If You Were In Heaven

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If You Were In Heaven
RE: If You Were In Heaven
Malky's actually pinned the original concept of heaven in one (phooey to clouds n cherubs n shit). Essentially life as is, but everyone's graced with rest and wisdom. You're allowed to laze about or pursue your interests however you want without the burden of bills, old age/physical limitations, or time. And with the omni-wisdom, you're allowed to be yourself without worrying about fitting in or people judging you. Everyone can be completely honest and open with each other without fear of it coming back to hurt you. The feeling of every source of distress dissolving away is the most liberating sensation you could experience, and that's what heaven is.
RE: If You Were In Heaven
But also it could be like, a bunch of sex

It could be be philosophy but also it could be just constant genital poking
RE: If You Were In Heaven
Considering no more scandals, diseases, pregnancies or bad relationships, I'd imagine there'd be plenty of sex yes. (+passion -lust)
RE: If You Were In Heaven
yes i am right listen to me.