THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)

THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
This is just some future planning, but next time we see Artemis v1 I seriously think we should talk to her about her brother, all 3 of them, maybe roomtrap her if she refuses to listen (although shed probably listen, we're on relatively good terms with her).
First, we should tell her that greek Apollo is okay, he doesn't consciously experience being the Sun God. He talked to us through his cosmosdex entry, and he wants her to not worry about him too much.
Secondly, Apollo v3 was fed to the Sun God. It was basically a mindless beast before, but now it has v3's mind and uh, he's rather angry at us, and he's also probably angry at Artemis.
And thirdly, I want to try to convince Artemis to forgive roman Apollo, or at the very least, no longer want to kill him. All he wanted was other people to like him, and while hes done some bad things he's already suffered a hell of a lot for it. He doesnt deserve to die.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
I wonder if this fake R-18 is the sleeper. He stole stuff(greed), gave R-18 the puppet(generosity), and is currently telling us he's overcharging us for the stuff he's 'selling'.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
R-18 is the son of Princess and we're already on a planet full of Singer anomalies, so that would make for an interesting thing.
Maybe we could convince The Sleeper to 1v1 The Singer
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Nevermind, I got a new theory
R-18 is not Princess' son. R-18* is
R-18 is meant to draw attention away from the R classes. As a result, R-18 also draws attention away from the activities of the real R-18
The clonestock derived from Princess' son is used for the actual leader. Changing to a new body sucks, but hey, it's a decent body and it's useful for the whole doppelganger thing
While I'm not 100% on which one is legitimately Princess' son, I do assume that the real R-18 acts like the idiotboi everyone knows so that it can be blamed on the son, allowing R-18 to go off and do missions/shit when actually needed.
The son acts as a patsy, and goes along with this because idk honestly, probably getting to keep living
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
What if these notails are in cahoots? Notails can talk to each other with their antennas, so they could be rigging the matches so that pipsqueek ends up in a fight with a creature that's a good matchup against a big mallon.
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
Hey uh, if the forums and discussions surrounding Fortuna are closing down...

Is there any possibility that we could make a sub-reddit for Fortuna? It'd be a shame to shut down discussion surrounding this story entirely...
RE: THE PIT (Fortuna Discussion Topic)
You're in luck! Someone just made one

There will still be a discussion topic on Eagle Time, provided we either make a new one or have this one moved out of the Fortuna subforum. There are also various Discord chat rooms, if you can get an invite.