[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Image: IUpgmrm.png]


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RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
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I'm thinking, maybe ask for a fighting beast or a military robot?

>Look at Rivet's email
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
>Basalt, dear, if you happen to have any spare Scrap Metal or Wires on hand, I'm certain that they would be much appreciated on our end. This poor excuse of a ship is falling apart in so many ways.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
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>Ask for an up to date Starmap Tablet
>Enough wires and scrap for the rest of the ship's currently noted upgrades/repairs
>Charisma Check: Ask for a fully fueled Cupid or Eros Ship
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-14-2016, 11:37 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Charisma Check: Ask for a fully fueled Cupid or Eros Ship
I think it's a bad idea to get ships at this point. Only the Mercury can make it to the center of the universe safely.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
"They even seem your type, my child
Marble is Toriel confirmed
I misspelt my name
I have to live with this sin for the rest of my life.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-14-2016, 11:40 PM)Fellow Wrote: »
(01-14-2016, 11:37 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Charisma Check: Ask for a fully fueled Cupid or Eros Ship
I think it's a bad idea to get ships at this point. Only the Mercury can make it to the center of the universe safely.

The two ships could always split up and reconvene later at a pre-agreed location. Having two ships would likely be a good idea simply because we might have crew members we wish to recruit that could give us a huge advantage, like Big BOssB did.

Thus, if it's not pushing it too much - I mean, how much do Cupid/Eros ships cost anyway? Is Basalt gonna wanna pay that much? - I'll second what Ian asked for.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 03:26 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »The two ships could always split up and reconvene later at a pre-agreed location. Having two ships would likely be a good idea simply because we might have crew members we wish to recruit that could give us a huge advantage, like Big BOssB did.

I do believe the game is rather strict about splitting up. Remember when we lost Hermes? And even if it is possible, splitting up makes little sense from a tactical viewpoint.(Latta, why can't the Mercury come with the Cupid? Is that planet that dangerous? Are you sending us there to die?)
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 03:45 AM)Fellow Wrote: »I do believe the game is rather strict about splitting up. Remember when we lost Hermes? And even if it is possible, splitting up makes little sense from a tactical viewpoint.(Latta, why can't the Mercury come with the Cupid? Is that planet that dangerous? Are you sending us there to die?)

Yeah, we might not have their POV, but we can always meet up again, like we did with Geko and Prometheus did with Captain Hermes.

Athena's controlling Latta, and she obviously knows what we're doing, so I'm sure she can come up with something - even if it's something completely ridiculous like "I am a fucking coffee cup and I am going to literally throw myself into the centre of the universe for adventure, who's with me. The Mercury is literally indestructible after all lol"
Therefore, getting the extra ship and opening up additional party 'slots' while we can do it for free seems pretty wise to me.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 04:20 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »Yeah, we might not have their POV, but we can always meet up again, like we did with Geko and Prometheus did with Captain Hermes.
Those times we were already en-route to the planet, though. How would we meet up when we haven't been able to see two planets into the future?
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(It's really nice to not have to worry about pages anymore because now I can help discussions along / answer questions and not have to worry about giant gaps.)

Two ships can totally split up and then recon back together, but if you're not with the other ship there's a high chance a ton of stuff could happen to the ship such as it getting delayed, stalled in the middle of space, stolen, looted, accidentally lands on a planet of lava, ect ect.

Basically the moment those ships split up the other ship (the one you're not watching and the one that isn't "with the crew") will just get fortuna rolls the whole time. Worst part is you won't see these rolls as they aren't happening to you and your "crew."

Buuuuuut there is something really cool. This isn't a one player game of Fortuna.

This is a two player game.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 03:45 AM)Fellow Wrote: »
(01-15-2016, 03:26 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »The two ships could always split up and reconvene later at a pre-agreed location. Having two ships would likely be a good idea simply because we might have crew members we wish to recruit that could give us a huge advantage, like Big BOssB did.

I do believe the game is rather strict about splitting up. Remember when we lost Hermes? And even if it is possible, splitting up makes little sense from a tactical viewpoint.(Latta, why can't the Mercury come with the Cupid? Is that planet that dangerous? Are you sending us there to die?)

But remember when we lost Captain Hermes?
Hermes was forced to stay in the same place, but Captain Hermes was heading to the same destination while we went on a Detour to the Underworld.
And even if we lose those characters, they don't die. They live.
Not everyone reaches Fortuna, and as we learn from what Cobalt says at the very start of Game One, most crews end up giving up along the way and they pay pretty good.

We could get numerous guaranteed ships.
Also it seems near common knowledge that The Mercury is indestructible, so it may actually be sensible logic.

(01-15-2016, 04:20 AM)Apo11o Wrote: »"I am a fucking coffee cup and I am going to literally throw myself into the centre of the universe for adventure, who's with me. The Mercury is literally indestructible after all lol"

Forgot to mention, but Latta has other traits that would actually make it pretty easy to get other people to go along with her.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 04:56 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »Buuuuuut there is something really cool. This isn't a one player game of Fortuna.

This is a two player game.
When you put it like that, I cannot resist going for a second ship.

Cupid and Eros though, hmm. I guess Cupid is a small ship and we shouldn't ask for something huge. And Cupid and Hermes get along so if we were to do a two ship run sometime we'd have compatible AI's.

Still though, are we sure we want the ship of a love god?

(01-15-2016, 05:41 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »Also it seems near common knowledge that The Mercury is indestructible, so it may actually be sensible logic.
My reasoning was that the Cupid crew would object because the Mercury crew could come with them, but didn't. If they weren't getting the short end of the stick, the Mercury would be headed towards their planet too, no?
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
My main reason for choosing the ship of a love god is that I theorize one of those two ships has a Hybrid machine commonly built into them. My theory is that it could make things even easier.
We could also opt for The Persephone to see what it's like and start The Hunt for Hades owo

The last bit is a valid point, but I'm sure we can phrase it so that nobody thinks they're getting the short end of any stick,
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
Well, my main gripe with the Cupid and Eros ships is that I fear it might mess with our character's heads like the Ares and Nike ships.

