[Contest] Evolve my Monster

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[Contest] Evolve my Monster
[Contest] Evolve my Monster
This contest is an exercise:

The goal is to make an evolution of one of my monsters.
The prize is that I'll draw the winning entry, as well as one of the winner's OCs in my style.
There are three categories: Child, Adult, and Stand-Alone.


Some of the monsters in the spoiler are designated as 'Child' monsters. Make an evolution for one of these monsters for entry into the 'Child' category.

An evolution for any monster not designated as 'Child' qualifies for the adult category.

An evolution for any monster in the last image qualifies for the 'Stand Alone' category.

Judging for a category begins after there are 5 entries in that category.

(Note: The same contest is being held on the MSPA forums, but the MSPA forum contest do not take up the same slots)