[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Semicolon Three
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RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Semicolon Three
(03-29-2016, 12:06 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »I think it is.

Thanks, that's all I need to know. I'm aware that they are different, but they are effectively mirrors of each other and both get comments that influence the story. Whatever happens there is still a little newsworthy.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Semicolon Three
(03-29-2016, 01:18 AM)InoIno Wrote: »can i get a complementary robot?

Of course!

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RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Semicolon Three
(03-28-2016, 09:13 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »[Image: uQ7zRL0.png]
EEEP! YOU DREW ME! It looks so cute!! Thank you! <33
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Semicolon Three
(03-27-2016, 07:11 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> "No, you're not getting what you want. Bye."
(03-28-2016, 03:43 AM)DS Piron Wrote: »> CJ: [Classist] No. You are not giving Apollo over to some vermin.

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(03-28-2016, 01:18 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Cea: Phlodor do you actually worship this thing?

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(03-28-2016, 01:18 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Latta Charisma Check: 45,000 is a low ball offer for such a high quality snake robot.

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(03-27-2016, 07:06 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »> Cea: What do you have to offer and what are you going to do with him?

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(03-27-2016, 10:36 PM)Wheat Wrote: »actual suggestion: after asking what they're able to do and finding out they can do mechanostuff, ask if they can do some work finding and fixing a ship/making it less of a dump, and if they would know how to fix a hermes unit.

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(03-27-2016, 10:36 PM)Wheat Wrote: »this is NOT a ruse to get them shanghaied onto the crew

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RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
>[Adventurous] Trait Activate: Stab Nikki and then set him on fire.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
> Latta: Tell Cea to leave the area so you can talk in semi private
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
Since Nikki is a Notail > We'd like the means to induce and possibly control mutation.

We can either end up with powerful animals or we could use this to get stuff from the clocked.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
(03-29-2016, 11:51 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Since Nikki is a Notail > We'd like the means to induce and possibly control mutation.

We can either end up with powerful animals or we could use this to get stuff from the clocked.

If we want mutated beasts, perhaps we could ask for a beast to go with srynges? A big snake, perhaps?

Still not sure about selling Apollo but I fear Nikki may be right about him getting Apollo either way.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
gee thanks everyone for the complementary robots!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
(03-29-2016, 06:59 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
(03-29-2016, 11:51 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Since Nikki is a Notail > We'd like the means to induce and possibly control mutation.

We can either end up with powerful animals or we could use this to get stuff from the clocked.

If we want mutated beasts, perhaps we could ask for a beast to go with srynges? A big snake, perhaps?

What animals would be good to mutate? The first thing that comes to my mind is a Lucigris (Mutant electric cat. What more could we want?).
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
> Cea: Think Nikki intends to steal Apollo,
> Cea: [Intelligence check] Look over everything Nikki has said
>> Cea: Realize Nikki a filthy time cheater. And that he's right.
> Cea: ...ask Nikki if he knows anything about the robot's final recipient. Are they nice, will they treat Apollo with care?
> Cea: Go with Captain's wishes. Apollo for Nikki as part of the crew. And another snake robot. Whatever.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
Nah. Nope. Nuh-uh. We ain't doing that. Nikki's gonna be prying Apollo out of my cold dead hands.
He wants him? He can just freaking take him on his 'later', then.
You know, after we get Hermes his reunion with V3.

> Cea: I don't want anything from you either, thanks. Bye, alley rat.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
(03-30-2016, 03:12 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »Nah. Nope. Nuh-uh. We ain't doing that. Nikki's gonna be prying Apollo out of my cold dead hands.
He wants him? He can just freaking take him on his 'later', then.
You know, after we get Hermes his reunion with V3.

> Cea: I don't want anything from you either, thanks. Bye, alley rat.

