[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/12 Just like in the movies
Whatever we do we should, if possible, treat Cleo BEFORE we have the family reunion. I want Cleo to be well so she can properly fangirl over meeting the Zeshleys.

So I say Marble should still take Cleo to Rivet first. (Not sure anyone was saying otherwise but, y'know, just in case.)

So once we do meet with Nova I vote Cleo should be in that group, obviously.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/12 Just like in the movies
(08-13-2016, 05:55 AM)awkwardcarapace Wrote: »I think the groups should be split
(08-13-2016, 01:18 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Try the terrordactyls first. Don't steal them, no, but see what sort of deal you could possibly work out.
(08-13-2016, 05:55 AM)Ferociousfeind Wrote: »>steal the terrordactyls
(08-13-2016, 03:44 AM)DS Piron Wrote: »Seconding the terrordactls as well

[Image: uFNq89M.gif]

[Image: 9qwAK4c.gif]

(08-13-2016, 02:01 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Go search for Nova without Latta to see if Kelda is around. If she is maybe you could use a disguise?
(08-13-2016, 03:44 AM)DS Piron Wrote: »> Have Marble meet up with her family. Perhaps you can, at least, have Marble and Cleo get a ride to the Slab Lands and Edel.
(08-13-2016, 10:00 PM)Hichico Wrote: »>Whatever we do we gotta send Nikki with the group that meets up with Nova, it'll be a reunion/first time meeting! Just imagine how awful it will be, especially if cobalt is with them.

[Image: uMcjpbi.gif]

[Image: BYhXkRY.gif]

(08-13-2016, 11:57 AM)Fellow Wrote: »>Cea: Have you heard back from Sonny yet?

[Image: fAihvER.gif]

[Image: yaVDa6n.gif]

(08-13-2016, 05:55 AM)awkwardcarapace Wrote: »> Let's go find out how senile Nova has become!!!

[Image: yY8Gjmx.gif]

[Image: NgIXSJT.gif]

[Image: XURx6n0.gif]

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[Image: 6qFQ93t.gif]

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[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Greetings once again co-player! I did not want to interrupt our playthrough, but we both have been back for awhile now and wish to inform you that we will be talking about the info we found once we are finished with this planet. Now on to more important matters!

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I wish to see your plans! Surely you have plans correct? I would like to discuss our options here seeing as it's likely we're splitting up if we take different routes. Normally I would suggest against splitting up but with one sick crew member it might be our only option here.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
But the main thing I wanted to know are your long term goals! Do you plan on going to this party? After all if we find our ship, we'll have fuel. Maybe we should leave this planet to it's fate, but I must say the thought of a limbo god here is tempting. We might be able to gain a talk with it if we find it, but is it even worth the risk?

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
As a note if any of you ever need a recap for anything I am here to provide it. I've been taking notes on the this game and the last one in case you get lost or have questions.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/12 Just like in the movies
> CJ: But... isn't that them over there?

Helios: That sure would be nice. Let's get a summary, just to fully review. We wouldn't want to make a serious error here.

Athena: As tempting as a Limbo God is, we should keep some safety net in case the planet explodes. Going to the party would probably help with that, as it seems that's likely where to get the info, and would provide a timing as to the end of the planet. It would probably be in our best interest to see how close we could get to talking to the Limbo God, but if time is running short, be prepared to immediately leave, regardless of how close we are. With how little time left there is in the Universe, a TPK is not worth it.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/12 Just like in the movies
(08-14-2016, 04:58 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> CJ: But... isn't that them over there?

Helios: That sure would be nice. Let's get a summary, just to fully review. We wouldn't want to make a serious error here.

Athena: As tempting as a Limbo God is, we should keep some safety net in case the planet explodes. Going to the party would probably help with that, as it seems that's likely where to get the info, and would provide a timing as to the end of the planet. It would probably be in our best interest to see how close we could get to talking to the Limbo God, but if time is running short, be prepared to immediately leave, regardless of how close we are. With how little time left there is in the Universe, a TPK is not worth it.

Seconding this, we should know our options for sure before diving in headfirst.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/14 Gotta love Family
> Nikki: Chime in with YOUR opinion.

