Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice

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Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice
Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice
Here is a copy of thriggle's legendary post in the Old Forums:


You were just another Clearance INFRARED worker, working a low-pay job for one of The Computer's service firms. For a hundred credits a month, you did light drudgework in a food vat, bot maintenance facility, reactor control room, or clone tank.

The work was dull. Meals consisted of Hot Fun pouchmeals, extruded ropes of Cold Fun and a bag of algae flakes, washed down with CoffeeLike, TeaSir, or the occasional Bouncy Bubble Beverage. You slept in a different bunk each night in the communal barracks. It was loud as a boiler room. It smelled like turpentine. You got skin rashes and ringworm. Still, you drifted along blissfully in a haze of free HappiTime medication.

Then you reported another INFRARED's treasonous behavior to your friend The Computer. In recognition of your service, The Computer promoted you to RED clearance, awarded you 1,000 credits and your own quarters, authorized a reduction in sedation, and granted you a token treasure from the high-clearance hydroponic gardens: an apple. A real apple.

Eating that apple--the first time you'd ever tasted actual food!--you realized people at higher security clearances eat like this all the time.

Thinking clear thoughts--the first time you'd done that, too--you burned with a new desire: to live better than you have. To get ahead.

The Computer told you the name of that variety of apple: Red Delicious.
You are a cloned citizen of the Alpha Complex. You have recently been promoted from INFRARED to RED security clearance, meaning Your Friend, The Computer, now trusts you more. You get to wear a RED jumpsuit and weild a RED laser pistol, and you're no longer kept in a drug-induced stupor (though you are still given regular hormone suppressants; with the pervasiveness of cloning technology, no citizens must suffer the indignities of historic childbirth, and gender is obsolete except as decoration). As a RED citizen, it is your happy duty to serve as a Troubleshooter for The Computer, solving problems, carrying out tasks, and, most importantly, rooting out treason. Trust no one! Keep your laser handy!

Traitorous actions include, but are not limited to:
Disobeying The Computer, disobeying a citizen of higher security clearance, destroying The Computer's property, being a member in a secret society, being an unregistered mutant, entering areas outside your security clearance, being out of uniform.

A not completely exhaustive list of traitorous, or not traitorous activities:

Acceptable Behavior:

(This is a set of guidelines, not an exhaustive list.)


Meritorious conduct:

Mandatory Bonus Duties
A Reference

Team Leader

Loyalty Officer

Hygiene Officer

Communications & Recording Officer

Equipment Guy

Happiness Officer

Agent Provocateur



By popular request:
Sfou and SleepingOrange's quick and dirty guide to IRC Paranoia

So, you've read a few of the game logs and decided that you want to give it a try. Or maybe you're just intrigued about what this whole Paranoia thing is? Alternately, maybe you've played your lot of games and you want to try your hand at GM-ing. Well, we're no experts, but we've seen our share of action from both sides of the table (channel?) and here are a few pointers that may or may not be of use to you.

Quick player guide
- Read the first post of this thread. It's got basic info on the game's setting and on the various roles you might be asked to perform. Don't go around reading wikipedia pages and whatnot, though! Not knowing what's going on is half the fun; just like the denizens of Alpha Complex, you should be painfully unaware of how things work.
- You might want to read part of a game log just to see how it works. Some players are more gameplay-oriented, and others enjoy the roleplaying most. The two styles mix with each other quite nicely.
- Keep your character info to yourself if you can. Mystery is fun.
- Don't be afraid to PM the GM during a game to perform secret actions or ask for information about your equipment. The fast and furious IRC style sometimes leaves questions unanswered, so don't be afraid to ask for more info.
- Don't go asking for OOC knowledge, though. This will slow down the game and annoy your GM.
- Similarly, wait for the GM to catch up with what you do before you do other things. Stacking five actions impatiently is unfair AND it's only gonna stress him/her and slow things down.
- Don't be afraid to be a dick to others (we're talking in-game, of course. OOC dickery is bad, bad, bad.) That's the point of the game and the GM will reward you for it. Unless you mess up; in this case you will die hilariously.
- Speaking of dying, don't get too attached to your character. You'll understand why soon enough.
- Finally, just jump in and give it a try. We promise you'll love it.

Quick GM guide, spoilered for great justice (and spoilers)
DO NOT READ THIS SECTION IF YOU ARE NOT PLANNING TO HOST A GAME! (it could kinda make it less fun for you)

RE: Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice
RE: Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice
Okay so I'm setting up a game on August 25th, 19:30 EST.

Here are the players:

1. XX
2. Godbot
3. Hobbesy
4. Sanzh
5. Wipomatic


PyP, Whimbrel, ICan'tGiveCredit, FelixSparks

Feel free to apply for backup in case someone doesn't show up!!
RE: Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice
I'd like to apply for backup because god damn I love this game Friend Computer sir.
RE: Paranoia revival 2013, For Great Justice