Persephone sounds good. As a goddess of agriculture her ship should have some synergy with Edel's botanism.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
Can we all just drop any sort of Eris talk? As far as I can tell all we're accomplishing is annoying Athena which, while not terrible, isn't exactly going to help us in the long run since friendship=power. As for ships we should get I'm gonna suggest Poseidon just because I expect it to have cool water powers and a segment exploring an ocean might be neat.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
Poseidon ships are probably huge just like Zeus, Hades and Neptune. A ship like that may be a little much to ask.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
Ships are available in different sizes/classes sometimes. The only issue I'd have with a Poseidon is that the ship may mind warp. They all seem to come with their bonuses, but at this rate we may as well ask for a Hecate
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 04:56 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »This is a two player game.

Were we supposed to have gathered that, or is this new information? Personally this is astonishing and exiting.

100% invest in a new ship and the crew to go along with it.

(01-15-2016, 10:48 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Can we all just drop any sort of Eris talk? As far as I can tell all we're accomplishing is annoying Athena

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[Image: lmmpL3T.png]
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 06:20 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »Ships are available in different sizes/classes sometimes. The only issue I'd have with a Poseidon is that the ship may mind warp. They all seem to come with their bonuses, but at this rate we may as well ask for a Hecate

Hades ships hold 10 people, a storage hold large enough for other ships and an oil refinery at their minimum, and they are presumably smaller than Zeus and Poseidon ships. I'm not sure why a Poseidon ship would mind warp though.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
[Athena could you delegate watching Eris to an Athena V2 or later unit? And I don't know your relationship with your mother Metis as well, but is there any chance she would consider babysitting Eris for a little while? Perhaps she can curtail Eris' behavior a bit and instill the importance of respecting other people's current existence?]
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 07:04 PM)Wheat Wrote: »>Ask the co-players what kind of ship they want to pilot, and which ai buddy pal they want to goof around with
Minerva would be a safe bet. But I imagine Athena is businesslike enough to deal with an AI she doesn't like if it and its ship are useful.

Perhaps Ceres? She's a deity of agriculture(Synergy with Edel) and motherhood(We do have an aftik chick on board.)
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
Quote:> Basalt, dear, if you happen to have any spare Scrap Metal or Wires on hand, I'm certain that they would be much appreciated on our end. This poor excuse of a ship is falling apart in so many ways.

[Image: nJFybYp.gif]

Quote:[Athena: Maybe you should go take a short break to build a few babysitter AIs so you can spend longer times in the future not watching eris.

In the meantime, maybe nike or another of your friends can be the guest coplayer. I'm sure one planet without your expert guidance won't result in too much losing.]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
But co-player this is a 5 planet game in which one of those is the center of the universe and the other is Fortuna! I will likely never be able to play this game ever again for the rest of my life, and don't give me "But we'll have you next game" promises! I'm not here to tie down the rest of your game co-player, and thus even though you might tell me you want me next game, I'm not going to treat that as a promise. You might want some new AI and I don't want you to feel like you must stick to me because of some silly "promise".

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
That does mean I refuse to keep leaving though. This is my one chance to play this game. I don't cross over to the new universe so the chance of me playing this again is slim to none. I've been waiting my whole life for this chance and any friends I have are going to need to wait. Eris has a whole planet to herself. One she can edit and bend to her very will. All on the planet, from the sentient ruling species, to the deadly beasts, even the very grass on the planet cannot harm Eris. She has a whole planet to interact with! Normally the punishment for gods killing gods is death or the tutorial, her punishment is barely a slap to the hand compared to those things.

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
I sort of wish I could be punished by getting a whole planet to myself. I had to buy my own planet.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
I know it's so unfair sometimes. We're gods but we don't get worshipers, or land, or temples. Not one goat will be burned in offering to us. Being a god is nothing like it is in the stories. Eris gets the closest thing to true godly worship. Frankly everyone is a little jealous about the whole situation. Anyway, like I said, you are over reacting. Just because you heard something strange on a radio doesn't mean something is wrong with Eris. In fact if we heard something normal on the radio then I would start worrying, but if you're so worried about her being bored then I'll go grab a yarn ball and put it in my inventory. That should entertain her.

Quote:> A ton of post that calls for more shipping

[Image: VdP0NqG.gif]

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[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Helios, aren't you going to open that box?

[Image: bou7seU.gif]
Oh. Well it's nothing important. The player is just speaking to themselves.

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
How strange. I suppose I don't need to see it then.

[Image: hQz6wna.gif]

[Image: chV1oYZ.gif]
Wait a moment, co-player, what are you getting another ship for? Did we need a ship? It doesn't seem like it'd be useful at all in this session.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic (1/15)
> Since we have you around you can take control of the Mercury and head towards the center of the universe while we take control of the other ship and go gather resources from other planets and explore. You clearly know more about playing this game than us and are better suited to handling such an important mission. We wouldn't want to hold you back.
RE: [Fortuna] Suggestion topic
(01-15-2016, 07:59 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Minerva would be a safe bet. But I imagine Athena is businesslike enough to deal with an AI she doesn't like if it and its ship are useful.
Athena's Cosmodex entry already mentions she doesn't mind Minerva and in fact gets along with her quite well, so I'd think she'd be pretty okay with having her Roman counterpart along in any case.

>Review Cleo and Edel's files. (If, due to the fact that Cleo just got here she doesn't have much of a file, review Latta's.)