Helios please give us a recap thank you so much.....
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/12 Just like in the movies
(08-14-2016, 05:11 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Also we'd need some time for nikki to fix things so we can have a fixed ship and then leave them on this planet when we leave. we are not bringing them with us off-planet.
I'd rather we take him with us. We'll have plenty of party slots once we get our extra ship and Nikki is useful. His sickness spreader should not come up often in a ship with closed rooms and a janitor.

An opportunity to meet a Limbo god is too good to miss, so I'd like to go to this party if possible.(This lady probably isn't a limbo god, but we might be able to learn something about it through her.) However, we should be careful not to lose our crew because of an exploding. We'll have to prepare to get out, and keep crew on our indestructible ship as a precaution in case things go south and the planet ends up destroyed.

You know, my video gaming instincts tell me to stuff everybody's inventories with free food and drink from the party.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/14 Gotta love Family
> Well one plan I've considered is trying to get Cleo a new, stronger body to make her more useful overall. Although we aren't likely to get a chance to do that here it's something that'd be nice down the road. Have any ideas for what'd make a good host?
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/12 Just like in the movies
(08-14-2016, 04:58 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »Athena: As tempting as a Limbo God is, we should keep some safety net in case the planet explodes. Going to the party would probably help with that, as it seems that's likely where to get the info, and would provide a timing as to the end of the planet. It would probably be in our best interest to see how close we could get to talking to the Limbo God, but if time is running short, be prepared to immediately leave, regardless of how close we are. With how little time left there is in the Universe, a TPK is not worth it.

(08-14-2016, 05:11 AM)Wheat Wrote: »e: Helios thank you so much for taking notes you are always so attentive and a good pal i love you.

i'm gonna just casually second both of these,
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/14 Gotta love Family
Quick note the stream will be moved to the 16th as I have a presentation to go to that decided to schedule itself right on top of my normal stream time(7pm est). Sorry about that!

The stream will be the 16th at 7pm est.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/14 Gotta love Family
>Cea: Anything? Even...piggyback rides?
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/14 Gotta love Family
(08-14-2016, 06:27 AM)TangledAlmond Wrote: »> Nikki: Chime in with YOUR opinion.

[Image: c72fHzh.gif]

[Helios thank you so much for taking notes you are always so attentive and a good pal. Please give us a recap.]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
You're welcome but you don't have to flatter me. I am just attempting to be useful. Sadly I have no pictures to go with this recap, but I'm sure you won't care too much.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I offered to draw the images for him but he refused and told me he would do them himself. He didn't like anything he drew so he tossed it all away.

[Image: gErYytf.gif]
I don't remember that happening.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
..........Anyway let's recap the situation.

((Recap, only read if you need to))

[Image: QpiCcdU.gif]

[Thanks Helios! So one idea is if we end up at the place where our ship is, we'll also be in the same general place as where the party is. So it probably couldn't hurt to stick around for the early part of it, just long enough to make a ruckus that might draw out a limbo god with how cool and popular and trend breaking and attention-getting we are, while also having our hand on the launch button.

Also we'd need some time for Nikki to fix things so we can have a fixed ship and then leave them on this planet when we leave. we are not bringing them with us off-planet.]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Yes thank you patron for that recap! I agree co-player, we want to attempt to finish this quest. It would be a boring planet if we had all this build up, only for us to decide to leave before it's finished. Still, we have more important matters to attend to then the destruction of one planet. We want to draw out that limbo god but we want to do it safely.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I say we bring Nikki with us though. I didn't fully approve of taking him before, but, call it a hunch co-player, but I think he will be a very useful tool in our box, plus, every dumb robot kneels to his will! It's an aggressive play but it can pay off in the long run. Plus, if you want to get rid of him, with your luck you can put him on another ship just like last time. Hahahaha!

[Image: YceBu2O.gif]

[An opportunity to meet a Limbo god is too good to miss, so I'd like to go to this party if possible. This lady probably isn't a limbo god, but we might be able to learn something about it through her. However, we should be careful not to lose our crew because of some killing. We'll have to prepare to get out, and keep crew on our indestructible ship as a precaution in case things go south and the planet ends up destroyed.]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Losing crew is part of the game, it is bound to happen and we should prepare to always protect ourselves from total party kills. I'm sure such a thing will happen to you sooner or later. You need to mentally prepare yourself to accept your defeat, and then get right back up. Do not let death consume you or the crew!

