the scariest feeling in the world

the scariest feeling in the world
the scariest feeling in the world
   [Image: smoking-symbol_1f6ac.png]( ˙-˙  )
     __/--- /|\---\_
      |-------- ZZ -------|
       ___________  O--o------------o—O  ___________

You’re procrastinating on the hood of your weathered car, breathing in nicotine to escape the unfamiliar, chilly nighttime air that surround you. Cigarette smoke curls up lazily as you exhale – idly, like you have something else on your mind – before getting tossed around by a passing breeze. You’re not from around here, this scenery is new to you, and you like it that way. You don’t want to get familiar with it. 

The glowing tip you hold between your fingers is a pinprick of smothering light amidst darkness, which would have been all encompassing if it wasn’t for the beaming moon above and the flickering lights of a city in the distance. 

You’re nearly where you need to be.
RE: the scariest feeling in the world
it's somewhere in the upper great plains

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: the scariest feeling in the world
Where were you off to next?
RE: the scariest feeling in the world
extinguish the light and go deeper into the night

drive with your headlights turned off