The 2am thread

The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
It turns out I am an irresponsible clown and very bad at fulfilling Geas's so it is now 2:02 AM. Groovy
RE: The 2am thread
The fact that me going to bed now means I'm making progress on fixing my sleep schedule feels really wrong.

And somehow, I "successfully" "made it" to a 10am revision session today. I mean sure, it was helpful, insofar as it answered many of the questions that I had about the course material. It was not helpful in that I made the conscious decision to wake up for it.

RE: The 2am thread
whoops. again.

should... probably get on that 'sleep' thing.
RE: The 2am thread
Unlike most nights, I actually slept today! But then I woke up again, and I plan on going back to sleep. It's like, I'll probably sleep a total of 8 hours but in 4 hour segments. And that feels pretty good.

I think this is how it was supposed to be in ye olde times.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: The 2am thread
Its after 2:30 now but whatever

My life feels like its slipped entirely out of my control and i cant do anything about it any more

I feel like i should be dead
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
I'm actually having a really pleasant day and a really enjoyable summer so far but I feel like I'll lose it the second I have to start working.
RE: The 2am thread
I fixed my sleep schedule.

For all of two days.

RE: The 2am thread
I feel like writing a lot but not for my current arc in my story. I just have tons of energy to write up the next few intermissions and I've been doing so! I kind of wish I felt like writing for my current arc because it seems like I'm doing nothing but it's no biggy, I'm sure people will be happy when the intermissions update all rapid fire like when we get to them!

Also I'm glad I'm taking time to trim and upgrade my portfolio, my new websites pieces are looking really snazzy. Decided to trim away some early sites I made. Realized it's better to have a few pieces I can be proud of then a lot of pieces that aren't up to par/show my skills.
RE: The 2am thread
I thought I could sleep, but no.

It's almost THREE AM. By 3 minutes.

I got caught up redoing the spritesheet for my web toy and making it portable.

I thought, "I just have to finish this in one go." And then I did.

Now I have no sleep. This is the folly of completionism.

Doesn't help that I was also trying to write a story and such too.
RE: The 2am thread
Today it is 2 AM again. I thought it would get better, but it doesn't seem to even if I try. Maybe I'm not trying?

Things I did today:

Make noodles, (failed) fried eggs,
Fix some things with the webtoy
Make a sketch
Set up a glsl development environment in my ubuntu VM

Things I should do tomorrow:

Wake up at a reasonable time
Get audio frequency extractor to extract from MP3 using JLayer
Return a key
Tutor that kid
Sleep before 1 AM
RE: The 2am thread
Well, this has been a productive night.

I've learnt a lot about hyperfunctions and machine precision and when I should keep my mouth shut.

I have also never laughed so hard at 8008135 before in my life.
RE: The 2am thread
hey sruix here we are posting in the 2 am thread
RE: The 2am thread
Yep, we sure are! Who'd have guessed it would have come to this, hey?
RE: The 2am thread
It's real late and i've been awake far too long but i am happy to be up and having extreme nostalgia with my good friends
RE: The 2am thread
Was productive on the wrong things today

Go me
RE: The 2am thread
This is update #44.

I am having emotions.

End of message.
RE: The 2am thread
This is update #72.

Sruix is tired, encourageable and adorable.

End of message.
RE: The 2am thread
This is update #45.

Ix needs to stop making me blush this is more illegal than Ak's rule hell.

End of message.
RE: The 2am thread
This is update #74.


End of message.
RE: The 2am thread
This is update #46.

I'm so emotionally vulnerable right now.

End of message.
RE: The 2am thread
Heh heh...looks like my sleep schedual's gone out the window again. whoops
That's what I get for crashing for 15 hours on sunday
RE: The 2am thread
Well shit.
RE: The 2am thread
Sruix is a wonderful great human being who everyone likes and nobody has any problems with. They are super great with super fun things that everyone can join in on :)
RE: The 2am thread
Things that are good right now:
- I met a very good and sweet guy on Tinder and we're going to meet up for a date next week. He lives in Cincinnati, which is a bit of a drive but I'm doing anything important that day anyway so it's all good. This'll be my first time going on a date with someone that I met online, or with a guy, or actually with anyone at all for about the last couple of years, so I'm excited to finally get back out there.
- I went to the gym six times last week, which is honestly more than I really wanted to in the first place, but at least my friend is forcing me to be consistent and keeping me company every day. It's only been a couple months since I started going regularly, but it's made a super noticeable difference already.
- I played badminton at a local park with my friend and his girlfriend today and we were all very bad at it, but I was somehow the least bad despite being the only person there who hadn't ever played before??? Since when did I get adequate at sports???

Things that are bad right now:
- Before we went to the gym today my friend dragged me along to do some errands with him and the errand involved standing around in the alleyway of an unfamiliar neighborhood for about 20 minutes while listening to some of his distant friends make jokes where most of the punchlines were either about gay people or restrooms at target, and I could have maybe said something but instead I just stood there and prayed for death.
- I've been super not feeling it at all in general these last few days, but on the other hand, having to leave the house and do something productive every day has been doing wonders for helping me break out of these depressive spirals before they ever really start.

So things are pretty good for the most part actually. I'm doing good.
RE: The 2am thread
I just didn't go to sleep