Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
oh yeah sure I can have mayor activate selfles- waaaaait a second

(Legit though there is one enemy left with 500 health)
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
there's that other thing and obviously chim has to have something up his sleeve and also we have to finish in style and and and
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I can't use any of my specials this turn :(
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
psych gets bonus points for paying attention

+1 bonus points
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
don't have any specials ready this turn
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I think Chim explicitly made Blade of Light invalid for Art Team-up.

Can you use Slowfall Ring Activation for something?
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
The only thing he specifically told me was Hellbent but he said other things probably wouldn't work

like Birdform

but dear god do i want birdform to work
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
You have no idea how much I want that to happen too.

But technically Ravenfolk are ravens that can turn into humans- not the other way around. And Half-Imps technically are lesser demons so they are easily influenced by bigger demons, such as fiends and devils. Hence, the Hellbent thing.

That's why Renzo can't mimic those abilities. He isn't secretly a bird nor is he influenced by demons as easily. Before I upgraded (and lost) Selfless, I'd assume he could mimic that ability, because Selfless Version 1.0 was just Mayor going into a different fighting style, going auto-pilot. That said, I just wanna say I am totally 100% okay with losing Selfless because that means I get to put 3 levels of specials into my next level up- and I hated Selfless it was a boring skill that was overly complicated and did way too much shit. ty chim for just throwing that curve ball

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Blazer has it down right and why yes change form was not intended to be possible to copy

except, renzo has the ring of adaptation
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Psych pls make a decisionnn.

I'm assuming masterblade is still on auto-pilot via Kylik or something. If not, post plzzzzzzzzz
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I already did?

I think we were waiting on Frolic and Blazer for commands but they had done non-combat posts so idk who we're waiting on
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
We are waiting for MB's real life to be less demanding for a bit. I am content to wait as long as it takes, this once.

Also theres the entire finals thing so some people may be hella busy anyway
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
((Ha, I'm imminently losing my job due to the managerial equivalent to Satan. You'd be waiting for a long time. Just continue; I'll try to keep up better.))

((Also, thought I had one more round of 'Possessed By Soul Murderer" or somethin.))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
Nope, definitely waiting - we'll take a hiatus if necessary.

Best of luck till then, MB. If theres any way i can help (and i really doubt it hahah), please let me know.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
((Thank you. Give me till the end of the month to sort my stuff out; I should be good by then.))

((Status Update: An incident at the store has resulted in the firing of my former manager. Might not even need to get a new job if the new guy can run the store better. More updates over the coming days.))
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
[Image: 0MwqQE4.png]


(05-29-2015, 12:49 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Watson finds his crystal missing, seeking new ownership... and removing any incentive for him to use magic any longer (or trust it for that matter)! He lets his inhibitions fly, tossing the hilt to the ground... not even take the time to reach for his own blade! Watson's arms loosen and grab onto the hollow knight, and with newfound vigor, a frenzied strength from within, he lifts it high into the air and slams it onto the cavern floor, crashing its fragile form into the ground.


As the animated armor is about to bury its blade in your chest, you slip in close and grab the armor, heaving it high above yourself before sending it crashing into the ground with a clatter, dealing 315 damage and leaving it prone! (roll 4+6+4)

(05-29-2015, 08:38 AM)Frolic Wrote: »The fact that magical paint is continuously being flung at her is nagging at the corners of Myra's thoughts, but she certainly paid it no heed when her spell finally was executed with the power and grace that would make her oldest brother grin with a prideful satisfaction. It's okay, though, because she will get better, and will be flinging amazing spells like that left and right in time! ...In time.

"Caw caw motherflocker," Myra mutters as she turns away from what used to be her shadowy enemy as she faces the rest of the scenario with a boosted ego. She then sees about dealing some more damage on The Forgotten, who is looking very worn as it is. This battle needs to end, and that's about all she understands of all of the crazy nonsense that is going on around her- mostly with Bohw, Mayor and Cottontail over there, looking like he's possessed and all. Gods, what sort of contracts did that bunni get into? Does he get extra benefits since HE'S the animal sacrifice in the ritual??

You fling a bolt of magic at the downed fullplate, dealing an unsatisfying 231 damage! (roll 2+9)

Then it resolutely gets back up, ignoring your attacks despite the sorry state it is in, chunks of platemail cracking and falling to the ground. It hefts it's massive sword and steadily swings it at a surprised Watson for 330 damage!

(05-30-2015, 04:52 PM)Psych Wrote: »Renzo's inspiration couldn't be caged to just one muse. It had to fly free as a bird! Renzo's eyes scanned the battlefield, waiting for a new source of Inspiration to come to him, hoping his art could truly shine and showcase the genius here.

You attentatively take note of everything happening around you and... you're just not really feeling it. Despite the dramatic and rather unusual scene, you find nothing to be an inspiration. Myra does strike an excellent pose for a portrait as she flings her spell, however, and theres something to be said for the almost haggard look the possessed bunni seems to have assumed.

(06-01-2015, 11:44 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »"Jeez..." Savannah frowns, not exactly happy with what was going on with Thunderpaw and that thing inside of him. Or the thing that currently is him. Or something. Whatever the hell is going on with him. She's not diggin' it. She retreats some, strapping the glaive onto her back into the same thing that held her Runeguard spear, perpendicular to her other spear. Her hands quickly find the Ancient Greatsword on the ground where she left it, using her strength to lift the thing off of the ground some. Crimeny.