Hermes probably only likes Apollo as a surrogate for the other Apollo anyway. From a logical standpoint if we're going to lose him anyways lets let it be for our benefit. If Hermes REALLY wants to see him he can cross the universe at will and at high speeds.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/29 Already won
(03-29-2016, 11:51 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Since Nikki is a Notail > We'd like the means to induce and possibly control mutation.

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As a note I'll be running the pateron stream this saturday at 7pm! If we pick to take the animal the stream will be a fauna creation stream and if we don't pick the fauna then the creation stream will be just a character creation stream, hope to see you there!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
Hm let's weigh the pros and cons of putting Nikki on our crew...

Pros: It's Nikki
We'll still have Apollo sort of, at least for a while.
It's Nikki
The obvious fact we'll have a better functioning ship.
We can probably still get an attack animal later if he's on our crew.
This guy is super lucky.
Did I mention it's Nikki yet?

Cons: We could kill Nikki and create a plothole.

...I think it's obvious what wins here.

>Crew crew crew!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
Crew seems the most beneficial route since logically any benefit he could offer us now will remain when he joins, mutagens and animals included. Although we'll need to keep an eye out for if he causes any of our guys to mutate (I recall that being a thing Notails did). All in all reward seems greater than risk.

> Crew

EDIT: For anyone who wishes to know his stats and traits. https://mspfanventures.com/?s=3646&p=298
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
I agree, crew seems to be the right choice.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
Jeez, finally caught up!! Took me forever. I'm completely in love with Fortuna so far, please never stop good sir. I'm so happy my son Nikki is back,,

> Get Nikki on the crew, hell yeah!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
Can Nikki be added to the crew, and we just pick up an animal later?
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD (oh no my caps lock was on)
>Latta: Any benefits you could give now are still available, and more, if you're part of our crew. ;3*
*pronounced "ironic smile"
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
>Ask how long he intends on staying.
We don't want just one planet's worth of Nikki. If he's just going to do repairs and leave, I'd rather we take the beast since that'll last the entire run.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
> CJ: Ask about giant fire-breathing marsh snakes, or mutant killer chameleon-monsters, or, OOH OOH, does Nikki have one of those elegant plant-snake creatures?

> CJ: Nikki. For the whole trip.
> CJ: Oh, and you all are heading to Fortuna, did he know that?

> Ask Nikki if he would be able to give 45,000 credits worth of trade-able goods to your referrer, as money is currently worthless on this planet, and going to other planets isn't possible.
>> Or any clocks. He really wants clocks. A clock or two would easily be worth about 45,000 to him.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/30 Marketing
(03-30-2016, 11:13 AM)Veridian Wrote: »> Get Nikki on the crew, hell yeah!
(03-31-2016, 03:20 AM)DS Piron Wrote: »> CJ: Nikki. For the whole trip.
> CJ: Oh, and you all are heading to Fortuna, did he know that?
(03-30-2016, 11:46 AM)Ferociousfeind Wrote: »> Latta Cea: Any benefits you could give now are still available, and more, if you're part of our crew. ;3*
*pronounced "ironic smile"

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(03-30-2016, 11:13 AM)Veridian Wrote: »Jeez, finally caught up!! Took me forever. I'm completely in love with Fortuna so far, please never stop good sir. I'm so happy my son Nikki is back,,

Welcome back to the crew Veridian we missed you!


Looks like we'll be having a character creation stream on this saturday at 7pm est! Seeing as we'll likely have a much smaller crowd than normal we'll likely play cards against the universe and watch a movie afterwards.

Would you guys like to watch Disney's Hercules (which is absolutely hilarious once you know how the actual story went), or "Moon"*? (which without stating spoilers Moon is a movie about a man who finds himself on the moon. There is also a really cute AI on the moon too which is technically the only other character in the movie other then the man himself.)

*Minor note, Moon is rated M for having one or two parts that contain blood. I would also avoid looking at any trailers for Moon as every trailer seems to spoil the plot.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/31 Keep the change
>Don't cheat Pablo