wet paper bag at infestation, its Rigby's time to shine.

[Image: Photo%2017-09-16%2C%201%2027%2049%20AM.jpg]

And my boy delivers! I get infestation and a badge.

Off we go back to the pokemon center.

[Image: Photo%2017-09-16%2C%201%2033%2032%20AM.jpg]

Goodbye my sweet child. I didn't really want you but you will be missed all the same.

Anyway, off on my way.

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Hell yes.

I spent a while tossing up which colour flowers to go into, because i forgot there weren't purple ones on this route which have all the exciting pokes. I ended up eventually picking red. God i'm a boring person

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true to form i got something i didn't really need or want, but thats okayy. Ledyba is pretty cute and honestly, thats all we can ask for here

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She was promptly named leggy blonde and settled in to train with the rest of the crew!

Josie had a few good battles in the mazes, too.

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I'm greeted at the gate to Lumiose city by two scientists trying to convince me to get my friends to punch stuff. Sure, i say, and take the tm. I guess it'll come in handy, provided i don't continuously cycle my pokemon which ends up being the nuzlocke way


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at this point i realise i have completely forgotten to wonder trade after the gym. Looking at my team, its reallyh hard to decide who goes? But since i just caught another flying/bug and the next gym is extremely deadly rock, it looks like Josie's time with me is up. Go free, my daughter, and enjoy your new life

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Since i just released by flying bug, it'd be nice to get something to compliment the rest of my current team. A fire type? Ice? A proper water or ground type to combat the next gym?

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RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
I hope my dog son remains an mvp boy
RE: Plaid does a nuzlocke
Not too much happened since last time.

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I visited hot professor dad, and he gifted me a new son! As per the first starter i got, i rolled a dice to choose which one i would get. It'd be cool to get a fire type!

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[Image: Photo%2020-09-16%2C%2010%2028%2028%20PM.jpg]

Anyway my friend suggested naming him Land Before Time, but that wouldn't fit. Thus, meet Tim.

[Image: Photo%2020-09-16%2C%2010%2018%2028%20PM.jpg]

After a brief chat with the world most important scientist it was off to check out the city! The power is still out so almost everything is blocked off, but i still managed to make a PR video. I thought you could upload them places but apparently not?? So i invite you to just imagine how beautiful it was.

I can, however, go get some new clothes-

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FUCKING FINE WHATEVER i'll just go be ugly somewhere else then

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got a cute new hair cut though.

Anyway onto route 5, i guess.

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Completely stomped the best friend

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his boyfriend rewards me with honey. I won't use it on this route because the swarms are pretty boring, but i'll use it to get something cool later, i hope.

Speaking of catching something cool! The first thing i found on route 5:

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I was going to box it, but then i accidentally KO'd it. So that decision is made i guess. :B

There are a few doduo on this route and its really underlining that i'm hopelessly weak to flying types. Gotta... Do something about that. 2x grass types and 2x bugs and i don't really want to get rid of any of them. My ninjask is pretty strong! and better than leggy the ledyba, but he is my wonderful punch son... I suppose i'll leave that problem for when i can actually solve it.

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Got some sweet evolutions this route! Next up: Snorlax time
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