not feeling well?

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not feeling well?
not feeling well?
sometimes it's just because you're physically feeling awful (pressure headache currently) and sometimes just dwell on the bad thing . that which occuring.

not feeling well?

it's not being welcome , not being welcome by

others, ?

self? yourself? not wlecoeme " say to self ' but then not , acknowldegeing . the te htht

the acknowldeging the "we l come " from oter h people . the "wel omec " f omr ever yone .

e nven thoug h 'wecleom " from toher people give to you , you s elf do not aknocledge this 'w lceom " fr om theohrer people.

sinc y eo youre self do not accept the w'ecleo m ' fro m. the other

try isnt tto say to fit, geit the "welcome' it from other people by doing 'what tihey do ' when thet i normal .

but 'twhat they to dwo ' i ta takes lmore ofofr th thatn n . more effort than needed or uou thgouth you had would given ability to do igvie or aferject . then it mark eh idifficl t

not feeling well?

ennui / despondency / desperation / frustration

what you do when the bricks in the wall behind you
start appearing in front of you for no reason
'oh, bricks, get back there. go back.'

they continue to appear.

take another step forward and the wall will fall down

go and pick up the bricks. ok . i'll do that.

the walls fall down.

this hurts.

not feeling well?

i'm not going to ask you to tell me again about your feelings.

ok. let's start this over from the ground one.

ground zero.

ground one. let's start this over. no, not from any ground.

it'll have to be from the mountain. go and walk.
there's some water to the left.
if you trust that the streams are clear you can take a drink.
do not fall into the river.

five steps northwards. do not pass the entrance of the cavern.

you shoudl go tfrom the north of the rsrn
the te p
the the n

then you will tenencounter the enrntn
the encon
ter of the bears
and the n the fire tar

are you experiencing
this temporal mindframe which will pass
this till passing will
make from the source of
founts of the origin,

attempts; climb the walkks tunr turning about the five winvanes vanes.

the vanes build up and climb down the valued valnes . vanes. clim b down the vanes .

are you not here

to come again lock the doors i don't go owluldn't go out .

there no

not feeling well?

i told you to not say that
RE: not feeling well?
don't believe everything you eat, kaynato
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]