[Image: xAJuodR.gif]

[You know, my instincts tell me to stuff everybody's inventories with free food and drink from the party.]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
We should steal as much as we can! This planet is lawless, crimes here mean nothing. Steal everything not chained to the floor, and murder? We don't need to worry about killing the wrong person on this planet co-player! Revenge or backlash from some police or even pirate group is near impossible if it happens here. How do they say it, what goes in Tartarus stays in Tartarus!

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Anyway. I do wish to have a chat with Dali's Lady, co-player. I have some thoughts on her. I won't say anything for fear of attracting attention though. I'm sure you may have some sneaking suspicions as to who this lady is. Keep it under wraps for now, I don't want anyone eavesdropping on us. What is your plan though?

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Do you wish to get in to the party early or on time? If we get there early we might be able to surprise the lady, and have more time to start a plan or movement. If we get there on time we won't have to rush anything else before that, like finding our ship. I'm sure our ship won't be in some sort of peaceful meadow waiting for us.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I do worry most about what was said about the party. They said, once you enter, you will not be able to leave. They will likely force us to stay once the party starts. I don't know what sort of issues we'll run in to but with a Mors and Somnus unit on their side they likely have devastating items with them. Did you see the look in that Somnus's eyes? Aggressive! Feral! That Somnus unit is likely an absolute beast, and his sister? Well to be honest she looked fairly harmless, but a person who wears a suit must know what they're doing!

[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/14 Gotta love Family
> I wouldn't worry about the bots. Worst case scenario we can use Nikki to distract them. Speaking of which does Nikki's ability extend to you guys as well?
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
>Getting into the party early would be good, but we should definitely prioritize the necessary things, like finding the ship. Let's not rush those just to get in early.

Also, Athena, could we see some of your art?
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
I did give Cea a magnet to deal with troublemaking robots, but I'm not sure if it would work on a Somnus unit seeing as they're just item balls with limbs. We should perhaps have him ask Nikki sometime in the future.

Slate should be good at dealing with any fleshy security they have with his mind control, and while his sanity is low at the moment, we could use sanity swap to pawn that off to someone's morale. I would be tempted to have him take Cleo's morale so that he could max out the crew's morale on the next day, but I don't know how long she could 'starve', especially now that she's sick. We could also perhaps dump his sanity on one of the husses once we're in the party.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
(08-17-2016, 02:20 PM)Fellow Wrote: »I did give Cea a magnet to deal with troublemaking robots, but I'm not sure if it would work on a Somnus unit seeing as they're just item balls with limbs. We should perhaps have him ask Nikki sometime in the future.

Slate should be good at dealing with any fleshy security they have with his mind control, and while his sanity is low at the moment, we could use sanity swap to pawn that off to someone's morale. I would be tempted to have him take Cleo's morale so that he could max out the crew's morale on the next day, but I don't know how long she could 'starve', especially now that she's sick. We could also perhaps dump his sanity on one of the husses once we're in the party.

Why don't we just do it to someone at the party? Nothing in the description suggest that the person needs to be a crew member and we're already likely to cause a ruckus.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
Thank you, Helios!

We should try to get to the party early if at all safely possible. If we can't without serious risk of losing any of our crew, just be ready to fall back to normal. Getting there at all is likely to be more dangerous than any part of preparing, so that's why we shouldn't risk anything there.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
(08-17-2016, 04:49 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Why don't we just do it to someone at the party? Nothing in the description suggest that the person needs to be a crew member and we're already likely to cause a ruckus.
Well that's why I suggested we use it on one of the Husses. The reason Cleo is tempting is because her morale is 100 and she's probably gonna be getting patched up by Edel during the party. Slate can swap morale with an entire crew, so if he gets 100 sanity and the both of them manage to last a day, he could max out the entire crew's morale. Well, except for marble's.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
(08-17-2016, 07:15 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
(08-17-2016, 04:49 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Why don't we just do it to someone at the party? Nothing in the description suggest that the person needs to be a crew member and we're already likely to cause a ruckus.
Well that's why I suggested we use it on one of the Husses. The reason Cleo is tempting is because her morale is 100 and she's probably gonna be getting patched up by Edel during the party. Slate can swap morale with an entire crew, so if he gets 100 sanity and the both of them manage to last a day, he could max out the entire crew's morale. Well, except for marble's.

