6th MG: Everyone Dies

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6th MG: Everyone Dies
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Credit - (5)
Other than the now destroyed potted plant and the computer on the desk, there is nothing else of note in this single room building. The flooring, wall paper and ceiling are all a bland grey. The computer makes a *ding* noise.

Shredded - (5)
You wander outside, seeking this "Credit" person, but you really have no idea who they are or where they are. You notice the lights flickering in one of the 10 otherwise bland buildings.

Mehgamehn - Terminated by Television
Scahzer - Flayed by the Flock
Whimbrel - Asploded by Anaphylaxis
Mirdini - Perturbed by a Paradoxical Plethora of Potted Plant
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I leave, in search of the town hall
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Why don't you just say "go to the town hall and kill Credit"? Plot holes? What're those?
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Credit - (3)
You leave the building, and after a bit of searching for the obviously indicated Town Hall (signs and size), you find yourself lost in the forest. There is a fine dew of blood everywhere, and several animals pick at the bones of a fresh corpse. Sweat beads on your head as one of the owls turns to look at you with interest.

Shredded - (3)
Were they in the building you just left, you think to yourself. You reenter the Town Hall and look around the room. Maybe Credit's under the desk. You flip the desk over. The desk gives you splinters. To be fair, you do have no brain.

Mehgamehn - Terminated by Television
Scahzer - Flayed by the Flock
Whimbrel - Asploded by Anaphylaxis
Mirdini - Perturbed by a Paradoxical Plethora of Potted Plant
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Use metagaming to assemble bigger wings from the corpses and bequeath them unto the owl to fly me to town hall
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
I stop standing perfectly still and unnoticed in the middle of the street and enter one of the nondescript buildings.
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Shredded - (6)
You enter the forest. There is a blood "dew" covering the surroundings, and you see Credit.

Credit - (!12!)
You convert the remenants of the corpses into wings, which you fasten onto the owl, who, gratefully, flies you over to the Town Hall. You dismount, as the now giant owl cocks its head towards potential prey.

{A roll for fate: P-8, A-5}

Akumu - (10)
You start dancing, pulling off some killer moves.

The enhanced owl flies over to Akumu, and eats them. I guess those dance moves really were killer. Akumu has died.

Mehgamehn - Terminated by Television
Scahzer - Flayed by the Flock
Whimbrel - Asploded by Anaphylaxis
Mirdini - Perturbed by a Paradoxical Plethora of Potted Plant
Akumu - Eaten by Enhanced owl
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Haha well that didn't last long
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
Shredded - (!12!)
You expertly track and follow Credit without detection. He stands in front of the City Hall. This will start where it ended.

{A roll of fate: CREDIT}

Credit / Resolution - (9)
You stand patiently. You feel you are supposed to just wait for something. But what? The next morning? The inevitability of death? Will the stars align and the truth of existence bestow itself onto you? You start having a sort of tingling feeling. Yes! Of course! It all makes sense now. Every being is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance; a purpose for which is greater than-

Credits epiphany was cut sort by his sudden death due to mysterious circumstance. Credit has died.

Shredded, still following Credit, follows them to the grave. The papers once again fall into a chaotic pile, strewn everywhere. Shredded has died.

Mehgamehn - Terminated by Television
ICan'tGiveCredit - Succumbed Suddenly
Scahzer - Flayed by the Flock
Whimbrel - Asploded by Anaphylaxis
Mirdini - Perturbed by a Paradoxical Plethora of Potted Plant
WINNER Shredded - Followed too Far
Akumu - Eaten by Enhanced owl


Shredded, as our winner, gets to pick the specs for next game, and also gets this fascinating poem:

Tomb Wrote:Rest in peace Shredded:
A creature who lived their life
searching for Credit.

RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies

How about going to the nearest one and offering boy scout moon cookies? Now with 50% less arsenic!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: 6th MG: Everyone Dies
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