While the large metallic glaive isnt a problem on its own with your enchanted strength, lifting both that and the ancient sword proves somewhat more tiresome, although not impossible - in thanks, perhaps, to Watson finally giving up his magic, which in turn feeds your miniature jungle for another round, keeping you empowered for a moment more.

(06-02-2015, 11:23 AM)BlazerC Wrote: »Bohw snarls at the lone monster before the party, making some distance as she floats away, turning her attention elsewhere. To her surprise, she spies Thunderpaw take a crystal and fling it into Razan, striking him down. She feels a little bitter about herself for at first thinking 'how dare that possessed rabbit steal that kill', shaking off the sinister thought as she continued to focus on keeping her composure.

That wasn't important. The right thing to do was to bathe that monster in hellfire- and maybe anyone else within the close proximity of it, if it couldn't be avoided.

Order seems to be returning everywhere around you. Its insufferable. You feel a burning need to tear it apart and replace it with unrestrained chaos.

Without thinking, you leap atop the nearest creature, grinning maliciously as a dark lance forms in your hands and you deftly drive it home within Mayor's exposed chest, ripping apart the scrap metal at his core.

The light fades from his eyes, and you realize what you've done.

Kyllik Wrote:Memory never fades

Resolutely, you walk towards the fountain within the room. Then, like a floodgate that has been opened, remembrance find you again atlast and you stumble as you are consumed in sorrow and self-loathing, forever unable to accept the memories of your past.

Oh, Kinji...

As you struggle with yourselves and the insurmountable failures of your former life, you are dimly aware of the myriad souls around you and the blood transformation that overcomes each in turn, but pay them no heed as you blindly stumble towards the room, and the salvation you were promised. With each step, the memories fade, as does the presence of the other you, leaving you alone at once more but for questions left unanswered.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
never noticed this before, did myra always have Pink's Horn? And if so, for how much is she willing to let go of it? ;)
"Let fall thy arms, with which you have none to bear, that I may take for myself!"

It was certainly an arms race, one person breaking another's and what better way to return the favour than by Watson forcibly wrenching the sword away from the malign mail and plunging it into the armor? But making absolute sure that it keeps to its namesake forevermore.

As Watson watches cracks warp and form in the Forgotten, he fails to notice the lost presence of a formidable friend.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
A stumble, a fall, the gush of day-old carrot soldiers being spewn onto the floor. What the hell was he thinking sharing power with a spirit so insane? The world was spinning, or was that the myriad of souls spinning through and around the chamber? The screaming didn't seem to stop; perhaps those cries were real? Could they have been his companions lost in the ravings of a madman? Everything, his head notwithstanding, was in throbbing pain.

Still not as bad compared to Watson's drinking parties, and certainly lacked the poor choice of wines.

Thunderpaw turned around fully intent on blaming Watson for the power hangover on instinct, but paused upon seeing the chaos that was the battlefield's remains. These foes just aren't going to end are they!? Given the Corshar's bothersome persistence, the half-dazed warrior moved towards the nearest one with the intent of introducing his hammer to its face.

Was that Mayor taking a nap in the corner? A shoddy time to take a rest, Thunderpaw mulled. He'd have to give that golem a piece of his mind later once his senses were in-line.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
One minute, it looks like they're winning. The next, she's surrounded by these gods damned Corshar. Typical, Savannah supposed. The giant sword in her hand and the two spears on her back weighed her down, making her have to bend her legs and back so as not to crumple from the weight. With her lower vantage point and the creatures blocking a good portion of her view, Savannah failed to notice Mayor's departure. Certainly, she'd be crushed.

"Bring it!" Savannah adjusted her grip on the Ancient Greatsword, pointing it out straight in front of her. Watson had extended the life of her jungle, but not for long. She'd have to make good use of what she had. Using it like a battering ram of sorts, Savannah ignited the mammoth blade, charging forward with a yell and ramming it tip first into one of the Regnant Corshar.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Bohw understood exactly what she had just achieved, but she was yet to realize the sheer gravity of it in her deranged state. Conjuring a large spell, sinister fireballs started to swirl around her, lighting up the cave with an unnatural glow from the spell as she picked out some targets. Murder occupied all corners of her mind and she wasn't about to stop, it was pleasing to her to see more monsters approaching, she could always go for more targets to shoot at.

Everything is made with a purpose. Willed into this world by another being, a golem has no regard for their own life, only the reason they were created for. They will strive to achieve that goal to the best of their ability, from the moment of their creation till their time is up in this world. A life without purpose is a life not worth living.

Somye would of been proud to know that her creation fulfilled that purpose.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
this is the problem with long breaks
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

Hopeless, all of them. He should just go back to his retreats, something always struck him in the mountains. Maybe a new oil or perhaps a charcoal. Renzo's arms fly, his brushes splattering paint all over the group, covering them in vibrant saturated colors and attempting to heal them. He also commands his Ink Soldier to strike at the enemy.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
I AM SO SORRY my internet's still down and there'a whole bunch of chiz that's been going on asdjfasdlf


let's rip open a random Genesis spell, shall we? Heck, maybe one will be AoE! ;w; 9

I would do it all RP-y but I'm tired out of my mind and yeahhhh