Yeah, but his mind is rather broken right now, so I don't think he will be able to get 100 sanity for a long while.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
(08-19-2016, 01:49 AM)juddy555 Wrote: »Yeah, but his mind is rather broken right now, so I don't think he will be able to get 100 sanity for a long while.
No, see, his [sanity swap] ability trades his sanity with someone else's morale. So if he were to trade with Cleo, her morale stat (which is 100) would become his sanity stat. It'd max his sanity stat out.

Or do you mean his sanity stat would decrease fast?
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
You know, we haven't really put much thought into what the effect of being hyper-sane would be. I mean we know max morale makes you chipper but what would not having an ounce of crazy do?

Also, would Marble be affected? It's a psychic power, which she is immune to.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
(08-19-2016, 05:29 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »You know, we haven't really put much thought into what the effect of being hyper-sane would be. I mean we know max morale makes you chipper but what would not having an ounce of crazy do?
Hmm, well, Marble's been at 100 morale up to the point where slate was hospitalized, and I don't think I'd call her chipper. Maybe that's more of a personality thing. I don't imagine marble would be affected by sanity swap, myself.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
Marble shouldn't have to stick around after introductions- there's no real reason to. Family can be a pain, and she shouldn't have to endure them longer than entirely necessary.

Thank you for the recap, Helios. I appreciated it a lot, as someone with a terrible memory.
"1. AIs are just people who carry a manual. Treat them like people.
2. People with manuals get confused and scared when things occur that are not in the manual. Treat them like people when this happens.
3. Treat them like people."
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
Nikki's hand is broken in the first panel....
Or does he just have 2 left hands?

Anyway, I think we should get to the party on time. That gives us time to do everything we need to do.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
Sometimes you don't have 2 left fert, you have 2 left hands. Don't judge.

>to hell with it: A lawless planet is merciless and forgiving. What happens in fight club stays in fight club.

>Crew: enjoy yourselves at a wonderful party, don't forget to collect a few souvenirs while you're at it.
RE: [Fortuna]: 8/17 FEARLESS EYES
[Image: LE5kQfA.gif]

[Getting into the party early would be good, but the party should not be gone into with every member of our crew, with one or two staying outside just in range as backup in case things go seriously wrong there.]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]

That's right! Only our highest speed members should go in. We don't want to put everyone in at once, or else we greatly risk losing everyone. What will be hard though is figuring out how to communicate between crew if we have nothing to talk to each other with. We'll figure that out when we get there.

[Image: G05XJDL.gif]

[ Slate should be good at dealing with any fleshy security as they have with his mind control, and while his sanity is low at the moment, we could use sanity swap to pawn that off to someone's morale. I did give Cea a magnet to deal with troublemaking robots, but I'm not sure if it would work on a Somnus unit.

Then again we have Nikki so I wouldn't worry about the bots. Worst case scenario we can use Nikki to distract them.]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
The magnet won't work on the Somnus unit, if anything it'll just eat the thing! I'm not sure how good Nikki will be against a Somnus and Mors, if it was the Somnus alone there would be no problem but Mors units tend to be able to counter charisma checks with their intelligence checks. Also this might not have been obvious but you can't seduce check a Mors.

[Image: U9quS8r.gif]

[Hey Athena, could we see some of your art? By the way thank you for the recap, Helios.]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
You're welcome, student. I am more then glad to show my worth. From what I know I'm not a commonly picked patron because I don't have much worth to people.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Art? Oh yes! We talked about art before. I believe before you said you would draw me if I draw you, do you perhaps want another request seeing as we have yet to see your avatar? Also don't worry about drawing me something in return co-player! I am always looking to show off and improve my skills, even if my art is not top notch yet!


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